

Research on Key Technologies of ZC6000/18/38Fully-mechanized Hydraulic Support for Filling

【作者】 路兰勇

【导师】 刘建功;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 机械电子工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 根据工作面的地质条件及其它设备的配套情况,对充填液压支架进行选型,并进行简化力学分析和结构分析。运用计算机辅助分析方法对支架的整体强度进行有限元分析的同时,重点对双顶梁铰接销轴的位置进行了确定,并对此处的销轴进行了受力分析和计算机模拟加载试验。在双夯实机构的设计过程中,主要是针对其在空载和满载时对支架的稳定性进行研究。提出了布料系统存在的缺陷,并对充填开采输送机进行了选型。在邢矿等多个工作面进行了工业性试验,数据表明此充填开采工作面的开采基本没有影响到地表的建筑和设施。

【Abstract】 According to the geological conditions of the working face and the other case ofequipment supporting, we selected models for filling hydraulic support and done somesimplified mechanical analysis and structural analysis. With the use of computer-aidedanalysis, we studied the finite element analysis for the overall strength of the stent. Focusedon identifying the location of the double top beam hinge pin, the pin were here for load test ofthe mechanical analysis and computer simulation. In the design process of the double tampingmechanism, we mainly studied the stability of the stent in the no-load and full load. Under thepremise of exhibit fabric system defects, we select models for backfill mining conveyor. Theindustrial test were implemented in some working faces, data that this filling mining for themining basically showed no impact to surface buildings and facilities.
