

Studies on the Evolution of Root Traits of Soybean Varieties from Different Decades by Using Grafting Technique

【作者】 曹晓宁

【导师】 韩天富; 杨文钰;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在作物遗传改良过程中,由于客观条件的限制,人们多对地上部分进行研究并对其主要表型性状进行选择。大豆地上部分的演变规律研究比较清楚,大量研究表明大豆的产量、植株干物质重、收获指数、叶面积随着年代的变化显著增加,荚粒数增多,平均株高下降,而对根系性状演变的研究较少。在已有的根系方法研究中,无法说明根系性状的演变是根系自身引起还是由地上部分引起。本试验以20世纪40年代以来生产上大面积种植的大豆品种为砧木,中黄39和自贡冬豆为接穗,建立并初步完善了根系贡献能力评价试验技术平台,为根系的研究提供了一种新的方法,并对不同年代大豆品种根系(即砧木)对产量的贡献能力及根系性状的演变进行评价。主要研究结果如下:1.研究了不同年代大豆品种作为砧木时对接穗产量的影响。结果表明,盆栽试验和大田试验中不同年代大豆品种根系均可对接穗的生物产量(冠层鲜重、冠层干重、茎杆干重)产生显著影响,且冠层鲜重、冠层干重、茎杆干重随着年代的变化呈现下降的趋势,其中大田试验中冠层干重的试验结果达到显著水平,说明根系对接穗生物产量的贡献能力随着育种年代的推进逐渐下降。同时不同年代大豆品种作为砧木(根系)时对接穗经济产量及产量构成因素的影响达到显著水平,且荚数、有效荚、粒数与育成年代均呈负相关关系。以接穗生物产量和经济产量的大小为指标来评价根系对产量贡献能力的高低。对接穗籽粒产量与育成年代进行分析发现,接穗籽粒产量随着育种年代的变化呈现出下降的趋势,且接穗的经济系数随着育成年代的变化呈显著下降的趋势,说明根随着育种年代的推进根系对产量的贡献能力是逐渐下降的。2.研究了不同年代大豆品种作为砧木时对接穗农艺性状的影响。结果表明:接穗为自贡冬豆时,盆栽试验和大田试验中不同年代大豆品种根系可对接穗的株高、节数、茎粗产生显著影响。相关分析表明,盆栽试验中株高、节数、茎粗均与育成年代负相关,仅节数差异达到显著水平r-0.27*;大田试验中株高、节数、茎粗与育成年代达到显著水平。接穗为中黄39时,接穗的株高、节数、分枝数均与育成年代的负相关。盆栽试验中分枝数与育成年代达到显著水平,大田试验中株高与育成年代之间达到显著水平。说明接穗生长发育过程中根系显著降低了株高。3.研究了不同年代大豆品种作为砧木时对接穗籽粒化学品质的影响。结果表明:不同年代黄淮海地区大豆品种作为砧木(根系)时可以影响接穗籽粒蛋白质、脂肪的代谢积累过程。接穗籽粒蛋白质含量随着育种年代的变化呈现出显著的上升趋势,脂肪的含量择呈现出显著的下降趋势。同时接穗积累的蛋白质、脂肪重量随着年代的变化均呈现下降的趋势,这可能与根系的吸收能力随着年代变化逐渐下降有关。4.研究了不同年代大豆品种作为砧木时对接穗生育期性状的影响。结果表明,不同年代大豆品种砧木(根系)可对接穗的生育期性状产生显著影响。相关分析表明无论大田试验还是盆栽试验接穗营养生长期(VE-R1)、全生育(VE-R7)与育成年代呈负相关,说明不同年代大豆品种做砧木时接穗的营养生长期(VE-R1)、全生育(VE-R7)的天数变短。生殖生长期(R1-R7)与育成年代正相关。早熟品种做砧木会促进接穗的发育及开花,说明砧木中存在开花促进物质。由于砧木只保留根系和子叶,子叶可能是大豆开花物质的来源。5.研究了不同年代大豆品种根系性状的演变规律。结果表明,不同年代大豆品种作为砧木(接穗)时,根系干重随着育种年代的变化越来越重,自身嫁接处理也得到了相同的结果,说明随着育种年代的推进根系越来越发达,这是根系随年代变化逐渐发达的一个直接证据。根系干重与冠层干重、冠层鲜重、茎粗之间极显著相关。说明茎粗、冠层干重、冠层鲜重可作为判断根系是否发达的重要指标。6.本研究创造了一个利用嫁接技术研究根系的方法,将根系作为一个“黑箱”进行整体研究,提高了根系研究的准确率。不仅丰富和优化了大豆的嫁接技术,也为更好地研究大豆根冠关系提供了技术支持和可能。

【Abstract】 During the genetic improvement of soybean cultivars, we were used to pay attention to the agronomic trait,but not root. The results show that the yield increase was due to an increase in biomass,harvest index,leaf area,number of seed number per pod,but reduced in plant height.Root is closely related to the soybean development and yield formation. It will give some incorrect indication to evaluate the function of root by lack of high performance approach.It is difficult to separate the influence, which was caused by root or shoot,because the interaction between shoot and root. This study establishied a science platform which was used to evaluate the contribution of the root by using grafted method,which provided a new method for the root study and evaluate the contribution of soybean root and the root properties from different decades. The main results showed as follows:1The effect of soybean root from different decades on the scion yield was studied by the pot trial and field trial. When ZGDD was used as scion,the soybean roots from different decades had significant impact on biomass of scion(shoot fresh weight、shoot dry weight、stem weight). Shoot fresh weight、shoot dry weight、stem weight decreased with year of release, shoot dry weight was in a significant negative correlation with year of release in field trial. The contribution ability of root to biomass reduced with year of release.As while as ZH39was used as scion,the soybean root from different decades has significant impact on yield components and yield. Correlation were performed based on yield components and year of release. The results showed that yield components and yield were in a significant negative correlation with year of release in field trial and pot trial. Seed weight per plant decreased with year of release. The contribution ability of root to yield reduced with year of release.2The pot trial and field trial were carried out to research the effect of soybean cultivar root from different decades on the agronomic characters of scion. When ZGDD was used as scion,the soybean roots from different decades had significant impact on plant height、main stem node number、stem width of scion.Plant height、main stem node number、stem width were in a negative correlation with year of release in pot trial, only main stem node number was in a significant negative correlation with year of release. Plant height、main stem node number、stem width were in a significant negative correlation with year of release in field trial.As while as ZH39was used as scion, plant height main stem node number、branch number were in a negative correlation with year of release in pot trial, only branch number was in a significant negative correlation with year of release in pod trial,and plant height was in a significant negative correlation with year of release in field trial3The field trial were carried out to research the effect of soybean cultivar from different decades on the protein content and oil content. The protein content of soybean from Yellow-Huai-Hai Rivers Valley decreased with year of release,while the oil content significantly increased. The soybean cultivar from different decades were acted stocks, the protein content of scion significantly increased with year of release,while oil content decreased.4The effect of root on the maturity of scion was studied by the pot trial and the field trial. The results showed that the soybean roots have significant impact on days from VE to R1. Correlations were performed based on maturity traits and year of release. VE-R1and VE-R7were in a negative correlation with year of release. Days of VE-R7was became shorter.The soybean roots have significant impact on days from VE to Rl,plant height, main stem node number of the Middle-late-maturing scion. Regression analysis of VE-R1and year of release showed that soybean The days from VE toRl decreased with year of release. It showed that the floral stimuli maybe exsit in cotyledons.5The evolution of root traits were studied by pot trial and the field trial. The results showed that the soybean cultivar from different decades have significant impact on tap root length, number of lateral root, root/shoot ratio, root dry weight. The root dry weight increased with year of release, when the soybean cultivar from different decades were used as stock(scion), the graft-self treatment showed the same result. Root dry weight has a significant positive effect on shoot fresh weight, shoot dry weight,Stem width.6It invented a new method to research the root traits by using grafting technique.In this study, the root integer was studied as a "black box". This method improved on the root experiment. It could be used to research on the root-shoot relationship.

【关键词】 根系嫁接贡献能力育成年代
【Key words】 rootgraftthe contribution abilityyear of release