

【作者】 颜晓军

【导师】 范景中;

【作者基本信息】 中国美术学院 , 美术史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 董其昌是中国美术史上的重要人物,也在近几十年中得到不断的研究并取得了一定的成果。本文从董其昌的人生入手,展现了他在晚明复杂的社会环境下如何选择了自己的艺术人生,并对晚明的鉴藏世界进行分析。董其昌大多的人生时光都是在家乡度过,他的很多鉴藏活动虽然与仕宦生涯有关,但与在家赋闲的时光关系更加密切。他在松江修建了豪华的园林与宅第,与朋友们进行风雅的鉴藏活动。董其昌一生在仕途上数进数退,他的朋友来自各种不同的政治集团或社会领域。本文以着重按照他与陈继儒、吴正志、袁氏父子等人的交往为线索,来探讨他对书画艺术的理解,以及他是如何逐步形成自己的艺术观点的。董其昌的成就,除了书画创作外,他的鉴藏活动对后世认知美术史起着重要作用。他是在鉴藏中获得人生的真知,逐步建立了书画史的历史框架,并形成了最后的艺术理论。通过研究他的鉴藏,才能发现很多美术史的观念是如何形成的,才能对董其昌的人生与艺术有正确的理解。

【Abstract】 In the last few decades, researches on Dong Qichang, the prominent figure in Chinese art history,have been rose continuously, and also achieved quite number of results. This article starts with hislifetime, spreading that how he made choices in his path to art and life surrounded by such adownright complicated social environment in the late Ming Dynasty. Above all of theseencouraged him finding a program, which made the complex stuff in connoisseurship andcollection could be analysed and told.He spent his most time in hometown, so I assumed that his connoisseurships are much moreclosely to his spare time when he is out of court rather than in. He built a luxury mansion in towncontaining exquisite private gardens, which place he used to hold his elegant art activities.Owed to his official post up and down, he got so many friends from different parts and fieldsthroughout his life. It will aim at explaining his understanding of artwork, following the clue of hisfriendships with Chen Jiru, Wu Zhengzhi and the father and son in Yuan’s. The last, he willperform a mature system step by step, and which containing his view of politics, opinion of art,outlook on life.In addition to his own artworks, Dong’s the eminent achievement should be that his connoisseuractivities opened an area of cognition in art history for the later generations. He got the Varitas oflife in his connoisseur events day by day, and gradually established a historical frame of paintingand calligraphy, by which he formed a theory of art ultimately.By studying his connoisseurship and collection, we can find how the formed concepts get formed,also renew our understanding of that who the Dong Qichang was, how was his life going on andwhat about his artwork on earth.

  • 【分类号】J120.9
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