

The Mien Language and Chinese Dialect Contact and Impact Studies in Xiangnan Bilingual Area

【作者】 孙叶林

【导师】 罗昕如;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 塔山瑶族乡作为湖南省衡阳市唯一的少数民族乡,地处常宁市(县级市)西南山区,为三市(郴州、永州、衡阳)四县(新田、桂阳、祁阳、常宁)交界处。塔山勉语,属于汉藏语系苗瑶语族瑶语支“勉语”中的“尤勉方言”,为典型的瑶语。塔山勉语长期处于汉语方言的包围之中,受汉语影响广泛而深远。本论文从语言接触的视角,基于大量的田野调查,运用民族语言学、汉语方言学的理论和方法,全面揭示了汉语方言对塔山勉语(当地瑶族人自称他们说的瑶语属于勉话"mien31ua232")语言结构(语音、词汇、语法)的影响状况;进而运用社会语言学方法调查分析了汉语方言对塔山勉语使用功能的影响;最后从生态语言学的角度分析了塔山勉语的语言生态现状、发展态势,并提出了相关保护措施。全文分为六个部分。绪论部分。简要介绍了塔山瑶族乡地理位置、人口分布、语言系属等基本情况。国内外相关研究述评、研究目的、方法与意义以及本文田野调查发音合作人情况及语料来源。第一章主要描写分析了塔山汉语和塔山勉语语音状况。通过与瑶族勉语代表点(广西镇中)声母、韵母、声调及100核心词读音的比较,得出塔山勉语和镇中勉语大同小异,其勉语性质没有改变。由于身处周边湘语、赣语、官话、湘南土话及勉语的夹缝之中,塔山汉语形成了以赣语特征为主、同时兼具有一些湘语和官话的色彩,这应该语言相互接触影响的结果。第二章阐述了汉语方言对塔山勉语语音系统的影响。声母方面,塔山勉语增加了一些新的音位如(?)、y、(?)、x等和一整套与原有的不送气清塞音、清塞擦音相配的送气音声母如p’、t’、ts’等。韵母方面,塔山勉语绝大部分音节末尾塞辅音韵尾脱落,从而加速了长短元音的对立消失,使塔山勉语音节结构大大简化;增加了一些新音位如(?)、y、yn等;鼻辅音韵尾产生变异,有鼻化韵趋势等等。声调方面,主要表现为借词声调和汉语声调有一定的对应关系和调类合并现象等。当下的塔山勉语语音系统明显向汉语靠拢。第三章阐述了汉语方言对塔山勉语词汇系统的影响。从塔山勉语吸收汉语词语的方式来看,有全借和部分借两种。从塔山勉语含有汉借语素的词的结构方式来看,这些“合璧词”不仅包含了塔山勉语固有词汇的结构方式,还借入了汉语词汇的“补充式”构词方式和“修饰语+中心语”修饰式结构方式,汉语词缀“-子”、“-公”在塔山勉语里也具有了相当强的构词能力。由于大量汉语借词的输入,对塔山勉语词汇系统产生了深刻的影响:极大地增加了塔山勉语的词汇数量,丰富了塔山勉语的构词方式,加速了塔山勉语词汇复音化进程,使塔山勉语的词义表达更为精细化。第四章阐述了汉语方言对塔山勉语语法系统的影响。随着汉语影响的深入,汉语语法结构也开始渗入塔山勉语,使塔山勉语的语法结构出现了一些变异现象,主要表现为语序的转变,如修饰式结构中“中心语+修饰语”向“修饰语+中心语”语序的变换、差比句“Adj(形容词)+M(比较标记)+St(比较基准)”、“M(比较标记)+St(比较基准)+Adj(形容词)”两种语序的转换等,其它还有大量语法虚词的借用和一些句式如“‘捉’字句”和“‘分’字句”的输入。这些变异现象反映了塔山勉语语法系统逐渐有和汉语同构的趋势。第五章运用社会语言学研究方法,通过塔山勉语的使用域如家庭域、交往域、工作域等和瑶族人群语言态度的调查,分析研究了塔山汉语对塔山勉语使用功能的影响,进而从生态语言学的角度分析了塔山勉语的发展态势,并提出了一些塔山勉语生态保护的措施。结语部分。首先是对塔山勉语和汉语接触影响予以定性:塔山勉语汉语接触现象是一种语言(塔山勉语)和另一种语言(汉语)在深度接触中产生的深层影响,语言(塔山勉语)结构产生局部性变异,语言(塔山勉语)部分社会功能改变的一种语言现象。接着界定了塔山勉语的语言系属:尽管受汉语的影响,语音、词汇、语法三个子系统结构都产生了一些变异,但塔山勉语并没有产生质变,不是混合语,也不是语言的混合现象,还是属于瑶语(勉语)。其次对论文的第一、二、三、四、五章内容进行了总结。最后阐述了本文的创新之处和需进一步改进的地方。附录部分,包括塔山勉语与汉语方言词汇对照表、塔山勉语长篇语料记音、塔山勉语方言语法例句、塔山田野调查相关表格及调查现场照片。

【Abstract】 As the only minority village in Hengyang City, Tashan Yao minority village is located in the southwest mountainous area of Changning city (a county-level city) at the intersection of three cities (Chenzhou City,Yongzhou City,Hengyang City)and four counties (Xintian county, Guiyang county, Qiyang county, Changning City). Tashan Yao language belongs to Sino-Tibetan family, Yao-Miao phylum, Yao language branch, Mien language’s U-Mien dialect, it’s a typical Yao language. Tashan Mien language has been surrounded by Chinese dialects for a long time, it is broad and profound influenced by Chinese. From the perspective of language contact, based on abundant of local village research, by utilizing theories and methods of ethnolinguistics and Chinese dialectology, this paper fully reveals the language structure(pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar) impact of Chinese dialects on Tashan Mien language (the local Yao Minorities claiming their Yao language belongs to Mien language "mien31ua232");Then using ethnolinguistics to research, and analyse the application function impact that Chinese has put on Tashan Mien language from lots of detailed statistics;At last, analysing the language ecological status and development trend of Tashan Mien language from the perspective of ecological philology also put forward some correlative protective measures.There are eight parts in this paper.Introduction, in this part it briefly introduces the geographical location, history evolvement, population distribution, river resources, the immigration of local Yao minorities and their living conditions; the basal condition of Tashan Mien language family and its neighboring Chinese dialects. It also includes the review of correlative research on Yao language and language contact home and abroad; the research purpose, method,significance and the condition of pronunciation participator in village research of this paper, as well as the source of corpus.In the first chapter it mainly describes and analysis the pronunciation of Tashan Chinese and Tashan Mien language.After the comparison of initials, finals,tones and the pronunciation of100core words in typical Mien language region (Guangxi Zhenzhong) of Yao minority, it shows that Tashan Mien language and Zhenzhong Mien language are similar, it’s traits of Mien language did not change. Because of Tashan’s location, surrounded by Xiang language, Gan language, mandarin, Xiangnan dialect and Mien language, Tashan Chinese has the main traits of Gan language (the ancient voiced initials when meet affricate mostly read aspirate no matter level or oblique tone,)and also has some characteristics of Xiang language and mandarin, it should be the result of language mutual contacting and influencingIn the second chapter two it mainly it discusses the influencing of Chinese dialects on Tashan Mien phonetic system. About consonants, Tashan Mien language added some new phonemes such as(?)、y、(?)、x etc. and a set of aspirated initials that match with the original unaspirated tenuis and voiceless affricates, such as p□、t□、ts□、k□etc. On compound vowel, The opposition betweem long vowel and short vowel disappeared:Most of the consonant coda in the end of phoneme lost;Nasal consonant coda m merged,mostly incorporated into coda n, and a few into coda, hence great changes took place in the phonetic structure of Tashan Mien language; For instance, The compound turn of monophthong, the simplification of phoneme structure, the confluence of rhyme tails, the decrease of syllable types; Nasal finals tend to pronounce like nasal rhyme etc. About the tone, mainly for the a certain relationship between the loan tones and the Chinese tone and tones merging phenomenon. The changed Tashan Mien language phonetics tend to resemble to Chinese obviously. In the third chapter, it mainly it discusses the influencing of Chinese dialects on Tashan Mien on vocabulary system. As for the way Tashan Mien language assimilate vocabulary from Chinese, they are fully assimilate and half assimilate, as for the words formation of Tashan Mien language that contain Chinese morpheme, these compounds not only contain the words formation ways that Tashan Mien language originally has but also assimilate the supplement formation ways that Chinese has and the modifier formation way as "modifier+central word". In addition, Chinese affix“-子,-公”have a fairy strong word-building ability in Tashan Mien language. Because of the input of many Chinese loanwords,it affected the vocabulary system of Tashan Mien language deeply;It increased the number of Tanshan Mien vocabulary, enhanced the word formation ways of Tashan Mien language,accelerated the vocabulary disyllablization, hence makes the words and expressions more precisely in Tashan Mien language.In the fourth chapter, it mainly it discusses the influencing of Chinese dialects on Tashan Mien on grammatical system. With the deepening influence of Chinese on Tashan Mien language, Chinese grammar structure starts to infiltrate into Tashan Mien language, thus some grammar structure variation happened in Tashan Mien language, the main trait is the turn of words order, for example in the modifier structure "central words+modifier" tends to be " modifier+central word" in the comparative structure "Adj+M (contrast mark)+St (contrast standard)" tends to be "M (contrast mark)+St (contrast standard)+Adj", there are also lots of grammar empty words and other structure types being used, these variation reflect that the grammatical system of Tashan Mien language has the trend of isomorphism.In chapter five, sociolinguistics research method was adopted, through on-spot survey and some interview about the application domain of Tashan Mien language, such as family domain, communication domain, work domain etc. also Yao minorities’ attitude towards language, based on lots of detailed statistics it analysis the function impact of Tashan Chinese on Tashan Mien language. The specific illustrations are as follows; the vitality of Tashan Mien language declined, part of the language function changed, it may be endangered. Then analysis the development trend of Tashan Mien language from the perspective of ecological philology and puts forward some ecological protection measures for Tashan Mien language.Conclusion, in this part it mainly defines the contact influence between Tashan Mien language and Chinese from the perspective of language structure variation, it shows that under the influence of Chinese, many Chinese loanwords are used, it generates partial variation in Tashan Mien language structure. From the perspective of the social function change of language, Tashan Mien language is in the alternative stage of language. In different communication situations, Tashan Mien language and Chinese have different communication functions, the Mien language is mainly used at home, in other situations they often use Tashan Chinese dialect and Mandarin. From the perspective of influence degree, the influence degree that Chinese has on Tashan Mien language is high. In conclusion, the contact between Tashan Mien language and Chinese is a kind of deep impact result from one language(Tashan Mien language) contact with the other language(Chinese) deeply, consequently language (Mien language)structure variation happened partly, and some social functions of language (Tashan Mien language) changed.Then defines the language family that Tashan Mien language belongs to. Though affected by Chinese, there are some changes in the structure of subsystems in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar, its nature did not change,its not a hybrid or language mix phenomena, it still belongs to Yao language (Mien language).At last it demonstrates the innovations of this paper and also the points that need further improvement.Appendix, it includes Tashan Mien language and Chinese vocabulary contrast sheet., Tashan Mien language detailed corpus sound record, Tashan Mien language dialect grammatical sentence examples, correlative forms and on-spot investigation pictures of Tashan village research.
