

The Competitive Performance Industry Policy in the Construction of Sports Power

【作者】 骆雷

【导师】 张林;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 竞赛表演业既是体育产业的核心产业门类,也是体育产业各业态中最具引领和带动作用的产业类别。竞赛表演业发展水平的提高是体育产业综合实力的重要标志,也是体育强国建设对我国体育产业发展提出的必然要求。本研究以我国竞赛表演业为研究对象,以产业经济学理论为基础,基于产业政策的视角,综合运用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈等研究方法,利用产业经济学理论和利益相关者理论,在对竞赛表演业进行理论分析的基础上,全面总结和梳理了我国竞赛表演业政策的现状以及国外竞赛表演业政策的经验,研究并提出了体育强国建设中我国竞赛表演业的政策目标,并分别从弥补市场失灵、优化产业结构和提升全球竞争力3个角度分析了我国竞赛表演业政策制定的主要思路。主要研究结论如下:(一)竞赛表演业是以运动竞技和运动表演为主要形式向社会提供服务型产品的组织与活动的集合。具体而言,竞赛表演业的经济活动主要涉及赛事策划与组织(含职业联赛)、运动员经纪、赛事无形资产开发与销售、以及其他经济活动等。其中,赛事策划与组织是竞赛表演业的核心经济活动,也是竞赛表演业区别于其他产业的主要标志。竞赛表演业的其他经济活动均是围绕赛事策划与组织派生而来,也可以称为衍生的经济活动。专业化的赛事运作企业、赛事经纪公司、体育广告公司、职业体育俱乐部、专业运动队、体育场馆管理中心、各类体育协会、运动项目管理中心等机构是竞赛表演业的核心部门。(二)当前我国竞赛表演业的政策宏观指导性较强,未充分考虑我国竞赛表演业发展的区域差异,缺乏可操作性;立法层次与政策效力较低,国务院层面的政策及立法内容较少;政策内容存在滞后性,无法适应我国竞赛表演业的发展。(三)我国竞赛表演业尚属于幼稚产业,未来我国竞赛表演业的发展趋势表现为:竞赛表演业的全球化、赛事活动的社会化、赛事运作的规范化。体育强国建设中我国竞赛表演业的政策目标主要包括:弥补竞赛表演业市场失灵、优化竞赛表演业产业结构、提升竞赛表演业全球竞争力。(四)我国竞赛表演业具有混合物品的经济特征,竞赛表演业的市场失灵主要表现为:赛事承办权市场垄断、赛事电视转播权市场垄断、微观市场主体的培育滞后、赛事资源配置与产品交易的机制缺乏。为弥补我国竞赛表演业存在的市场失灵,政府应注重资助模式的创新、赛事承办权与转播权的立法、赛事资源配置与产品交易平台的建立。在资助模式上应从政策层面鼓励各级政府设立体育产业引导资金;应通过行政立法等手段进一步解决赛事承办权与电视转播权的垄断问题;要分步骤地建立我国及省市层面的赛事资源与产品交易的平台。(五)我国竞赛表演业行业利润率较低,民间资本进入竞赛表演业的吸引力较弱、进入门槛较高,为进一步优化我国竞赛表演业的产业结构,政府应通过税收优惠、降低进入壁垒等手段吸引和鼓励民间资本进入我国竞赛表演业;应引导各地区依据自然条件、资源禀赋和市场需求的不同,制定差异化的竞赛表演业发展战略和规划,培育本土化品牌赛事,促进竞赛表演业区域发展结构的优化。(六)我国竞赛表演业的区域发展水平极不均衡。为有效提升我国竞赛表演业的全球竞争力,政府应通过政策引导,促进竞赛表演业与其他产业的互动与融合。特别是注重竞赛表演业与体育相关产业、文化产业以及旅游业的共同发展;应通过制定幼稚产业保护扶植规划、研究并设计税收优惠政策等措施,实施积极的竞赛表演业扶植政策。

【Abstract】 The competitive performance industry is regarded as the core and the mostleading role in the category of sports industry. Therefore, the level of competitiveperformance industry is an important symbol of the comprehensive strength of thesports industry and an inevitable requirement for the development of sports industryin the construction of the sports power.This dissertation makes the competitive performance industry as the researchobject; meanwhile it is based on industrial economics theory and stakeholder theory toanalysis and study the current situation of domestic and foreign contest performanceindustry policy via literature material research, questionnaire, interviews and otherlogic analysis methods. The paper also proposes policy targets of competitiveperformance industry in the construction of sports power, and the main ideas of thepolicy-making from the perspective of ideological path. The main conclusions are asfollows:(1)The competitive performance industry is a collection that provides servicesto the society by athletics and performances, which economic activities mainlyinclude events planning&organization (including professional league), athleterepresentation and the development, sales of intangible assets of events and otheractivities. Specifically, events planning and organization are not only the core ofeconomic activities of event performance industry, but also the main indicator ofcontest show industry which is different from other industries. The other economicactivities in the event industry are all derive from the events planning andorganization, can also be called as derivative activities. These are the key of eventindustry, which involves specialized event operation organizations, professionalsports clubs and teams, sports associations, and so on.(2)The competitive performance industry policy in our country too muchemphasize on macro-guidance, neglecting the regional and operability, legislativelevel and policy effectiveness are too lower. The content of the policy lags behind andcan not adapt to the development of events industry in our country.(3)The event industry in our country is in the early stages of development. Theglobalization of competition performance, the socialization of events activities, and the standardization of events operation are the trend of competitive performanceindustry. The policy objectives of contest performance in the construction of sportspower include: remedying market failure, optimize the industrial structure andenhance the competitiveness.(4)The competitive performance industry’s economic characteristics likemixed items’. And the reflection of market failure in competitive performanceindustry mainly includes: the market monopoly involving host rights and broadcastrights, the cultivation of micro-market subjects lagging, and the lack of the allocationof events resources and products trading mechanism. The government should focus onthe innovation of funding model; the legislation of events hosting and broadcast rights;the establishment of platform between the allocation of events resources and productstrading to compensate for market failure. On the other hand, for the funding model,the government ought to establish sports industry guide funds, solve the problem ofthe monopoly on the hosting and broadcast rights by legislative means, and develop atrading platform step-by-step.(5)Low profit margin contributes to that the Social capital would not beattracted into the events industry. Thence, some effective measure such as taxincentives, lower entry barriers, the differentiated industrial strategy and foster localbrands, should be taken by authorities to optimize the industrial structure.(6)The level of competitive performance industry is not balanced in differentplaces of our nation. The interaction development between competitive performanceindustry and other industries, specially the culture, tourism, which is the key toenhance events industry’s competitiveness. Similarly, the industrial support policyand tax incentives are the other effective way to promote the balanced development ofcompetitive performance industry in China.
