

Development of Perceptual Span and Speed during Elementary School Yeas in Chinese Reading:Evidence from Eye Movements

【作者】 张巧明

【导师】 闫国利;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 阅读是一项重要的社会认知活动,通过阅读可以获得信息,提高能力。除了阅读理解能力,阅读广度和速度是衡量阅读效率的重要指标。在阅读的研究中,眼动技术由于其实时性和干扰性较小等优势,成为研究的主要手段,在获得大量研究结果的同时,形成了成熟的阅读模型(平行加工模型和序列加工模型),但这些模型仅能解释熟练的成人被试的眼动情况。相比之下,以儿童为对象的眼动研究却为数不多。人类语言获得与书面阅读能力发展是一个动态复杂的过程,小学阶段是书面语言发展的快速时期。本研究以小学生为被试,采用眼动技术,探讨其在阅读过程中的发展特征,尤其是从广度(知觉广度与副中央凹预视)与速度(信息提取时间)进程上反映小学生阅读的过程,全文共三个研究,由六个实验构成。实验一探讨了不同掩蔽材料对中文阅读知觉广度的影响,结果表明:(1)相对于符号掩蔽,文字掩蔽条件下的阅读效率更低、平均注视时间更长、眼跳幅度更小。(2)符号掩蔽下被试的知觉广度为注视字左侧1个字,右侧2-3个字;文字掩蔽下被试的知觉广度为注视字左侧1个字,右侧3-4个字。综合上述结果,文字掩蔽材料可以比符号掩蔽材料获得更大的知觉广度,但阅读效率更低。实验二探讨了72名被试阅读知觉广度的发展情况,以及材料难度和阅读能力对知觉广度的影响。结果表明:(1)年级、材料难度、阅读能力均各自独立地影响知觉广度。(2)小学三年级被试知觉广度的右侧范围为1-2个字,小学五年级被试接近成人大学生的知觉广度,右侧范围均为2-3个汉字。(3)难度对知觉广度有影响,被试阅读难材料的知觉广度为2-3个汉字,易材料为2-4个汉字。(4)高阅读能力被试的知觉广度大于低阅读能力被试,阅读容易材料时比低阅读能力被试有更大的向右眼跳幅度实验三探讨了60名小学生不同词语类型的预视效应,结果发现,年级主效应显著,五年级学生表现出更高的阅读效率,预视类型的主效应显著,出现明显的预视效应,但不同词语类型无差异,并且未出现稳定的中央凹-副中央凹效应。实验四探讨了72名小学生不同类型复合词的预视效应,结果发现,年级主效应显著,五年级学生表现出更高的阅读效率,预视类型的主效应显著,出现明显的预视效应,但不同词语类型无差异,与预视类型的交互作用仅出现在首次注视时间和总阅读时间上,形-名复合词的预视效应大于名-名复合词,并且未出现稳定的中央凹-副中央凹效应。实验五探讨了96名被试在消失文本条件下对词N的信息提取情况,结果发现,年级主效应显著,随着年龄增长,阅读效率提高,五年级的阅读效率接近成人。呈现条件的主效应显著,被试在消失文本条件下使用了不同的阅读策略。40ms的呈现时间干扰了三年级被试的正常阅读,而五年级被试和大学生在四种呈现条件下无差异。词频效应显著,高频词的注视时间短于低频词。实验六探讨了96名被试在消失文本条件下对词N+1的信息提取情况,结果发现,年级主效应显著,随着年龄增长,阅读效率提高,五年级的阅读效率接近成人。消失文本条件对三年级被试产生了极大的干扰,右侧词呈现时间在120ms时,才不干扰被试的阅读,而五年级学生和成人大学生在40ms时即可获是视觉信息,并且在阅读过程中使用了不同的阅读策略,词频效应显著,高频词的注视时间短于低频词。综上所述,在中文阅读中,随着年龄增长,小学生的阅读效率也相应提高,到小学高年级,基本接近成人的知觉广度、预视效应以及信息提取速度,研究结果在一定程度上支持阅读眼动控制的平行加工模型。

【Abstract】 Three experiments including six sub-experiments were conducted to explore development of reading span and speed during elementary school years.In Experiment1, gaze-contingent moving-window technique was used to explore the effect of masking material on perceptual span of Chinese reading.26college students participated. Their eye movements were recorded with SR Research EyeLink eye tracker.130sentences were presented in seven viewing conditions (R1、R2、R3、R4、L1R4、 L2R4and whole line) to examine the perceptual span of college students in different masking conditions. The results showed:(1) Compared with symbol masking condition, the reading efficiency in character masking condition was lower, average fixation time was longer and saccade amplitude was smaller.(2) The participants could obtain useful information from an asymmetric region extending roughly1character space to the left of fixation to about2-3character spaces to the right of fixation in the symbol masking condition, and the perceptual span extended1character space to the left of fixation to about3-4character spaces to the right of fixation in the character masking condition. In summary, the perceptual span is larger but the reading efficiency is lower in the character masking condition than those of symbol masking.In Experiment2, gaze-contingent moving-window technique was used to explore the development of perceptual span in Chinese reading.24third graders,24fifth graders and24college students participated in the experiment. Their eye movements were recorded with SR Research EyeLink2K eye tracker.120sentences were presented in six viewing conditions (R0, L1R1, L2R2, L3R3, L4R4and whole line) to examine the perceptual span of participants in different conditions. The results showed:(1) Ages, material difficulties and reading skill affected perceptual span independently.(2) The third graders could obtain useful information from a region about1-2character spaces to the right of fixation, and the perceptual span of the fifth graders and adults was about2-3character spaces to the right of fixation.(3) Compared with easy materials, the reading efficiency of reading difficult materials was lower, average fixation time was longer, perceptual span and forward saccade amplitude was smaller.(4)Perceptual span of higher readers was larger than that of slower readers, especially in reading easy materials. In summary, the perceptual span is affected by age, difficulty of materials and reading ability. The perceptual span of reading is larger with the development of age and reading ability, and the readers can get larger perceptual span of easy material than difficult ones.In Experiment3and4, for the purpose of studying preview effects of different type words. Using the boundary technique, the preview of a character was either correct or visually dissimilar and meaningless but resembling a Chinese character. The results showed that preview effect was equal for monomorphemic word, compound word and phrase. And more importantly, we have found marginal significant parafoveal-on-foveal effect for words.Experiments5and6were undertaken to examine whether there is an age-related change in the speed with which readers can capture visual information during fixations of word N and N+l in reading. Children’s and adults’eye movements were recorded as they read sentences that were presented either normally or as disappearing text. The disappearing text manipulation had a surprisingly small effect on the children. Readers do produce longer fixations but fewer refixations for disappearing text than for normal text.In sum, reading efficiency of primary school students is increased with the development of age. Higher graders get the same perceptual span, the preview effect and information extraction speed as the adults in Chinese reading. To some extent, the current study’s results support the parallel processing model.

  • 【分类号】G442
  • 【被引频次】2
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