

Research on the Social Ecology and Social Motivation of Wushu Development

【作者】 王明建

【导师】 虞定海;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 “村落”是一种视角。以此为“视角”进行中国村庄的社会学或人类学研究,海内外的学者已经取得了令人称道的学术成就。但是,在武术领域,“村落”这个窗口却从未真正打开过。在我国,传统武术是一种独具特色的文化现象,包含有多姿多彩的武术“拳种”、“套路”以及“流派”,这些内容和形式大都根植于中国传统的乡土社会,以“村落”为依托,繁衍生息,乃至发展壮大,如陈家沟之太极拳、鲍屯之鲍家拳等等。透过“村落”这个“窗口”,能够成为研究中国武术文化现象的一个“微观全景视窗”。然而,在中国村庄研究已经取得厚重学术成果的同时,与此极不匹配的是,涵盖武术在内的民族传统体育学科的理论基础却异常薄弱,对寄存于乡土村落中的武术文化现象的研究大都仅仅局限于“挖掘”和“整理”,运用人类学、社会学的研究范式和方法对武术进行系统的研究极为少见。而基于村落,系统深入的对武术进行人类学研究和社会学分析几乎成为民族传统体育理论研究中的一个“盲点”。因此,以村落武术为研究个案进行深入的人类学和社会学解读与分析,一方面,可以消除这一盲点;另一方面,也将极大的丰富民族传统体育专业的学科理论基础。村落作为是中国社会最基本的构成单位,是解读中国武术缘由、认识中国武术发展的独有视窗,作为一个透视中国武术发展的相对完整的“社会生态系统”和“基本功能单元”,以村落武术为研究个案能够从中窥探到历史的进程中,中国武术传承与发展的本质问题。基于此,本研究通过田野调查法、个案研究法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,系统引入人类学的研究范式与方法,以“村落”为研究视角,以“村落武术”为研究个案,通过对河南焦作温县陈家沟、贵州安顺大西桥镇鲍屯、山西长子县鲍店东街三个村落里的武术文化现象进行深入的社会学解读与分析,透视“微观社会”里的武术文化现象,并以此为基点,剖析中国武术发展中的“社会生态”与“社会动因”问题,从而获得对中国武术文化的更深层次理解。论文在结构上由6个部分构成,6个部分既相互独立而又彼此呼应,呈现出层层递进的关系。其基本撰写思路是按照“提出问题——分析问题——解决问题”来依次展开。论文研究的基本问题包括:其一,武术发展存在着怎样的社会生态系统?其二,武术发展的社会动因是什么?其三,武术发展与社会系统之间存在着怎样的互动关系?在这些问题不断的思考与探索中,论文以三个武术村落为研究个案,以现代性、国家、地方性知识三个维度为切入点,对村落中的“陈氏太极拳”、“庙会耍拳”、“镖局”、“武馆武校”、“军傩地戏”等武术文化现象进行了深入的社会学分析,以此作为论文研究“分析问题”部分的着力点;论文研究的第三个板块为“解决问题”部分,该板块试图借助于“村落”、“村落武术”这一独有视角,通过剥离层层外在的武术活动的表象,运用人类学、社会学、社会生态学、布迪厄的社会学理论为基础,探寻中华武术传承与发展的社会动力机制,推演武术发展的一般社会规律,系统阐述武术发展的社会生态与社会动因问题,首尾呼应,总结、回应了前文提出的问题,使整个研究形成为一个整体。全文分为导论、主体部分、结论与研究展望6个部分组成。第一部分为“导论”。该部分系统阐述了论文“为什么研究”、“如何研究”、“研究的方法”、“研究的创新点”、“研究的假设”、“研究的主要观点”以及“相关概念的界定”等等方面的内容。第二部分为“学术回顾——国内外研究现状及发展趋向”。该部分系统梳理了“关于体育的文化人类学研究”、“关于村落的文化人类学研究”、“关于‘村落武术’与‘村落体育’的人类学与社会学研究”以及“关于武术的社会生态学研究”4个方面的研究内容,总结了论文相关的国内外研究现状及发展趋向。并在此基础上,从“学科意识——论文研究的起点”、“时代意识——论文研究的基本面向”、“问题意识:论文研究中贯彻始终的主线”三个层面对论文的研究进行了思考,同时对当代“武术与文化人类学”的研究进行了构想与展望。第三部分为“田野的发现——三个村落武术文化现象的个案考察与分析”。该部分对对河南焦作温县陈家沟、贵州安顺大西桥镇鲍屯、山西长子县鲍店东街三个村落里的武术文化现象进行深入的社会学分析,总结、归纳了不同村落武术文化现象的历史归因、技术承传、现状概况、发展趋向等,以现代性、国家与地方性知识三个维度对不同村落的武术文化现象进行了详实的阐述和分析,对庙会耍拳、镖局、太极拳、军傩地戏等武术文化现象进行了深入的阐释与思考。第四部分为“研究视野的联动——村落武术的变迁及启示”。该部分首先进一步对“小地方”与“大社会”之间的关联进行了阐释,并对村落的类型学意义进行了深入分析。在此基础上,以“国家与地方关系”的视角,对村落武术进行了系统的历史考察,总结归纳了村落武术活动的变迁过程,指出:第一,社会变迁是村落武术变迁的主导因素;第二,文化主体需求的变迁是村落武术文化变迁的根本动因;第三,文化的变迁与适应中村落武术存在解构与重构的过程。第五部分为“追寻村落与超越村落——武术发展的社会生态与社会动因研究”。按照社会生态学的理论,一个村落、一个社区、一所学校,都可以看做是一个相对完整的社会生态系统。在村落的独有视角下,论文的研究立足于村落,但又不拘泥于村落,追寻村落,但又以超越村落的情怀和视野研究武术。该部分系统构建了武术发展的“社会生态系统”理论,从整体性、动态性、和谐性三个方面对武术发展的“社会生态系统”进行了阐释。同时,以空间为视角对武术发展的社会实践空间进行了理论构建。按照武术与时间、社会空间的关系,将武术空间划分为4个类别,即:①相同时期、不同社会场域内的武术活动;②不同时期,不同社会场域内的武术活动;③相同时期、相同社会场域内的武术活动;④不同时期、相同社会场域内的武术活动。在此基础上,通过“内因与外因的交织与作用”对武术进化发展的“动力机制”进行了模型构建和理论分析,指出:武术发展的“生命动力”是“内因”与“外因”的交织与作用下实现的。内因表现为:武术本身具有一定的阈值范围内的“内在张力”;外因则具体表现为三个方面,其一:武术的文化需求是推动武术发展的重要潜在动因;其二,国家政策的导向与作用是武术发展重要的外在动因;其三,武术文化的生产、消费交织形成的关系网络之间的互动与平衡是武术发展的根本动因。第六部分为“结论与研究展望”。全面总结了论文的主要研究内容,阐述了论文研究得出的主要结论,指出:其一,村落是微观的,但村落又是完整的,村落是固定的,但拳种又是流动的。通过若干个“村落”与“拳种”的个案考察与分析,通过若干个固定的“点”与若干条流动的“线”势必将形成中国武术文化研究的全景视窗,交织形成武术人类学研究的文化版图;其二,村落武术在社会整体变迁中表现出调适性与适应性,其发展与村落民众主体文化的需求、社会变迁等因素呈现出显性或者隐性相关;其三,武术的存在与发展,存在两种力量的博弈,具体表现为武术内因与外因的相互作用。在实质上是武术在其不同的环境中,由于文化需求,在同周围的自然界、社会和各种精神相遭遇,并因而产生互动的情况下,所表现出来的生命存在形态。同时根据论文相关的研究,提出了以“‘村落’为视角,系统引入人类学的研究范式;以‘拳种’为视角,与‘村落’武术研究交相辉映;‘村落’与‘拳种’交织形成中国武术研究的文化版图”的武术研究构想与展望。

【Abstract】 Village is a visual angle. From this angle, scholars in China and abroad haveobtained commendable academic achievements of sociological or anthropologicalresearch on Chinese village. However, the window—“village”, has never been reallyopened in the field of Wushu. In China, traditional Wushu, which includes various“Quan Zhong (martial arts categories)”“Tao Lu (martial arts routines)” and “Liu Pai(martial arts schools)”, is a unique cultural phenomenon. And its contents and formsare rooted in traditional Chinese vernacular society on the basis of “village”, thrivingand growing, such as Taijiquan in Chenjiagou and Bao-style martial arts in Baotun etc.So “village” can be regarded as a “micro-panoramic window” through which we caninvestigate the cultural phenomena of Chinese Wushu. Although adequateachievements of Chinese village researches have been obtained, it is extremelyincongruous that the theoretical foundation of ethnic traditional sport, including Wush,is rather weak, most studies of Wushu cultural phenomena in vernacular villages arelimited in “mining” and “arranging”, and there are seldom systematic researches onWushu using anthropological and sociological paradigms and methods. And it is a“blind spot” of ethnic traditional sport theoretical research that there are fewsystematic deep analysis of Wushu from the aspects of anthropology and sociology onthe basis of village. Therefore, we can eliminate this blind spot and extremely enrichthe theoretical foundation of ethnic traditional sport by a case study of village Wushu,which contains deep anthropological and sociological interpretation and analysis. Asthe most basic component unit and a relatively complete “social ecological system”and “basic functional unit”, village is a particular window from which peopleunscramble the origin and development of Chinese Wushu. Through this individualcase of village Wushu, we can ascertain the essential issues of the transmission anddevelopment of Chinese Wushu in the historical course.On the basis described above, this research systematically introduces theparadigms and methods of anthropological study, looks into “village Wushu”, theindividual case, from the visual angle of “village” by using field investigation method,case study method, logical analysis method and so on. We investigate the Wushucultural phenomena in three villages (i.e. Chenjiagou, Wenxian County, Jiaozuo,Henan Province; Baotun, Daxiqiao Town, Anshun, Guizhou Province; Dongjie,Baodian Town, Zhangzi County, Shanxi Province), carry out deep sociologicalanalysis, and thus examine the Wushu cultural phenomena in the “microcosmic society”. Then we thoroughly dissect the “social ecology” and “social motivation”issues of Chinese Wushu development, and consequently achieve furtherunderstanding of Chinese Wushu culture.The dissertation is structurally composed by individual6sections, which are wellmatched with each other, and expounds forward step by step. The general writing routis “raising questions—analyzing questions—resolving questions”. The basic issues ofthe study include:1. What kind of social ecosystem of Wushu development is there?2.What are the social motivations of Wushu development?3. What kind of interactiverelationship should it be between Wushu development and social system? Based onthe constant thinking and quest for the above questions, we carry out case research inthree villages from the three aspects—modern, country and local knowledge. Then wedeeply analyze the Wushu cultural phenomena in the villages, such as “Chen-styleTaijiquan”,“martial art performance in temple fair”,“Biao Ju (an establishment whichprovides escorts (bodyguards) for a fee)”,“martial art club and school” and “Jun NuoDi Xi (military exorcising play on the ground)” etc. This is the major part of the“analyzing questions” section. The third section,“resolving questions”, peels off theexternal phenomena, explores the social motivating mechanism of the transmissionand development of Chinese Wushu on the basis of sociology, social ecology andBourdieu’s sociological theory from the particular vision angle of “village” and“village Wushu”, examines the social dynamic mechanism of the transmission anddevelopment of Chinese Wushu, deductively infers its general social rules, and thussystematically dissects its social ecology and social motivation issues. This sectionconcluds and responds to the questions raised above, making this research an entirety.This dissertation includes six chapters: introduction, major part, conclusion andprospect of the research.Chapter1is “Introduction”. This part expounds some relevant basic issuessystematically, such as “why we did this research”,“how we did this research”,“methods used in the research”,“innovations of the research”,“hypothesis of theresearch”,“main idea of the research” and “definition of relevant terms” etc.Chapter2is “Academic Review—the Current Situation and DevelopmentTendency of Research at Home and Abroad”. This part sorts the contents about fouraspects—“cultural anthropological research on sport”,“cultural anthropologicalresearch on village”,“anthropological and sociological research on‘village Wushu’and‘village sport’”, and “social ecological research on Wushu”, summarizes the current situation and development tendency of research relating to this dissertation athome and abroad. Based on this, the research is cogitated from three levels—“discipline consciousness—the starting point of the research”,“epochconsciousness—the basic background of the research”,“problem consciousness—themain thread running through the whole research”, meanwhile, conception andprospect are put forward about contemporary research on “Wushu and culturalanthropology”.Charper3is “Discoveries on the Field—Case Investigation and Analysis ofWushu Cultural Phenomena in three villages”. This part carries out deep sociologicalanalysis about the Wushu cultural phenomena in three villages (i.e. Chenjiagou,Wenxian County, Jiaozuo, Henan Province; Baotun, Daxiqiao Town, Anshun,Guizhou Province; Dongjie, Baodian Town, Zhangzi County, Shanxi Province),summarizes and concludes the historical reasons, technical transmission, generalcurrent situation and development tendency of Wushu cultural phenomena in differentvillages, accurately expounds them from the three aspects—modern, country and localknowledge, and deeply analyzes several Wushu cultural phenomena, such as “martialart performance in temple fair”,“Biao Ju (an establishment which provides escorts(bodyguards) for a fee)”,“Taijiquan”, and “Jun Nuo Di Xi (military exorcising play onthe ground)” etc.Chapter4is “Linkage of Research Visual Field—Transition and enlightenmentsof Village Wushu”. This part further explains the relationship between “small place”and “big society”, and deeply analyses the typological significance of village, andthus carries out systematical historical investigation of village Wushu from the visualangle of “relationship between state and local”, summarizes the transition process ofvillage Wushu activities, and concludes that:1. The transition of society is thedominant factor of the transition of village Wushu.2. The transition of demands ofmain cultural group is the fundamental motivation of the transition of village Wushu.3. There is a deconstructing and reconstituting process of village Wushu duringcultural transition and accommodation.Chapter5is “Pursuing and Transcending Village—Research of the SocialEcology and Social Motivation of Wushu Development”. According to the theory ofsocial ecology, a village, a community and a school can be regarded as a relevantlycomplete social ecosystem. From the particular visual angle of village, the research ofWushu is based upon village, but does not stick to it, pursues village, and transcends it. This part systematically constructs the “social ecosystem” theory of Wushudevelopment, and expounds it from three aspects—integrity, dynamics, and harmony.At the same time, the social practice space of Wushu development is abstractlyconstructed from the visual angle of space. According to the relationship betweenWushu and time and that between Wushu and social space, the space of Wushu isclassified into four categories:①Wushu activities of the same period but differentsocial fields;②Wushu activities of different periods and social fields;③Wushuactivities of the same period and field;④Wushu activities of different periods but thesame social field. Based on this, the “dynamic mechanism” patterns of Wushuevolution and development are built and theoretically analyzed through the entwiningand interacting of internal and external factors. And it is concluded that the “lifemotivation” of Wushu development is realized under the influence of the entwiningand interacting of “internal factors” and “external factors”. The manifestation ofinternal factors is that Wushu itself has “intrinsic tension”; while the external factorsmanifest in three aspects: first, cultural demands of Wushu is an important potentialmotivation of Wushu development; second, the guidance and function of nationalpolicies are key external motivations of Wushu development; third, the fundamentalmotivation of Wushu development is the interaction and balance of the relationshipnet formed by the production and consumption of Wushu culture.Chapter6is “Conclusion and Prospect of the Research”. This part makes anoverall summary of the main contents of the dissertation, expounds the majorconclusions, and points out that:①Village is microcosmic but complete; Village issettled, while Quan Zhong (martial arts categories) is ambulatory. Through the caseinvestigation and analysis of several “villages” and “Quan Zhong (martial artscategories)”, we see that a number of settled “points” and ambulatory “threads”interweave with each other and form the overall perspective window as well as theculture blueprint of Wushu anthropological research.②Some factors are visibly orinvisibly relevant with each other, such as the adaptability and application of villageWushu in the process of social integral transition, the development of village Wushuand the major cultural demands of village populace etc.③During the process ofWushu existence and development, there is a struggle between two kinds of power,which manifests as the interaction of internal and external factors. Actually, Wushurepresents different patterns of life existence in different environments, which arecaused by the encounter and interactions between cultural demands and natural, social and spiritual factors around. Meanwhile, this part also puts forward the prospect ofWushu research according to the relevant studies: to systematically introduce theparadigms and methods of anthropological research from the visual angle of “village”;to respond to the research of “village” Wushu from the visual angle of “Quan Zhong(martial arts categories)”; to form a culture blueprint of Chinese Wushu research bycombining “village” and “martial art categories”.
