

Study on Rehabilitation Medical Thought of Qian Jin Fang

【作者】 鲍霞

【导师】 欧阳兵;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目的:中医康复历史悠久,特色突出,疗效显著,在康复医疗实践中得到广泛应用,具有广阔的发展前景。但早期的中医康复医疗内容散见于大量的中医文献资料中,缺乏系统的归纳整理。本研究旨在通过《千金方》康复思想研究,丰富中医康复学的内容,为今后发展提供借鉴。方法:选取康复思想已具端倪的隋唐时期为切入点,以孙思邈《千金方》为研究对象,在明确中医康复学相关概念和内容、分析隋唐时期中医康复学发展背景的基础上,采用文献学的方法梳理了《千金方》所蕴含的康复理念和具体的康复方法,系统归纳了其康复医学思想特征。结果与结论:1.隋唐时期医学达到了一个新的水平,医事制度中可见康复医学的端倪,是《千金方》康复思想的土壤和源泉。2.《千金方》养生思想历来得到医学界的普遍认同和推崇,其实很多养生内容是疾病后期康复之法,而很多养生理念和方法可供疾病康复借鉴。融康复于养生,以养生促康复,是《千金方》康复的重要特色。3.《千金方》康复思想可概括为理、法、方、病四个层次,“理”指康复基本观点,包括整体康复、辨证康复、既病防变等;“法”即康复治法和法则,包括谨慎施护、重视补益、提倡食疗、因人制宜等;“方”指康复方法,包括方药、酒法、针灸、按摩、调气、导引、外治、心理调摄等;“病”即具体疾病如中风、消渴、水肿、麻风等的康复原则和措施。4.《千金方》在中医康复学发展史上起到了承前启后的重要作用,强调了康复理念,丰富了康复方法和手段,为中医康复学的发展奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 Objective: Rehabilitation of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a long history,outstanding features and evident effects. It is widely used in medical practice, with broadprospects for development. But early rehabilitation medical content scattered in a largenumber of Chinese literatures, which are lack of systematic summary. The object of thisstudy is to enrich the content of TCM rehabilitation, and providing reference for the futuredevelopment, due to study on rehabilitation medical thought of "Qian Jin Fang".Methods: Selected Sui and Tang Dynasties as the breakthrough point, whichrehabilitation medical thought had occurred, and Sun Simiao’s "Qian Jin Fang" as theresearch object, clear rehabilitation related concepts and content of TCM, recountrehabilitation development background in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Combing the ideaand methods of rehabilitation of TCM in "Qian Jin Fang" with philology methods,summarize the contents and the characteristics of the rehabilitation medical thought.Results and conclusion:1. Medicine in the Sui and Tang dynasties has reached anew level, and rehabilitation medicine is emerging in medical system, which is the sourceof rehabilitation thought in "Qian Jin Fang".2. Health preserving thought of "Qian JinFang" has been generally recognized and respected by the medical profession, actually alot of health contents are used as rehabilitation in late disease, and a lot of ideas andmethods of health are the reference for rehabilitation, so fusing rehabilitation in health andhealth promoting rehabilitation is the significant feature of "Qian Jin Fang" rehabilitation.3."Qian Jin Fang" rehabilitation thought can be summarized into four levels, rehabilitationprinciples including the overall rehabilitation, rehabilitation on syndrome differentiation,illness prevention, rehabilitation rules including careful rehabilitation nursing, payingattention to nourishing, advocating dietotherapy, rehabilitation according to the variabilityof individual, rehabilitation methods including medicine, acupuncture, massage, regulatingqi, guidance, external treatment, psychological adjustment, specific disease rehabilitation refers to the use of rehabilitation principles and measures in stroke, diabetes, edema andother diseases.4."Qian Jin Fang" has played a pivotal role in the history of ChineseMedicine Rehabilitation, it emphasizes concepts of rehabilitation, enriches therehabilitation methods and means, lays the foundation for the development of rehabilitationof TCM.

【关键词】 《千金方》康复孙思邈
【Key words】 Qian Jin FangrehabilitationSun Simiao
  • 【分类号】R2-52
  • 【下载频次】681