

A Study on Visual Search Strategies, Prediction Ability and Their Neuromechanism of Various Role in women Volleyball Players

【作者】 王新平

【导师】 章建成;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在许多反应性技能中运动员专长的特征之一是为了适应对手的动作模式而根据先行视觉信息预测事件的能力。排球运动中的防守属于一种典型的反应性技能。对先行信息的视觉搜索以及预期决策技能在排球运动中有着非常重要的作用。有研究表明专家的绩效优势与特定的任务有关,因此,运动角色内的经验是否影响信息加工激起了研究者们的强烈兴趣。因此,本论文选择排球作为研究项目,以刻意训练理论为指导,以实际排球比赛中录像为素材,以排球运动员的视觉搜索、预测为主线,探讨不同角色的排球运动员在前排拦防和后排防守情景下,对不同战术进攻情景信息的视觉搜索、预测能力及其内在的神经机制,以期为排球运动的科学化训练提供理论依据。研究结果显示:(1)在预测判断扣球进攻方向时,自由人组运动员视觉搜索速度快、搜索频率低、准确率低,在枕区、顶区和中央区P1、P2潜伏期短、波幅小,副攻组运动员视觉搜索速度快、搜索频率高,预测准确率高,P1潜伏期短、波幅大。(2)在预测判断扣球进攻方向时,自由人组的P2潜伏期短、波幅小;主攻和接应组P2潜伏期较短、波幅大。(3)在预测判断扣球进攻方向时,在2强攻条件下主攻组运动员的P3潜伏期显著短于副攻组。在在4强攻条件下,接应组运动员的P3潜伏期显著短于副攻组。接应、主攻和副攻组运动员的P3波幅较二传和自由人组大。(4)在预测判断二传传球方向时,不同角色运动员反应速度与准确率无显著差异。二传组和自由人组运动员的P1、N1、P2、P3潜伏期短,波幅小,搜索频率低;副攻和接应组的潜伏期长,波幅大,视觉搜索频率较高。正面传球的注视率显著大于背传球的注视率,而正确反应率却低于背向传球。(5)在预测二传传球战术类型时,预测反应速度和准确率显著下降,角色间差异不大;二传手、球、副攻手区域以及二传手的躯干、手和球、臂部位置的注视率较高;主攻和副攻运动员的P1潜伏期显著显著较长、波幅较小;主攻组运动员大脑皮层的顶枕区的激活强度显著较高,自由人显著较低。对快攻传球的P3波幅显著大于强攻传球的P3波幅。本研究得出以下结论:(1)不同角色的排球运动员使用了不同的视觉搜索策略。主攻、副攻组运动员使用了较多较短的注视持续时间的搜索策略,预测反应正确率高,表明这是一种有效的搜索策略。(2)视觉搜索频率越高,大脑皮层激活强度越大,占用的心理资源多,预测正确率高。主攻和副攻运动员较高的搜索速度伴随较高的神经激活强度。(3)视觉搜索特征与运动员位置角色有关,她们更多关注与角色任务相关的信息,动用心理资源也更多。副攻组运动员对前快球的注视率显著高于主攻组;主攻和副攻运动员的腿部注视率显著大于自由人、接应和二传组。(4)预测扣球方向时,角色任务的预期对知觉运动反应倾向性的影响。二传、自由人的大脑皮层激活时程较长、强度较低,预测绩效较差;接应、主攻、副攻运动员的大脑皮层激活时程短,激活强度大,注意集中程度高、动用心理资源多,提高了预测判断的绩效。接应、主攻、副攻运动员在皮层的枕区、顶枕区、顶区、中央顶区和中央区的P1、P2、P3波幅显著较大,表明良好的预测绩效的可能机制与这些特定脑区诱发P1、P2、P3的脑神经平均活动水平较高,P2、P3波出现时间较早。(5)预测扣球方向时,扣球手、球的区域以及扣球手躯干和手臂部位是主要的信息源。(6)预测二传传球方向时,二传手、副攻手、球以及一传手区域是主要信息区,躯干、球和手区域是识别二传传球动作模式的主要信息区域。二传组和副攻组的臂部注视率最高,对二传传球动作模式有更精细的视觉加工。(7)动作难度影响注视率。正面传球动作模式的识别难度大于背传球。对由球网中间区域进攻的扣球的方向预测判断更准确,由球网两侧的进攻预测准确性较低。快速进攻的情景的预测判断动用了更多的心理资源。本研究的主要理论贡献是:第一,通过对两种排球防守情境的预测研究,探讨了排球运动员不同位置角色对各种防守情境的视觉信息搜素、预测的特征,为排球运动的专位化训练提供理论支持。第二,基于眼动记录技术和ERP技术,探讨了排球运动员视觉搜索、预测的专长优势和脑神经活动的机制,丰富了专位化训练理论基础,拓展了知觉预测研究的视角。

【Abstract】 One of the characteristics of expertise in many reactive skills is the ability to makeuse of advance visual information to anticipate behavioral events so as to adapt to theopponent’s movement patterns. The defense in volleyball is a typical reactive skill.Decision making strategies of visual search and advance anticipation plays a key rolein volleyball game. Some studies showed that experts’ superior performance wasrelated to specific roles. Whether the experience of roles influence informationprocessing arose great interest.Guided by deliberate practice theory and using the realistic games videos asmaterials, the present study systematically discussed the neuromechanism ofvolleyball players of various roles when blocking anti-front and defense back.The result of(the) study shows:(1) While predicting and judging the direction ofattacking, visual search speed of libero’s group is quickly with low frequency ofvisual search, lower accuracy, short latency of P1, P2wave and low amplitude ofwave in the occipital zone, parietal zone and central zone. Visual search speed ofco-spiker’s group was quickly with high frequency of visual search, high accuracy topredict. The latency of P1is short and the amplitude is large.(2) While predicting andjudging the direction of attacking, the latency of P2of libero’s group is short and theamplitude is low; while the latency of P2was short and the amplitude was low inspiker and assistant setter’ group.(3) While predicting and judging the direction ofattacking, the latency of P3of spiker’s group under2bits conditions of storming issignificantly shorter than that of co-spiker’s group. Under4bits conditions ofstorming, the latency of P3of assistant setter’ group is shorter than that of co-spiker’sgroup significantly. The P3wave amplitude of groups of assistant setter, spikers andco-spikers is bigger than that of setter and libero’s group.(4) While predicting andjudging the passing directions of the setter, there was no remarkable differencebetween different role’s athletes’ reaction speeds and rate of accuracy. The latency ofP1, N1, P2, P3of setters’ and liberos’ groups was short, with small amplitude andlow frequency to search but it was reverse in co-attacking and reinforcing group. Thefixation rate of those who watch in the front was higher than that who pass backly butthe rate of correct response was low.(5) While predicting the tactics type of setters,the speed and rate of accuracy drop significantly but the difference among the roleswas notsignificant. The fixation rate on setters, ball, co-spiker area and setter’s trunk,hand-ball, arm area was relatively high. The P1latency of spikers, co-spikers wasremarkably longer, and the amplitude was relatively small; The intensity of activationin the occipital zone of cerebral cortex of spiker group was remarkable high while itwas contrary to the liberos. P3amplitude of passing quickly attack was greater thanthat of storming attack.The conclusions were as follows.(1) Different roles in volleyball game useddifferent strategy of visual search. Mean duration time of spikers and co-spikers wasmuch shorter and the correct rate of reaction was high, indicating that this was a kindof effective search strategy.(2) The high frequency of visual search, high intensity ofactivation in cerebral cortex and more psychological resource to take up resulted inhigh rate of correct prediction. Higher speed of search was followed by higheractivation of nerve.(3) The characteristics of visual search was related to roles. They pay close attention to the information that correlates with role’s task and used morepsychological resources. The fixation rate of co-spikers on front quick ball was higherthan that of the spiker group; The fixation rate of spikers and co-spikers on legs washigher than liberos.(4) When predicting the direction of spike, the expectancy ofrole’s task influenced the proneness of perceptual motor reaction. The time ofactivation in cerebral cortex of setters and liberos was long with relatively lowerintensity and it was contrary to that of spikers and co-spikers with better performanceof prediction; The time of activation in cerebral cortex of the assistant setters, spikersplayers was short when activating, activate the intensity largly, notice thatconcentration degree was high, put psychological resources to use more, hasimproved the performance judged of predicting. The assistant setters,the spikers, theco-spikers remarkable and relatively large in amplitude evoked P1, P2, P3from theoccipital zone, parietal zone, central zone, parieta occipital zone and central parietalzone, indicating that good prediction performance might related to these indexes.(5)At predicting directioning of spiking, spike player, area of ball and spike player trunkand arm position were main information sources.(6) When Predicting the direction ofsetters’ passing, it is the setters, co-spikers, ball and passer, the ball-hand area, thetrunk that were the main information area, and hand-ball, the trunk area of the setterdiscern in the main information area to identify setters fixation rate on arms of settersgroup and co-spikers group who had meticulous vision process of setters’ movementpatterns.(7) The degree of difficulty of movements influenced the fixation rate. Frontpassing was more difficult to discern the pattern than back passing. The accuracy ofpredicting and judging direction of spike in intermediate zone of the net was higherthan both sides of the net. The prediction of the scene attacked fast took up morepsychological resources.The main theory of this research has such contribution as follows. Firstly, throughtwo kinds of prediction in volleyball defending conditions, characteristics of visualsearch and prediction of different roles were discussed in order to offer theory supportfor training in the special location. Secondly, adopt the match video record andproduce live and combine the eye movement and ERP technology explored the visualsearch and anticipation in volleyball which improved ecology result but offer thepossible training mode for perceptual motor skill training. Thirdly, using thetechnology of eye movement and ERP to probe into speciality advantage andmechanism of vision searches and the cranial nerve activity expanded the version ofthe study of perceptual motor skill.

【关键词】 排球视觉搜索预测能力ERP眼动
【Key words】 VolleyballVisual searchPredict abilityERPeye movement
  • 【分类号】G842;G804.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】247