

Research on the Social Stratum Background and Social Mobility Path of Professional Athletes in Zhejiang Province

【作者】 李留东

【导师】 吕树庭;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 从1984年洛杉矶奥运会金牌零的突破到2001年北京奥运会举办权的获得,中国竞技体育开始全面登上世界体育舞台。尤其是在天时、地利、人和的北京奥运会上,中国竞技体育的辉煌达到了顶点。但在辉煌的背后中国竞技体育的发展却存在诸多问题,如基层少体校招生的困难导致的竞技后备人才的逐渐萎缩,专业运动员退役后再就业的困境导致的竞技体育系统“出口”的不畅等。浙江省竞技体育自建国以来获得了飞速的发展,取得了骄人的成绩。本研究试图通过对社会阶层结构的变化来解竞技后备人才的萎缩现象,采用社会流动的视角对退役运动员的再就业进行路径分析,寻找影响其就业的原因,并进一步提出发展建议。本研究的主要假设为:1.专业运动员的社会流动过程与家庭社会阶层背景的影响有着密切的关系。2.家庭是重要的社会化机构,其所处社会阶层的生活品味与价值观念对其子女是否从事竞技体育训练具有潜移默化的影响,社会阶层地位越高,其子女从事竞技体育训练的可能性越小。3.家庭社会阶层背景、运动项目、运动成绩等变量对专业运动员退役后的再就业有着不同程度的影响。本研究的整体构思为:依据一个大背景,即当代中国社会阶层结构分化与社会变迁;运用二个社会学的基本理论,即社会分层理论与社会流动理论;开展三个方面的研究,即①浙江省专业运动员家庭社会阶层背景分析,②浙江省专业运动员社会流动路径分析③对策及建议研究;使用四种主要研究方法,即文献资料法、专家咨询法、问卷调查法和社会统计法(多元回归、R型因子分析、建立路径模型及路径结构方程等);提出主要理论观点及建议。本研究可能的创新点:(1)把专业运动员家庭背景纳入社会分层的视野,依据一定的社会阶层划分标准,考察其社会阶层来源的状况,比较其运动项目、成绩和性别方面的家庭社会阶层背景差异,为运动选材乃至训练开拓一个社会学的视角。(2)把一般个体进入运动员行列、由准专业运动员到专业运动员、由专业运动员到退役后的社会地位状况贯穿起来,描绘专业运动员的社会流动轨迹,并通过对比其专业运动生涯前的家庭社会阶层和本人退役后所处的社会阶层,揭示特殊群体(专业运动员群体)的社会流动路径。本文具体内容分为九章:第一章:导论主要对研究的目的和意义、研究的对象与方法、研究的内容与思路、研究思路和方法、研究的重点、难点和可能的创新点、概念界定及研究的主要理论基础及其支撑脉络进行了归纳与阐述。第二章:文献综述主要对国内外社会分层与社会流动和体育的相关理论及研究成果进行回顾与梳理,明确了本研究的来龙去脉及其定位。第三章:当代中国社会阶层结构变迁及社会流动对专业运动员群体波及的影响新中国成立以来,中国社会阶层结构出现了两次重大的变迁。第一次是在中华人民共和国成立初期至改革开放前,它尝试着打破原有的阶级体系,建立了所谓的“身份制”社会分层制度体系;第二次是在改革开放以后,之前的身份制分层逐渐向经济分层转换,并形成了多元标准分层体系。本节以下内容将对于这两次变迁做以简要回顾,并主要对这两次变迁对专业运动员的波及影响做出分析。当代中国社会流动过程经过了两个阶段、五个时期,本文分别就每个流动时期对专业运动员群体的影响进行了初步分析与探讨。第四章:浙江省专业运动员家庭社会阶层背景通过对调查数据的描述统计发现,就家庭社会阶层来源而言,浙江省专业运动员最多的是来源于个体工商户阶层,约占四成五;其次为产业工人与农业劳动者阶层,分别占一成八与一成;换而言之,浙江专业运动员主要来源社会中中层与中下层的家庭。与浙江省社会阶层结构相比,专业运动员相对更多地是来自于个体工商户与私营企业主家庭,相对较多的来自于产业工人家庭,而来自农业劳动者家庭的相对最少。从社会阶层与运动项目参与的相互关系来看,社会上层主要参与的是小球、游泳与大球类项目,而社会底层主要参与的是田径与重竞技类项目。从性别角度而言,浙江男性专业运动员相对较多地来自于较低社会阶层的家庭。第五章:一般个体参与竞技体育的影响因素分析运用因子分析模型对一般个体参与竞技体育的影响因素进行了分析,结果发现,在浙江省,导致普通青少年参加竞技体育训练的主要有六大因子,按照影响程度由大到小排序,依次为体育信息刺激因子、自我实现因子、身体技能因子、家庭影响因子、物质追求因子、机遇因子。第六章:家庭社会阶层背景与专业运动员的成长一般个体进入少体校参加训练,其下一个目标是能进入省队成为专业运动员。而进入省队成为专业运动员的重要前提条件就是要取得突出的运动成绩,不可否认,也有不乏具有非凡运动潜质而被直接拉入伍者,当然,还有其他诸如社会的、家庭的等多种变量也在起着作用。本章对准运动员成长为专业运动员进行路径分析,试图寻找左右着一般运动员迈向专业运动员步伐的变量。第七章:家庭社会阶层背景与专业运动员退役后的再就业对浙江省专业运动员退役后再就业的现状进行了分析,并采用logistic回归模型考查退役运动员获得再就业机会的差异性分布。第八章:家庭社会阶层背景与专业运动员的社会流动以前面各章为基础,结合访谈和实地观察结果,对不同项目专业运动员的代际流动与代内流动进行分析。结果表明,家庭社会阶层背景对浙江省专业运动员的代际社会流动与代内社会流动均具有一定的影响。第九章:研究结论、建议与展望本研究的基本结论如下:1.我国社会阶层结构的变迁对专业运动员的阶层来源具有一定的波及影响。2.我国专业运动员的社会流动深受国家社会流动大环境的影响,国家政治、经济政策的变革是优秀运动员流动的一股重要驱动力量。同时,身处具有中国特色的竞技体育系统中的优秀运动员在当代中国社会流动的大潮中,其社会流动轨迹又具有相对的独立性,在一定程度上能够突破相关政策的束缚而领先于其它行业的社会流动。3.浙江省专业运动员主要来源社会中中层与中下层的家庭。不同项目类别的专业运动员,其家庭社会阶层背景及城乡居住地具有显著性差异。社会上层主要参与的是小球、游泳与大球类项目,而社会底层主要参与的是田径与重竞技类项目。小球类、游泳类与体操类项目中,来自城市家庭的专业运动员的比例占有绝对优势,而重竞技类项目中,专业运动员更多地来自与农村家庭,占近四成六,来自城市家庭的仅占两成。浙江省专业运动员父母所拥有的文化资源较为贫乏,表现出低学历的状况,即主要集中于初中、高中或中专两个学历层次上。此种状况说明,父母的学历越高,让其子女从事竞技体育训练的可能性就越小。4.家庭社会阶层背景对浙江省专业运动员最初参加竞技体育训练有着较为显著的影响。此外,体育信息的刺激、自我实现的动力、身体技能基础、物质追求与机遇等也不同程度地体现了浙江专业运动员的始训原因。5.家庭社会阶层背景与准专业运动员成为专业运动员有着显著的关系,且是负影响。其主要原因是出于较高社会阶层的家庭拥有较多的组织、经济与文化资源,其子女的职业道路可选择面较广,他们从事专业竞技运动多数是为以后的职业生涯寻求跳板。6.家庭社会阶层背景对专业运动员退役后的再就业有着显著影响。同等条件下,专业运动员的社会阶层背景地位越高,其退役后再就业的机会越高,具有社会中层背景的专业运动员退役后的再就业机会是具有社会下层背景的专业运动员的2.8倍,具有社会上层背景的运动员退役后再就业机会是具有社会下层背景的专业运动员的5.7倍。性别、运动项目、运动成绩对浙江省专业运动员退役后再就业机会的获得也具有不同程度的影响。同等条件下,男性专业运动员退役后获得再就业的机会大约为女性的1.9倍,田径类、体操类、大球类、游泳类、小球类项目的专业运动员退役后获得再就业的机会分别大约是重竞技类专业运动员的1.9倍、4.8倍、7.0倍、8.9倍、9.9倍,运动成绩为良好与优秀的运动员退役后再就业的机会分别大约是运动成绩一般的运动员的3.7倍与9.1倍。7.家庭社会阶层背景对浙江省专业运动员的代际社会流动具有一定的影响,具有上层与中上层社会阶层背景的专业运动员在代际流动中的优势在于其退役后不会被沦落为社会底层,而具有社会中下层阶层背景的专业运动员,在其退役后则均有不同比例地流向了城乡无业、失业、半失业者阶层。8.家庭社会阶层背景在专业运动员的代内社会流动中仍具有一定的影响,具有上层与中上层社会阶层背景的专业运动员,绝大多数能够从事具有优势地位的职业而不至于出现向下的代内社会流动,而具有社会中下阶层背景的专业运动员,绝大多数则经历了向下的代内社会流动。本研究提出以下建议:1.进一步推进社会体制改革,促进社会阶层结构合理化变迁。2.政府与社会相结合设置退役运动员再就业吸纳机构。3.鼓励企业设置体育公司,为退役运动员提供就业机会。4.创新专业运动员职业技能培训模式,形成多元化就业渠道。5.进一步建立与完善专业运动员社会保障制度。6.专业运动员要正确认识自己,努力提高自身素养。本研究的不足在于:一是研究样本有割裂,未能采用同一研究样本;二是对退役运动员的非概率抽样。有待进一步研究的问题包括专业运动员社会阶层来源变化趋势问题、各阶层对竞技体育认识与态度问题、高等教育大众化的推进与专业运动员生源问题。

【Abstract】 From the fulfilling of the zero breakthrough of gold medal in1984Los AngelesOlympic Games to the winning of the right to host the2001Olympic Games inBeijing, China’s competitive sports began to be fully on the stage of the world’s sports.Especially on the Beijing Olympics with good timing, geographical convenience andgood human relations, the glory of Chinese competitive sports peaked. But behind theglory, the development of Chinese competitive sports has encountered many problems,such as the gradual shrinking of competitive backup talents caused by the difficultiesin enrollment for primary sports schools, and the unsmooth "export" of thecompetitive sports system caused by the plight of re-employment of professionalathletes after they retire. Zhejiang Provincial competitive sports have gained rapiddevelopment and have made remarkable achievements since the founding of NewChina. The research attempts to solve the shrinking of backup talents through thechanges in the social class structure, to analyze the re-employment path of retiredathletes using the perspective of social mobility, and to look for the reasons affectingtheir access to employment and to further put forward development suggestions.The main hypothesis of the research is as follows:1. The process of social mobility of professional athletes has a close relationshipwith the influence of the family and social class background.2. Family is an important social institution, and its lifestyle and values in social classhave a subtle influence on whether their children engage in competitive sportstraining; the higher the social class status, the smaller the possibility of theirchildren engaging in competitive sports training.3. Family and social class background, sport events, sports scores and other variableshave different levels of influence on the re-employment of retired professionalathletes.The whole idea of the research is based on a background, that is, the differentiation ofcontemporary Chinese social class and the social change; the two basic theories ofsociology, namely, social stratification theory and the theory of social mobility areused to carry out research in three areas, namely,①the analysis on the family andsocial class background of our elite athletes,②the analysis on the path of socialmobility of our elite athletes③the research on countermeasures; four main researchmethods are used, namely, literature, expert consultation, questionnaire and socialstatistics (multiple regression, R factor analysis, path model and path structuralequation, etc.); the main theoretical viewpoints and suggestions are put forward.The possible innovation points of the research are:(1) the family background ofprofessional athletes is incorporated into the perspective of social stratification;according to certain criteria for the classification of social classes, the status of sourceof their social classes is studied, and their sport events, performance and family and social class differences related to gender are compared, to develop a sociologicalperspective for the sports selection to training.(2) the general individuals into theranks of athletes, from the quasi-professional athletes to professional athletes, andfrom professional athletes to the social status after retirement are run through, fordepicting the trajectory of social mobility of elite athletes, and the paths of socialmobility of the special groups (groups of professional athletes) are revealed bycomparing the family and social class before their professional sport careers and thesocial classes after retirement.The specific content of this paper is divided into nine chapters:Chapter Ⅰ: IntroductionThe purpose and meaning, objects and methods, content and ideas, thinking way andmethods, research focus, difficulties and possible innovation points, conceptdefinition and main theoretical basis and their support contexts are mainlysummarized and described.Chapter II: Literature ReviewThe theories and research findings related to the domestic and foreign socialstratification and social mobility and sports are mainly reviewed and sorted out tomake clear the context of the research and its location.Chapter Ⅲ: The impact of the changes in social class structure of contemporaryChina and the social mobility on professional athletes is given.Since the founding of New China, there were two major changes in Chinese socialclass. The first time was in the early years after the founding of the People’s Republicof China to before the reform and opening up, it attempted to break the old classsystem, and establish the so-called "identity system" social stratification system; thesecond time was after the reform and opening up, when the hierarchy of identitysystem gradually converted to economic stratification as before, and a hierarchicalsystem of multiple standards was formed. The following contents of this sectionprovide a brief review of these two changes, and the major ripple effects of these twochanges on professional athletes are analyzed. The process of social mobility incontemporary China has gone through two phases and five times, so in the paper, theimpact of each flow period on the groups of professional athletes is preliminarilyanalyzed and discussed.Chapter IV: Family and social class background of professional athletes of ZhejiangThrough the descriptive statistics of survey data, it has been found that in regard to thesources of family and social classes, most of the professional athletes in ZhejiangProvince are from individual business sectors, accounting for about forty five percent;followed by industrial workers and agricultural laborers, accounting for eighteenpercent and ten percent respectively; in other words, the main sources of professionalathletes in Zhejiang are in the middle and lower middle classes of families in thesociety. Compared with the Social Class Structure of Zhejiang Province, professionalathletes are relatively more from individual industrial and commercial households,relatively more are from industrial worker families, and the relative minimum arefrom agricultural farmer families. From the mutual relationship between the socialclass and sport events participated in, the professional athletes from the upper class are mainly involved to ball, swimming and big ball games, while those from the socialbottom are mainly involved to athletics and heavy athletic games. From a genderperspective, relatively more male professional athletes of Zhejiang come from thelower social class of families.Chapter V: Analysis on the influence factors of general individuals involved incompetitive sportsAfter the influence factors of general individuals involved in competitive sports wereanalyzed using factor analysis model, it is found that there are mainly six majorfactors leading to ordinary young people to participate in competitive sports trainingin Zhejiang province, that is, sports information stimulating factor, self-realizationfactor, physical skill factor, family factor, material pursuit factor, and opportunityfactor in accordance with the descending order of influence.Chapter VI: Analysis on the path of quasi-professional athletes becoming professionalathletesAfter general individuals enter spare-time sports schools to participate in training,they want to be able to go into the provincial team and become a professional athleteas the next goal. However, an important prerequisite for them into the provincial teamto become a professional athlete is the outstanding sports results to be achieved; it isundeniable that there is no lack of some individuals directly enrolled withextraordinary potential, and of course, there are other variables such as social andfamily also play a role. In this chapter, the path of quasi-athletes becomingprofessional athletes is analyzed, trying to find out the variables that affect the pace ofgeneral athletes turning into professional athletes.Chapter VII: Differences between current re-employment situations of retiredprofessional athletes of Zhejiang and employment opportunitiesThe current re-employment situations of retired professional athletes of ZhejiangProvince are analyzed, and the difference distribution of retired athletes obtainingre-employment opportunities is examined using the logistic regression model.Chapter VIII: Analysis on social mobility of professional athletes of ZhejiangProvinceBased on the previous chapters, combined with the interviews and field observations,the intergenerational mobility and intra-generational mobility of different professionalathletes are analyzed. The results show that family and social class background have acertain impact on the intergenerational social mobility and intra-generational socialmobility of professional athletes of Zhejiang Province.Chapter Ⅸ: Conclusions, Recommendations and ProspectsThe basic conclusions of the research are as follows:1. The changes in the structure of China’s social class have some ripple effects on thehierarchy sources of professional athletes.2. The social mobility of professional athletes in China is deeply affected by thenational social mobility environment, and the national political and economic policychanges are an important driving force for the mobility of elite athletes. Meanwhile,the social mobility trajectories of elite athletes living with Chinese characteristicssports system are relatively independent in the flowing tide of contemporary Chinese society, and their social mobility, to a certain extent, is able to break the strangleholdof relevant policies and take the lead social mobility of other sectors.3. The professional athletes of Zhejiang Province are mainly from the middle andlower middle classes of families. The family and social class backgrounds and urbanand rural places of residence of different project categories of professional athletes areof significant differences. The professional athletes at the upper social class aremainly involved to mall ball, swimming and big ball games, while the professionalathletes at the bottom are mainly involved in athletics and heavy athletic events. Insmall ball, swimming and gymnastics events, the proportion of professional athletesfrom the urban households has an absolute advantage, but in heavy athletic events,professional athletes are more from rural families, representing forty six percent, andthe proportion of professional athletes from urban families accounts for only twentypercent. The parents of professional athletes of Zhejiang Province have relative lackof cultural resources, showing the status of low education, that is, their educationlevels are mainly at junior middle school, senior high school or technical secondaryschool. This situation shows that the higher education of the parents, the less likely toallow their children to engage in athletic sports training.4. Family and social class background has a significant impact on professionalathletes of Zhejiang Province to participate in competitive sports training at first. Inaddition, the stimulus of sports information, the motive power of self-actualization,physical skills base, materials pursuit and opportunities and others, to varyingdegrees,also reflect the reasons for professional athletes of Zhejiang to start training.5. Family and social class background has a significant relationship withquasi-professional athletes becoming a professional athlete, and the impact is negative.The main reason is because high social classes of families have a lot organizational,economic and cultural resources, their children face a wide range of career paths forchoice, and they are mostly engaging in professional sports to prepare a springboardfor future careers.6. Family and social class background on has a significant impact on there-employment of retired professional athletes. The higher the status of social classbackground of professional athletes, the higher the chance of their employment afterretirement, for instance, the re-employment opportunities for the retired professionalathletes with social middle background are2.8times the retired professional athleteswith lower social background, and the re-employment opportunities for the retiredathletes with social upper background are5.7times the retired professional athleteswith social lower background. Gender, sport events, and sports performance also havedifferent degrees of impact on the retired professional athletes of Zhejiang Provinceaccess to re-employment opportunities. The re-employment opportunities for theretired male professional athletes of women are about1.9times for the female, andthe re-employment opportunities for the retired professional athletes that took part intrack and field, gymnastics, big ball, swimming, and small ball events are about1.9times,4.8times,7.0times,8.9times and9.9times for heavy and competitiveprofessional athletes, respectively.7. Family and social class background has some influence on intergenerational social mobility of professional athletes of Zhejiang Province, that is, the advantage ofintergenerational mobility of the professional athletes with upper and middle uppersocial class background is that they after retirement will not be reduced to the bottomof society, while different proportions of professional athletes with the social middlelower class background shift to the rural and urban jobless, unemployed,semi-unemployed class after their retirement.8. Family and social class background still has some influence on intra-generationalsocial mobility of professional athletes, that is, the vast majority of the professionalathletes with upper and middle upper social class background can have a dominantposition in the occupational field and can’t go so far as to be downward involved tothe intra-generational social mobility, and most of the professional athletes withlower-middle social class background have experienced downward intra-generationalsocial mobility.In the research, the following suggestions are put forward:1. To further carry on social restructuring, and to promote the rationalized changes ofsocial class structure.2. The government in combination with the society sets up a re-employmentattraction institution for retired athletes.3. To encourage enterprises to set up sports companies to provide employmentopportunities for retired athletes.4. To innovate the model of vocational skills for training professional athletes, and toform diversified employment channels.5. To further establish and perfect the social security system of professional athletes.6. Professional athletes should understand correctly themselves and to make theirown efforts to improve their own literacy.The shortages of the research are below:The first is the research samples were divided, and the same research sample couldnot be used; the second is a non-probability sampling of retired athletes.The pending issues to be further studied include the variation trend of social classsources of professional athletes, all classes of knowledge of and attitude tocompetitive sports, the promotion of popularization of higher education and thesources of professional athletes.
