

Research on the Immunological Effects of Tai Chi

【作者】 赵影

【导师】 虞定海;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 研究目的:本课题选取免疫系统为切入点,研究太极拳健身效果。建立一个由T淋巴细胞及其亚群、NK、NKT、DC、Th1/Th2细胞亚群相关细胞因子、补体调节蛋白等多个免疫学指标构成的检测网络系统,全面了解太极拳运动对中老年人免疫机能的影响,充分挖掘太极拳独特的免疫调节机制。研究方法:纵向实验研究:受试者为上海市170名健康中老年人,年龄55-65岁。分为对照组和实验组,每组男性38名,女性47名。以太极呼吸操(课题组编创)、国家规定太极拳套路24式、42式太极拳为主要训练内容。每周三次,每次训练时间为60分钟,为期24周。对照组试验周期内不进行太极拳锻炼,保持原有生活规律。横向实验研究:受试者为上海市杨式太极拳协会、陈式太极拳协会、长期进行快走锻炼的女性30名及对照组女性30名,年龄均为55-65岁。运动组运动年龄在3-5年,每周锻炼次数不少于三次,每次锻炼时间不少于1小时。纵向研究分别于实验前一天、实验后第二天清晨,安静状态下空腹采取受试者肘静脉全血;横向研究与纵向研究第二次采血时间一致。应用流式细胞仪检测技术、ELISA酶联免疫技术等检测方法,分别检测外周血T淋巴细胞亚群(CD3+、CD4+、CD8+)、NK细胞、NKT细胞及体外扩增后分泌细胞因子(IFN-γ、IL-4)、补体调节蛋白CD55和CD59及CD11c+、CD123+细胞的表达。研究结果:1.24周太极拳运动后, CD3+、CD4+T淋巴细胞、CD4+/CD8+比值及NK细胞较实验前明显升高;陈式太极拳组受试者CD3+T淋巴细胞显著高于对照组;杨氏太极拳组受试者NK细胞百分含量最高,且显著高于快走组和对照组。2.24周太极拳运动后,NKT细胞数量及活性较实验前明显升高;陈式太极拳组受试者NKT细胞数量显著高于快走组和对照组;杨式太极拳组受试者NKT细胞活性最高。3.24周太极拳运动后, IFN-γ、 IL-4均上升,其中IFN-γ上升幅度更显著;杨式太极拳组和快走组受试者IFN-γ显著高于对照组;杨式太极拳组受试者IL-4明显高于对照组。4.24太极拳运动后,淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞、单核细胞及红细胞表面CD55的平均荧光强度与实验前相比呈下降趋势,其中单核细胞及红细胞表面CD55下降具有显著性;而淋巴细胞和单核细胞表面CD59的平均荧光强度与实验前相比升高且存在非常显著性差异;对照组红细胞表面CD55显著下降,淋巴细胞表面CD59显著上升。5.杨式太极拳、陈式太极拳和快走组受试者淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞、单核细胞及红细胞表面CD55的平均荧光强度低于对照组;各运动组受试者CD59平均荧光强度高于对照组;杨式太极拳组淋巴细胞表面CD59明显高于其他各组;杨式太极拳、陈式太极拳组受试者红细胞表面CD59明显高于快走组和对照组。6.24周太极拳运动后,CD123+变化没有统计学意义,但DC11c+明显升高;杨式太极拳、陈式太极拳和快走组受试者CD11c+、CD123+高于对照组;陈式太极拳组CD11c+最高。研究结论:1.太极拳运动能够提高T淋巴细胞和NK细胞数量,有效改善中老年人免疫机能,提高抗肿瘤及慢性感染能力。与杨式太极拳、快走相比,长期进行陈式太极拳锻炼者外周血CD3+含量最高,提示运动强度与T淋巴细胞总数相关。2.太极拳作为环境因素中的运动刺激能够提高中老年人外周血中NKT细胞的数量和活性,有效改善免疫衰老过程中免疫平衡向Th2方向的漂移,对维持机体免疫平衡起积极作用。3.太极拳运动能激活中老年人补体调节的负反馈机制,但白细胞各亚群(淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞、单核细胞)及红细胞表面CD55、CD59的影响不同,其中对红细胞的影响更明显,可以为今后进一步研究红细胞免疫及运动与补体系统的关系提供理论支撑。4.太极拳运动能增加中老年人外周血DC的数量,其中髓系树突状细胞CD11c+变化较为敏感,可作为进一步研究太极拳对免疫机能影响的调节机制的靶细胞。5.在本研究检测的指标中发现,杨式太极拳和陈式太极拳对NK细胞、NKT细胞和红细胞表面补体调节蛋白的积极影响明显优于快走组和对照组,与太极拳的独特运动方式有关。6.太极拳作为一种传统运动养生方式,神、心、气、劲近似构成了神经-内分泌-免疫调节网络,在介导“免疫衰老”过程中发挥重要作用。

【Abstract】 Objective:The purpose of this dissertation is to study the effect of Tai chi on fitness byanalysis the change of immune system following Tai chi movements. The immunesystem index which used in this study contains T lymphocyte subsets, natural killercells (NK), natural killer T cells (NKT), dendritic cells (DC), Th1/Th2cell subsets ofrelated cytokines.Methods:Longitudinal study:170(76males,94females) healthy subjects aged55-65yrs, who volunteered to participate in this study by recruiting in Shanghai and wererandom divided into control group(38males,47females) and experimental group(38males,47females). The subjects were trained24weeks (60minutes per time,3timesper week) using Tai chi breathing exercise,24movements and42movements Tai chiin experimental group and without any tai chi movement in control group.Horizontalexperimental:60(control group30, experimental group30)female subjects aged55-65yrs. Experimental group who volunteered to participate in this study byrecruiting in Yang style Tai Chi Association and Chen Style Tai chi Association andtrained by brisk walking in Shanghai. The exercise period of subjects was3-5yrs(more than one hour per time, more than3times per week) in experimental group.Thesubjects’ cubital vein bloods were taken at rest on the morning of the day before andafter experiment in longitudinal study. The time of taking blood was the same inhorizontal experimental as the second time of taking blood in longitudinal study. Theexpression of T lymphocyte subsets (CD3+, of CD4+and CD8+), NK cells, NKT cellsand in vitro amplification secretion of cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-4), complement regulatoryproteins CD55and CD59were analysis using flow cytometry and ELISAenzyme-linked immunosorbent and so on.Results:1. Compared to baseline, the expression of CD3+, CD4+T lymphocytes, CD4+/CD8+ratio and NK cells were increased following Tai chi movements after24weeks. Thepercentage content of NK cells was the highest in Yang style Taichi group than others.2. Compared to baseline, the number and the activity of NKT cells was significantly increased following Tai chi movements after24weeks; The number of NKT cells wasthe highest in Chren style Taichi group than others; The activity of NKT cells washighest in Yang style Taichi group than others.3. Both IFN-γ and IL-4were increased, especially IFN-γ, were increased followingTai chi movements after24weeks; IFN-γ was lower in control group thanexperimental group. IL-4was higher in Yang style Taichi movement group thancontrol group.4. Compared to rest, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes and red blood cell surfaceCD55mean fluorescence intensity were reduced after24movement Tai chi; there is asignificant reduction on monocytes and red blood cell surface CD55; compared torest, there was a significant reduction in monocytes and red blood cell surface CD59after24movements Tai chi; compared to rest, lymphocytes and monocytes andcell surface CD55mean fluorescence intensity was significant higher after tai chimovement; The red blood cell surface CD55was significant reduce and thelymphocytes cell surface CD59was significant increase after exercise.5. Lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes and red blood cell surface CD55meanfluorescence intensity were lower in.Yang style Taichi, Chen style Taichi and briskwalking group than control group; The CD59mean fluorescence intensity washigher in experimental group than control group; Yang style Taichi group lymphocytesurface CD59was significantly higher than other groups; groupYang style Taichi,Chen style Taichi group had red blood cell surface CD59was significantly higher thanthe brisk walking group and the control group.6. DC123+change was not statistically significant, but CD11c+was significantlyincreased after.24weeks of Taichi; Yang style Tai Chi, Chen style Taichi, and briskwalking group subjects CD11c+, CD123+higher than the control; Chen style Taichigroup CD11c+was the highest.Conclusions:1. The ability of anti-tumor and chronic infection can been improved by improving Tlymphocytes and NK cell numbers, effectively and the immune function of the elderly.Compared to Yang style tai chi and brisk walking, The CD3+was higher in long-termChen style tai chi exercisers. These results suggested that exercise intensity is the totalnumber of T lymphocytes. 2. Tai chi can increase the number and activity of NKT cells in the peripheral blood ofthe elderly as the movement in stimulation environmental factors, and effectivelyimprove the immune balance to Th2direction of drift in the process of immunesenescence, and play a positive role in maintaining the immune balance.3. Tai chi can activate the negative feedback mechanism regulated of the elderly, butthere were different influence in the white blood cell subsets (lymphocytes, neutrophils,monocytes) and red blood cell surface of CD55, CD59, the influence of which the redblood cells more obvious. This can provide theoretical support for the further study ofthe relationship between red blood cell immunity and exercise of the complementsystem.4. Tai chi movement can increase the number DC in peripheral blood in the elderly,the change of dendritic cells of myeloid CD11c+was more sensitive.They can be usedas target cells for further study of Tai chi on the immune function of the regulatorymechanisms.5. Yang style tai chi and Chen style tai chi on the positive impact of NK cells, NKTcells and red blood cell surface complement regulatory proteins significantly betterthan brisk walking group and control group. Maybe this is related with uniquemovement of tai chi the way.6. Tai chi as a traditional exercise and take care of the way, Spirit Heart, Energy aneffort to approximate constitute a neuroendocrine-immune regulation network, play animportant role in the process of mediated “immune senescence”
