

Discursive Practice Beyond Tradition and Modernity

【作者】 张莹

【导师】 史志康;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 本论文在考量国内外已有研究成果的成绩和不足的基础上,从现代性反思的角度对赛珍珠的“乡土中国”书写进行再解读,不仅试图提供一个重新理解赛珍珠的视角,而且也试图重新勘定赛珍珠的独特价值。国内外的赛珍珠研究者在正面评价赛珍珠时,多会提及赛珍珠为西方人修正了中国及中国人的形象,但对于这种修正的价值和意义却大都语焉不详。因此,本文力图将赛珍珠置于西方的现代性话语谱系之中,在标示出赛珍珠在其中的特殊位置的同时,重点考察其对“乡土中国”价值的重新发现与复杂认知,论述其对西方“传统/现代”二元认知框架的超越,进而实现对赛珍珠独特价值的重新勘定,并由此对西方现代性话语的局限性进行反思。本文的具体内容如下:第一章:赛珍珠对“乡土中国”风俗的再发现。本章首先考察西方的主流现代性话语如何把包括中国在内的第三世界国家的风俗“他者化”,并分析其背后的叙事动力及认知框架;其次,论述赛珍珠如何超越了“传统/现代”等简单的二元对立框架来重新理解“乡土中国”的风俗。第二章:赛珍珠对“国民性”话语的颠覆。本章首先考察近现代中国的“国民性”批判话语是如何发生的,分析在其发生的过程中,西方的否定性中国叙事扮演了什么样的角色;其次,论述赛珍珠是如何通过对乡土社会大家族的肯定以及对农民的生存理性和反抗形式等的正面呈现来颠覆“国民性”话语的。第三章:赛珍珠对“女权主义”话语的超越。本章首先考察近现代中国的“女权主义”话语产生的历史文化语境与生成机制,并分析了其最初的实践形态。其次,论述赛珍珠如何通过对“五四”这一新旧思想交锋时期中国女性生存状态的揭示来实现对女权主义话语的质疑与反思。结语部分:将赛珍珠的“乡土中国”书写置于西方的现代性话语谱系之中,论述其对于西方“传统/现代”二元认知框架的超越,总结其之于现代性反思的价值。

【Abstract】 This dissertation aims to reinterpret Pearl S. Buck’s writing on Earthbound Chinafrom the perspective of reflection on Modernity, based on a close examination ofachievements and shortcomings of existing research. The study not only attempts toprovide a slightly new perspective of understanding Pearl S. Buck’s works, but alsointends to reevaluate Pearl S. Buck. Most preliminary critical studies have beendevoted to Mrs. Buck’s conversion of the image of China and Chinese people, butthey fail to assess the value of such conversion. Therefore, the dissertation focuses onPearl S. Buck’s transgressing of the “tradition/modernity” dichotomy through adetailed analysis of her rediscovery and complex cognition of Earthbound China; soas to reexamine the significance of Mrs. Buck’s works in relation to Modernity, and tomake a reflection on limitation of western Modernity discourse.The dissertation includes three chapters. The first chapter explains Pearl S.Buck’s rediscovery of customs of Earthbound China. This chapter first examines the“otherization” of the third world countries’ customs in the mainstream of westernModernity discourse, together with the narrative impetus and cognitive framework ofsuch “otherization”. The chapter then analyzes Pearl S. Buck’s reinterpretation ofcustoms of Earthbound China, which transgresses the binary opposition of traditionand modernity.The second chapter explores Pearl S. Buck’s subversion of western discourse ofChinese “national character.” This chapter first analyzes the role of western negativenarration of China in the appearance and development of the “national character”discourse in modern China. The chapter then illustrates Pearl S. Buck’s subversion of“national character” discourse through her affirmation of the clan in rural society, herpresentation of subsistence ethics of farmers, and her interpretation of weapons of theweak.The third chapter concerns Pearl S. Buck’s transgressing of feminism discourse.The chapter first analyses the appearance and the initial practice modes of feminism in modern China. The chapter then argues how Pearl S. Buck questions and reflectson feminism discourse by her revealing of Chinese women’s living state in MayFourth period with the old and new ideological confrontation.The dissertation concludes with Pearl S. Buck’s transgressing of the“tradition/modernity” dichotomy and her unique value to reflection on Modernity,while giving prominence to her in the western Modernity discourse.

  • 【分类号】I712.06
  • 【下载频次】724