

The Historical Strata of Finals in the Eastern Min Dialects

【作者】 袁碧霞

【导师】 陈忠敏;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文是运用历史层次分析法对福建省闽东方言韵母的历史层次进行全面分析的探索性成果。全文共辖二十一章。可将主要内容分为四大部分:第一部分(引言):介绍了闽语形成的历史及闽东18个县市(包括福州、福清、长乐、闽侯、连江、罗源、闽清、永泰、平潭、宁德、古田、福安、福鼎、周宁、霞浦、柘荣、屏南、寿宁等县市)的建置沿革、闽东方言的分布、语音特点以及闽东方言研究的历史。第二部分(第二章、第三章)从理论角度对本文所采用的研究方法——历史层次分析法进行归纳。我们介绍了历史比较法产生的背景,界定了层次的定义,总结出历史层次的分析方法。第三部分(第四章至第二十章)是本文的主体。笔者在导师的指导下,赴闽东诸多地方进行方言田野调查。本文以自己田野调查的材料和已发表的材料为基础,对闽东方言十几个代表点的语音进行了比较全面、系统的研究。文章以中古十六韵摄(果摄、假摄、遇摄、蟹摄、止摄、效摄、流摄、咸摄、山摄、深摄、臻摄、宕摄、江摄、曾摄、梗摄、通摄)为框架,逐个展开。在各章节中,我们选取闽东的代表方言——福州话做深入剖析,分析该方言所在韵的读音类型,梳理出韵读音的层次,再与闽东其它方言做深入比较,寻找方言间的层次对应,并且为每一层构拟读音,解释从闽东的原始方言到今各方言的音变,最后对整个闽东方言某一摄的层次做一总结。最后,在第二十章中,我们对闽东方言韵母的历史层次特征做出总结。第四部分(第二十一章),我们对闽东方言韵母系统的相关问题做了专题研究。以福州话的韵母为切入点,系统性地分析了闽东地区的韵母系统。

【Abstract】 This paper is a intative contibution to the historical strata of Eastern Min dialects by using an approach of historical stratum analysis.There are twenty chapters in full,and the main content can be divided into four parts.Part One(Intorduction):I give a brief introduction on the historical course of Min dialcet and the history of building beyond eighteen areas,including Fuzhou(福州),Fuqing(福清),Changle(长乐),Minhou(闽侯),Lianjiang(连江),Luoyuan(罗源),Minqing(|闪清),Yongtai(永泰),Pingtan(平潭),Ningde(宁德),Gutian(古田),Fu’an(福安),Fuding(福鼎),Zhouning(周宁),Xiapu(霞浦),Zherong(柘荣),Pingnan(屏南),Shouning(寿宁),the distribution and the history of the research on Eastern Min dialects,as well as its phonological features.Part Two(from the second chapter to the third chapter):We summarize the historical strata analysis theoretically,illustrating its background,definition and methods.Part Three(from the forth chapter to the twentieth chapter) is the main body of this paper.Under the guidance of my tutor,I have finished fildword of most Eastern Min dialects.This thesis aims to have a comprehensive and systematic study of phonology in the Eastern Min Dialects, based on the materials we collected and the materials published.This paper take sixteen she(摄)in Middle Chinese as the frame, including Guo-she(果摄),Jia-she(假摄),Yu-she(遇摄),Xie-she(蟹摄),Zhi-she(止摄),Xiao-she(效摄),Liu-she(流摄),Xian-she(咸摄),Shan-she(山摄),Shen-she(深摄),Zhen-she(臻摄),Dang-she(宕摄),Jiang-she(江摄),Zeng-she(曾摄),Geng-she(梗摄),Tong-she(通摄),then discuss them one by one.In every chapter, I discuss the sound strata of the rhyme in Fuzhou dialect which is typical in Eastern Min dialects. Secondly, I compare them in detail to find the corresponding stages. Then, I reconstruct the pronunciations of every stage to explain sound changes of dialects. Finally, I summarize the historical stratas of Guo-she in the Eastern Min dialects. And then, in the seventeenth chapter, we conclude the features of the historical strata beyond rhymes in the Eastern Min dialects.Part four(the twenty-first chapter):We also do some systematic researchs of the system of rhyme in the Eastern Min dialects. On the basis of the system of rhyme in Fuzhou(福州)dialect, I analyze the situation of it in the east of Fujian(福建)systematically.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期