

Responses of Quality Formation of Aromatic Tobacco to Ecological Environment and Their Water-Nitrogen Regulation

【作者】 符云鹏

【导师】 刘卫群;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 烟草学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 香料烟是一个特殊的烟草类型,具有芬芳的香气和优美的吃味,其特殊的香气特征与香料烟香味物质组成及含量密切相关。本文于2006-2010年采用大田和盆栽试验方法,系统研究了我国不同产区香料烟香味物质组成特点及质量差异、香料烟品质形成对品种和生态的响应,系统地研究了土壤水分和氮素营养对香料烟生理特性、产量和质量形成的影响,阐明了我国不同产区香料烟致香物质组成特点及其与品质的关系,明确了生态、品种对香料烟致香物质含量的贡献,水氮调控对香料烟产量和品质形成的影响,为进一步提升我国香料烟质量提供理论依据和技术支撑。主要研究结论如下:1.对国内不同产区的香料烟和我国进口的土耳其及泰国香料烟的香味物质、非挥发性有机酸、高级脂肪酸含量和感官质量进行了分析。结果表明,不同产区香料烟香味成分组成相同,但各组分的含量和所占比例差异较大。所定性定量的香味物质总量以云南香料烟最高,其A1级烟叶香味物质总量分别是新疆、浙江、湖北同部位烟叶的1.79、2.08、1.72倍,是泰国、土耳其香料烟的1.83、2.31倍。土耳其香料烟中有机酸所占比例超过其香味成分总量的60%,类赖百当化合物仅占3.64%;云南香料烟主要香味物质是类赖百当化合物,其次是有机酸,该产区中、上部烟叶类赖百当化合物含量占香味物质总量的45.58%~50.62%;浙江香料烟香味物质也以有机酸所占比例最高,其次是类赖百当和类西柏烷化合物;新疆香料烟主要香味物质是有机酸和类赖百当化合物;湖北香料烟以类西柏烷化合物所占比例最高,有机酸次之。泰国香料烟有机酸所占比例为46%,类赖百当占32.92%,类西柏烷不足6.0%。香料烟类胡萝卜素降解产物含量较低(除浙江外)。云南、新疆香料烟的感官质量与挥发性有机酸、类赖百当和类西柏烷类物质含量呈正相关;浙江、湖北香料烟的感官质量与总有机酸含量呈正相关。2.在云南、浙江两个生态条件下研究了不同品种香料烟农艺性状、经济性状和质量的差异。结果表明,生态区间、品种间香料烟农艺性状、产量、AB级烟叶的比例具有明显的不同。品种对香料烟叶片数的贡献率远高于生态因素和二者的互作效应;生态因素对腺毛密度的贡献率占绝对优势,3个品种腺毛密度均表现为云南显著高于浙江;品种与生态互作对香料烟产量的贡献率高于生态因素;生态对香料烟AB级烟叶比例的贡献率高于品种。香料烟化学成分和香味物质的含量在生态区间、品种间具有明显差异,生态对香料烟糖和烟碱含量的贡献率高于品种及因素互作,总体上云南香料烟糖高碱低,浙江香料烟糖低碱高。香料烟香味物质含量在生态区间、品种间差异较大,品种对赖百当、西柏烷类物质和总有机酸含量的贡献率明显高于其它因素;生态对香料烟总挥发性有机酸和特征有机酸含量的贡献率明显高于互作相应,品种的贡献率很低。总体上,Basma品种赖百当类物质含量显著高于其它品种,Canik品种西柏烷类物质含量显著高于其它品种,Samsun品种类西柏烷类物质含量显著低于其它品种;云南干旱的气候有利于赖百当类、有机酸类物质的形成和糖的积累,浙江湿热气候有利于西柏烷类物质的形成和烟碱的提高。感官质量评价表明,云南种植巴斯玛品种更能彰显其芳香型特征;浙江种植沙姆逊品种有利于形成浓郁的香味。3.采用盆栽控水方法,研究了土壤水分胁迫对香料烟生长发育、生理代谢、化学成分、香味物质含量及质量的影响。结果表明,随土壤水分胁迫程度的增加,香料烟对氮素吸收和干物质的积累量显著减少,产量下降,叶绿素含量和光合速率降低。土壤水分由65%~75%降至50%~60%时光合速率降低幅度很小,MDA含量变化不大,说明香料烟具有较强的抗旱性;当土壤水分降至35%~45%时,MDA含量明显提高,光合速率降低幅度增大,出现深度午休现象。叶片光合速率和蒸腾速率与生理生态因子的相关分析表明,对净光合速率影响最大的因子各处理均为气孔导度;对蒸腾速率影响最大的因子因土壤水分含量不同而异,土壤水分在65%~75%时是空气温度,土壤水分在60%以下是光合有效辐射。随土壤水分胁迫程度的增加,香料烟糖含量降低,总氮和烟碱含量有所增加;中部叶异戊酸和β-甲基戊酸等挥发性有机酸、赖百当类物质以及西柏烷类物质的含量明显提高,酯类、非酶棕色化反应产物、苯丙氨酸降解产物的含量也有所增加;随土壤水分胁迫程度的增加,上部叶有机酸、类胡萝卜素降解产物、苯丙氨酸降解产物的含量提高,但增幅小于中部叶;赖百当类物质以及西柏烷类物质的含量在轻度水分胁迫时稍有降低,严重水分胁迫时明显下降。香料烟中部叶感官质量随土壤水分的变化与香料烟有机酸3项指标、类赖百当及其降解产物、类西柏烷类及其降解产物含量变化相一致,上部叶感官质量随土壤水分的变化与有机酸3项指标的变化相一致。在本试验条件下,土壤水分在50%~60%,有利于获得较优的品质和适宜的产量。4.研究了氮用量对香料烟碳氮代谢关键酶活性、产量和香味物质含量及品质的影响。结果表明,随着氮用量的增加,烟叶GS活性提高,烟草对氮素同化能力增强。中氮水平下有利于提高SPS活性,前期促进香料烟生长,后期促进蔗糖的积累;高氮水平下SPS活性明显下降,导致蔗糖积累减少。这是氮用量在适宜范围时,产量提高但总糖含量没有明显下降的原因;而氮用量过高,香料烟糖含量显著降低,AB级烟叶比例显著下降,烟叶产量虽高但品质变差。氮用量在45~60kg/hm2范围内,香料烟类赖百当和类西柏烷含量有所增加,超过此用量明显降低;随氮用量的增加,香料烟中挥发性有机酸总量均呈下降趋势。香料烟的吸食品质随氮用量的变化与其类赖百当、类西柏烷含量变化一致。5.研究了不同氮源对香料烟光合速率、经济性状、化学成分和香味物质含量的影响。结果表明,与复合肥和硝酸钾相比,有机氮源能提高中后期香料烟叶片光合速率和AB级烟叶比例;施芝麻饼和牛粪增加赖百当类物质的含量,桐油枯和芝麻饼提高类西柏烷类物质的含量,特别是芝麻饼肥处理既保持了较高的产量、产值和AB级烟叶比例,又提高了香料烟特征香味物质β-甲基戊酸、异戊酸和赖百当类物质的含量,改善了香料烟品质。

【Abstract】 As a special type of tobacco, aromatic tobacco has fragrant resin aromaand pure taste that have a close relationship with its flavor component kinds andcontent. During2006-2010, through field and potted cultivation, a systematic researchwas conducted on flavor component characteristics and quality differences ofaromatic tobacco from different producing areas in China, and on different aromatictobacco varieties’ responses to ecological environment. Specially, the impacts of soilwater stress and nitrogen nutrition on the physiological characteristics, yields andquality characters of aromatic tobacco were systematically studied. The relationshipbetween flavor component composition characteristics and quality of aromatictobacco in China was clarified, and conclusions were also drawn on the contributionsof ecological environment and species to the yield, main chemical composition andflavor components content of aromatic tobacco, and the effects of water and nitrogenregulation on the formation of yields and quality of oriental tobacco. These resultsprovided the theoretical basis and important technical support to further improvementthe overall quality level of oriental tobacco in China. The main research results wereas follows:1. The flavor components, non-volatile organic acids, higher fatty acid andsensory quality of domestic, Turkey and Thailand aromatic tobaccos were analyzed.The result showed that aromatic tobacco in different regions had same flavorcomponents but remarkably different content and proportion of them. The amount ofqualitative and quantitative flavor component was highest in Yunnan aromatic tobaccowhose A1class tobacco leaf contained respectively1.79,2.08,1.72times of flavorcomponent amount of same position of tobacco leaf from Xinjiang, Zhejiang andHubei, and respectively1.83and2.31times of Thailand and Turkey. In Turkeyaromatic tobacco, organic acids took up over60%in all its flavor components, yet thelabdannums occupied only3.64%. Yunnan aromatic tobacco’s main flavor componentwas labdannums which took up45.58%~50.62%, and its second most componentwas organic acids. The flavor component that occupied highest proportion of Zhejiangaromatic tobacco was organic acids, followed by labdannums and cembranoids. The major flavor component of Xinjiang aromatic tobacco was organic acids andlabdannums. Hubei aromatic tobacco’s cembranoids had largest amount in allcomponents, the second largest was organic acids. Thailand aromatic tobaccocontained46%organic acids,32.92%labdannums, while less than6.0%cembranoids.Apart from Zhejiang aromatic tobacco, other producing areas’ aromatic tobaccos hadlow content of carotenoid degradation products. Yunnan and Xinjiang aromatictobacco’s volatile organic acids and labdannums had a positive effect on its sensoryquality, and Zhejiang aromatic tobacco’s volatile organic acids also had a positivecorrelation with its sensory quality.2. The distinctions in agronomic characters, economic characters and qualitywere studied under two different ecological condition in Yunnan and Zhejiang. Theresult revealed that the agronomic characters, yields and A&B level tobacco leavesbetween different ecological environments and species had remarkable distinctions.Species had a much stronger effects on leaf number than ecological factors andinteraction effect of the two factors. Ecological factors was dominant on density ofglandular trichome, and3species of Yunnan all had higher density of glandulartrichome than according species of Zhejiang. Also, the interaction effect of speciesand ecology had a bigger influence on yields than ecological factors, and ecologicalfactors were more powerful on the ratio of A class leave over B class leaves. Thechemical compositions and flavor components of aromatic tobacco had significantdistinctions among different ecological areas and species. Ecology had a strongereffect on sugar and nicotine than species and interaction effect. In general, Yunnanaromatic tobacco had higher sugar and lower nicotine, while Zhejiang aromatictobacco had lower sugar and higher nicotine. In addition, species was the most powerfactor on the content of labdannums, cembranoids and organic acids. Ecologicalfactors had a far stronger influence on content of volatile organic acids and typicalorganic acids than interaction effect of ecology and species, especially than specieswhich had a very limited contribution. Generally speaking, Basma had high levelcontent of labdannums, Canik had high proportion of cembranoids while lowproportion of labdannums, Samsun contianed the lowest level cembranoids in allaromatic tobacco species. The arid climate in Yunnan is conductive to the formationof labdannums and organic acids and accumulation of sugar, the hot and humidclimate in Zhejiang is beneficial to the formation of cembranoids and the increase ofnicotine. The sensory quality evaluation showed that cultivating Basma in Yunnan can significantly enhance its aromatic characteristics, while growing Samsun in Zhejianggreatly benefits the formation of its rich aroma.3. By water control through potted cultivation, the impacts of soil water stress onthe aromatic tobacco’s growth and development, physiological metabolism, chemicalcomponents and flavor component content and quality were studied. The resultsrevealed that, with the increase of soil moisture stress, aromatic tobacco showeddecrease in absorb and accumulation of nitrogen, decline in yields and lower level ofchlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate. When soil water declined from65%~75%to50%~60%, there was a slight decrease of photosynthesis rate and trivialchange of MDA content, indicating that aromatic tobacco has good drought resistance.When soil water declined to35%~45%, there was a significant rise in MDA contentand remarkable reduction in photosynthesis rate, giving rise to depth middaydepression of tobacco. The correlation analysis between photosynthesis rate andphy-ecological factors, transpiration rate and phy-ecological factors shows that themost powerful factor to net photosynthesis rate is stomatal conductance under alltreatments, while the most important factor to transpiration rate varies according todifferent levels of soil moisture, turning out to be air temperature under soil moisturelevel of65%~75%and ohotosynthetically active radiation under soil moisture level ofbelow60%. With the increase of soil water stress, several changes in aromatictobacco’s physiological characteristics were shown. Firstly, the contents of sugardeclined while the total nitrogen and nicotine increased. Also, the cutter leaf flavorcomponents like isovaleric acid β-methlvaleric acid, labdannums and cembranoidshave remarkable growth, and the contents esters, non-enzymatic browning reactionproducts and phenylalanine degradation products are also increased. In addition, thecontent organic acids, phenylalanine degradation products and carotenoid degradationproducts of upper leaves were increased yet with lower extent than cutter leaf. Andthe labdannums and cembranoids declined little with mild soil moisture stress whiledeclined greatly with severe soil moisture stress. Moreover, the change in cutter leaf’ssensory quality in response to soil moisture variation is consistent with the change oforganic acids’3indicators, labdannums and its degradation products, cembranoidsand its degradation products, and the change in upper leaf’s sensory quality inresponse to soil moisture variation is consistent with the change of organic acids’3indicators. Under experimental condition of this paper, keeping the soil moisture levelat50%~60%contributes to relatively high quality and proper yields of aromatic tobacco.4. The influences of nitrogen rate on the key enzyme activity of carbon andnitrogen metabolism, yields, flavor components’ content and quality of aromatictobaccos were explored. The result illustrated that, with the increase of nitrogen rate,the GS activity of tobacco leaf was improved, and assimilative capacity for nitrogenwas strengthened. Moderate nitrogen rate is beneficial to promote SPS activity, boostearly growth of aromatic tobacco to gain proper yields and improve the accumulationof sucrose in later growth. Under high level of nitrogen rate, there was a sharpdecrease of SPS activity and reduce in sucrose accumulation. This was exactly thereason why total sugar content has no obvious decrease while the yield is increasedwithin proper range of nitrogen rate. However, overuse of nitrogen remarkablyreduced SPS activity and sucrose accumulation, resulting in the prominent decrease ofaromatic tobacco’s soluble sugar and reducing sugar and a proportion reduce of ABgrade tobacco leaf, and thus tobacco had a high yield yet low output in such condition.The labdannums and cembranoids increased with a nitrogen rate ranging45~60kg/hm2, yet decreased sharply when the rate increased beyond this range. With theincrease of nitrogen rate, the total amount of volatile organic acids exhibited a downtrend. The sensory quality had a constant variation with the content of labdannumsand cembranoids when the nitrogen rate changed.5. The effects of different nitrogen source on photosynthetic rate, economiccharacteristics, chemical compositions and flavor component content of aromatictobaccos were researched. The result showed that, compared with compound fertilizerand potassium nitrate, organic nitrogen fertilizer could improve the photosynthesisrate and AB level leaf proportion of aromatic tobacco in middle and later growth.Pure sesame oil cake and cow dung could raise the content of labdannums, andcombination use of tung oil cake and sesame oil cake could increase the content ofcembranoids. Sesame oil, especially, not only kept relatively high yields, output andproportion of AB level leaf, but also increased the content of aromatic tobaccocharacteristic flavor component including isovaleric acid,β-methlvaleric acid andlabdannums, significantly improving the quality of aromatic tobacco.

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