

The Study on Regularities and Syndrome and Origins of Dysuria in Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases

【作者】 刘春兰

【导师】 陶汉华;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医临床基础, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文重点探讨了癃闭、小便不利和淋闭的概念及其沿革,探讨了张仲景《伤寒杂病论》对小便不利的证治规律,提出:1.风寒外袭,气化不行,治以祛风解表,化气行水;2.邪入少阳,三焦不利,治以和解少阳,疏利三焦;3.肺气不宣,通调失职,治以宣通肺气,利尿消肿;4.湿热内郁,水不畅行,治以清热除湿,利尿行水;5.脾失健运,水气不行,治以健脾益气,温阳利水;6.肝气郁滞,水湿不化,治以疏肝理气,通利三焦;7.肾气虚衰,气化失职,治以补益肾气,化气行水;8.瘀热内阻,小便不利,治以清热化瘀,通利小便;9.津液受损,化源不足,治以顾护津液,化通小便。研究归纳出其治疗特点:1.祛除邪气,疏利气机;2.利水祛邪,当随其所得;3.扶助正气,恢复脏腑气化功能;4.治水不忘治气治血。对现代临床小便不利的辨证论治具有重要指导意义。

【Abstract】 This article centres on the concept and evolution of dysuria、difficulty in urination andlin bi, and the syndrome and therapeutic principles of the difficulty in urination inShanghan Zabing Lun are also main enquiry in this essay. Propose:1.Affection byexopathogenic cold-wind, disturbance in qi activity, treated with dispelling wind to relieveexogenous syndrome, gas lines of water;2.Pathogenic factor into Shaoyang, tripleenergizer disadvantageous, treated with reconciliation Shaoyang, sparsely Lee tripleburner;3.Obstruction of the lung-qi, dereliction of duty on the part of the pass notes,treated with ventilating lung-qi, diuresis to reduce edema;4. Interior retention of damp heatpathogen, water-poor line hot and humid, treated with removing damp-heat, diuretic waterline;5. Dysfunction of the spleen in transport, water vapor can not, treated withstrengthening spleen and replenishing qi, warming yang and promoting diuresis;6.Liver qistagnation, the moisture is not; treated with relieving the depressed liver qi, sparsely Leetriple burner;7.The asthenia of renal qi, gasification dereliction, treated withKidney-Nourishing and Qi-Enriching in order to benefit kidney water, gas lines;8.StagnantHeat resistance, urination, governance in order to heat circulation, Tom Lee urine;9.Bodyfluid damage of the source, treated with body fluid to nursing care of through urine.Thestudy concludes the treatment characteristics:1.Get rid of the pathogenic factor,regulating Qi;2.The diuresis Quxie when with the proceeds;3. Strengthening bodyresistance, to recovery organs gasification;4.Treating flood while curing gas Governanceblood. Urination modern clinical diagnosis and treatment of important guiding significance.

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