

【作者】 刘秀红

【导师】 吴善中;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 民国前期,伴随着我国工业现代化的起步,我国劳工数量增长迅速。他们集中分布在沿海、沿江及铁路沿线地区。他们工作时间长,工资微薄,还要面临着工伤、疾病、生育、失业等现代劳动风险。同时人口的流动与家庭结构的变化削弱了传统的家庭保障功能。因此新型劳工社会保障制度的建立成为必要。此时,西方一些发达国家已经建立起较为完整的劳工社会保障制度,通过立法解决劳动风险问题已成为国际共识,这种观念随着“欧风美雨”传入中国,并得到国际劳工组织的推动,因而为社会各界认同。知识界通过翻译与介绍国外的社会保障思想与制度、提出自己对社会保障的见解影响了社会舆论,以共产党、国民党为主的政治党派、以中华总工会为代表的劳工团体在活动中提出了自己的社会保障目标,劳工群体也通过罢工表达自己的社会保障诉求。在此背景下,民国政府开始了劳工社会保障制度的创建。创建的过程可分为三个阶段。第一,北京政府劳工社会保障立法的尝试阶段(1912年3月至1928年6月)。北京政府开始了含有社会保障内容的劳工立法尝试,地方各政权的劳工立法也有一些相关内容。由于各种原因,这些立法并没有得到实施。第二,南京国民政府劳工社会保障立法的酝酿阶段(1927年4月至1929年11月)。南京国民政府成立不久,即组织《劳动法典》的起草。但因为立法方针的变化最终没有出台。工商部作为主管机关先行进行《工厂法草案》的拟定,草案中包含有工伤、生育、失业、福利等保障内容。草案在起草和征询社会意见时,受到社会的极大关注。第三,南京国民政府劳工社会保障立法的出台及修正阶段(1929年12月至1937年7月)。1929年12月《工厂法》公布后,引起社会的极大反应。在社会保障方面,地方劳工行政机关、资方团体、劳工团体等纷纷提出意见和建议,希望法律作出有利于己方的解释和修改。1932年12月《修正工厂法》公布,保障范围及保障项目等内容都有所变化。此时期,出台了失业保障及劳工福利方面的法规。铁路、交通、矿业劳工等特殊劳动者的社会保障制度也陆续建立。南京国民政府时期(1927-1937)劳工社会保障制度建立在不同的行业基础上,包括工业矿业劳工、铁路劳工、交通劳工的社会保障制度。工矿业劳工社会保障制度包括工伤、疾病、失业、生育和福利保障等五部分。铁路劳工的制度包括工伤、疾病、失业、养老、福利保障五部分。交通劳工的制度又包括交通职工福利,电政劳工的养老、疾病、工伤保障,邮政劳工的养老、疾病、工伤、失业保障等内容。就社会保障待遇总体情况而言,项目最全、保障水平最高者为铁路劳工。就各种保障项目的内容来看,工伤保障规定最为详细具体。就制度的模式来说,都属于雇主责任制的社会保障模式,其特点是:劳工社会保障立法仍在劳工立法范畴内,并未有完全独立出来;雇主独自承担责任,风险不能分摊;作为一种工业化初期的社会保障制度,它有朝向社会保险模式转变的发展趋势。在制度建立之前,南京国民政府就建立了劳工行政机关,管理包括劳工社会保障在内的劳工事务。在工矿业劳工方面,管理机关先后为劳工局、工商部、实业部,在铁路劳工方面为铁道部,在交通劳工方面为交通部。这些部门设置了分管具体工作的机构。主管工矿业劳工事务的实业部实施了工厂检查制度,督促包括劳工社会保障内容的《工厂法》的实施。工厂检查制度规定了《工厂法》中的社会保障内容分为五期实施,至抗日战争爆发,五期实施程序中,全国大部分完成了含有工伤保障内容的第一期检查。但工厂检查在租界遇到阻碍。根据各种数据计算,制度覆盖约有76万工人。制度在不同行业间的实施状况表现出较大的差异。在国有铁路及交通劳工中,制度的各种项目都得到较好的实施,劳工受到工伤后,可以享受免费医疗、医疗期的工资、工伤残废抚恤、工伤死亡抚恤和丧葬金等待遇;在疾病时,可以在路局所属医院或委托医院享有基本免费医疗、病假、病假工资、病故抚恤等待遇:在达到退休年龄和服务年限条件后,享有退休金待遇。在工矿业方面,在全国范围来看,绝大多数厂矿没有按照相关规定给予劳工保障。当劳工遇到特定风险,如工伤时,也有一定的待遇。这些待遇的水平一般没有明文规定,厂矿往往根据劳工工伤的情况及自己的负担能力酌情给予补贴。但在一些大型的或新型的厂矿中,劳工的风险通过厂矿规则有了较为明确的保障,在全国几千家符合制度的厂矿中,有此种规则与设施者约有数百家。但这些厂矿保障项目和水平并没有严格按照制度的规定,保障水平差异很大。就各种保障项目比较来看,工伤保障实施情况最为良好,几乎所有实施了制度的厂矿都有此种待遇。其它项目相对较差。在南京国民政府时期(1927-1937)劳工社会保障制度建设中,外源性现代化的社会背景起着决定性的作用。由于资本主义因素发育不足,制度的建立更多受政治因素的影响。外来挑战下执政党激进的现代化理念、国共斗争背景下国民党的劳工政策目标、新建政权获得国际社会了解和认可的目的等因素促使制度在短期内建立,同时意识形态因素在制度模式的选择中起着主要作用。而外源性现代化背景下,企业经济承受能力差、政府承担责任能力不足、相关责任主体认识不到位等不利因素导致了制度的实施困境。虽然制度的建立顺应了劳工社会保障现代化的潮流,但它未能与内部的经济社会基础相适应,所以没有得到实际的运行效果。

【Abstract】 In the early Republic of China, the workers have grown in number rapidly with the Chinese industry development. They were mainly distributed in the coastal areas and the zone along the Yangtze River and railways. They worked in long hours with low wages while facing the risk of occupational accident, disease, unemployment, maternity and so on. At the same time, changes in family structure and mobility weakened the traditional family security functions. Therefore, it was necessary to establish the modern social security system. At this point, some western developed countries have established modern social security system, and it was a consensus of the international community to resolve the labor problem by the system. This concept was introduced into China with "the influences of western culture and civilization" and promoted by the international labor organization, and thus for society to agree. The intelligentsia influenced public opinion through the translation and introduction of foreign ideology and system of Social Security, and the main political parties and labor groups proposed their social security goals, labor masses also expressed their social security demands by strikes.In this context, the Government of the Republic of China began the creation of social security system for the labors. The process can be divided into three stages.First, the legislation attempt stage of Beijing Government of republic of China (1912March to June1928); The Beijing government began attempts to the labor legislation, and local labor legislation also had some related content. Due to various reasons, such legislation has not been implemented. Secondly, the legislation preparation stage of the Nanjing National Government (1927April to November1929). Shortly after its’ establishment, the Nanjing National Government began to draft the Labor Code, but it was ultimately no introduction because of changes in the legislative approach. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce as the competent authority began to draft "Factories Act", which contained the social security rules such as occupational accident security, maternity security, unemployment security, welfare. It was of great concern to society in the drafting and consultation period. Third, the legislation introduced and correction stage of the Nanjing National Government (1929December to July1937)"Factories Act" caused great reactions after the announcement in December1912. Regarding social security, local labor administrative authorities, employers organizations and labor groups put forward opinions and suggestions, hoping the law made in favor of one’s own interpretation and amendment. When "Amendment Factories Act" was announced in1932December, the social security scope and project content had changed. In this period, the unemployment security and labor welfare regulation was introduced. Social security system for railway, communication and mining laborers had been established.In the period of Nanjing national government (1927-1937), the social security system for labors was based on occupations, including the system of the industry and mining laborers, railroad laborers and communication laborers. There is five parts in the social security system for industry and mining labors, including occupational accident security, medical security, unemployment security, maternity security and welfare security, and also five parts for railway laborers and communication laborers, including occupational accident security, medical security, unemployment security, retirement security and welfare. In terms of the treatment level, the best is for railway laborer. In term of the security parts, the occupational accident security is detailed and specific. In term of the security modes, all the systems belong to the mode of employer responsibility system, which has three characteristics:the social security legislation for laborers belongs to the part of laborers law; the employers compensate for the loss of the laborer alone; as a primary social security code it has the trend towards the social insurance.Meanwhile, Nanjing national government established the labor administration authority for labor affairs including social security matters which was Labor Bureau, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, the Ministry of Industry for the industry and mining laborers, the Ministry of Railways for the railway laborers and the Ministry of Communication for the communication laborers. These departments have set up institutions in charge of specific work. Ministry of Industry factory implemented inspection system in which the content of social security for laborers was divided into five stages. At the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese war, the first stage of inspection was completed in the most part of China which contained the contents of occupational accident security, but factory inspection encountered obstacles in the concession.Based on a variety of data, the system covers about720,000workers. About the system implementation, there is a greater difference in different professions. In the system for state-owned railway and communication laborers, various projects have been better implemented. When they encountered the occupational accident, they could enjoy free medical care, wages, disability pension, survivors’ benefits and funeral payment; when they suffered from the disease, they could enjoy basic free medical care in the railway hospitals or commissioned hospital, as well as the sick leave, wages, survivors’ benefits; when they reached retirement age and length of service conditions, they could entitled to pension treatment. However, the vast majority of factories and mines was not given their laborers the relevant protection in the nationwide. When labor encountered specific risks, such as work-related injuries, there are certain treatments according to factories’ affordability and the state of affairs. Only in hundreds of factories and mines, laborers had explicit treatments through factories and mines rules, but the treatments were different with the systems. In all kinds of security projects, the implementation of occupational accident security is good, other projects are relatively poor.The social background of exogenous modernization plays a decisive role in the construction of social security system for laborers in the period of Nanjing National Government (1927-1937)。Immaturity of capitalist factors, the establishment of the system is more influenced by political factors. The following factors promote the system to establish in the short term:the radical concept of modernization of the ruling party in the context of foreign challenges, Kuomintang labor policy objectives under the background of the struggle between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party; the purpose of the new regime obtaining international community understanding and recognition; and ideological factors played a major role in the selection of the system mode. However the adverse factors lead to the predicament of system such as enterprise affordability, government responsibility, the related subjects understanding. But the establishment of the system conforms to the modern trend of social security for laborers and it is an important case of system modernization in the world history. This period is an important stage of modernization of Chinese social security for laborers, on behalf of the system transformation from traditional to modern stage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】D922.182.3;K262.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】747
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