

A Grammaticalization Study of Complement Yixia in Modern Chinese Based on Corpus

【作者】 蔡燕

【导师】 盛玉麒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 关于“一下”的语法化研究,从现有的研究成果来看,多数从历时语料入手。本文从共时系统语料入手,利用语料库方法,考察现代汉语中补位“一下”在共时语言中语义、句法和功能的分布及其特点,探讨其从短语词化,进而标记化的语法化现象,并讨论其语法化程度的判定及语法化的动因和机制。全文共六章。第一章绪论;第二章语料库的建设;第三章计次义“一下”;第四章短时义“一下”;第五章情态标记“一下”;第六章“一下”的语法化程度判定及动因考察。第一章介绍语法化视野下现代汉语补位“一下”研究的缘起、相关研究综述、本文的指导理论和研究方法以及研究内容和研究意义。第二章介绍本研究所用语料库的建设情况,介绍建库理念、语料的收集和加工、语料库基本数据和“一下”的统计结果,并对本研究中采用的基于数据的词语搭配抽取与统计技术作以介绍。第三章对现代汉语中计次义“一下”(简称“一下1”)的语义特征和谓词性搭配情况作探讨。一、确立判断补位“一下”为“一下1”用法的语义标准,统计其在现代汉语文学作品语料库中的使用频次。二、利用基于窗口的搭配抽取技术统计“一下1”的谓词性搭配项,并对其语义类别、音节数量和构成方式进行分析与归纳,发现“一下1”的搭配项只能是人体动作动词和物体运动的动作动词,单音节居多,双音节以并列式合成词为主。可见“一下1”使用范围比较狭窄,使用频次较低,搭配能力弱,具有较弱的语义适用性,此用法是对古代汉语的继承。“一下1”从句法属性上看是由数词“一”和专用动量词“下”构成的数量短语。第四章对现代汉语中短时义“一下”的(简称“一下2”)的语义特征、谓词性搭配情况、功能特点作探讨。在现代汉语中非计次义的“一下”使用更为频繁,表示动作行为的短时义。与计次义相比,是较为抽象的语义类型。一、它在语义上表现出短时性、模糊性和歧义性的特点。二、对“一下2”的谓词性搭配项作统计,发现它的称量对象已由表具体动作的动作动词扩展到一般的动作动词,尤其是语义抽象的动作动词,以及语义更为抽象的心理状态动词;由称量单音节词为主扩展到多种类型的双音词,甚至多音词;由称量瞬间持续双界动词扩展到一般双界动词和非双界动词;由仅称量动词扩展到变化形容词,甚至是名词。可见,“一下2”语义抽象,搭配范围渐宽。三、“一下2”语义上由具体到抽象的变化,语言使用环境上由窄到宽的拓展必然引起其句法和功能上的“连锁反应”。从功能特点来看,首先,“一下2”已从数量短语词汇化为时间量词,可从“一”的不可替换性、“下”的句法地位的降低得到证实。其次,“一下2”也可视为短时体标记。它在意义虚化、结构黏着、语音弱化三个方面都具有虚化为短时体标记的特征。“一下2”己不具备计数的词汇意义,而是整个结构起到了对动词的时间特征进行限定的作用。在结构上,跟它的前附成分联系很紧密,一般不能插入其他的成分。同时作为体标记,它的语义指向是其前的谓词性成分,而与其后的宾语不发生直接关系。在语音上,出现声音上的弱化,甚至脱落。第五章对现代汉语中短时义“一下2”进一步语法化为情态标记“一下3”的情况作探讨。首先探察短时体标记发展为情态标记在语义表达上由命题功能向言谈功能的转变。作为时间系统标记的“一下2”正在向情态系统标记“一下3”渗透,情态功能的增加是补位“一下”进一步语法化的表现。其次,从谓词性搭配项和所处的言语行为句的类型使用入手考察“一下3”在现代汉语中的使用情况。研究发现表达指令言语行为和意愿言语行为的虚拟句是其典型语言环境。最后,在以上研究的基础上,探讨情态标记“一下3”在不同言语行为类型句中的语用功能。第六章探讨补位“一下”语法化程度判定的标准及其语法化的动因。一、以语义虚化、搭配扩展、去范畴化以及语音弱化为参数讨论有关“一下”语法化程度的判定问题。二、从使用频率、认知因素、语言内部因素以及语义的主观化四个角度讨论“一下”语法化的动因。高使用频率是诱发“一下”语法化的必要条件之一。认知因素是促使“一下”语义虚化的主要原因。“一下”的意义表达从空间范畴到时间范畴到评价范畴的拓展体现了认知背景对于语言使用的影响。从语言内部因素来看,“一下”的重新分析机制表现为成分之间的融合实现词汇化。“一下2”与非现实情态语境建立了密切的联系,为其成为情态标记“一下3”提供了句法环境。此外,语义主观化是“一下”语法化的重要的动因。当命题义慢慢淡化,言谈功能得以凸显时,“一下”语法化为情态标记。对于“一下”的语法化动因进行考察体现了语言研究方法上从描写到解释的原则。最后对本文的研究思路及结论进行总括说明,并指出研究中存在的不足。本文的创新点:第一,在借鉴参照已有历时研究成果的基础上,通过考察共时系统中补位“一下”语义、句法和功能分布的差异及特点,揭示共时分布差异是历时变异的语法化反映,探讨利用共时系统的充分描写和分析进行语法化研究的可行性。第二,运用语料库语言学方法,以4000余万字符的文学作品语料为母本抽样建立1200余万字符分词标注语料库,并对母本中的补位“一下”进行穷尽式搜索,建立近20万字符检索句样本,为研究补位“一下”在共时系统中的使用频率和搭配关系提供了详尽的定量数据,做到充分描写基础上的定性分析。第三,对短时义“一下2”用例的深入分析,发现了一些兼表情态的用法,笔者认为“情态标记”应归入语法化研究的范畴,对其生成机制的探讨,有助于发掘语法化现象的新形态,将语法化研究推向深入。本文研究的意义:从共时语法化的理论视角,利用语料库研究方法,研究了现代汉语补位“一下”在共时系统内的变异现象,廓清了语义变化、结构变异、功能差异的“连锁反应”,并给予了较为合理的解释。这有助于我们加深对汉语语法发展的内部规律的认识,并揭示语言形式不断丰富的原因。从语言共时系统的复杂性特征这一角度阐明,语言单位各个阶段的语法化表现不仅具有历时的继承性,还有共时的并存性。同时,从共时角度研究“一下”的语义范畴和语用功能是如何被语法形式表征的问题,并运用相关的语法化标准来测试“一下”的不同功能或不同形式的语法化程度,这正是共时语法化研究的内容,因此这能够为共时语法化理论提供、增添一个新的例证。

【Abstract】 About the grammaticalization of yixia, most of the previous research starts from a diachronic perspective. Based on a synchronic corpus, this dissertation investigates yixia’s semantic, syntactic and functional distribution and its characteristics as a complement in modern Chinese, traces its grammaticalization from phrase lexicalization to a grammatical marker, and discusses further the judgement of its grammaticalization degree and the motivation and mechanism of its grammaticalization.There are six chapters in this dissertation. The first chapter is introduction; the second chapter is the construction of the corpus; the third chapter is the research on metering meaning of yixia; The fourth chapter is the research on short-time meaning of yixia; The fifth chapter is the research on modal marker yixia; The sixth chapter is conclusion.In chapter one the author introduces the reasons for choosing the complement yixia in modern Chinese from the perspective of grammaticalization as the research topic, previous research summary, the guiding theory, research methods, research contents and research significance of this dissertation.In chapter two the author introduces the construction of the corpus used in the study, the guideline for building the corpus, corpus collection and processing, the basic data of the corpus, and the statistical results of yixia, and the data-based word collocation extraction and statistical techniques used in this research.In chapter three the author discusses the semantic characteristics, and predicative collocation of the metering meaning yixia (hereinafter referred to as yixial) in modern Chinese. First, set a semantic criteria in judging the complement yixia as yixial, and find out its frequency of use in modern Chinese corpus. Second, find out the predicative collocation items of yixial using the collocation extraction technique based on window, summarize and analyze its semantic category, syllable number, and ways of formation. By doing so, the author finds that the collocation items of yixial can only be action verbs either taking only human beings as its doers and or indicating the motion of objects. And most of the action verbs are monosyllables. And double syllables, if any, are mostly coordinate compound words. It is thus clear that the range of the use of yixial is relatively narrow, frequency of use is relatively low, and collocation ability is weak, with weaker semantic suitability. This usage is the inheritance of ancient Chinese. From the view of its syntactic attributes, yixial is a quantitative phrase made up of numeral yi and special action-measure words xia.In chapter four, the author investigates the semantic features, predicative collocations, and functional characteristics of the short-time meaning yixia (hereinafter referred to as yixia2) in modern Chinese. The usage of non-metering meaning yixia is more frequent in modern Chinese, and it expresses a short-time meaning of the action. Compared with metering meaning, it is a comparatively abstract semantic type. First, it reveals a short-time, fuzzy and ambiguous characteristics semantically; second, by analysing the predicative collocation items of yixia2, it is found that its measure objects have expanded from specific action verbs to the general action verbs, especially those action verbs with abstract semantic meaning, and even to those psychological stative verbs which are more abstract in meaning; from monosyllabic measure words to various types of bi-syllable words, even polysyllabic words; from instant continuous double bounded measure verbs to general double bounded verbs and non-double bounded verbs; from mere measure verbs to dynamic adjectives, even nouns. It is thus clear that semantics of yixia2is abstract in meaning, and the part of speechs of the words it collocates are diversified. Third, the changes of yixia2from concrete to abstract in meaning, from narrow to wide in linguistic environment inevitably cause a " chain reaction" syntactically and functionally. Syntactically, yixia2has evolved from quantifier phrase to a time quantifier, which can be confirmed by the fact that yi can not be replaced by other words and that the syntactic status of xia has been lowered. Functionally, yixia2can also be regarded as a short-time aspect marker. It possesses the characteristics of a short-time aspect marker in delexicalization, structural adhesion and phonetic weakening. After the delexicalization of yixia2, it already doesn’t possess the metering lexical meaning, but expresses a fuzzy short-time quantity, and the whole structure plays the role of limiting the time feature of the verbs it collocates. In structure, its connection with the word before it is close; and other components usually can’t be inserted. As an aspect marker, it describes the internal structure of actions; that is, their semantic direction is the former predicative component rather than the following object. In pronounciation, its sound weakens and even disappears.In chapter five, the author discusses the grammaticalization of yixia from short-time meaning yixia2to modal marker yixia3in modern Chinese. First, the author explores the transformation of yixia from its propositional function to discourse function in semantic expression during the grammaticalization, from a short-time aspect marker to a modal marker. Yixia2, as temporal aspect marker, is permeating to modal marker yixia3, and the increase of marker function is the exhibition of the further grammaticalization of complement yixia. Second, from the predicative collocation items and the types of speech act sentences it is in, the author investigates the use of yixia3in modern Chinese. Research reveals that subjunctive sentences which mostly expresses directive speech act and intention speech act are its typical language environment. Finally, on the basis of above research, the author discusses the pragmatic functions of modal marker yixia3in different types of speech act sentences.In chapter six the author investigates the criteria of the judgement of the degree of grammaticalization of yixia and the motivation of it. Fisrt, the author discusses the judgement of the degree of grammaticalization of yixia with delexicalization, collocation expansion, decategorization, and phonetic weakening as parameters. Second, from the angles of use frequency, cognitive factors and internal language factors as well as the semantic subjectification, the author discusses the motivation of grammaticalization of yixia and find that high use frequency is one of the essential conditions to induce the grammaticalization of yixia. Cognitive factors are the main reasons to prompt the delexicalization of yixia. The meaning of yixia expanding from space category to time category and then to the evaluation category reflects the influence of cognitive context on language use. From the view of internal language factors, reanalysis mechanism of yixia is displayed in the fusion of the elements to realize lexicalization. In addition, yixia2establishes close relationship with the unrealistic modal context and thus provides syntactic environment for yixia3to become a modal marker. Besides, the semantic subjectivity is the important cause of the grammaticalization of yixia. With the proposition meaning slowly weakening, the discourse function highlighted, yixia has grammaticalized to be a function marker. Investigating the motivation of the grammaticalization of yixia has reflected the principle of linguistic research from descriptive adequacy to explanative adequacy. At last, the auther summarizes the research process and conclusions of this dissertation, and points out the weaknesses in the research.In this dissertation, the innovation points are the following three aspects:Firstly, based on previous diachronic research, through the investigation of the differences and characteristics in semantics, syntax and functional distributions of complement yixia in synchronic system, the author has revealed that the synchronic distribution difference is the reflection of its grammaticalization diachronically. And at the same time the author has also discussed the feasibility of sufficiently describing and analyzing the grammaticalization in a diachronic system.Secondly, by using the method of corpus linguistics, the author has built a corpus with more than eighteen million annotated characters sampled form more than forty six million characters’modern literature. This corpus can provide the detailed quantitative data for researching the frequency of use and collocation of complement yixia in synchronic system, which can guarantee a qualitative analysis on the basis of sufficient description.Thirdly, through deep analysis of the short-time yixia2, the author has found that yixia can be used as a modal marker. Therefore, the author has concluded that "modal marker" should fall into the scope of grammaticalization system. The investigation of its formation mechanism is helpful to explore the new forms of grammaticalization, and deepen the research of grammaticalization theory.The significance of the research:From the perspective of synchronic grammaticalization, the author has used corpus research method to study complement yixia in modern Chinese, clearified the "chain reaction" of semantic change, the structural variation and function difference. And a reasonable explanation has been given. This will help us deepen the understanding of the internal rules of the development of Chinese grammar, and reveal the reasons for the constant richness in forms of language. From the perspective of the complexity of the synchronic language system, the grammaticalization of various stages of a language unit not only has the diachronic inheritance, but also has the synchronic compatibility. At the same time, from the the synchronic angle, studying how the semantic category and pragmatic functions of yixia are represented by syntactic forms, and testing the grammaticalization degree of different functions or different forms of yixia by the related grammaticalization criteria, are just what people do in making synchronic grammaticalization research. Therefore, this research can provide and add a new example to synchronic grammaticalization theory.

【关键词】 补位“一下”语法化语料库
【Key words】 complement yixiaGrammaticalizationCorpus
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期