

Feng Qi and the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy

【作者】 刘明诗

【导师】 汪信砚;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 冯契构建的智慧说,融马克思主义哲学、中国传统哲学和西方哲学于一体,是一个富有个性的中国化马克思主义哲学体系,在马克思主义哲学中国化的历史篇章中留下了精彩的一页。如何全面客观地评价冯契对马克思主义哲学中国化的理论贡献,是当代中国马克思主义哲学研究中的一个重要问题。本文的主要任务就是通过研究冯契的哲学思想,全面、客观、系统地探讨冯契如何以实践唯物主义辩证法为理论指导,在吸取中国传统哲学和西方哲学智慧的基础上,构建起智慧说的哲学体系,从而推进了马克思主义哲学中国化。冯契的哲学之路,用他自己的话来概括,就是“沿着实践唯物主义辩证法的路子前进”。20世纪30年代,冯契遇到了一个重要的哲学问题,这就是知识和智慧的关系问题。这个问题是当时“中国向何处去”的时代主题在哲学领域的体现,它构成了冯契推进马克思主义哲学中国化的理论入口。冯契深受清华学派特别是金岳霖的学术熏陶,但他在毛泽东哲学的巨大影响下,选择了实践唯物主义辩证法作为自己解决知识与智慧关系问题的理论工具,终生一以贯之。冯契站在唯物辩证法的高度,对中国传统哲学(包括古代哲学和近代哲学)的发展历程进行了系统回顾和整体的反思,为其提出智慧说作了充分的理论准备。20世纪90年代初,冯契终于构建起了智慧说的理论体系。这个体系由三篇构成:《认识世界和认识自己》是主干,《逻辑思维的辩证法》和《人的自由和真善美》是两翼。这个体系有着严密的内在逻辑,具有鲜明的马克思主义哲学性质。冯契的智慧说由三篇构成。第一篇是《认识世界和认识自己》,阐述了广义认识论的基本问题。冯契把认识论的主要问题概括为四个方面:感觉能否给予客观实在?理论思维能否把握普遍有效的规律性知识?逻辑思维能否把握具体真理?理想人格如何培养?冯契认为,实践经验能够给予人以对象的实在感,“所与是客观的呈现”,由此可以说,感性经验是整个知识和智慧大厦的基础。理论思维是以概念来摹写和规范经验、以得自现实之道还治现实的,这就是接受总则,再加上形式逻辑的原则,共同构成了普遍有效的规律性知识之所以可能的条件。在“一致而百虑”的思维运动中,逻辑思维通过具体概念能够把握具体真理。逻辑思维对天道的把握就是从本然界演化为事实界、可能界、价值界的过程,对人道的把握就是认识人的心灵和人性问题。而智慧就是关于性与天道的认识,它与自由是内在地联系着。人们通过理性的直觉、辩证的综合、德性的自证,可以实现转识成智的飞跃。第二篇是《逻辑思维的辩证法》,阐述了认识过程的辩证法如何转化为方法论的一般原理。冯契认为,辩证逻辑是马克思主义哲学的生长点,要通过学习马克思主义著作、掌握人类认识史和现代科学知识来进行研究,具体方法就是“辨合”与“符验”。在冯契看来,意见以及观点的矛盾运动构成了辩证逻辑的开端,在科学、哲学的演进过程中,辩证逻辑从自发发展到自觉——这就是逻辑思维过程的辩证法。形式逻辑有其客观基础,辩证逻辑把握具体真理的思维形式是具体概念,对立统一规律是辩证思维的根本规律,逻辑思维的主要范畴是“类”、“故”、“理”;一般的逻辑方法主要包含观察的客观性(从实际出发)、分析与综合的结合、归纳和演绎以及类比、逻辑的方法与历史的方法、假设和证明以及理论和实践的统一等五个环节——这就是逻辑思维形式的辩证法。第三篇是《人的自由和真善美》,阐述了认识过程的辩证法如何贯彻于价值领域,转化为人的自由人格的德性。冯契认为,人的自由就是“以得自现实之道还治现实”:人的自由是“化自在之物为为我之物”;人的自由就是从必然王国走向自由王国。总之,要求自由是人的本质。人要求自由的本质必然具体表现于价值领域。价值是评价的对象,是评价意义的客观化,文化哲学的核心问题是价值问题。真善美以及功利等价值构成了统一的价值体系。作为价值范畴,真与人生理想相联系,善与道德理想相联系,美与审美理想相联系。人类在创造文化的同时也培养了理想的自由人格。今天应该提倡平民化的自由人格,通过实践和教育相结合、世界观的培养和智育、德育、美育的统一以及集体帮助和个人主观努力相结合等三种途径来培养。人类的全部历史就是走向自由王国的历程。冯契对马克思主义哲学中国化作出了独特贡献,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。首先,冯契运用马克思主义哲学基本理论考察了中国传统哲学的发展历程,对如何促进中国传统哲学的现代化作了系统反思。他从认识论、逻辑学、天道观、人道观、方法论等多个方面概括总结了中国传统哲学的积极成果,批判清理了中国传统哲学在价值观、方法论、逻辑学等方面存在的消极因素,提出了新的哲学史定义和比较法、通变法、扬弃法等促进中国传统哲学现代化的方法论原则。其次,冯契以实践唯物主义辩证法为理论指导,在构建了中国化马克思主义哲学逻辑体系方面作了新的尝试。在马克思主义哲学发展史上,李达、艾思奇、张岱年、毛泽东等都对中国化马克思主义哲学体系作了种种探索,取得了很大成绩,冯契在此基础上对构建中国化马克思主义哲学体系作了又一次成功的尝试。今天要继续创新马克思主义哲学体系,就应该像冯契那样沿着实践唯物主义的道路前进,强化自觉的民族意识,保持心灵的自由思考。再次,冯契从多个方面丰富和发展了马克思主义哲学基本原理,赋予了马克思主义哲学理论以时代内容和民族特色。在认识论方面,冯契拓展了马克思主义认识论的研究领域,夯实了唯物主义的实践基础,丰富了马克思主义真理观,充实了马克思主义认识论的范畴体系;在逻辑学方面,强调辩证逻辑是马克思主义哲学的生长点,对形式逻辑和辩证逻辑作了科学区分,提出了富于民族特色的“类”、“故”、“理”的逻辑范畴体系;在文化哲学方面,对文化的内涵和文化哲学的核心问题作了马克思主义的阐释,在文化的“古今”层面上提出了首先要继承中国“近代传统”的观点,在文化的“中西”层面上提出了中西文化会通的机制;在自由理论方面,对马克思主义经典作家的自由理论作了深入阐发,对中国传统哲学的自由理论进行了系统考察,就自由的本质、过程和境界提出了创新性的见解;在理想学说方面,提出了广义的理想概念,对人生理想、道德理想、审美理想作了深入探讨;在人的本质理论方面,从事实界的视域提出人的类本质就是“要求自由”,从可能界的视域阐发了人的社会本质,将人的本质与人的德性有机结合起来;在人格理论方面,从历史与现实的教训中提出了“平民化的自由人格”的新理念,以及培养“平民化的自由人格”的有效途径。最后,冯契对马克思主义哲学中国化的有关问题作了专门的探讨:他把马克思主义哲学中国化看成是一个具体的历史的发展过程,总结了毛泽东对马克思主义哲学中国化作出的多方面的杰出贡献以及专业哲学家对马克思主义哲学中国化的理论贡献,并把马克思主义哲学中国化视为世界哲学的开端。这些都为我们在全球化的今天进一步反思和推进马克思主义哲学中国化提供了有益的启示。

【Abstract】 Feng Qi’s Wisdom Theory, which has absorbed the essence of Marxist philosophy, Chinese philosophy and Western philosophy, is a system of Chinese Marxist philosophy with its own character, and leaves a brilliant page in the chapter of the history of the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy. How to evaluate the theoretical contributions to the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy comprehensively and objectively is an important issue of the study on Marxist philosophy in contemporary China. The main aim of my paper is to accomplish this task with best efforts.Feng Qi’s philosophical road, in his own words, is "to advance along the road of Practical Materialism Dialectics".Feng Qi met an important philosophical issue which was the relationship between knowledge and wisdom in1930s. This question was the philosophical reflection of times theme of "Whither China", and it constituted the theoretical entrance in which Feng Qi advanced the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy. Feng Qi was deeply influenced by Tsinghua School especially by Jin Yuelin, but he was influenced by Mao Zedong more deeply, so he chose Practical Materialism Dialectic as his theoretical tools to answer the question of the relationship between knowledge and wisdom through his consistent life. Conducting a systematic review and the overall reflection of the development process of the Chinese traditional philosophy (including ancient philosophy and modern philosophy) on the height of materialist dialectics, Feng Qi made a full preparation for his Wisdom Theory. Feng Qi constructed his theoretical system of Wisdom Theory in the early1990s. This system consists of three components:"To Understand the World and Understand Their Own" is the trunk,"Dialectics of Logical Thinking" and "Human Freedom and "Truth, Goodness, Beauty" is wings. This system has its own strict internal logic, and it is with distinct nature of Marxist philosophy.Feng Qi’s Wisdom Theory is consisted of three chapters. The first chapter is "To Understand the World and Understand Their Own", which explains the basic issues of his broad-sense epistemology. Feng Qi summed up the main problems of epistemology in four aspects:whether feeling can give objective reality? Whether theoretical thinking can grasp the laws of universally valid knowledge? Whether logical thinking can grasp specific truth? How to train ideal personality? In Feng Qi’s opinion, Practical experience can give us a sense of reality about the object, and "Given is the show of objectiveness". It can be said that practical experience is the basis of knowledge and wisdom. Theoretical thinking is to facsimile and specified the experience, and it is to treat the reality with what the reality give us. This is called accepted general principle, which constitutes the condition of universally valid knowledge together with formal logic. In the thinking movement of "consistence and different consideration", logical thinking grasps the truth through specific concrete concept. Logical thinking grasps the Heaven is a process in which primordial world evolves to facts world, possibility world and value world, and touches upon the problem of mind and humanity when it grasps the Human. Wisdom is about Heaven and Human, and is inherently linked with freedom. People can realize the leap from knowledge to wisdom through rational intuition, dialectical synthesis, virtue’s self-evidence. The second chapter is "Dialectics of Logical Thinking", which explains how the dialectics of thinking process is transformed into the general principles of methodology. In Feng Qi’s opinion, dialectical logic is the growing point of Marxist philosophy, so we must pay more attention to it from studying Marxism and learning the knowledge of human knowing history and contemporary science with the specific means of "co-identified" and "character test." The contradiction between views and perspectives constitutes the beginning of dialectical logic. Dialectical logic advances itself from spontaneity to self-conscious in the process of the development of science and philosophy. This is the dialectics of the logical thinking process. Formal logic has its objective basis. Dialectical logic grasps the specific truth with specific concept. Unity of opposites is the fundamental law of dialectical thinking. Logical thinking’main areas are "class","reason","truth". General logic method mainly includes five links such as the observation of objectivity (from reality), the combination of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction and analogy, logical method and historical method, assumption and demonstration, the combination of assumption and evidence and theory and practice. This is the dialectics of logic thinking form.The third chapter is "Human Freedom and Truth, Goodness, Beauty", which explains how the dialectics of thinking process runs through the value area and is transformed into the virtue of human free personality. In Feng Qi’s opinion, human freedom is "to treat the reality with what the reality give us", and is "to transform the thing in itself into a thing for me", and is to go from the realm of necessity into the realm of freedom. In short, for freedom is the essence of man. This essence is inevitably reflected in the value area. Value is the subject to evaluation. The core issue of culture philosophy is value. Truth, Goodness, Beauty and utilitarian value constitute a unified value system, and as the value category, Truth is associated with life idea, Goodness is linked to moral idea, Beauty is associated with aesthetic idea. Man not only creates culture but also develops ideal freedom personality. Today we should promote a kind of personality which is called plebeian-oriented free personality, and train it with the combination of practice and education, of culture of world view and intellectual, moral, aesthetic education, of collective help and individual effort. The whole history of mankind is the history to the realm of freedom.Feng Qi has made a unique contribution to the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy, which is of important significance theoretically and practically. Firstly, Feng Qi applies the basic theory of Marxist philosophy to the development process of Chinese traditional philosophy and makes a systematic reflection of how to promote the modernization of Chinese traditional philosophy. He has not only summed up the positive results of Chinese traditional philosophy from the view of epistemology, logic, concept of Heaven, concept of humanitarian, methodology and other aspects,but also critically cleaned up the negative factors from the point of values, methodology, logic and other aspects, and proposed a new definition of philosophy history and some methodological principles to promote the modernization of traditional Chinese philosophy such as comparison, reformation, keeping-abandoning. Secondly, Feng Qi has made a new attempt on the logical system of Chinese Marxist philosophy under the guidance of Practice Materialist Dialectics. In the history of Marxist philosophy, some philosophers,such as Lee Da, Ai Siqi, Zhang Dainian, Mao Zedong and so on, have made great achievements.It is on the base of these achievements that Feng Qi has made a new successful essay. Today, to continue to innovate on Marxist philosophy, we should advance along the road of Practical Materialism Dialectics with a conscious national consciousness and a forever free mind as Feng Qi. Thirdly, Feng Qi has enriched and developed the basic principles of Marxist philosophy in many ways, giving times and national identity to Marxist philosophy.On Marxist epistemology, Feng Qi has not only expanded the field of study, but also reinforced the practical basis of materialism, and enriched the Marxist truth theory, and enriched the scope of category system. On Marxist logic, Feng Qi has not only stressed that dialectical logic is the growing point of Marxist philosophy,but also made a scientific distinction between formal logic and dialectical logic, and presented system of logical categories including "class","reason","truth" with rich ethnic characteristics. On Marxist culture philosophy, Feng Qi has not only made a deep Marxism interpretation on the meaning of culture and the core of culture philosophy, but also put forward the concept that we should first of all carry on Chinese "modern traditional" at the level of "ancient and modern", and proposed a perforating mechanism of Chinese culture and western culture at the level of "Chinese and western". On Marxist freedom theory, Feng Qi has not only made a deep exposition on the thought of Marxist classical writers’ freedom theories, but also made a systematic study on the freedom theory of Chinese traditional philosophy, and put forward innovative ideas on freedom’s nature, process, and the realm. On Marxism ideal theory, Feng Qi has not only proposed a broad concept of idea but also made a deep investigation on life idea, moral ideal and aesthetic idea. On the theory of human nature of Marxist philosophy, Feng Qi has not only raised that human class nature is " for freedom" from the point of facts world, but also illustrated human social nature from the view of possibility world, and combined human nature and human virtue. On Marxist personality theory, Feng Qi has put forward a new concept of plebeian-oriented free personality and the effective way to train it. Finally, Feng Qi makes a deep reflection on the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy. Feng Qi considers the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy as a concrete and historical process, and he summarizes not only Mao Zedong’s contribution but also some professional philosophers’ contribution to the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy, and he regards the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy as the beginning of world philosophy. All these have provided us with useful insights to further reflect and advance the Sinicization of Marxist Philosophy in today’s era of globalization.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期