

Study on Mineral Prediction and Method of the Placer Gold in North of Heilongjiang

【作者】 徐勇

【导师】 范继璋;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 黑龙江省北部地区是我国有色金属及贵金属重要的矿产区,一直以来都是砂金的重要产地。进入九十年代后,为了保护自然环境,已经对砂金全面禁采,但由于砂金矿具有重采重生的特性,而禁采后停止了所有的评价和勘查工作,所以在黑龙江省矿产资源潜力评价的原则下进行的本次研究,具有较强的潜在社会经济价值。本文在收集了研究区大量重力、航磁、地球化学、区域遥感、自然重砂、水系和矿产勘查资料的基础上开展了砂金预测及方法的研究。取得了如下成果:1、对黑龙江北部砂金的成矿环境和条件作了系统的归纳和总结,对于该区的砂金勘查与研究具有重要价值。2、构建了黑龙江北部砂金区域找矿模型,为砂金预测提供了理论基础。3、编制了汇水盆地网系图、有效汇水盆地分布图,在此基础上关联各种砂金矿化信息,确定了73个具有找矿前景的远景汇水盆地。4、根据对达拉罕河、法别拉河、古莲河等典型矿床的研究,总结出了黑龙江北部砂金的预测要素。构建了区域砂金找矿模型,并将其与地质图、矿化信息图及远景汇水盆地关联,提取了地质变量,通过特征分析方法和支持向量机方法对靶区进行优化,得到黑龙江省北部成矿可能性较大的A级预测单元19个,B级预测单元28个,绘制成黑龙江省北部砂金预测单元分布图并圈定23个预测区。5、使用地质体体积法、逐步回归分析法和综合法,对黑龙江省北部的砂金资源进行了资源量预测。通过对三种类型冲击型砂金预测工作区分别构建模型及外推计算,使用资源量分级和交叉列联的方法,确定了黑龙江北部最小预测远景区分类结果,甲级预测远景区5个,乙级预测远景区20个。同时得出黑龙江省北部砂金矿预测范围内所表征的资源总量:体积法为112008.7kg;回归法为133288.1kg。6、在以上工作的基础上,提出黑龙江省北部砂金矿产勘查部署工作建议。

【Abstract】 It is one of the placer gold distribution in the northern of Heilongjiang,China. There isthe most important area of placer gold in Da and Xiaoxingan Moutain.Since the earlyProterozoic tectonic.It can make the good condition for polymetallic and precious metalfor the complex geological.According to the command of the mineral resources evaluation of the country.Onthe base of the basic geological survey and mineral exploration data,with the theory ofadvanced mineral resource evaluation,it carry out the work of potential resource inHeilongjiang.It is belong to Daxing’an Mountain range,Heihe and Yichun.1. The background of metallogenic geologicalThe Pre Mesozoci is between in the Siberia and North China, The Mesozoci isbetween in the Siberia, North China, Pacific protocontinent. In the study is located inback-arc-basin system of Daxing’an Mountain range,in Magmatic Arc of Xiaoxing’anMountain range and Zhangguangcai Mountain range.Lithostratigraphic unit:Neoproterozoic Lower Cambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic.There are marinevolcanic and continental volcanic.Intrusive Rocks was made in Northeast ofTianshan-Xinmeng Mountain. There are a lot of magmatic activity. The minerogeneticepoch lasted from Neoarchean, Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic,lateCambrian-early Ordovician and Late Triassic to Lias. being the culmination periods. It is about110,000km2of exposing area. It included the different intrusive rocks of everyperiod and the lithology is mainly the middle acidic intrusive rocks.These metamorphicrocks are mainly distributed over Daxing’an Mountain range, Xiaoxing’an Mountain rangeand Zhangguangcai Mountain range. The crystalline basementcame into being.2. Characteristics of the regional mineral resourcesThese placer golf of Heilongjiang are mainly distributed over Heilongjiang,Eergu’Na,Duobaoshan and Heihe, Xiaoxing’an Mountain range and ZhangguangcaiMountain rangemetallogenic belt.According to mineralization, metallogenic environmentand mineral resources the placer gold was divided to the alluvial, the eluvial,the brecciaGold Placer.In spatial distribution,it located an off branch of the Heilongjiang,SonghuaJiang in Mohe,Huma and Heihe.There are a lot of Gold Placer of Quaternary alluvial. It can be divided to three kindof the prediction area and include the type of Gulianhe of Mohe,Dalahan of Huma andFabiela of Heihe.3. Prospect catchment basinFrom this study it can compile the map of catchment basin and1:250000map scalewith the river system. It will get the prospect catchment basin through that statistic analyzethe all kinds of diagrams. It also can get73prediction units in12maps of Heilongjiang.4. Mineralization prognostic areaAccording to study on the mineral of Gulianhe,Dalahan and Fabiela,it get thepredictive factors of Gold Placer in Heilongjiang.The model of Gold Placer in northern ofHeilongjiang is established and we can get the geological variables from themodel,geological map, mineralization map and prospect catchment basin.We can get19units of A rank and23units of B rank, also get23units of mineralization prognostic areasand compile the unit prediction map of Gold Placer in northern of Heilongjiang.5. Resource estimationThis paper predicts the Gold Placer resource in the northern with the volumemethod,the regression analysis and Synthesis Method.It get5units of A rank and B unitsthat it will be prediction mineralization area.The total resource is112008.7kg of thevolume method and regression analysis is133288.1kg. 6. Exploration work proposalThis paper presents11units of the proposal prospecting region that include:theShabaosi mountain, Dalin River West, Yu Ying Zhen, San Lian mountain, Sui naopo,Mantou moutain, Xinglong Zhen, boat shaped mountain, nine grooves, Menlu River,Nenjiang xian.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期