

Studied on Super High Yield Formation and Its Eco-physiological Characteristics of Ordered Transplanting and Optimized Broadcasting Rice

【作者】 郭保卫

【导师】 张洪程; 戴其根;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 试验于2010-2011年在扬州大学海安试验基地及扬州大学农学院试验农场进行。以粳型超级稻品种武运粳24、南粳44为研究材料,用434单孔塑盘和新型3连孔、2连孔塑盘旱育秧,分别设置摆栽、点抛、常规撒抛等抛栽方式,并以盘育毯状苗机插作为对照。秧龄均为25d,单孔秧盘每孔3苗,2连孔秧盘每连孔4苗,3连孔秧盘每连孔6苗,机插秧秧龄20d,每穴4苗。就不同抛栽方式水稻产量形成及光合物质生产特征、分蘖特性、根系形态生理特征、氮素吸收利用、株型特征、抗倒伏能力和稻米品质等方面进行了系统的比较研究,以明确水稻有序摆抛栽的超高产形成及其生理生态优势,探索抛秧稻超高产新模式,为促进抛秧轻简化超高产栽培提供理论和实践依据。主要研究结果如下:1.不同抛栽方式的产量表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛、机插,有序摆抛栽显著高于撒抛和机插。不同连孔处理间则为2连孔>3连孔>单孔。2连孔、3连孔有序摆抛栽产量超过11t hm-2,单孔撒抛和机插稻产量只有10-10.5t hm-2。就不同抛栽方式而言,有序摆栽和点抛群体起点质量高,发棵快,各生育时期群体叶面积、粒叶比、光合势、物质生产、积累、后期剑叶光合速率和物质转运均优于撒抛,后期通风透光性好,仍能保持较强的物质生产和抗倒伏能力,最终产量高。就不同结构秧盘处理而言,2连孔、3连孔摆栽次数较单孔减少1/3-1/2,提高了摆栽速度。2连孔稻株中、后期表现出较强的优势,能保持较强抗倒伏和群体物质生产能力,最终产量大于3连孔和单孔,3连孔和单孔稻株间差异不显著。有序摆抛栽稻群体起点质量高,活棵快,前期有着适宜的光合物质积累和叶面积,后期保持较强的光合物质生产、积累和转运能力,是实现超级稻稳定超高产的基础,2连孔稻株整个生育时期均表现出较强的物质生产和生长优势,3连孔稻株也具有一定优势。因此,2连孔、3连孔有序摆抛栽是一种水稻省工超高产栽培新模式。2.(1)分蘖发生叶位和成穗:①有序摆栽和点抛稻的一次分蘖发生在主茎1-6叶位,二次分蘖发生在1/1、1/2、1/3,优势分蘖发生和成穗是主茎3-5叶位的一次分蘖,一次分蘖占总茎蘖比例为65-70%;撒抛稻分蘖的发生叶位比摆栽和点抛高两个叶位,一次分蘖叶位也是1-6,二次分蘖发生在1/1、1/2、1/3、2/1、2/3,优势分蘖发生和成穗为主茎3-6叶位,一次分蘖比例60%多点,二次分蘖比例比摆栽、点抛稍高些。机插稻的一次分蘖叶位3-7,优势分蘖叶位4-7;南粳44一次分蘖比例介于点抛处理之间,武运粳24的一次分蘖比例高于抛栽培处理,二次分蘖比例与一次分蘖趋势相反。不同抛栽方式间一次分蘖比例均表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛,二次分蘖呈现相反趋势。②同种栽插方式下不同连孔处理间分蘖发生叶位和成穗叶位相同,一次分蘖各叶位上分蘖发生率、成穗率和成穗数基本表现为2连孔>3连孔>单孔,二次分蘖则表现为2连孔、单孔>3连孔。不同连孔处理间一次分蘖比例、二次分蘖比例均表现为2连孔>3连孔、单孔。(2)分蘖对产量贡献及穗部性状:①有序摆抛栽水稻一次分蘖与主茎对产量的贡献率90%左右,撒抛稻主茎和一次分蘖对产量的贡献率85%左右,机插稻主茎对产量的贡献率两品种间有不同,南粳44介于撒抛和摆抛、点栽之间,武运粳24高于抛栽处理。不同抛栽方式间穗粒数、千粒重、结实率、单穗重和着粒密度、单株和群体产量表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛、机插。②不同连孔处理间一次分蘖对产量贡献无明显变化规律,二次分蘖对产量的贡献表现为2连孔、单孔>3连孔,不同连孔处理间穗粒数、单穗重表现为3连孔>2连孔>单孔,着生密度和单株产量、群体产量则为2连孔>单孔、3连孔。所有处理的一次分蘖发生率、成穗率和的穗粒数、千粒重、结实率、单穗重和着粒密度等均高于二次分蘖,主茎对产量贡献率高于20%,可见水稻有序摆抛栽主茎和低位优势分蘖优势明显。3.水稻有序摆栽和点抛后秧苗根系长度、根数、单株根重高于撒抛和机插,栽后7d3连孔稻苗优势明显,栽后15d2连孔秧苗表现出较强的优势。各生育时期群体根干重、根系冠比、根系活力表现摆栽>点抛>撒抛>机插,不同连孔稻株间表现为2连孔>3连孔>单孔,根系吸收总面积、活跃吸收表面积和吸收面积比与穗后根系伤流量亦呈现相同趋势。各生育时期的根系干重、根冠比、根系活力及抽穗期单茎根系伤流量、根系吸收表面积、活跃吸收表面积、活跃吸收比与产量极显著相关。齐穗15d,70%上根系分布在0-5cm,90%以上根系分布在0-10cm,各层根干重、根体积、根重密度抛栽方式间表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛,不同连孔处理间为2连孔>3连孔>单孔,5-10cm、10-15cm、15-20cm的根系比例亦呈现此趋势。0-20cm内,各层根系干重、根系体积、根重密度与产量极显著相关,上层根系对产量贡献较大,0-10cm贡献率达90%以上。总之,水稻有序摆抛栽根系发生快,各时期活力强,后期分布合理,其良好的根系特性是其超高产形成的地下部特征和生理基础。4.(1)水稻有序摆抛栽各生育时期全株含氮率低于撒抛,有效分蘖临界叶龄期和拔节期吸氮量相对较低,拔节后吸氮量显著或极显著高于撒抛,阶段吸氮量和阶段吸收比例均表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛。3连孔和2连孔植株各生育时期含氮率和阶段吸氮比例较高,且前期能保持适宜的吸氮量,拔节后吸氮能力显著增强,各生育时期吸氮量、阶段吸氮量和阶段吸收比例表现为2连孔>3连孔>单孔。(2)氮素吸收利用率、农学利用率、生理利用率、偏生产力、氮素干物质生产效率、籽粒生产效率、氮素收获指数和产量均表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛、机插,氮素利用率各指标、偏生产力、氮素收获在不同连孔处理间均表现为2连孔>3连孔>单孔,百公斤籽粒需氮量、氮素干物质生产效率、籽粒生产效率呈现相反趋势。(3)不同抛栽方式间抽穗及成熟期根系、茎鞘、叶、穗和总干重均表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛,不同连孔处理间均表现为2连孔>3连孔>单孔。不同抛栽方式处理穗后根系及穗部含氮率和吸氮量均表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛、机插,茎鞘和叶片呈现相反的趋势;不同连孔处理穗后叶片和穗中含氮率均表现为2连孔>3连孔>单孔,抽穗期茎鞘与成熟期根系的含氮率差异不显著。各器官中的吸氮量亦表现为2连孔>3连孔>单孔。有序摆栽和点抛稻的茎鞘与叶向穗转移的氮素量大、转运率高,且根系具有较强的吸收养分能力。茎鞘和叶的氮素转运量和转运率均表现为2连孔、3连孔<单孔。水稻有序摆抛栽前期有合理含氮量和积累量,各生育阶段氮素吸收能力较强,抽穗后具有较高的氮素积累量、转运量和转运率,是水稻有序摆抛栽超高产形成的营养机理。5.(1)不同抛栽方式水稻间的抗倒伏能力差异显著,有序摆栽稻的茎秆倒伏指数和群体倒伏指数最小,抗倒伏能力最强,点抛稻抗倒伏能力其次,撒抛稻茎秆倒伏指数和群体倒伏指数最大,抗倒伏能力最差。就不同连孔稻株而言,各抛栽方式下均表现为2孔>3连孔、单孔,2连孔稻株抗倒伏能力优势明显,3连孔和单孔互有高低。(2)抗折力与茎秆抗倒伏能力、群体抗倒伏能力极显著正相关,是影响抗倒伏能力的重要因素。抗折力与株高、重心高度、茎秆粗度、茎壁厚度、茎秆干重、叶鞘干重、单位节间干重、节间基部至穗顶的长度和鲜重及弯曲力矩呈显著或极显著正相关,与相对重心高度和节间长度呈显著或极显著负相关。(3)2连孔、3连孔有序摆抛稻株,抗倒伏能力强,主要因为基部节间短、粗、壁厚,后期茎秆充实度好。抛栽稻高产、超高产栽培中,2连孔、3连孔有序摆抛稻株具有较强的抗倒伏能力,是一种抗倒伏能力较强的高产轻简栽培方式。6.有序摆抛水稻上三叶较长,叶片叶基角、叶开角与披垂度相对较小,上三叶叶长不同连孔处理间表现为2连孔>3连孔>单孔,叶片叶基角、叶开角与披垂度则为2连孔<3连孔<单孔,叶长与每穗粒数、单穗重及产量极显著相关,与单位面积穗数显著或极显著负相关,叶基角、叶开角和披垂度则呈现相反的相关趋势,且部分差异极显著或显著。水稻有序摆抛栽穗后叶面积指数、高效叶面积指数、剑叶SPAD值较高,且下降速度慢,不同连孔处理间表现为2连孔>3连孔>单孔,衰减速度表现为单孔<3连孔<2连孔。不同抛栽方式的叶位着生高度和相对着生高度均表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛,不同连孔处理间表现为2连孔、3连孔>单孔,上三叶叶片着生高度与相对着生高度、剑叶到倒2叶的叶枕距、与产量、每穗粒数、结实率、千粒重、单穗重极显著或显著相关,而与有效穗数极显著负相关。穗长、穗着生密度、抽穗后茎鞘重与每穗粒数、单穗重及产量极显著或显著正相关,与有效穗数极显著或显著负相关。株高与产量和穗粒数显著正相关,而与秆长与产量及构成因素相关性均不显著。7.(1)加工品质。不同抛栽方式水稻间的糙米率、精米率和整精密率表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛、机插,不同连孔处理间2连孔>3连孔>单孔,稀植有序摆抛栽利于加工品质的改善。(2)外观品质。不同抛栽方式间垩白率、垩白大小和垩白度呈现摆栽>点抛>撒抛、机插的趋势;不同连孔处理间则表现为2连孔、3连孔>单孔,3连孔、2连孔穴内分蘖多且竞争强,一定程度减少了穴内空间,所以其外观品质较单孔稍差。(3)蒸煮食味品质。不同抛栽方式水稻的胶稠度、峰值黏度、热浆黏度和崩解值均表现为摆栽>点抛>撒抛、机插,而蛋白质含量呈现相反趋势。不同连孔处理间直链淀粉和蛋白质含量变化较小,峰值黏度、崩解值表现为2连孔>3连孔、单孔,最终黏度和回复则为3连孔、2连孔<单孔。有序摆抛栽可在较多性状上改善稻米加工品质、外观品质和蒸煮食味品质,特别2连孔、3连孔有序栽插在稻米品质上有明显改善(除外观品质)。

【Abstract】 In order to research super high yield formation and ecophysiological characteristics of ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting rice, a experiment with super japonica rice wuyunjing24and nanjing44as material was carried out in hai’an county and agricultural college of yangzhou university during2010-2011comparing three planting methods including ordered transplanting (OT), optimized broadcasting (OB) and cast transplanting (CT) using dry-raising seedlings in plastic plates with mechanical transplanting (MT) to investigate super high yield formation, the photo synthetic and matter production characteristics, tillering characteristics, root system morphological and physiological characteristics, nitrogen uptake and utilization, plant type, population lodging resistance and rice quality. Then New rice super high yield cultivation type was explored and it could provide theoretical and practical basis for stable super high yield light and simple cultivation for broadcasting rice. The main results were as follows:1. Rice yields under OT and OB were significantly different CT from CT and MT with the trend of OT>OB>CT, and under different holes-gathered were2-hole>3-hole>1-hole. Compared MT and CT, yield of OT and OB with2-hole and3-hole were more than11t hm-2, while CT and MT were about10-10.5t hm-2. Using methods of ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting rice seedlings had the better population quality with earlier seedling establishment at the beginning, and their LAI, leaf area duration, grain-leaf ratio, matter production, accumulation in each growing stage, and net photosynthetic rate and matter translocation in later growing stages were all significantly or very significantly superior to those of cast transplanting. Moreover, in late growing stages, they showed comparatively better population light transmittance and ventilation, slower senescence, and higher matter production and lodging resistance as well. The transplanting hill number for of3-and2-hole closely gathered plates were30-60percent less than that for single-hole ones, which improved transplanting speed. And2-hole seedlings kept higher matter production and lodging resistance in middle and late growing stages of which the yield was higher than3-hole seedlings and1-hole seedlings. With their higher population starting point, earlier seedling establishment, proper matter accumulation in early growing stage as well as higher matter production, accumulation and translocation ability in later growing stages, ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting methods were capable of leading to the stable super high yielding cultivation of super rice. Two-hole plate transplanting seedlings showed better matter production and obvious growth superiority during the whole growth stage, and3-hole one also showed growth superiority in some aspects, which could lead us to the conclusion that2-and3-hole plate seedlings ordered transplanting are new-typed cultivation patterns of super high yielding in super rice.2.(1)Tillers emerging and earbearing:To OT and optimized OB rice, the primary tillers emerged from leaf1to leaf6on main stem and the secondary tillers in1/1,1/2,1/3, among them leaves3to5were the superior positions for tiller emerging and panicle formation and primary tillers accounted for65-70%. While the primary tiller of CT rice plant emerged from leaf1to leaf6and secondary tillers in1/1,1/2,1/3,2/1,2/3, among them tillers emerged2leaf positions more than OT and OB and leaves3to5were the superior positions for tiller emerging and panicle formation. And primary tillers of CT accounted for62-64%and secondary tillers accounted for70-78%were more than OT and OB. The primary tillers of MT rice plant emerged from3-7among them leaf4to leaf6were superior positions for tiller emerging and panicle formation. The primary tillers ratio of nanjing44under MT were among OB treatments and wuyunjing24were higher than OT, OB and CT, while secondary tillers ratio showed the opposite trend. And the primary tillers ratio were OT<OB<CT among different transplanting treatments while secondary showed the opposite trend.②Tillers emerging leaf positions among different holes treatments were the same as panicle formation, and the primary tillers emerging number, panicle formation rate and panicle number were2-hole>3-hole>1-hole, while the secondary2-hole,1-hole>3-hole.(2) Tillers’contribution to yield and panicle traits:①The primary tillers’accounted for90%of yield of OT and OB rice while CT85%. And spike lets number per panicle,1000-grain weight, seed-set rate, one panicle weight, grain density and yield among transplant ways were OT>OB>CT, MT.②Among different holes treatments there were no significant variations of the primary tillers’contributions to yield while the secondary tillers’ contributions to yield were2-hole,1-hole>3hole. And spikelets number per panicle, one panicle weight were3-hole,2-hole>1-hole while grain density, grain yield per plant, and population grain yield were2-hoel>3-hole,1-hole. Tillers emerging rate, panicle formation rate, spikelets number per panicle,1000-grain weight, seed-set rate, one panicle weight and grain density of the primary tillers were all higher than the secondary tillers, and stem accounted for more than20%of yield, so the primary and low tillers’superiority of OT and OB rice were larger.3. Root length, number and weight of3-hole seedlings had obvious advantages at7d after transplanting and2-hole seedlings had more obvious advantages at15d after transplanting. Root dry weight, root shoot ratio and root activity of root system at each stage were OT>OB>CT>MT, while treatments of different holes had a trend of2-hole>3-hole>1-hole. And root total absorbing surface area, active absorbing area, ratio of active absorbing surface area to total absorbing surface area and root bleeding sap showed the same trend too. Root dry weight, root shoot ratio, root activity, total absorbing surface area, active absorbing area, ratio of active absorbing surface area to total absorbing surface area and root bleeding sap had very significant positive correlation with grain yield. Root at the depth of top0-5cm accounted for more than70%while at depth of top0-10cm accounted for more than90%. And root dry weight, root volume and root weight density at each layer showed the trend of OT>OB>CT,2-hole>3-hole>1-hole, Root weight ratio at the depth of5-10cm,10-15cm and15-20cm showed the same tend. And root dry weight at each layer was very significantly correlated to grain yield, and root at the upper layer made great contributions to the grain yield, and the contribution rate to yield of root at the top depth of0-10cm was more than90%. Ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting rice had better root growth, higher root activities and more reasonable root distribution at later growing stage which were the characteristics of underground and physiological basis for super high yield. 4.(1) Ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting rice had lower N content at the whole stage and lower N accumulation at CS(critical stage for effective tillering) and ES(elongation stage), and N accumulation after elongation stage(ES) were very significantly or significantly higher CT, N accumulation and ratio were OT>OB>CT. And2-hole and3-hole plants kept higher N content and ratio than1-hole at each stage with proper N accumulation before ES and stronger N uptake ability after ES, and N accumulation, ratio and N uptake rate at each stage were2-hole>3-hole>1-hole.(2) N recovery efficiency, agronomic efficiency, physiological efficiency, partial factor productivity, N requirement for100kg, nitrogen use efficiency for biomass production, nitrogen use efficiency for grain production, nitrogen harvest index and grain among different transplanting ways showed the trend of OT>OB>CT, MT. N use efficiency, partial factor productivity and NHI among different holes treatments were2-hoel>3-hole>lhole, while N requirement for100kg, nitrogen use efficiency for biomass production, nitrogen use efficiency for grain production showed the opposite trend.(3) Root, clum sheath, leaf and panicle and total plant dry weight among different transplanting ways were OT>OB>CT, and2-hoel>3-hole>lhole among different holes treatments. N content and accumulation in root and panicle after heading showed the trend of OT>OB>CT, while the opposite trend in clum and sheath and leaf. And N content in leaf and panicle among different holes treatments were2-hoel>3-hole>lhole while there were no significant differences between N content in clum and sheath at heading and in root at mature. And N accumulation among different holes treatments in each organ were all2-hoel>3-hole>1hole. Ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting rice had larger N transportation and higher transportation rate from stem, sheath and leaf to panicle and stronger root N uptake ability and N transportation and transportation rate among different holes treatments were2-hoel>3-hole>lhole. Ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting rice had rational N content and accumulation at early stage and stronger N uptake ability at each stage and higher N accumulation, transportation and transportation rate which is the nutritional mechanism of OT and OB rice super high yield formation.5.(1) The lodging resistance was significantly different between different transplanting types. Lodging resistance of ordered transplanting was strongest with the lowest lodging index (LI) and population lodging index (PLI), however, the weakest to cast-transplant. And the lodging resistance of2-hole closely gathered rice was higher than3hole closely gathered and single hole rice.(2)The breaking fore (BF) of the basal four internodes was very significantly and positively correlated to LI and PLI which was the important factor affecting the lodge resistance. Moreover, the breaking force of the1st,2nd,3rd,4th internode had significant or very significant positive correlation with plant height, gravity center height, culm diameter, culm wall thickness, dry weight of culm, dry weight of leaf and sheath, dry weight of unit internode, length and fresh weight from basal internode to top, bending moment while significant or very significant negative correlation with the ratio of gravity center height to plant height and internodes length.(3) The strong lodging resistance of ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting rice relied on the short and thick basal internode length, thick culm wall and good fulfilling for stem, especially for2-hole gathered and3-hole gathered rice.2-hole gathered and3-hole gathered ordered transplanting plants have strong lodging resistance which is a new type simplified cultivation for high yield and super high yield.6. The top3leaves of OT and OB rice were longer than CT and leaf base angle (LBA), angle between stem and leaf (ABSL) and droop angle(DA) were relatively lower. And3top leaves length among different holes treatments showed the trend of2-hole>3hole>1-hole while LBA, ABSL and DA2-hole the opposite trend. Leaf length was very significantly positive correlated to No. of grains per panicle, one panicle weight and grain yield while very significantly negative correlated to No. of panicles, while LBA, ABSL and DA showed the opposite trend. OT and OB rice kept higher LAI, effective LAI, SPAD in flag leaf and low decay after heading rate and LAI, effective LAI, SPAD in flag leaf among different treatments were2-hoel>3-hole>1-hole. Leaf site height and relative leaf site height among different transplanting ways were OT>OB>CT and among different holes treatments2-hole,3-hole>1-hole. And Leaf site height and relative leaf site height of top3leaves and distance of leaf occiput between1st and2nd leaf from top were very significantly or significantly and positively correlated to yield, grain weight, No. of grains per panicle, seed setting rate and1000-grain weight while very significantly and negatively correlated to effective panicles. Panicle length, grain density and stem and sheath weight were very significantly or significantly and positively correlated to No. of panicle, one panicle weight and yield while very significantly and negatively correlated to effective panicles. And plant height was significantly and positively correlated to No. of panicle and yield while stem length not significantly to yield and its components.7.(1) Processing quality. The brown rice rate (BR), milled rice rate (MR), head milled rice rate (HMR) among different transplanting ways were all ordered transplanting (OT)>optimized broadcasting (OB)>cast transplanting (CT), mechanical transplanting (MT) and among different holes treatments were all2-hole>3-hole>1-hole, so it is concluded that ordered and sparse transplanting was beneficial for improving rice processing quality.(2) Appearance quality. Chalkiness rate (CR), chalkiness size (CS), chalkiness degree (CD) among different transplanting ways showed the trend of OT>OB>CT. CR, CS and CD among different hole treatments were2-hole>3-hole>1-hole, and that the more tillers’intense growth competition in2-hole and3-hole weakened the appearance quality.(3) Cooking and eating and nutritional quality. Gel consistency (GC), peak viscosity, trough viscosity and breakdown among different transplanting ways were OT>OB>CT, MT. And there were no significant changes in amylose content and protein content among different holes treatments while peak viscosity and breakdown showed the trend of2-hole>3-hole,1-hole and the final viscosity and setback2-hole,3hole>1-hole. Ordered transplanting and optimized broadcasting improve rice processing, appearance and cooking and eating and nutritional quality in more traits, especial2-hole and3-hole transplanting improve the rice quality apparently(except processing quality).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期