

A Criminal Defendant to Pledge and its Implementation

【作者】 詹俊辉

【导师】 闵春雷;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 刑事被告人对质权保障是现代刑事诉讼的重要保障,它不仅能够有助于避免冤假错案的发生,还能够实现案件的程序公正。从世界范围看,对质权作为被告人的一项基本权利已经超越了法系和诉讼构造的差异,为世界各国普遍接受和认可,并有部分国家将被告人对质权上升到了宪法的高度,在宪法中予以规定。对于对质权的研究,理论界研究的现状及重点是通过多种形式、全方位来保障被告人对质权的实现,例如包括确立庭前会议中的对质、要求证人出庭作证、限制使用书面证言等方式来实现。通过对上述方式的比较,笔者认为最为直接有效的方式是证人出庭作证,让被告人与不利证人实现面对面的直接对质,是保障被告人对质权实现的最直接有效的方式。基于此,本文着力于通过对证人相关问题的研究来保障被告人对质权的实现。文章分为六个部分,从对质权的相关理论、对质权与中国刑事诉讼、对质权实现之前提、对质权实现之准备、对质权实现之关键及对质权实现之保障进行研究,以实现被告人对质权。第一章介绍的是对质权的一般理论。本章首先介绍了对质权的概念并分析了其内容,为后节对质权与传闻法则、对质权与直接原则的关系奠定了基础。为了更全面地介绍对质权的相关知识,本章还对对质权的起源、发展阶段进行了介绍,理清了对质权的发展脉络。此外,对质权之所以重要,从对质权的理论基础进行了分析论证。第二章是对质权与中国刑事诉讼。本章分为四节,第一节主要是阐述对质权在我国的现状,从立法、司法层面对我国对质权的情况进行描述,并对我国对质权现状进行了深入分析。第二节论述了我国对质权确立的必要性和可行性,分别从被告人、司法审判和国家的角度对对质权的作用进行了分析,并对我国确立对质权的障碍和有利条件进行了阐释。第三节从立法上提出完善被告人对质权的构想。第四节为我国确立对质权的实现路径。从证人出庭的角度提出完善刑事证人作证制度以促使证人出庭作证,从而保障对质权的实现,笔者提出从明确证人出庭的范围、完善证人出庭的相关程序及加强证人保护和权益补偿的角度实现证人出庭,保障刑事被告人对质权的实现。第三章是对质权实现的前提,从刑事证人出庭作证的范围进行探讨。证人出庭是被告人对质权得以实现的前提条件。本章首先介绍证人、证人资格以及我国证人作证资格的规定等内容,使我们对证人及其出庭应满足的条件有一大致认识。我国新刑诉法对于证人出庭范围的规定较以前有很大的进步,但是经过仔细分析便不难发现,我国法律对于出庭作证证人的范围模糊,给司法实践中的自由裁量权过大。对此法律规定笔者认为要做进一步的修改和完善,细化法定条件中定罪量刑的内容,使其在司法实践中操作性更强,指导司法实践,否则其后果只能是将该条款束之高阁,减损法律威严。此外,对于一些特殊证人,因为客观原因应当享有不出庭作证的权利,主要包括享有拒证权、刑事证人不能出庭作证以及证人不必出庭作证这三种情形。第四章是对质权实现之准备,从完善庭前会议制度中证人出庭的相关内容进行探讨。本章主要是对刑事庭前会议制度中证人出庭的内容进行建构,主要从证人出庭的申请程序、决定程序、证人出庭的异议程序、证人出庭的通知程序及证据开示制度五大方面对证人出庭作证庭前会议制度进行了具体构建。第五章是对质权实现之关键,对刑事证人出庭作证程序的探讨。首先介绍了刑事证人出庭作证的程序性事项,主要是借鉴国外的证人宣誓程序。随后介绍了交叉询问程序,对刑事证人的交叉询问是本章的重点内容,笔者从刑事证人的交叉询问程序、交叉询问的规则、交叉询问的救济三个方面对交叉询问的相关内容予以探讨,拟完善我国庭审程序中对证人的交叉询问内容,保障证人出庭作证时的顺利进行。第六章为对质权实现之保障,即对证人的保护及补偿问题。证人保护是一个亘古不变的话题,也是研究证人问题的重要切入点。研究证人问题,必须考虑对证人相关权益的保障。新刑诉法修改内容部分条款也涉及对证人权益的保障。本章从证人人身权利和补偿机制两个方面完善我国刑事证人的相关保障制度。

【Abstract】 Criminal defendants the right to confront security is an important symbol ofmodern criminal proceedings, it can not only avoid the occurrence of miscarriagesof justice, but also contribute to the defendant’s conviction accurate and impartialsentencing. Around the world, the pledge right as a basic right of the defendant hastranscended the difference of legal system and litigation structure, has been tocountries around the world generally accepted and recognition, and some countrieswill be the defendant to the pledgee rose to the height of the constitution, as set forthin the constitution. For the study of the pledgee, the present status of theoreticalresearch and the key is to protect the defendant by a variety of forms, all-round forthe realization of the pledge right, for example, including establishing theconfrontation of court before the meeting, the witness to appear in court to testify,restrict the use of written testimony and other ways, by comparing the above form,the author thinks that the most direct and effective way is to witness to testify, thedefendant and unfavorable witnesses implementation face-to-face directconfrontation, is the best way to guarantee the defendant to pledge to realize. Basedon this,this article focused on based on the research of the witnesses related issues toensure the implementation of the defendant to the pledgee. The article is divided intosix parts, from the relevant theories of the pledgee, the pledgee with China criminallawsuit, to pledge to implement the basis of preparation, to the pledgee, thepledgee realizing the key and the realization of the pledge right safeguard six aspectsof the study, in order to realize the defendant to the pledgee.The first chapter is the general theory of pledge. This chapter firstly introducesthe concept of pledge and analyses its content, as after day to the pledgee and thehearsay rule, to the pledgee and the principle of direct relationship laid a foundation. In order to more fully introduce the related knowledge of pledge right, this chapteralso introduces the origin, development stage for pledge, clarify the developmentvein of pledge. In addition, the pledgee is important from the pledgee’s legitimatebasis, theoretical foundation and lawsuit value are analyzed.The second chapter is to pledge with the Chinese criminal lawsuit. This chapteris divided into four sections, the first section mainly expounds the pledge right in ourcountry the status quo, from the legislative, judicial level to describe the pledgee’sin our country, and carried on the thorough analysis about the present situation of thepledgee to our country. The second section expounds the necessity of to establish topledge in China, respectively, from the perspective of the defendant and the trialand the state on the role of the pledgee is analyzed. The third section analyzes theestablishment of pledge right in our country are faced with the difficult and the pledgeright in our country to establish favorable conditions. The defendant to the pledgeesystem to establish and perfect the need to actively cooperate with the parties, thelast section from the Angle of the witnesses to appear in court,improve the system ofcriminal witness to testify to witness to testify and guarantee for the realization of thepledge right, the author puts forward trying to clear the scope of the witness toappear in court, perfecting the witnesses to appear in court the relevant procedureand strengthen the witness protection and rights and interests of the witnesses toappear in court, in the way of compensation guarantees the realization of criminaldefendants to pledge.The third chapter discusses from the scope of the criminal witness to testify. Thescope of the witness to appear in court is a prerequisite for the defendant to thepledgee are realized. This chapter first introduces the witness, the witnessqualification, as well as the provisions of the qualification of witness to testify in ourcountry, etc, make us one of the condition of the witness and the court shouldsatisfy general knowledge. New points to the provisions of the scope of the witness toappear in court in our country have a great progress than before, but it’s not hard tofind, after careful analysis to the extent of testifying the witness our country law is very fuzzy, gives too much discretion in the judicial practice. The author thinks thatthis law to do further revision and improvement of refining the content of thecriterions for the conviction, in the legal conditions make it stronger operability inthe judicial practice, to guide the judicial practice, otherwise the consequences canbe only to amend the clause on the shelf, impairment of legal authority. Shall, inaddition, for some special witnesses shall have the right to refuse to testify orobjective reasons not to appear in court, including the criminal witnesses shall enjoythe right of refusal card, can’t don’t have to appear in court to testify and witnesses totestify this three kinds of situations.The fourth chapter mainly construct application process of the witness to appearin court. This chapter first of criminal witness procedure before court has carried onthe related theory is introduced, mainly including the witness to appear in court inthe application process, decision procedures, to testify the way, the witness toappear in court the dissent procedure, evidence open system, and the witness toappear in court notice procedures six aspects of the witnesses testify in courtapplication process has carried on the concrete construction.The fifth chapter is on the criminal witness to appear in court to testify theapplication discussed in this paper. First introduces the procedural matters of criminalwitness to testify, main is to draw lessons from foreign witness swore program. Thenintroduces the cross-examination procedure of criminal witness the cross-examinationis the key content of this chapter,the author from the cross-examination procedure ofcriminal witness, rules of cross-examination, cross-examination of the supportingsystem of cross-examination of the relevant contents and to discuss, proposedconsummates our country to witness in the trial of cross-examination, protect therelevant rights and interests of witnesses to testify.The sixth chapter for the security system of criminal witness to testify. Thewitness protection is a timeless topic, also is an important point of study the witnessproblems. Study the witness problems,must consider the witnesses related rights andinterests safeguard. New points revised terms also involves the content part of witness rights protection. This chapter first to know about the regulation of our country thewitness rights to read and comment, finally put forward from two aspects of thewitness rights and compensation mechanism related to security system of perfectingour country’s criminal witness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期