

Study on the Structure of Urban Public Sports Space

【作者】 蔡玉军

【导师】 邵斌;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育教育训练学, 2012, 博士


【摘要】 城市居民日益增长的体育需求与城市公共体育空间不足之间的矛盾逐渐显现。一方面,城市公共体育空间资源总量不足,居民在街头巷尾、路边空地进行体育活动的情形随处可见;另一方面,因规划建设缺乏预见性而导致的城市公共体育空间分配不均、重复建设及闲置浪费的情况仍然存在。如何合理地规划布局城市公共体育空间,既公平又高效地加以利用,是摆在眼前的现实问题。基于城市空间结构等理论,探讨城市公共体育空间理想结构模型,并以上海市中心城区为例,找出当前存在的不足,探索适合上海市中心城区公共体育空间的协调发展模式,目的在于发现制约城市居民体育活动行为的空间因素,为激发和引导居民的健身热情、形成健康的体育生活方式提供良好的物质载体。本研究以上海市中心城区为典型调查区域,通过文献资料、专家访谈和居民访问以及实地考察等方法,利用ArcGIS分析功能,对上海市中心城区城市公共体育空间结构进行研究,通过图示的方式对当前城市公共体育空间结构及选址与布局存在的问题进行可视化表达,并用以辅助决策,以期为城市体育空间规划部门提供参考。主要结论如下:第一,“公共性”是城市公共体育空间的根本属性,这种“公共性”主要体现在服务目的属性的公益性和供给主体属性的公益性两个方面。城市公共体育空间结构合理与否,影响居民参加体育活动的热情;规划建设能够引导和激发城市居民体育活动行为的城市公共体育空间,是当前城市体育公共服务的重要内容,同时也是顺利完成全民健身计划的重要手段。第二,不同的城市,因其自然地理环境、城市空间结构及发展趋势不同,对各级体育空间的具体布局模式、要求有所不同,但总的原则是兼顾公平和效率。公平和效率是一把“双刃剑”,应根据实际情况加以考量。过分追求效率会导致城市公共体育空间的服务半径过大、可达性差;过于追求公平则会造成小而散的布局模式,易导致闲置浪费。具体要做到:合理划定城市公共体育空间等级体系;根据各级体育空间的可达性确定合理的服务半径;根据城市居住空间结构布局城市公共体育空间;根据各区域人口数量(及密度)和中长期发展目标确定城市公共体育空间的数量及规模。第三,上海市中心城区城市公共体育空间总体服务水平不高,乡镇街道级公共体育空间情况较好,但居住区级公共体育空间严重不足,不仅影响了中心城区公共体育空间整体服务水平,而且也是制约居民走出家门参加体育锻炼的重要原因;各级城市公共体育空间几乎无一例外地呈现出“核心-边缘”的结构特征,普遍存在内“优”外“患”的情况,这主要是由于中心城区长期以来单中心“摊大饼式”向外扩张,而城市公共体育空间的配置跟不上居住空间向外拓展的速度所致。与居住空间结构不相吻合,同级公共体育空间服务效率不一,聚集程度区际差异较大是影响公平和效率的主要因素。第四,上海市中心城区居民参加体育活动的规律与公共体育空间等级相关,等级由高到低,到其中锻炼的居民随机性增加;居民公共体育活动空间具有相对固定性,体育活动项目多样化及闲暇时间的限制是影响居民公共体育活动场所选择不固定性的主要因素;居民的经济属性和受教育程度,影响着居民公共体育活动场所的选择;居民体育活动出行通常以住所为起点,到较高等级公共体育空间的居民出行的机动化程度较高,相反则机动化程度较低;空间因素是制约居民体育活动出行的最主要因素,随着出行距离的增加,居民体育活动的频率呈降低趋势。第五,城市空间的有限性决定了其功能多样化,城市公共体育空间的不足促使其形态朝着多样化趋势发展,与其他城市空间要素的结合,不仅拓展了城市公共体育空间,同时也赋予了这些城市要素新的功能,促进了竞技与健身、体育与游憩、体育与文化等空间的相互融合。第六,以同质城市要素为载体的体育空间建设是城市公共体育空间建设的有益补充,但这并不意味着就可以减少专门设置的体育空间的数量。城市空间的拥挤性,决定了现阶段应采取专门与非专门设置的城市公共体育空间同步建设为主要策略,并形成专项规划,纳入城市总体规划,以便在城市更新的过程中对城市公共体育空间的选址与布局提供前瞻性的指导,从而形成公平、高效的城市公共体育空间结构。另外,从城市空间低碳化及绿色出行理念的角度出发,居住小区级和居住区级公共体育空间的设计应基于步行可达,乡镇街道级主要基于非机动车可达,区县(地区)级和城市级公共体育空间主要基于公共交通可达。针对“优”外“患”的情况,上海市中心城区公共体育空间规划建设的重心应由内圈层逐渐向中、外圈层偏移。

【Abstract】 The contradiction between the urban residents’ needs for sports and thelack of urban public sports space is growing. On the one hand, because ofthe shortage of public sport space, people have to exercise in streets, lanes,road space or other public area, on the other hand, because of the lack offoresight for planning and construction of public sports space, the situationof uneven distribution, redundant construction and the waste of unusedspace still exists. How to plan the public sports space rationally and how touse it fairly and efficiently has become a practical problem.Based on the theory of Urban Space Structure, in this paper we willtake the city of Shanghai as an example to find out the shortcomings of thecurrent model of the central urban public sports space. And then we willdiscuss the ideal model fit for the city of Shanghai. At the same time, wewill try to find out the factors which affect the residents’ behavior of sportsactivities, and try to provide a good material carrier of inspiring theresidents’ enthusiasm for exercise, and of forming the residents’ healthysports lifestyle.This paper takes the central area of Shanghai as the sample. Themethods we adopt include documents analyse, interviewing experts andresidents and on-the-spot investigation. Importantly, we used ArcGISSpatial software to analyse the space structure of public sports space in thecentral area of the city in order to find out problems in its location andlayout. Finally, we will visualize the entire situation on diagrams. We hopethat our final analysis and conclusions could provide a valuable referencefor the relevant departments in making public sports space planningdecisions.The main conclusions are as follows:Firstly, publicness is the basic attribute of public sports space. It ismainly reflected in the nonprofitness of the service and the supplier. Therationality of space structure will influence residents’ enthusiasm forexercise. Planning and construction of public sports space which could leadand motivate the residents’ positive enthusiasm for exercise is the importantcontent of urban public sports service, and it is also the important means ofNational Fitness Program.Secondly, because of its natural and geographical environment, urbanspatial structure and development trend, different city has differentrequirement for the layout of the space, but the general principle is fairnessand efficiency. Fairness and efficiency is a "double-edged sword", whichshould be used according to the actual situation. Excessive pursuit ofefficiency will lead to a too large urban public sports space service radius toaccess; Excessive pursuit of fairness will result in a too small and scatteredlayout pattern, which might lead to the waste of space. Specifically: therelevant departments should establish a reasonable hierarchy of the urban public sports space; determine a reasonable service radius according to thereachability of all levels of sports space; build and plan the urban publicsports space according to the urban living space; determine the number andscale of the urban public sports space according to the regional population(density) and long-term development goals.Thirdly, the overall service level of central area’s public sports space islow, and the street-level service is better. But residential area is seriouslyshort of public sports space, which not only affects the overall service level,but also restricts residents to participate in physical exercise; public sportsspace of all levels shows a "core-edge” structure characteristics withoutexception, and shows the prevalence of "domestic excellence, overseastroubles" situation, which mainly originate from the single model ofoutward expansion of the central area, and the configuration of the urbanpublic sports space can not keep up with the expansion of the living spacespeed. The main factors which affect the fairness and efficiency is thatpublic sports space structure does not coincide with the living space, theservice efficiency is not uniform, and aggregation extent have largedifferences.Fourthly, the sports activity regularity of residents who live in centralarea of Shanghai is correlated with the level of public sports space. Fromhigh to low, the randomicity rise. Residents’ public sports space isrelatively fixed. The diversification of the resident’s sports events and thelimit of their spare time are the two factors which influence thenonstationarity of their choice. Resident’s economic attribute and schoolinginfluence their choice of places. The starting point of resident’s sportsactivity trip is their habitation, from where to higher level public sportsspace the level of motorization is higher, but lower conversely. The mainrestricting factor of residents’ sport activity trip is spatial factor. Thefrequency of their sports activity reduces with the raise of trip distance.Fifthly, the finiteness of public sports space determines thediversification of its function, and the lack of urban public sports spaceprompt the development of diversification. The combination with otherspace elements not only expands the urban public sports space, but alsogives these urban elements new features, and promotes mutual integrationof athletics and fitness, sports and recreation, sports and culture.Sixthly, the construction of sports space which takes homogeneous cityelements as the carrier is a useful complement of the construction of urbanpublic sports space, but it does not mean reducing the number of sportsspace. The congestion of urban space decides that the specialized and thenon-specialized construction of public sports space should be takensimultaneously as the main strategy. At the same time we should form thespecial planning for urban public sports space which should be integratedinto the overall urban planning, in order to form a forward-looking guide ofthe siting and layout in urban regeneration, a fair and efficient structure of urban public sports space.In addition, from the perspective of low-carbon and green travelconcept, the public sports space based on residential area should be inwalking distance; the public sports space based on villages or towns areashould be accessible by non-motor vehicle; the public sports space based ondistrict (regional) or city area should be accessible by bus. The planningand construction of public sports space of Shanghai central area shouldfocus on the middle circle and the outer circle instead of the inter circle.

【关键词】 城市公共体育空间结构上海
【Key words】 citypublicsports spacestructureShanghai