

Study on Construction of Agriculture Information Service System in Sichuan Province

【作者】 胡玉福

【导师】 邓良基;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 随着世界社会经济的快速发展,人类社会进入知识经济时代,信息已上升到竞争的第一要素,成为了社会和国民经济发展的关键要素。利用信息技术改造传统农业,提升农业,已成为世界各国提高农业综合竞争实力的重要途径。建设高效、持续的农业信息服务体系,对于提升农业信息服务水平,推动农业信息化和现代化的快速发展具有非常重要的现实意义。四川是农业大省,但不是农业强省,农业的现代化以及农村经济发展迫切需要发挥信息技术的支撑作用。近年来,四川农业信息化水平得到了较快提升,但总体水平不高,农业信息服务体系不健全,信息传输不畅,不能适应农业和农村经济发展的需要,农业信息服务“最后一公里”的问题尚未得到根本解决,因此,开展四川农业信息服务体系建设研究具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文采用理论与实证相结合、定性分析与定量研究相结合的方法,研究了四川农业信息服务体系的建设问题。首先,对国内外农业信息服务体系发展现状和研究进展进行了文献回顾,明确了农业信息服务体系的相关概念,对农业信息服务体系建设和发展的相关理论进行了分析。其次,从农业信息传输平台、信息服务组织体系、农业信息资源开发利用三个方面对四川农业信息平台的建设现状及存在问题进行了调查和分析研究。第三,采用问卷调查的方法研究了四川农户的农业信息需求:采用条件价值评估法(CVM)分析和量测了农户对农业信息服务的支付意愿,并应用Logistic回归模型对农户农业信息服务支付意愿影响因素进行了计量经济分析。第四,在前面理论分析和调查研究的基础上,针对四川农业信息的需求,农业信息传输平台、服务组织体系和农业信息资源开发利用现状和存在的问题,对四川农业信息服务体系进行了框架设计,明确了建设的总体目标、原则、总体思路和建设方案,探讨了农业信息服务体系的投资运行机制。第五,以提出的农业信息服务体系建设思路和方案为指导,对四川“农业科技110”信息服务体系建设进行了实证研究。第六,基于前述分析研究,提出了加强四川省农业信息服务体系建设和发展的对策建议。论文的主要研究结论如下:(1)四川在农业信息传输平台、农业信息服务组织体系建设和农业信息资源开发利用等方面取得了一定成效,但目前尚未形成统一的农业信息协同传输平台,现有信息传输平台集成共享性和互动性差,缺乏专家服务队伍支撑,功能单一,信息传输应用成本较高;农业信息服务组织体系建设存在政府的主导作用发挥不够,管理体制不合理,配套政策和激励机制不完善,农业信息服务机构不健全,信息服务队伍不稳’定,整体素质不高,信息人才缺乏等问题;农业信息开发利用存在信息资源分散,缺乏有效整合,开发利用程度低,信息实用性差,指导性不强,有效供给不足等问题。(2)四川农户急需的农业信息是与农业生产密切相关的作物栽培及病虫害防治信息、作物及畜禽新种品信息、土壤施肥管理信息、畜禽养殖及病虫害防治信息、农业实用新技术信息和特色种养殖信息。区域经济发展水平、家庭收入和文化程度较高,农业生产经营规模较大的农户,其总体信息需求强度相对较高,而且对新技术、新品种、农产品储藏加工、农产品市场等信息的需求更加偏好。四川大部分农户对农业信息服务具有支付意愿,其比例占受访农户的78.94%,但农户的支付意愿水平整体较低,其中对农业短信服务和农业电话咨询服务的支付意愿水平分别为1.63元/月和0.22元/分钟。农户对农业信息服务的支付意愿受到农户个人特征、农户家庭特征、农户所处的环境特征等多方面因素的影响,其中与农户年龄在10%水平上呈显著负相关;与农户文化程度、从事农业生产类型、家庭经营土地规模、家庭年收入、所在地电视及通信网络条件、农业信息服务机构状况、农业信息服务质量等因素分布在1%、5%或10%水平上呈显著正相关。(3)在理论分析和实地调研的基础上,提出了从农业信息资源支撑体系、农业信息传输体系和农业信息服务组织体系三方面建设农业信息服务体系的“三位一体”基本框架,三大体系相辅相成,相互支撑,有机统一,共同完成农业信息的服务功能,其中,农业信息资源支撑体系是农业信息分服务的基础,发挥着“水库”和“蓄水池”的作用;农业信息传输体系信息服务的重要环节,发挥着“桥梁”和“渠道”的作用。农业信息服务组织体系为信息服务体系建设和推广应用的组织保障。(4)农业信息服务具有公共品的基本特性,但不同农业信息服务类型非排他和非竞争性质和程度不同,从而具有不同供给机制选择。公益型农业信息服务投资运行机制和商业型农业信息服务投资运行机制均存在自身的优势和不足,将两种投资运行机制相结合,构建政府主导的多元化的投资运行机制,才能为四川农业信息服务体系建设和发展提供持续的资金支持。(5)实证研究表明,四川“农业科技110"信息服务体系以农业资源数据库、农业知识库、农业科普视频数据库和农业专家系统为支撑,以集电话、电视、网络、短信等多种传输技术为一体的协同传输平台为信息传输手段,以省-市-县-乡4级组织运行体系为保障,以专家队伍为支撑,实现了农业信息资源的整合,信息传输技术的集成、农业信息服务组织体系的创新,推动了农业信息的传输和应用,提高了农业信息进村入户率,为有效解决农业信息服务“最后一公里”的瓶颈开辟了新的途径。构建的政府投资为主、企业赞助为辅、适当有偿服务相结合的长效投资运行机制,为农业信息服务体系提供了长期持续的资金支持,实现了农业信息服务体系的可持续发展。(6)基于以上理论和实践研究,提出了切实发挥政府主导作用、加强农业信息化基础设施和农业信息传输协调平台建设、加强农业信息资源的开发利用,完善农业信息服务组织体系、积极开展农业信息服务机制创新等农业信息服务体系建设和发展的对策建议。本文的主要的特色和创新如下:(1)研究思路与方法创新。论文采用理论研究与实证研究相结合、定性分析与定量研究相结合的方法,对四川农业信息服务体系的建设现状、农户的信息需求特征进行实地调研,在此找准问题、摸清信息需求的基础上,研究并提出四川农业信息服务体系建设的思路和基本框架,并开展了四川农业科技110信息服务体系建设和应用实证研究。研究不仅丰富了农业信息化的相关理论,也为农业信息服务体系的建设和运行提供了理论和现实参考。(2)农业信息服务体系建设理论创新。论文从系统角度出发,在理论分析和实践研究的基础上,明确提出从农业信息资源支撑体系、农业信息传输体系和农业信息服务组织体系三方面建设农业信息服务体系的基本框架,三大体系“三位一体”相辅相成,相互支撑,有机统一,实现了农业信息资源的有效整合与共享、农业信息传输技术的集成与优化、农业信息服务组织运行机制的创新,提高了农业信息的传输和应用效率,促进了农业信息服务“最后一公里”的难题的有效解决。(3)农业信息服务体系投资运行机制创新。论文在公共产品理论分析、实地调查和实践研究的基础上,构建了政府投资、企业赞助为辅和适当有偿信息服务相结合的多元化长效投资运行新机制和模式,为有效破解农业信息服务体系可持续发展的难题提供新思路。

【Abstract】 With the rapid socio-economic development of the world, an era of knowledge economy emerged for human society. Information technology, which had turned into the most important element in competition, sweeps the world. And it becomes the third key element following the energy and materials. Transforming traditional agriculture and improving agriculture by making use of information technology, had gradually become an important way for the world to improve the comprehensive competitive strength of agriculture. Building an efficient, sustainable agricultural information service system has a very important practical significance on upgrading the agricultural information service level, promoting the rapid development of agricultural modernization and agricultural information. Sichuan is a major province of population and agriculture, but not a strong agricultural province. The information technology is urgently demand to play a role in the modernization of agriculture and rural economic development. In recent years, Agricultural information level had been promoted rapidly. However, the overall level of agricultural information still needs to be improved, the agricultural information service system is not perfect and the information transmission is not smooth, which is unable to meet the needs of agricultural and rural economic development, the problem of the "Last One Kilometer" of agricultural information service has not been entirely resolved. So it would be valuable to study on construction of Sichuan agricultural information service system.The paper studied on construction of Sichuan agricultural information service system by method of a combination of theoretical research and empirical research, qualitative analysis and quantitative research. Firstly, the paper made a literature review of status and research progress of domestic and international agricultural information service system development, made a clear concept of the agricultural information service system, analyzed theory about construction and development of the agricultural information service system. Secondly, the paper conducted a survey and analysis of the current situation and problems of Sichuan agricultural information, which based on three aspects of agricultural information transmission platform, information service organization system, the development of agricultural information resources. Third, Sichuan farmers’demand for agricultural information was found by questionnaire survey methods. Contingent valuation method (CVM) was used to analyze fanners’willingness to pay for agricultural information service, logistic regression model was applied to analyze factors affecting the willingness to pay for the agricultural information service. Fourth, on the basis of theoretical analysis and field survey, the target, principle, design ideas and construction programs of agricultural information service system was put forward in the paper, which according to current status and problems of Sichuan agricultural information transmission platform, as well as agricultural information organization service system and development and utilization of information resource. The investment operation mechanism of the agricultural information service system was also discussed under the guidance of public goods theory. Fifth, According to agricultural design ideas and construction programs that had been proposed, an empirical study on Sichuan "Agricultural Science and Technology110" information service system was conducted. Sixth, based on fore analysis, the paper*had finally been put forward suggestion and countermeasure that to accelerate agricultural information service system in Sichuan province.The main conclusions of the paper are as follows:(1) The survey of agricultural information serve system showed that some success obtained in Sichuan agricultural information transmission platform, as well as agricultural information organization service system and development and utilization of information resource. But it was lack of unified agricultural information coordination transmission platform. With lack of experts’support, plus single function and high cost of application for information transmission, the integration common sharing and interactivity of the exiting information transmission platform was weak. Agricultural information organization service system was confronted with government’s poor leading role, unreasonable management system, imperfect of supporting policies, excitation system and agricultural information serve mechanism, low quality of team, lack of information professionals. Development and utilization of agricultural information has problems such as dispersed information resources, lack of effective integration, low level of development and utilization, poor in information practicality, weak in guidance, lack of effective supply and so on. (2) Sichuan farmers have strong demand for agricultural information related with agricultural production, such as crop cultivation, control of pest and disease, breed of crop and livestock and poultry, management for soil fertilization, cultivation of livestock and poultry, practical new technologies, characteristical crop and cultivation information. The demand for agricultural information was different for inconsistent of household income level, education level and the production and operation scale. Farmer in Sichuan has strong demand for agricultural information. Farmers’age, education level, the agricultural production type engaged in, the production and operation scale, annual household income level, local communication and network conditions, institutions of agricultural infonnation services, agricultural information service quality are important factors that affect the willingness of farmers to pay for information services.(3) Based on theoretical analysis and field survey, general idea and basic programs of service system was put forward. General idea contain such content that integrate agricultural information and transmission technology setting up system transmission platform, building information serve organized system, being effective to advance and popularize agricultural information serve. That supporting system of agricultural information resource, transmission system of agricultural information and organized system of agricultural information serve constituted of-construction basic programs. Agricultural information resources supporting system is the foundation of the agricultural information service system; agriculture information transmission system is the channels and technical support services of agriculture information transmission; agricultural information service organization system is the organization guarantee of agricultural information service.(4) Analysis on the investment operation mechanism of the agricultural information service system indicated that, agricultural information Service has the basic characteristics of public goods, but different agricultural information service type has different non-exclusive and non-competitive quality and extent, and thus has the choice of different supply mechanisms. The investment operation mechanism of nonprofit agricultural information services and the commercial agriculture information service both have their own strengths and weaknesses, only when the two kinds of investment operation mechanism combined, and learn from each other, complement each other, can they provide the construction and operation of agricultural information service system with continuous financial support.(5) Empirical studies have shown that Sichuan "Agricultural Science and Technology110"information service system was supported by achieved the integration of agricultural information resources, and the integration of information transmission technology, information services organization system operational mechanism innovation, and improved the efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural information transmission services, opened up new way to solve the " Last One Kilometer " bottleneck of agricultural information services effectively. The diversified multi "win-win"investment mechanism, which is-established on the combination of public service-oriented government investment operation mechanism and commercial market operation mechanism,is government-ledand with multi-party participation of leading agricultural enterprises, agricultural enterprises, communications enterprises, agricultural producers, and is an effective mechanism for sustainable development of the agricultural information service system.(6) Based on above theoretical and practice research, this paper had proposed such countermeasures that gove.rnment need to play a leading role, and the construction of infrastructure of agricultural information and agricultural information coordination transmission platform, development and utilization of information resource have to be future strengthened, as well as to make information serve organized system perfect, to develop actively the agricultural information serve mechanism innovation.The main characteristic and innovation of the paper are as follows:(1) Innovation on research idea and methods. A combination of theoretical research and empirical research, qualitative analysis and quantitative research method had be made to study on Sichuan agricultural information service system construction and investment operation mechanism, which would to future rich agricultural information theory, provides a theoretical and practical reference on construction and operation of agricultural information service system.(2) Innovation on theory of agricultural information service system. Commencing the system point of view, on the basis of theoretical analysis and practical research, the paper put forward clearly the basic framework of building the agricultural information service system from the support system of agricultural resources, agricultural information transmission system and agricultural information services organization system, with the aim of providing new way to crack the agricultural information service" last mile" problem.(3) Innovation on the investment operation mechanism of agricultural information service system. Based on the theory of public goods, field surveys and practical research, the paper put forward new mechanisms and modes of diversified long-term investment combined with government investment, corporate sponsors and the appropriate fee-for-service. It would be effectively to provide new ideas solve problem of the agricultural information service system sustainable development.
