

The Study on Qinjin Wushu Culture

【作者】 杜舒书

【导师】 郭志禹;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 秦晋武术文化是指在秦晋地域范围内(大体包括陕西、山西两省所覆盖的范围,其中陕西省的简称为“秦”,山西省的简称为“晋”,故两省共同组成的地域合称“秦晋”),历史地凝结成的,该地域人群中与武术有关的生活方式,包括秦晋本体武术文化和秦晋相关武术文化。对秦晋武术文化的研究有助于完善中国地域武术文化研究体系,有助于保护秦晋武术文化的多样性,开掘秦晋武术文化深邃的内蕴,有助于丰富秦晋文化的研究成果、推动秦晋文化发展,也有助于创造地方经济发展的文化氛围。本研究通过文献资料法、田野调查法、个案研究法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法等研究方法对秦晋武术文化做了具体分析和实证研究,以便于人们进一步开掘秦晋武术文化宏博的内蕴,获得对秦晋武术文化的更深层次的理解。论文在结构上由九大部分组成。其中作为主体部分的七大主题主要包括对本体武术文化的整体性观照与近距离观察、对军旅武术文化及民间武术文化的分析,以及围绕口头传统、书面文本并从精神文化的层面对秦晋相关武术文化进行的探讨。七大主题相对独立而又彼此呼应,这些看似自成天地的章节实则是试图从不同的视角展示、论证秦晋武术文化的重心与亮点。第一部分即绪论部分包括研究意义、研究现状、研究思路、研究方法、研究的主要观点、研究的创新点。第二部分为“拳昌武盛——秦晋武术文化时域论”。梳理了秦晋武术文化的沿革,对秦晋地域流传的76个主要拳种的分布进行了统计,并讨论了秦晋拳种由来与传习途径。认为秦晋拳种得以在本地域源发或从其它地域传入,主要通过秦晋源发、多域融合、外出求经、经商捎武、移民携技、职业授武等六大传习途径得以形成。诸多的传入途径使得秦晋武术文化中源源不断地融进了其它地域的武术文化因子,这也是秦晋武术文化弥久常新的关键因素之一。之后,对秦晋武术文化的形成机制进行了探讨。第三部分为“独秀武林——秦晋典型拳种(拳系)个案解析”。选取了陕西红拳、太谷形意拳和洪洞通背拳为个案,分别从拳种的形成发展、内容体系及其技术特点做了剖析,并在此基础上讨论了秦晋典型拳种与地域文化的关系。第四部分为“坚甲利兵——秦晋军旅武术文化诠释”。在“秦晋军旅武术纵览”中分述了“秦晋武将的超凡武艺”、“唐朝武举之秦晋奇缘”和“军旅武术与民间武术的互动”,在“秦俑出土兵器管窥”中对秦始皇陵兵马俑坑中出土的远射兵器、长兵器、短兵器进行了相关叙述。第五部分为“亦武亦舞——秦晋歌舞百戏中的武术文化探掘”。秦晋民间舞蹈是在古代乐舞、散乐百戏与多彩的地域文化相融合的基础上形成的,有着极为丰富的武术文化内容。该部分包括“史藏散乐百戏中的武术文化发覆”和“活态民间舞蹈中的武术文化列珍”两大块,其中活态民间舞蹈选取了温曲武秧歌、盂县武社火、踢鼓秧歌、八打棍、吴起铁鞭舞等内容围绕武术文化做了解析。第六部分为“草根景仰——秦晋民间叙事中的武术文化解读”。武术类民间叙事中的内容有些是真实可信的,同时也有很多是虚构夸张的,然而,其内容的真实与否在此无关宏旨,本部分所着重关注的不是历史的真伪,而在于武术文化的真实。基于这样的认识,分析了秦晋地域武术类民间叙事的主要类型、特点及其文化功能。第七部分为“黄卷传灯——秦晋文献期刊中的武术文化整理”。在梳理秦晋武术类文献资料总体情况之后,重点对民国时期重要的国术期刊之一《山西国术体育旬刊》诞生的媒介环境、媒介形态、传播的武术文化内容、期刊特色及其社会作用等进行了较为全面地历史性分析,并以此考察了该刊在武术文化传播中所取得的成绩以及在历史阶段所处地位。第八部分为“武魂昭昭——秦晋武术文化精神论”。选择了秦晋地域中部分典型事例对“尚武精神”和“武德传统”分而述之,以彰显秦晋武术之魂。其中,“秦晋尚武精神”主要选择了“秦人军旅武术中的尚武精神”和“秦晋武人在抗日战场上的尚武精神”进行阐发,“秦晋武德传统”则分别从忠义仁勇武魂雄、尊师重道武生孝、爱徒授业武师慈、谦虚谨慎武风正、从善抑恶武志坚等方面赞颂了秦晋武术文化的道德力量。第九部分为“结论与展望”。在这一部分中,总结、回应了前文提出的几个主要观点:(1)本文中展开的七大主题的研究雄辩地证明,秦晋武术文化丰富多姿,既有昨日的辉煌,也有今天的繁华,在秦晋地域范围内展示并证实了中华武术文化的博大精深。(2)通过对秦晋本体武术文化、秦晋民间舞蹈中的武术文化、武术类民间叙事等主题的研究得出,秦晋武术文化既是武术工作者、武术习练者的一种生活方式,也是该地域广大老百姓的生活方式之一。(3)秦晋武术文化既有传入,也有流出,是在本地域武术文化与其它地域武术文化之间,以及本地域不同武术文化之间的不断交流过程中,相互融摄、糅合而成的一种动态的武术文化。(4)秦晋武术文化的形成受到地域文化的深刻影响,具有鲜明的秦晋特色。

【Abstract】 Qinjin Wushu culture refers to the lifestyles of people who live in Qinjinregion——in general, including Shanxi Province and Shanxi Province, in whichShanxi Province referred to as "Qin", Shanxi Province, referred to as"Jin"——including local and related Wushu culture.The research on Qinjin Wushuculture will help to perfect study system of Chinese regional Wushu culture, to protectdiversity of Qinjin Wushu culture, to discover deep content of Qinjin Wushu culture,to enrich study results of Qinjin Wushu culture and promote development of QinjinWushu culture, and to create cultural environment of local economic development. Bythe methods of literature, case study, expert interviews, logical analysis, field researchand so on, this paper analyzed and demonstrated specific Qinjin Wushu culture inorder to further tap into people’s intrinsic of Qinjin Wushu culture and deepenunderstanding of culture.The structure of this paper is composed of nine parts.The first part includes research significance, research status, research contents,research ideas, research methods, main points and the research innovation.The second part, named the prosperity of Qinjin Wushu regional culture, cardsthe development history of Qinjin Wushu, counts and discussed the geographicaldistribution and source of seventy six Qinjin major boxing. From which we thoughtQinjin boxing derived from mainland, multi-domain integration, seeking outside, takealong weapons business, immigration to bring technology, occupational teaching.These ways of introductions make Qinjin Wushu culture melt into other regionalfactors of Wushu endlessly, which is one of the key factors that Qinjin Wushucultural’s duration and fashion.The third part analyzes typical boxing, mainly selecting Hong boxing TaiguXingyi boxing and Hongtong Tongbei boxing as cases, dissecting the formation anddevelopment, content system and technical characteristics, then on this basis,discussing the relationship between Qinjin typical boxing and regional culture.The fourth part interprets military Wushu culture, carves "Extraordinary Wushuof Qinjin Generals","Qinjin Romance of Tang Chao Imperial Military ExaminationSystem" and "the Interaction of Military Wushu and Civil Wushu". Then, in "QinjinMilitary Wushu Overview" narrates the long-range weapons, long weapons, shortweapons unearthed from Terracotta Army Pit.The fifth part investigates Qinjin Wushu culture of folk song-and-dance. Formedon the basis of integration of ancient music and dance, acrobatic and colorful musicand geographical and culture, Qinjin folk song-and-dance has a very rich culturalcontent. This section includes two blocks, they are "History of Tibetan scattered music variety shows in the Wushu Development Review" and "Living folk dances inthe Wushu culture out Jane", the Living Folk Dance selected Wenqu Wushu Yangko,Yuxian Wushu Festivities, Kick Drum Yangko, Bada Stick and Wuqi Tiebian Danceare selected to be analyzed involving Wushu culture.The sixth part unscrambles Qinjin Wushu culture of folk narration. Some of Folknarration in the Wushu is credibility, but many of them are fictional exaggeration.However, truthfulness or not is nothing of importance here. Based on theunderstanding of the Wushu culture authenticity but not the truthfulness of history,this section emphasizes Qinjin geographical analysis of the Wushu main types,features and cultural features of folk narrative in Qinjin region.The seventh part collates Qinjin Wushu culture in literatures. After understandingthe general Qinjin Wushu literature information, this section focuses oncomprehensive and historical analysis of media environment of birth, media form, thecontent of the spread of Wushu culture, journal and its social role according to one ofRepublic of China important Wushu journals named "Shanxi Guoshu Physical CulturePeriodical Appearing Once Every Ten Days". Then investigates the achievements andtheir historical status in of this journal in the spread of Wushu culture.The eighth part probes into mental theory of Qinjin Wushu culture, selectingtypical cases embodied "martial spirit" and "Takenori traditional" in order to highlightthe Qinjin Wushu soul. we enunciates the "Qinjin martial spirit" in military andbattlefield against Japanese. But hung from the Qinjin Wushu culture moral strengthof loyalty and boldness, respecting for the teaching profession, solving doubts withsweet temper, being modest and prudent, pursuing good and controlling evils.The ninth part is conclusion and thought. In this section, we not only try to putforward the specialty of Qinjin Wushu culture, but also summarize several majorviewpoints according to the former results:(1) The expanded seven theme of this research eloquently prove that the richnessand variety of Qinjin Wushu culture, including yesterday’s brilliant and today’sprosperity, moreover prove the profound culture of Chinese Wushu.(2) Based on folk song-and-dance and folk narration of Qinjin Wushu culture,We draw a conclusion that Qinjin Wushu culture is not only a lifestyle of Wushupractitioners, but also is the local majority of people’s way of life.(3) Due to the local Wushu culture interacting with the other regional Wushuculture and inter-pervasion between the continuous exchange process of localdifferent Wushu culture,thus Qinjin Wushu culture is a dynamic culture.(4) Regional culture has a profound impact on formation of Qinjin Wushu culturewith distinct characteristics.

【关键词】 秦晋地域武术文化
【Key words】 QinjinregionWushu culture