

Comparative Study on Modern Service Industry and its Regional Difference in China

【作者】 杜鹏

【导师】 景跃军;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 现阶段,现代服务业的发展已经成为世界各国经济发展的巨大动力。我国自20世纪90年代提出现代服务业这一概念之后,政府开始重视现代服务业的发展,现代服务业也开始成为学术界关注的焦点,并取得了诸多研究成果。随着我国现代服务业的不断发展及相关研究的不断深入,产生了很多值得我们探讨的新问题。由于我国经济发展的区域不平衡,使区域差异研究成为现代服务业发展研究的一个不可缺少的方面,对此,本文在查阅大量最新相关统计数据的基础上,对我国现代服务业发展的现状进行了定量分析,并在科学、客观、可操作性等原则下,选取了衡量指标对我国现代服务业的发展进行了区域差异的比较分析。进而,对我国现代服务业发展存在的问题及其制约因素展开了多角度分析,并给出了可操作的对策。从结构上看,全文共6章,分三大部分:绪论、正文、结论。从内容上看,全文可分为三个部分。第一部分为第1章和第2章是本文的研究基础。第二部分是第3章到第6章是本文的研究的主要内容,是全文的重点。第三部分是结论,是对全文研究结果的总结。第1章是绪论主要是论述了选题背景和意义,并对文中所涉及的相关概念进行界定,以及对论文结构,研究方法,数据来源等方面的介绍。第2章是理论基础,主要是对国外一些重要的现代服务业发展相关理论和我国现代服务业发展相关研究成果进行综合概述及评述。第3章是我国服务业发展历程及现代服务业发展现状的分析。主要是对我国服务业的发展历程进行梳理,并从经济总量、就业状况、内部结构、劳动生产率、投资状况几个方面来分析我国现代服务业发展的现状。第4章是对我国现代服务业发展的区域差异比较分析。分别从现代服务业发展条件,现代服务业发展水平,现代服务业提供服务水平,现代服务业发展环境,现代服务业典型行业比较优势五个方面对我国现代服务业的发展进行区域差异比较研究。第5章是对我国现代服务业发展中存在的主要问题及其影响因素进行分析。对现阶段我国现代服务业发展中存在的总量低、增速慢;结构不合理;区域发展不平衡等问题进行分析,并在此基础上分析影响我国现代服务业发展的因素。第6章是对策部分。在前述各章研究结果的基础上,即对我国现代服务业发展现状、区域差异、存在问题及制约因素等方面研究的基础上,从兼顾整体和区域间协调发展的角度,提出合理调整现代服务业发展与其他产业的关系,完善公共财政体系并增加对服务业的财政投入,为现代服务业创造良好的市场发展环境,加快城市化进程等对策。结论部分主要是通过对我国现代服务业的发展状况,区域差异、存在问题及制约因素等方面的研究所得出结论进行概括性总结。本文着眼于促进区域平衡发展,对我国现代服务业的发展展开研究,在全面详尽的了解我国现代服务业发展状况及存在的问题和影响因素的基础上,既从我国现代服务业的整体发展又兼顾区域之间的协调发展的角度提出促进我国现代服务业健康快速发展的对策。

【Abstract】 At the present stage, development of modern service industry around the worldhas become an important indicator measuring economic stage of development of thecountries. In the90s of the20th century, after the emphasis of the concept of modernservice industry in China, the Government has started to pay more attention to thedevelopment of modern service industry. As the development of China’s modernservice industry, the related research continued to deepen and produced a lot of newissues which worth our effort. Because of the imbalance of China’s economicdevelopment in different regions, and the research of this regional differences hasbecome indispensable for development of modern service industry. Therefore,according to a large number of current and relevant statistical data, this article gives aquantitative analysis of the present situation of China’s modern service industrydevelopment, and selects indicators on the development of modern service industry inChina carried out a comparative analysis of the regional difference.Full-text contains6chapters, can be divided into three parts. Part I includes the1th and2nd chapter, which is about the basis of the research in this article. Part II isfrom the3rd chapter to the6thchapter which is the main contents of the research and thefocus of this article. Part III is the conclusion of the results of the research.1th Chapter is an introduction chapter mainly discusses the background andsignificance of the topic and to define the concepts involved in the article, the structureof paper, the research methods, data sources and so on.2nd Chapter is theoretical basis mainly on the development of modern serviceindustry of some important foreign-related theory, the development of modern serviceindustry comprehensive overview and review of the relevant research results.3rd Chapter is an analysis of China’s service industry development history and itspresent status. It demonstrates the historical progress of level of China’s serviceindustry and analyzes the current situation of China’s modern service industry base on the status of economy, employment, internal structure, labor productivity andinvestment conditions.4th Chapter is the comparative analysis of the regional differences of China’smodern service industry development respectively from the development of modernservice industry conditions, level of development of modern service industry, theservice level of modern service industry development, modern service environment,typical professions of modern service industry.5th Chapter is an analysis of the major problems existing in the development ofmodern service industry in China and its influencing factors. It mainly studies issuessuch as the current low stage of development of modern service industry in China, slowgrowth rate, irrational structure, imbalance of regional development, and then analysesthe main factors influencing the development of modern service industry in China.6th Chapter is the strategy part. Base on the results of mentioned issues in abovechapters, like modern services development status, regional differences, and existsproblem and the constraints factors, to make reasonable adjustment to the relationshipbetween modern services industry development and other industries, perfect our publicfinancial system, increase the financial inputs of service, create good marketdeveloping environment and speed up urbanization process in considering of regionaldeveloping balance.Conclusion part is primarily summarizing the results of the research through thedevelopment of modern service industry in China, regional differences, problems andconstraints.This article aims to promote balanced regional development, to study on thedevelopment of modern service industry in China. After a comprehensive and detailedunderstanding of problems and affecting factors in development of modern serviceindustry in China, bring up a promising strategy to develop the modern service industryin China rapidly and well-roundelay from the overall development of China’s modernservice industry and balance coordination between regional development perspectives.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期