

The Research on Phytoplankton Community, Driving Environmental Factors and the Possibility of Cyanobacterial Bloom in Dongping Lake, China

【作者】 路学堂

【导师】 胡文容;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 环境工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 东平湖是南水北调东线工程重要调蓄湖泊和输水通道,其水质优劣对南水北调东线水质有重要影响。目前,对湖泊浮游植物的研究比较普遍,但对东平湖浮游植物、蓝藻水华以及水华防控的研究鲜有报道。因此,分析东平湖浮游植物群落结构、分布特征、环境因子以及蓝藻水华发生的可能性,可为南水北调东线工程以及东平湖水污染防治提供技术指导,同时也可为将来研究调水工程对湖泊藻类的影响提供详实资料。论文第一部分综述了藻类、湖泊藻类、淡水湖泊藻类、东平湖藻类的研究方法及其研究进展,提出本论文的研究目的和方法。论文第二部分采用定性和定量调查法,对东平湖浮游植物分布特征和群落结构进行分析。2010年5月~2012年10月,东平湖水体共检出浮游藻类8门103属207种(包括变种),其中绿藻门种属比例占绝对优势(44.0%),其次为硅藻门(23.7%)和蓝藻门(14.0%),其他种类较少。东平湖总藻细胞密度、绿藻细胞密度和蓝藻细胞密度均表现出夏秋季节明显高于冬春季节的特点,各监测点夏秋季节的蓝藻细胞密度均处于较高水平,蓝藻细胞密度变化趋势差别不大。浮游藻类的季节演替模式为:硅藻-隐藻-绿藻(春季)——蓝藻-绿藻-硅藻(夏秋季)——绿藻-隐藻-硅藻(冬季)。运用修正的卡森营养状态指数法和营养状态指数法评价东平湖营养状态,研究表明东平湖属于轻度富营养化状态;通过冗余分析和Pearson相关性分析东平湖影响浮游藻类种群结构变化的环境因子,发现东平湖浮游藻类生长的主要驱动因子是温度、透明度和化学需氧量。论文第三部分基于水华产生的物理、化学、生物等影响因素分析了东平湖蓝藻水华发生的可能性。分析结果表明,东平湖蓝藻生长的主要驱动因子是温度、透明度和化学需氧量;夏秋季节蓝藻优势种群为湖泊伪鱼腥藻,为非水华指示蓝藻,另外随着东线工程的逐步实施,东平湖水质在不断改善,因此目前发生蓝藻水华的可能性较小;夏秋季节东平湖水体中的依沙束丝藻优势度仅次于湖泊伪鱼腥藻,其己被证实产蓝藻毒素并可能具有形成水华的潜力,应对其加强监测和研究。论文第四部分对东平湖和南四湖浮游藻类种群进行了对比分析。研究结果表明,不同的水文水利条件造成两湖泊水体理化指标存在一定差异,从而导致了两湖泊浮游藻类种群在时空分布特征、季节演替规律、优势种属和环境驱动因子等方面的不同。

【Abstract】 Dongping Lake has been employed in the east route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project as one of the significant storing lakes and water channels. At present, studies on phytoplankton in lakes have been well reported, but the report about phytoplankton, cyanobacterial bloom together with its preventation and control in Dongping Lake still has been regarded as a negligible plate. Thus, investigations of phytoplankton community, distribution characteristics, environmental factors and the possibility of cyanobacterial blooms in Dongping Lake can provide technical guidance for the east route of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and pollution control in this Lake, and afford detailed information for researching the impact of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project on phytoplankton in the future.Chapter one in this paper represents the research progress on algae, lake algae, freshwater lake algae and Dongping lake algae, and then put forward the research purposes and methodology for this study.Chapter two focuses on the phytoplankton distribution charateristics and the community structures using qualitative and quantitative methods. From May2010to October2012,207phytoplankton species which belong to103genera in8phyla have been identified in Dongping Lake. Chlorophyta accounting for44.0%of the total phytoplankton species was dominant, followed by Bacillariophyta (23.7%) and Cyanophyta (14.0%) and less other species. The total algae density, Chlorophyta density and Cyanophyta density in summer and autumn were all higher than the other two seasons. The cyanobacteria density of each monitoring station in summer and autumn which were all at higher levels showed little change. The seasonal succession patterns of phytoplankton were as follows:Bacillariophyta-Cryptophyta-Chlorophyta (spring), Cyanophyta-Chlorophyta-Bacillariophyta (summer and autumn), Chlorophyta-Cryptophyta-Bacillariophyta (winter). The eutrophic status of Dongping Lake was evaluated by modified trophic state index method (TSIM) and trophic state index method. The results indicated that the lake was lightly eutrophicated. The environmental factors influencing the phytoplankton population community structure of Dongping Lake were also analyzed through redundancy analysis and Pearson correlation analysis. Temperature, transparency and chemical oxygen demand were regarded as the main driving factors influencing the phytoplankton growth.Based on physical, chemical, biological and other factors causing algae blooms, chapter three analyzes the possibility of cyanobacterial blooms in Dongping Lake. The results indicated that the main factors on cyanobacteria growth were temperature, transparency and chemical oxygen demand, and the preponderant species of cyanobacteria in summer was Pseudanabaena limnetica which was not indicators of cyanobacterial blooms. Besides, the water quality of Dongping Lake was getting better with the implementation of the water diversion project. Thus, cyanobacterial blooms was less likely appeared. Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi, following Pseudanabaena limnetica which was the most dominant species in Dongping Lake, was confirmed to be able to produce microcystin and might have the potential of forming water blooms. Thus, we should strengthen monitoring and investigation of Aphanizomenon issatschenkoi in the future.The differences of phytoplankton community between Dongping Lake and Nansi Lake are compared in chapter four. The results shows that different hydrological condition caused the differences of physical and chemical indicators in two lakes, leading to the differences of phytoplankton community in spatial and temporal distributions, seasonal succession patterns, dominant species and environmental driving factors.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期