

Development History and Literature Research of Pranayama Meditation Regimen

【作者】 章德林

【导师】 沈澍农; 蒋力生;

【作者基本信息】 南京中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 调息静坐是中华传统养生的重要方法,历来为儒、道、佛、医所广为应用,且在各自不同的领域形成了不同的价值取向和风格特征,各派的经验总结与理论阐释也异彩纷呈,并由此积累了大量的著述文献,从而极大地丰富了中华传统文化的内容。本课题从文献调查入手,充分应用文献学、历史学和思想史的研究方法,在查阅500多种调息静坐相关文献的基础上,对儒、道、佛、医调息静坐的历史发展与著述文献进行了较全面的系统的研究。通过研究,宏观地勾勒了儒、道、佛、医调息静坐的历史脉络,总结了各家的特点与价值。同时,还对各家调息静坐的重要著述进行了介绍。本论文即为课题研究的成果报告,全文共分七个部分。第一章,调息静坐的内涵研究。本章从语言文字学的角度,对调息静坐的词义系统进行了简要训诂,并就其内涵作了概要阐释。第二章,儒家调息静坐。本章首先根据《周易》、《孟子》、《荀子》等书的材料,对先秦孔、孟等儒家的调息静坐观念进行了分析,梳理了儒家调息静坐的久远渊源。接着对宋代理学家的调息静坐史实进行了钓沉,具体分析了周敦颐、程颢及程颐的调息静坐主张,并重点就道南一派、尤其是朱熹的调息静坐实践经验进行了总结分析。同时,还对陆九渊心学的静坐法作了介绍。明代是陆王心学的昌盛时期,调息静坐与之相随,作为体证天理的功夫手段,在明儒中广为运用。陈献章开其端,王阳明发扬光大,王畿、罗洪先、高攀龙等阳明后学进一步发挥提升,使调息静坐法变为既有理论指导,又可具体操控的修持法门,融化在日常生活中,或作为公开教学的功课,使静坐成为理学文化的核心要素,带来了中国古代思想史上最为活跃的气象。最后,还就儒家静坐的价值取向及工夫论进行了初步探讨,并对由此造成的身体治疗向度及生命现象的神秘体验等养生学价值,进行了合理的评价。第三章,道家调息静坐。道家的调息静坐,由老子的虚无守静思想而展开,庄子继之以“心斋”、“坐忘”而具实际操作的可能。道教创立后,又结合存思、守一而圆融发展,至唐代司马承祯从心学的立场出发,撰成《坐忘论》,从而“坐忘”成为道教内部普遍认可的修持方式。唐宋以后,内丹盛起,“胎息”、“坐忘”等调息静坐方法只是成为内丹修炼的筑基功夫。作为内丹修炼的一个步骤或一级台阶,调息静坐的原有价值被掩盖并逐渐淡化,而内丹的意义日益彰显。道家静坐乃至内丹修炼所积淀的大量文献,是探索人体生命奥秘的重要材料,足资现代人体科学研究借鉴参考。第四章,佛家调息静坐。佛教传入中土后,“八正道”概括为“戒”、“定”、“慧”三学。其中,“定”是关键手段。自《安般守意经》译出后,调息静坐就成了落实“定”的操作方式。此后,天台宗的“止观”、禅宗的“禅定”,以及密宗的“伽坐”等修持法,都是安般调息法的演绎。本文以天台宗为例,择要介绍天台“止观”双修的崖略,重点就智颚(yi)大小止观有关调息静坐养生的内涵进行梳理,并揭示其对中医养生的影响。第五章,医家调息静坐。中医《内经》时代即有静功修炼的概念。此后受道、佛二家影响,吸收其修持经验,成为卫生却病的手段。宋元以后,又受儒家性理之学的影响,医门调息静坐的风气也日益浓郁,并广泛应用于临床各种疾病的辅助治疗或病后康复养生,尤其是在肺痨等疾病的治疗中,静功锻炼成为常规的手段。第六章,近现代调息静坐。上世纪初,调息静坐受到知识界的普遍推崇,成为身心锻炼的首选方法。蒋维乔、童白梅等还组织静坐法研究团体及上海崇道联谊社等社团组织,普及推广调息静坐养生方法。特别是日人所撰《冈田式静坐法》、《身心调和法》、《静坐三年》、《心身锻炼法》等静坐著作译入中国后,调息静坐形成热潮,随之蒋维乔《因是子静坐法》、丁福保《静坐法精义》、陈撄宁《静功问答》等著作相继问世。此后,又有台湾学者南怀瑾、萧天石等编篡儒、道、佛各家调息静坐著作多种。近现代的调息静坐,圆融儒、道、佛、医各家之长,相互发挥,使得调息静坐法更为实用,更便普及,更受社会欢迎,成为大众养生的简便方法。本研究形成以下结论:调息静坐历经几千年发展,形成了儒以“存心养性”、道以“修心炼性”、佛以“明心见性”、医以“调心和性”的价值取向,由此铸就了各家不同的风格特点。儒、道、佛、医各家调息静坐虽然取意不同,风格有别,但调息静坐的效果都归结在“心性”的涵养变化上,这种心性同修、形神兼养的内在要求,正是调息静坐的核心价值所在。调息静坐有着明显的身体治疗倾向,只要坚持修行实践,定有防治疾病、强身健体、延年益寿之功。各家积累的丰富经验,可为现代养生保健提供经验借鉴和方法指导。历史上各家对调息静坐的理论阐释及各种神秘体验,是古代关于人体生命现象的认知成果,对于探究人类生命奥秘有着重要的参考价值,决不可视为迷信、荒谬而轻易忽视、摒弃。调息静坐有着普遍的社会价值,尤其是在人性普遍躁动、老年社会提前到来、各种慢性病井喷的社会环境下,通过调息静坐来调和身心、存神养性、维护健康、促进和谐有着难以估量的价值。总之,儒、道、佛、医各家积淀的调息静坐文献十分丰富,有的已为人熟知,但大多数仍然尘封秘库,鲜为人知,亟需进一步深入挖掘、系统整理,以便总结其经验,揭示其规律,古为今用,服务于社会大众。

【Abstract】 Pranayama meditation is one of the traditional Chinese ways of keeping healthy. It has been widely applied in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Medicine, and established different values and characteristics in varied fields. Different schools have made various conclusions and theories, while a large number of workings, which has greatly enriched the content of Chinese traditional culture, have been accumulated.This study starts with literature review, fully applying the research methods of philology, history and history of thoughts. On the basis of reviewing500thesis about pranayama meditation, the study made a comparatively systematic research about the historical development and workings of pranayama meditation in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Medicine. From the research, it broadly explains the history of pranayama meditation in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Medicine, and analyses the characteristics and values of different schools. At the same time, it also introduces the important workings about pranayama meditation in different schools. This thesis divided into7parts is the report of the whole research.Chapter1introduces the connotation study of pranayama meditation. From linguistic perspective, this chapter briefly explains the meanings of pranayama meditation and illustrates the connotation of it.Chapter2studies pranayama meditation in Confucianism. According to the materials in Zhouyi, Mencius and Xunz, this chapter firstly analyses the concepts of pranayama meditation of Confucius, Mencius and other Confucians, making clear the original development of Confucian pranayama meditation. Secondly, it studies the pranayama meditation history of Neo-Confucianism in Song dynasty, concretely analyzing the pranayama meditation ideas of Zhou Dunyi, Chenghao and Chengyi. It focus on Nanyi school, and especially makes a conclusion of practice and experience of Zhuxi.At the same time, the meditation method of Lu Jiuyuan is introduced. Lu-Wang Xin Xue has been greatly developed in Ming dynasty, while meditation, as the means to physically illustrate the essence of nature, was widely applied by Confucians in Ming dynasty. Chen Xianzhang advocated it firstly, Wang Yangming improving it greatly, while Wangji, LuoHongxian, Gao Panlong and other Yanming Confucians promoting it more. They turned it into a theoretical and practical method which was melt in daily lives. As a kind of lectures which are open to the pubic, meditation became the core essence of Neo-Confucian culture and lead to the most active period in the history of ancient Chinese thoughts. In the last part of this chapter, the author discusses the value orientation and Gongfu theory of Confucian meditation and makes a reasonable evaluation of the health preserving values, including physical therapy degree and mysterious experience of life phenomenon and so on.Chapter3involves the sitting meditation of Taoism. The meditation of Taoism was established by the nihility thoughts of Laozi. Zhuangzi brought about the possibility of practice through "Xinzai" and "Zuowang". After Taoism was founded, from the perspective of Xinxue of Sima Chengzhen in Tang dynasty, they mixed the thoughts of Cunsi and Shouyi and wrote Theory of Zuowang. Thence, Zuowang became the practical method which was accepted generally. Since Tang and Song dynasty, alchemy started and the sitting meditation, like Taixi and Zuowang, was just the foundation method of alchemy. As a step or a level of alchemy, the original values of sitting meditation was covered and slowly disappeared, while the meanings of alchemy were exaggerated quickly. The numerous of workings of sitting meditation and even alchemy were the precious documents of studying the mysteries of human bodies, and provide references to modern scientific research of human bodies.The fourth chapter discusses the pranayama meditation of Buddhism. After Buddhism was introduced to the mainland,"Eight Zhengdao" was defined as "Jie","Ding" and "Hui"."Ding" is the key means. After "Anapanasati Sutta" was translated, peanayama meditation became the practical means of applying "Ding". Since then,"Chih-Kuan" of Tiantai,"dhyana" of Zen and " Jiazuo" of Tantra and other practices were the development of anapana pranayama. The author takes Tiantai as an example, briefly introducing the two practices of "Chih-kuan" and emphasizes on analyzing the connotation and influences on Chinese traditional health preserving of pranayama meditation introduced by Zhiyi.The fifth chapter deals with the pranayama meditation of the physicians. The concept of meditation practice appeared in Neijing. Later, influenced by Taoism and Buddhism, it absorbed the practice experiences and became the means of keeping health and curing diseases. After Song and Yuan dynasty, influenced by the Confucian theory of learning, the meditation of medicine has been practiced universally, and it was widely applied to help curing clinical disease and recovery from illness, especially used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and so on. Meditation practice has become a regular therapy.The sixth chapter discusses modern meditations. At the beginning of the last century, meditation has been advocated greatly by the scholars, and become the primary choice of exercises. Jiang Weiqiao and Tong Baimei organized Meditation Research Organization and Shanghai Chongdao Club to popularize meditation. Particularly after the workings of Japanese was translated and introduced to Chinese, meditation became popular. Later, the books by Jiang Weiqiao, Ding Fubao and Chen Yingning were published. Then, the books, edited by Nan Huaijin, Xiao Tianshi, was published. It is about different meditations of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. Modern meditation mixes the advantages of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Medicine, making it more practical, universal, popular and convenient to the public.There are some conclusions of the study:With the development of thousands of years, sitting meditation has formed different value orientation:Confucianism’s "protecting the mentality and building virtue"; Taoism’s "cultivating the mind and improving the character"; Buddhism’s "understanding the mind and seeing the disposition"; Medicine’s "keeping healthy and balancing disposition". The different schools have formed various characteristic.Although Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Medicine have different origins and styles, the effect of sitting meditation is influenced by the changes of "disposition". It is a kind of inner request of practicing of disposition and physical body, which is the core value of sitting meditation.Sitting meditation has obvious therapy orientation, and with practiing insistently the function of defending disease, improving health and prolonging life could be realized. The experiences of different schools provide references and guidance to modern health preserving.The theoretical definition and mysterious practice of different schools in history are the cognitive result of human lives, which were developed by ancient people. They provide precious references for the research of human lives and could not be regarded as superstition and absurdness. It could not be ignored or abandoned easily. Pranayama meditation had universal social values. Especially in a society, in which human nature generally agitate, old society come earlier, and a variety of chronic diseases blowout, meditation has invaluable values in balancing body and mind, preserving mind and improving character, keeping healthy and promoting harmony.All in all, There are a large number of workings about meditations in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Medicine. Some of them are well-known, but the most are reserved secretly and known by few people. Further systematic collections and analysis should be done to sum up experience, reveal rules, benefit modern researches and serve the public.

【关键词】 调息静坐养生文献研究
【Key words】 meditationsittinglife presevationlierature research
  • 【分类号】R2-09;R212
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1067
  • 攻读期成果