

Research on the Chinese Medicine and Its Theory Transrartation Based on Modern Medical Journals

【作者】 张丰聪

【导师】 王振国;

【作者基本信息】 山东中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 研究动机:近代以来的一百多年,在“西学”的影响下,中医药理论发生了重大变化,形成了对现代影响至深的“近代模式”。近代医药学期刊,以其动态性、真实性、时效性、交流性和广泛性等特点,保存了大量近代中医药的珍贵文献资料,特别是刊载了大量中药研究的论文,具有重要的文献价值。本研究希望通过对近代医药学期刊发表的中药文献的研究,总结近代中药研究成果,反思近代以来中药研究的利弊得失,探讨传统中药理论与现代科学研究结合的可能层次。研究目的:以近代医药学期刊文献为基础,研究近代中药理论的嬗变。由此出发,探讨近代中药理论产生变化的原因,分析对近现代中药理论的影响。研究方法:(1)文献学方法:以近代医药学期刊为研究对象,以“全国报刊索引”中的《晚清期刊全文数据库(1833-1911)》和《民国时期期刊全文数据库(1911-1949)》为主要检索资料来源,以《中药研究文献摘要(1820-1961)》和《中药研究与文献检索》为线索,对《中国近代中医药期刊汇编》进行过录,系统收集近代医药学期刊中的中药研究文献,建立近代医药学期刊中药文献数据库,对收集到的资料进行系统研究,分析近代中药理论进展,研究近代中药理论嬗变。(2)史学研究法:系统运用历史方法学中的归纳、比较、分析、考证等方法,分析古今中药理论之变迁,梳理当时之期刊参与者以及中药研究者对近代中药理论的作用和贡献,划分近代中药研究的三个阶段。(3)社会学方法:采用间接研究的方法,通过分析近代医药学期刊等第二手资料,研究“西学东渐”背景下的近代自然科学和人文科学等对中药理论研究和体系构建的影响。(4)哲学方法:综合运用矛盾分析、现象分析、逻辑分析等方法,对中药理论嬗变进行系统分析和辩证综合,分析近代中药理论的形成模式,探讨近代科学思维对中药研究的影响。(5)思维科学方法:运用形象(直感)思维学方法,从经验思维和抽象思维角度出发,研究中药理论从经验或感觉上升为系统理论过程,探讨近代科学思维对近代中药研究的影响。研究内容:(1)对近代医药学期刊现状进行充分调研,分析不同期刊特点,对其内容进行深入研究;(2)对近代医药学期刊中涉及中药研究文献进行收集、整理,建立近代医药学期刊中药文献数据库,分析涉及中药理论和研究的文献,总结近代中药理论特点;(3)在深入了解近代中医理论嬗变基础上,对比古今中药理论,探析近代中药理论特点,分析“本草”到“中药”的嬗变过程,探讨近代中药理论嬗变对近现代中药研究影响;(4)分析古代本草学的继承性、创造性和局限性,结合中药传统药理与现代药理等的对比,讨论近代文化、社会等因素对中医药理论的影响。研究结论:1.近代医药学期刊是近代中药学研究成果发布的主要媒介,刊载了大量近代中药研究的内容,具有鲜明的时代特色和珍贵的文献价值;2.“西风东渐”对近代中药研究影响甚巨,文化、社会因素影响传统本草理论,近代科学技术的发展为中药科学化研究提供条件,传统本草研究的方向和内容逐步向现代中药研究模式转变,取得较多成果;3.近代中药的研究的内容以生药学、中药的化学研究和药理研究为主,中药药理的研究代表了近代中国药学的研究水平;4.中药“近代模式”对现代中药研究产生较大影响,现代中药研究基本上沿袭了近代中药研究模式,在此基础上进行了更加深入和细致的研究,但其研究结果能否回归传统中医药理论值的反思。

【Abstract】 Motivation: Modern hundred years since, in the "Western" under theinfluence of Chinese medicine theory has undergone major changes, forminga profound impact on modern "modern mode." Modern medical journals, withits dynamic nature, authenticity, timeliness, communication andextensive features, save a lot of precious Chinese medicine in modernliterature, especially in traditional Chinese medicine researchpublished in a number of papers, has an important documentary value. Thisstudy hopes through medical journals published in Modern Chineseliterature research, summarize the results of modern traditional Chinesemedicine research, reflection of modern traditional Chinese medicineresearch since the pros and cons to explore traditional Chinese medicinetheory and modern scientific research combined with the possibility ofhierarchy.Objective: To modern medicine journal literature, based on the theoryof evolution of modern medicine. Thus, this paper discusses the theoryof modern medicine produced reason for the change, analysis of modernChinese medicine theory.Methods: Philology Methods: Modern medical journals as the researchobject, the "National Press Index" in the "Late Academic Journal(1833-1911)" and the "Republic of China Academic Journal (1911-1949)"asthe main source of information retrieval, the" traditional Chinese medicine research abstracts (1820-1961)"and" Medicine Research andDocument Retrieval "as a clue," China Modern Medicine Journal compilation"been recorded, the systematic collection of modern medical journals Thetraditional Chinese medicine research literature, the establishment ofmodern Chinese literature database medical journals, the collected datasystems research, analyze the progress of modern medicine theory, thetheory of evolution of modern medicine.(2) History of Law: The systemuses historical methodology of induction, comparison, analysis, researchand other methods to analyze ancient Chinese theory of change, thencombing journal participants and researchers on modern Chinese medicinetheory of the role and contribution, Modern Chinese Medicine Researchdivision of the three stages.(3) Sociological Methods: indirect researchmethod, through the analysis of modern medical journals ranking secondarysources, research,"Western Learning" the context of modern naturalsciences and the humanities, etc. Chinese medicine theory and the impactof system construction.(4) Philosophical approach: integrated use ofcontradictory analysis, phenomenological analysis, logical analysis, thetheory of Chinese medicine transmutation system analysis and dialecticalsynthesis, analytical theory of the formation of modern medicine modelto explore the modern scientific thinking on traditional Chinese medicineresearch impact.(5) Thinking scientific method: the use of the image(intuition) thinking learning methods, from experience, thinking andabstract thinking perspective of Chinese medicine theory from theexperience or feeling rose to the process of systems theory to explorethe modern scientific thinking on Modern Chinese Studies.Results: On the status of modern medical journals full investigation,analysis of different journals characteristics, in-depth study of itscontents; On modern Chinese medical journals involved in the researchliterature collection, collation, the establishment of modern medicine Periodical Literature Database medicine, traditional Chinese medicinetheory and research analysis involves literature, summarizedcharacteristics of modern Chinese medicine theory; In-depthunderstanding of evolution of modern Chinese medicine theory, based onthe comparison of ancient and modern Chinese medicine theory, Analysisof modern Chinese medicine theory, analyzes "herbal" to " medicine"transmutation process, explore the evolution of modern Chinese medicinetheory study on the impact of modern medicine; Analysis of theinheritance of ancient herbal medicine, creativity and limitations,combining traditional Chinese medicine and modern pharmacologypharmacology contrast, discuss modern culture and society Factors ofChinese medicine theory.Conclusions: Modern medical journals is a modern pharmaceuticalresearch results published in major media, published a large number ofmodern traditional Chinese medicine research content, with a distinctivecharacter and precious literature value;"Western influence" on ModernChinese Medicine Research great influence, cultural and social factorsaffecting the traditional herbal medicine theory, the development ofmodern science and technology provide the conditions for the Chinesescientific research, traditional herbal medicine research direction andcontent of the research model gradually to modern medicine changesachieved more results; Content of the study of modern Chinese medicinein pharmacognosy, pharmacology of traditional Chinese medicine researchand research-based chemistry, Pharmacology study represents the modernChinese medicine research level; Medicine "modern model" of modernmedicine research have a greater impact, the modern traditional Chinesemedicine research basically followed the pattern of modern traditionalChinese medicine research, conducted on the basis of a more in-depth andmeticulous research, but its findings could return to traditiontheoretical reflection medicine..

  • 【分类号】R2-03
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