

Recovery from the Trauma

【作者】 王丽丽

【导师】 乔国强;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 托妮·莫里森是唯一一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的美国黑人女性作家。她的文学作品以史诗般的描述和深刻细腻的刻画,写出了美国黑人百年的创伤历史,彰显了她的璀璨艺术和深邃思想。本论文解读了莫里森的六部小说中黑人女性承受的历史创伤、文化创伤以及社会创伤,揭示导致黑人女性创伤的原因和创伤的症状,探究黑人女性走出创伤阴霾的有效途径。莫里森的文学创作体现了黑人女性创伤的历史发展脉络。她的作品《宠儿》和《恩惠》反映了蓄奴制下黑人母亲为了保护女儿免受被奴役之苦而采取极端的行为,这导致母亲难以摆脱弃女的自责,造成女儿对母爱的误解和对母亲的仇恨,母女关系难以弥合。母亲和女儿的心理创伤在倾听者和黑人群体的帮助下可以修复。《最蓝的眼睛》和《柏油孩子》揭示了蓄奴制被废除之后白人强势文化对黑人女性的精神奴役。白人强势文化利用宗教、教育、大众媒体等手段宣扬“白即是美”的审美标准和白人文化价值观,这致使幼小的儿童产生恐惧、自卑、自我厌恶等创伤症状。而成年女性在白人强势文化的影响下产生了异化的审美观、爱情观以及家庭观,导致黑人女性产生种族困惑。黑人女性通过逃离创伤发生的空间或躲避在虚幻的幻想中以减轻痛苦。她的作品《秀拉》和《爱》刻画了黑人女性在男权社会中承受的被丈夫抛弃、被社会隔离的痛苦,男性的专制导致了黑人女性家庭关系和社会关系破裂。哀悼和见证是修复黑人女性感情创伤的有效方式。通过创作创伤小说,莫里森表达了她对黑人女性创伤的关注,同时也帮助黑人女性寻求摆脱创伤、宣泄悲情及获得解脱的方式。本论文运用创伤的基本理念从种族、文化以及社会三个维度阐释莫里森作品中体现的黑人女性创伤。本论文依据创伤和文化创伤的基本定义分析了蓄奴制和白人强势文化导致黑人女性创伤的原因,同时运用创伤与复原理论的基本方式探讨了黑人女性缓解不同创伤症状的种种手段。在此基础上,本文作者发现黑人女性创伤除了具有延迟性、反复性等普遍的基本特征,还具有延续性、多维性以及复杂性的特点。本论文的研究突破了以往仅从种族主义角度解读莫里森作品中创伤的局限。本论文的研究聚焦黑人女性创伤,从多个维度系统分析阐释了莫里森多部作品中的创伤体现。本论文的研究不仅可以拓宽莫里森作品研究的视域,也为当代创伤研究发展做出贡献。

【Abstract】 Toni Morrison is the only African-American female writer who won Nobel Prize for Literature. Her works reflect African-Americans’trauma history in one century with excellent description and nice depiction, which displays her splendid writing art and profound ideas. The historical trauma, cultural trauma and social trauma suffered by African-American women are interpreted in her six novels. The reasons, symptoms and ways to recover from trauma are explored in the dissertation.The literary creation of Toni Morrison reveals the historical development of African-American women’s trauma. The racial trauma caused by slavery is depicted in Beloved and A Mercy In the slavery, black mother takes extreme ways to protect her daughter from the cruelty of slavery, so it not only causes mother to be obsessed with self-accusation for abandoning her daughter but also causes the daughter to misunderstand and even hate her mother. The relationship between mother and daughter can not be restored, but the psychological trauma of daughter and mother can be healed with the help of a supportive listener and the black community. The Bluest Eye and Tar Baby reflects the spiritual chains caused by white-dominated culture after the abolition of slavery. The white-dominated culture propogate the aesthetic standard of "white is beautiful" with religion, education and the mass media. Under the influence of white culture, the children become fearful, self-abased and self-loathing and the adults have alienated values and sense of racial confusion. By retreating from the traumatic scene or enclosing themselves in the illusion, the women can relieve the pain. Sula and Love depict African-American psychological pain from the desertion of husband and the isolation of black community. In the patriarchal society, women’s family and social relationship are broken by the monopoly of black men. Mourning and testimony are effective ways to heal women’s emotional trauma. Morrison not only expresses her concern about African-American women’s trauma but also helps women to recover from trauma. The dissertation applies the basic idea of trauma to explore African-American women’s trauma from the racial, cultural and social perspectives in Toni Morrison’s novels. The definition of trauma and cultural trauma is used to analyze the reasons for women’s trauma in the slavery and the white-dominated culture. The theory of trauma and recovery is also applied to illustrate different ways to reduce the traumatic symptoms. Based on the analysis, the writer finds that African-American women’s traumas are belated, repetitive, continuous, multi-dimensional and complicated.The dissertation breaks the limit of previous study which only interprets trauma in Morrison’s novels from the racial perspective. It focuses on African-American women’s trauma and analyses the represention of trauma systematically in six of Morrison’s novels from multi-perspective. The study not only expands the study of Toni Morrison’s novels but also makes great contributions to the development of trauma research.

【关键词】 托妮·莫里森黑人女性创伤修复
【Key words】 Toni MorrisonAfrican-American womentraumarecovery
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【下载频次】1999