

Love Stories at the Turn of20thCentury:from Late Qing Novel to May Fourth New Literature

【作者】 冯妮

【导师】 胡志德;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 清末民初正值传统中国向现代中国的转型时期,伴随着中西方碰撞而来的家国危机与伦理价值危机是这一转型的内在根源。如何理解和应对各种危机,如何在挫折和断裂中重建自身与历史的关系,种种问题都指向了“建国”与“立人”:亦即构建一个现代民族国家,并生成一种与之相配套的现代主体。文学在这个过程中发挥了重要的作用,它不仅积极参与和构建了对现代国家和主体的想象,还折射出了这一过程中的曲折和难题。本论文尝试从爱情故事的角度介入以上问题,这是因为,“爱情”从来就不是普遍的、非历史化的,而是应该被视为一种携带着大量文化、社会信息的“话语”构建,放置在特定的历史关系和社会问题中加以考察。清末民初的爱情故事折射出个体在遭遇家国危机与价值危机时的焦虑和迷茫,与此同时,正是在应对危机的艰难探索与自我否定之中,生成了伦理自觉、情感独立的主体意识,为传统中国的现代转型奠定了基础。本论文分四章:第一章讨论清末“狭邪小说”中的爱情故事。在口岸资本主义的催生下,租界欢场发展出了一种要求“私密”、“自由”、具备一定“内在深度”的个体与情欲关系。表面上看,它初步呈现出“现代爱情”所具有的基本特征,然而,通过对《海上花列传》的分析,我们会发现,这种“现代”受制于半殖民租界的特殊格局,建立在传统伦理价值崩溃的废墟之上。在租界这一由金钱逻辑和商业利益主导的“自由”空间里,自私自利的个体并不能够自发地发展出任何公共实践与公共意识的基础。第二章讨论晚清“新小说”中的爱情故事。甲午以后梁启超基于国家主义的民权观念,呼吁通过“中西道德”与“政学理论”共同催生出“新民”,并寄希望利用“新小说”的情感动员能力召唤出个体的国民意识与公共实践。因此,大部分“写情小说”的基本模式是以“私情”化“公情”,但这一“动员”的过程因为缺乏内在意识的参与而空洞生硬,与此同时,要求现代国民意识的“公德”、与恢复儒家道德的“私德”之间也有难以调和的冲突。尽管吴趼人的小说《恨海》成功地重新激活、想象出一种情感充沛的儒家式主体,但它同时也吊诡地呈现出依靠道德修身并无法完成中国的现代转型。第三章讨论清末民初市民文学中的爱情故事。西化风潮与继续深化的家国危机激发出朝野上下的复古主义、本土主义思潮,这一时期的爱情故事重新激活了中国古典文学中的抒情-言志传统,同时也融入了市民阶层关于“情理”的日常经验。通过分析徐枕亚的《玉梨魂》中不断回旋着的一个“内-外”结构,我将揭示出现代“公共政治领域”与“私人生活领域”的雏形已经呼之欲出,并积极召唤着个体的参与。但是,市民阶层仍然被束缚在内外有别的传统家庭结构之中,无法重建公与私、内在与外在世界之间的有机联系,这构成了个体情感与行动上的两难,并最终耽于抒情与消极。第四章讨论“五四”小说中的爱情故事。“五四”并不是出于“西化”或者普遍主义的理由引入一种西方式的现代主体,而是基于对民国政治危机的深刻理解与釜底抽薪的应对,提出“伦理革命”的方案,并在此基础上构建出一种基于自觉、平等、自由原则的现代爱情理念。但是,从传统伦理关系中解放出来的个体在与既有的社会结构、权力关系发生碰撞的过程中,不可避免地遭遇到了挫败与隔阂。以都市小资产阶级知识青年为代表的现代主体能否完成中国现代转型的目标,茅盾写于大革命失败后的早期小说中对情欲与革命的探讨,可以视为对这一问题的初步思考。

【Abstract】 At the turn of20Century China was undergoing the transition from ancient China to a modern nation-state during which China faced serious crisis both nationally and ethically. How to understand the crisis and how to respond, how China can reestablish itself are the biggest question upon that time. China and Chinese people strived to build a modern nation-state and created modern subject that is able to serve the needs of country. In this course, literature played vital role.My thesis will research several important love stories at that period, and during my research I will make a intertextuality read between literature texts and social texts. My method is applicable because love is not a things that had nothing to do with history, rather it is indeed a historical thing.Only if we put love and love stories in particular historical context we would not get a proper understanding. The love stories at the transition period not only represented the course how the modern nation-state and modern subject are imagined and created, but also all those twists and turns during this course.My thesis consists of4chapters. The first chapter will focus on the Qing in Courtesan Novel between1895. My point is the novel Flowers of Shanghai cannot be understood properly if we do not take the condition of treaty port into consideration. In the novel, we can see the elements that can be called as modern psychology and modern love, however all these modern things are restricted by the treaty port. In the absence of value, the selfish treaty port love relation is not able to sustain the needs of public practice.Chapter2deals with the Qing in the New Novel. Liang Qichao urges for the birth and imagination the New Man and he put great emphasis on the role of novel. Therefore most New novel combines private emotions with public emotions, however abruptly. At the same time contractions exist between modern merit of new citizen and the confusion design of man. Although Wu Jianren creates a confusion Subject with emotions and justice, however this kind of subject are not able to save the problematic world.Chapter3talks about Petty Bourgeoisie Literature in the early Republic. I set the discussion of novel after the research of the restoring trend in the early Republic. In my opinion the so called restoring trend is in some way a reaction to the problems of the Republic. In the The Jade Pear, I find a continuous Outer-inside structure, which I will argue is the sigh of modern public sphere and modern private sphere. The times needs the practice of citizens how the city citizen are not able to answer the need because they are restricted by daily life and are not dare to break with the tradition. Chapter4will focus on the idea of modern love erected by May Fourth movement. The idea of modern love is not put forward for no reason, but an answer to the crisis of Republic. However the liberated people need to develop the relation with many the others where the idea of May4th encounter its own restriction. I will discuss the novels written by Mao Dun. I will argue Mao Dun’s novel is the best example to discuss the problem of the liberated May4th young people.

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