

A Study on Developing Pattern for Resort Sports

【作者】 林朝晖

【导师】 李建国;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 当前,我国正朝着由体育大国向体育强国迈进,由重视共性,重视大规模的单一体育,向重视文化,重视个性,重视生活方式,重视活动环境的多元化体育形式转变,度假区体育正是这种新形式的一个重要代表。体育作为人们从传统度假向积极度假转变的重要载体,在度假区的建设与发展中具有举足轻重的作用。因此,加强对度假区体育的理论与实证研究,无论是对度假区而言,还是大众的体育度假需求而言,都具有非常重要的理论与现实意义。本研究以社会学等理论为指导,综合运用文献资料法、社会调查法、实地研究、比较研究法、逻辑分析法等方法来研究度假区体育,结果表明:第一,基本理论部分。度假区是指具备一定规模的旅游服务设施,可以满足游客度假等需求,具有相对独立管理的区域场所。度假区体育是指以度假为目的,以体育为手段,以游客为对象而开展的区域性特色体育服务。在旅游、度假、度假区、体育旅游和度假体育的理论基础上,提出度假区体育系统由体育需求系统、体育供给系统、体育空间系统、体育支持系统以及外部环境影响系统(包括经济、政策、自然、行业、文化、基础设施等)等组成。其中,体育供给与需求系统仍是度假区体育系统中最基本的关系,而要素体育资源、设施与服务等在度假区发展中扮演着重要的角色。度假区体育具有度假区与体育的双重特征及地域性、市场性、休闲性、文化性、服务性、综合性等特点。度假区体育的功能是满足人们休闲度假生活的需要;有助于促进度假区社会经济环境的发展;为度假体育提供基地和载体;丰富社会体育的文化内涵与活动内容。第二,实证研究部分。围绕着国外度假区体育的相关案例分析以及国内度假区体育的个案研究表明:国外在度假区体育资源的保护方面政策力度大,有明确的度假体育主题,注重体育运作的共性与个性,在体育活动与设施开发的精细化和系列化方面以及体育组织联盟运作方面有一定的优势特色。国内度假区在体育资源、体育设施以及基本服务也得到了快速的发展,然而存在着重外延,轻内涵;管理模式中的越位与缺位;体育景观设施与度假区整体规划缺乏一致性;以及体育人才缺乏等问题。通过对福建省度假区体育现状的研究发现:一是度假区体育资源得到初步开发,然而发展方式较为粗放、不集约、地域特色不明显。二是漂流、温泉等主题度假体育产品发展受到游客喜爱,游客对度假区体育服务呈基本满意态度。但度假区体育仍存在活动种类不丰富,体育主题不突出,产品体系不完善。三是度假区体育参与呈户外化趋势,但仍然处于一种比较初级和简单的阶段。四是度假区缺少有影响力的体育品牌。五是企业是度假区体育管理运作的主体方式,度假区缺乏专业化的体育组织与运作手段。第三,现状模式部分。通过对度假区体育系统、国外度假区的案例以及国内度假区体育发展的综合分析,总结与提炼出度假区体育的现状模式:资源型的体育地格模式;产品型的体育主题模式;市场型的体育需求模式;形象型的体育品牌模式以及企业型的度假区体育组织管理模式。文章论述了现状模式的内涵、开发原则、相关案例等,并总结与分析了度假区体育现状模式的特点、优点、不足与可开发项目等,最后提出度假区体育发展模式具有动态性、节约性、多样性和时代性等特点。第四,发展模式部分。论文首先论述了度假区体育发展面临的冲突:一是度假区体育环境开发与保护的冲突;二是度假区体育经济发展的市场化与社会和谐需要的冲突;三是度假区体育政策的机遇以及国情现实挑战的冲突;四是度假区体育文化中本土化与全球化的冲突;五是度假区体育活动主体完整与缺失的冲突。其次,提出度假区体育发展趋势是:体育在度假区中将占据越来越重要的地位;积极、主动式的度假体育将成为度假区体育未来发展的主要方向;家庭体育及亲情友情的社交体育将在度假区体育中占居重要的位置;生态体育将成为在度假区中的主流体育活动方式;体育主题产品创新与体育资源深层次开发将成为度假区体育发展的重要方式;度假区体育的多元化与综合化;度假区室内体育建设将越来越受到重视;度假区内外体育的融合发展。最后,从发展目标、发展步骤和发展策略等提出了我国度假区体育地格发展、度假区体育主题发展、度假区体育需求发展、度假区体育品牌形象发展、度假区体育支持体系建设等5个方面的发展模式。

【Abstract】 At present, China is moving forward by sports power sports powers made by thegreat importance to common emphasis on large-scale single sport, emphasizingculture, attention to personality, attention to lifestyle, attach importance to thediversification of sports in the form of the operating environment change, the resortsports areis an important representative of this new form. Sport as an important carrierof people changing from a traditional vacation to the positive vacation, plays adecisive role in the construction and development of the resort. Therefore, to enhancethe theoretical and empirical research, resort sports resort area, or the public demandfor sports resort, has a very important theoretical and practical significance. Theory ofsociology, the study integrated the use of literature, social surveys, field studies,comparative study, logical analysis and other methods to study the sports of the resort,the results showed that:First, the basic theoretical part.The resort is tourism service facilities of a certainsize to meet the needs of tourists vacation, etc., with the independent management ofthe region place. The resort sports holiday, sports, targeted at tourists and carry outregional characteristics of sports services. Based on the theory of the travel, vacation,resort, sports, tourism and vacation sports resort sports by the sports needs, sportssupply system, sports space systems, sports support system as well as externalenvironmental impact (including economic, policy, nature, industry, culture,infrastructure, etc.), etc.. Among them, the physical supply and demand system is themost basic relationships in the sports system of the resort, while the elements of sportsresources, facilities and services play an important role in the development of theresort.The resort sports resort and sports dual characteristics and regional, market,recreational, cultural, service-oriented, comprehensive, and so on. The resort sportsfunction is to meet the needs of the people’s leisure life; contribute to the developmentof the resort area of socio-economic environment; provide a base for vacation, sports,and carrier; rich social, cultural meaning and content of activities.Second, empirical research component. Around holidays abroad District Sportscase studies as well as domestic resort sports case studies suggest that: foreign policyefforts in the resort area of sports resources protection, there is a clear holiday sportstheme, focusing on the commonality and individuality of the sports operation in sportsthe refinement and serialization of activities and facilities development and operationof the sports organization Alliance has certain advantages in characteristics. Domesticresort area in the sports resources, sports facilities and basic services has also been a rapid development, however, there is emphasis on the extension of light connotation;offside and in the absence of the management model; sports landscape facilities, lackof consistency in the overall planning of the resort; and sports shortage of talent andother issues.Sports resort area in Fujian Province: First, the resort area of sports resources inthe initial development, the mode of development is more extensive, not intensive,regional characteristics is not obvious. Product development of theme resort sportssuch as rafting, hot springs loved by tourists, visitors to the sports services of theresort was basically satisfied with the attitude. The resort sports there are still thetypes of activities, sports theme is not prominent, the product system is imperfect. Theresort sports participation was the outdoor trend, but still in a relatively early andsimple stage. Resort lack of influential sports brand. Fifth, corporate sportsmanagement and operation of the main resort, resort to the lack of professional sportsorganization and operation of means.Third, the status quo mode part. Comprehensive analysis of the cases, as well asdomestic resort area of sports development of the sports system of the resort, resortabroad, summarize and refine the status of the Resort Sports mode: resource-basedsports ground grid mode; product type sports theme; market-based sports demandpatterns; image-based sports brand model and enterprise-based sports organizations ofthe resort area management model. The article discusses the meaning of the status quomodel, development principles, case, etc., and summarizes and analyzes thecharacteristics of the Resort Sports mode, advantages, inadequate and developmentprojects, proposed last resort sports development model is dynamic, natureconservation, diversity, and the times and other features.Fourth, the development model part. The paper first discusses the conflicts facedby the sports development of the resort: First, the resort sports and environmentaldevelopment and protection of the conflict; resort sports market and social harmonyof the economic development conflict; vacation sports policy opportunities andnational conditions and reality of the challenges of conflict; conflict in the sportsculture of the resort area of localization and globalization; five resort and sportsactivities of the principal of integrity and lack of conflict.Secondly, the resort area of sports development trends are: sports resort willoccupy an increasingly important position; positive, active holiday and sports will bethe main direction of future development of the resort sports; family sports and familyfriendship, social sportsoccupies an important position in the resort area sports;eco-sports will become of mainstream sporting activities in the resort area; sportstheme product innovation and sports resources in deep-level development willbecome an important way of the resort area of sports development; ResortSportsdiversification and integration; resort indoor sports building will be more andmore attention; the integration of sports development within and outside the resort area.Development goals, development steps and development strategies of ResortSports to cell development, the development of resort sports theme, sports needs ofresort development, resort development of the sports brand image, the resort sportssupport system for the construction of fiveaspects of the development model.

【关键词】 度假区体育现状问题启示发展模式
【Key words】 Resort sportsStatusProblemsrevelationDevelopment pattern