

The Research on the Document of Yangzhou (from the Han to Tang Dynasty)

【作者】 张立

【导师】 崔富章;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 扬州,自公元前486年吴王夫差开邗沟始,这座有着近两千五百年历史的文化名城,具有深厚的文化积淀与丰富的文献典籍。扬州文献记录着从古至今扬州的山川河流、变迁更迭,记载着扬州城市的变化与发展,记叙着一代代扬州人的喜怒哀乐、所思所想所为。然逝者如斯,微言易坠,世代沧桑,典籍聚散,存者不过十之一二而已。《扬州文献考论》以时代为经,部类为纬,一一考论,溯源竟委,对扬州文献进行一次细致的历史追溯。因时间所限,暂只考至隋唐时期扬州文献。本论文已完成汉、三国两晋南北朝、隋唐三个阶段扬州文献的考论。将扬州人著作、有关扬州之作与迁扬之人所作,依照经、史、子、集分类,逐一梳理。每阶段冠以小序,论述概况;每部著作先列书名、卷数、类目、存佚及作者姓名,后详述作者生平著述、史志著录;存世之书详录版本,亡佚者则录辑佚,已有辑佚为旧辑,新增辑佚为新辑;最后逐一考论文献要点及其意义。全文共考察两汉至隋唐间九十一种扬州文献,落实了存亡情况,并对见存的十七种文献进行了版本梳理,对七十四种亡佚典籍中旧有辑佚者进行了整理,可重新辑佚者进行了全面辑佚。对生卒不详的十二位作者进行了一定的考辨,对著录有误的作者生平予以订正。最后,还编制了西汉至清末的《扬州文献简目》附录于后,以便查检与进一步研究。总的说来,全文对扬州从汉至唐文献的存佚状况,版本情况,以及亡佚之书的辑佚方面,有自己的创见与发明。地方文献是一地艺文之汇集,反映地方学术源流,体现着地方文化与历史变迁,对城市建设与精神文明建设具有重要作用。扬州文献的考录,不仅对扬州一地具有重要价值,对江苏省甚至全国,也极有意义。

【Abstract】 Yangzhou, a city known for cultural appeal has a long historical standing. It is the cultural cities released by the State Council with a founding history of about2,500years since King Fu Chai of Wu ditched Hangou and built Hancheng.Yangzhou is not only went though the era of war and destitute times but also experienced millennium and prosperity. In this city, many talented scholars and great writings were produced in every generation. As a result of this, the document of Yangzhou recorded the city’s historical changes, the emotional feelings and the thinking of each generation of local residents. However, the document had its rise and fall as times changed. In this paper, we try to cast back the ancient literature of Yangzhou and card the city’s documents from the Han to Tang Dynasty.The contents of the paper are listed in chronological order and sorted in three stages. The first portion is the Han Dynasty. The second part is the Three Kingdoms, the Kingdoms of Wei and Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties. The third project is the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In accordance with the customary bibliography style, we sorted the works finished by the Yangzhou people and the books about this city by the four traditional categories of Chinese writings which separately named Confucian classics, History, Philosophy and Literature. For each book, we supplied the title, the number of volume, the category, the lost chapter and the writer firstly, and then we detailed the biographical writings of the author, the related records in historical books. According to the state of being of the book, we had sorted the document again. If the book exists in Present Time, we will provide the existing versions. If the book had been lost, we will offer the record about the scattering documents and manuscripts in which part includes two phases:the old registrations and the new ones.Based on the documents and materials, the writer sorted the Yangzhou’s documents completely from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty with the perspective of traditional bibliography. From the paper, the readers can know the state of being of the works, the historical description, the version spread and the situation of compiling of the document of Yangzhou. In addition to these, the writer has paid much attention to the new compilation which will offer some help to the people who need to search related documentary records.As a collection of the regional books about art and literature, the local document reflects the historical and cultural characters of one place,and Play an important role in the local city construction and the construction of spiritual civilization.The research on Yangzhou’s documents, not only for Yangzhou, but also to Jiangsu province and even the whole country,it has great value.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】G256
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】474