

High Frequency Vibration Effects Inrotary Ultrasonic Machining Hard-brittle Material

【作者】 吕东喜

【导师】 王洪祥; 唐永健;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 黑腔作为微靶装配体的核心部件,其制备质量是影响激光约束核聚变(Inertial confinement fusion,简称ICF)中点火能否成功的关键因素。而玻璃材料芯轴的加工作为黑腔制备过程的核心环节,其表面粗糙度和形状精度直接决定了黑腔的能量转化率以及靶丸的能量增益。由于硬脆材料微型精密靶结构件的尺寸非常小,承载能力较低,对亚表层裂纹异常敏感,导致其在加工过程中容易发生脆性断裂,这给微结构件的旋转超声加工(RUM)提出了严峻挑战。利用微型刀具对脆性材料靶结构件进行旋转超声加工时,由于参与切削的磨粒数目有限,单个磨粒所承受的载荷较大,刀具磨粒容易脱落,往往使工件难以达到预期的表面粗糙度和形状精度。因此,本文根据微型靶结构件加工的实际需要,分析了旋转超声加工中磨粒的独特动力学特性,并对材料去除机理、表面形成过程、亚表层损伤特征、切削力和刀具磨损进行了系统深入的研究,以便为靶结构件加工提供可靠的技术支持和保证。具体研究工作包括如下几个方面:分析了旋转超声加工表面的微观形貌,发现材料粉末化是除了脆性断裂、塑性变形以外的另一种主要材料去除机理。对旋转超声刻划表面损伤特征进行了动态断裂力学理论分析,提出初始裂纹是材料粉末化形成的初期阶段,磨粒的惯性力以及材料惯性力效应是导致初始裂纹成核的主要原因。在对磨粒动力学特性进行系统研究的基础上,定义了评价超声振动强弱的无量纲的超声强度特征参数K,实现了对高频振动效应的定量表征。另外,系统分析了高频振动效应对磨粒的惯性力、工作角度以及材料动态断裂力学性能的影响,提出了适用于旋转超声加工的表面形成过程新模型。借助于截面显微法分析了高频振动对亚表层裂纹构型的影响,发现粉末层由微米/亚微米级碎片堆积而成,且仅仅覆盖于加工表面,并未扩展至材料内部。基于脆性材料的断裂动力学理论,分析了粉末化的形成机理,提出超声振动的叠加增大了材料的应力强度因子,降低了材料的动态断裂韧性,最终导致粉末化的形成。另外,当磨粒运动至其轨迹最低点时,磨粒切削深度的增加导致侧向裂纹和中位裂纹扩展深度增长,这是导致旋转超声加工亚表层损伤深度增加的根本原因。利用光滑质点流体动力学法(SPH)实现了对磨粒冲击工件表面过程的数值仿真,提出了一种能够模拟脆性材料内部裂纹形成及扩展过程的新方法。基于压痕断裂力学理论,研究了中位裂纹与和侧向裂纹之间的内在关系,综合考虑弹性应力场和塑形应力场对中位裂纹和侧向裂纹扩展深度的影响,建立了工件表面粗糙度与亚表层裂纹扩展深度之间的非线性关系模型,实现了对亚表层损伤深度的有效预测。在对磨粒动力学特性进行分析的基础上,基于脆性材料的动态压痕断裂力学理论,提出了磨粒加载过程中材料应变率的计算公式,实现了对旋转超声加工中材料应变率的定量描述。在综合考虑应变率效应对磨粒-工件相互作用过程影响的基础上,提出了旋转超声加工过程中脆性材料的脆-塑转变临界条件。通过在初始裂纹中心位置进行压痕实验,发现初始裂纹的成核对于切削力具有良好的屏蔽效应,且初始裂纹相对疏松的结构特点使其易于向前扩展,导致材料去除率提高,切削力进一步降低,这为旋转超声加工中优选工艺参数提供了理论依据。分析了超声振动对刀具的磨损区域性特征、轮廓形状和端面磨粒数目的影响,提出超声振动使得单个磨粒所承受的载荷降低,从而抑制了刀具的轮廓磨损和磨粒脱落,最终提高了工件的形状精度和表面质量。通过对旋转超声加工中刀具端面磨粒的微观破碎形貌进行分析,发现磨粒的破碎形态主要为材料崩碎所产生的浅表层贝壳状缺陷(微观破碎)。借助于霍普金森杆冲击实验测试材料的动态力学性能,提出高应变率效应使材料的弹性模量增加,从而降低了磨粒内部裂纹的成核深度,最终导致磨粒的微观破碎。

【Abstract】 As the core component of the micro-target assembly, the preparation quality of the hohlraum became the key constraint to the ignition success in the Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF). Processing of the glass mandrel was the core aspects in the hohlraum preparation process, and its shape accuracy and surface roughness directly determined energy conversion rate of the hohlraum and the pellet energy gain. Due to its the small size, low bearing capacity and subsurface crack sensitivity, the precision target micro-structure could fracture easily during the processing, which presented a challenge to the Rotary Ultrasonic Machining (RUM).When machining the target structure with the micro-tools, the abrasives were easily fell off, due to the limited abrasive number involved in machining and the large loading acted on the abrasives, which made it difficult to achieve the desired surface roughness and shape accuracy. Therefore, in the present work, based on the actual needs of the target structure machining, the unique dynamics characteritics of the abrasive were investigated. Also, the material removal mechanisms, surface formation process, sub-surface damage characteristics, the cutting force and tool wear characteristics were comprehensively, systematically explored, which would provide the reliable technical and theoretical guidances for the requirements on the high quality target structure. Detailed research work includes the following aspects:Microscopic observations of the RUM surface presented that pulverization could be another material removal mechanism besides brittle fracture and plastic deformation. The damage characteristics of the RUM scratching surfaces were investigated using the dynamic fracture mechanics of the brittle material, and it was revealed that incipient cracks acted as the initial stage of the material pulverization were resulted from the great vertical inertia force of the abrasive and the inertial effects of the material. Based on the analyses of the specific kinematics principles of the abrasive, a nondimensional parameter K was defined to quantitatively characterize the effects of the ultrasonic vibration in RUM process. A fresh analytical model of surface formation process involved in the RUM process was proposed, which incorporated the effects of the larger inertia force of the abrasive, the cyclical variation in the effective work angles of the abrasive, the lower dynamic fracture toughness of the material.With the bonded interface sectioning technique, the ultrasonic effects on the subsurface cracking patterns were investigated, and it was found that the micron/submicron fragments just smeared on the top surface forming the pulverization layer. Based on the fracture dynamic theory of the brittle materials, it was proposed that the superimposition with the ultrasonic would increase the material strain rate together with the decreased dynamic fracture toughness, which pulverizing the mateiral in consequence. At the bottom of the abrasive trajectory, the increased cutting depth would increase the extending depth of the lateral cracks and the median/radial cracks, which was the root cause of the worsened subsurface quality on the RUM specimen.The impact process of the abrasive on the specimen surface was simulated by means of the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method, proposing a new method to simulate the crack formation and expansion within the brittle material. Based on indentation fracture mechanics of brittle material, the correlation between the median and lateral crack systems aroused by a sharp indenter was analyzed. By incorporating the combined effects of the elastic and plastic stress fields on the lateral and the median/radial cracks, a nonlinear theoretical model between the surface roughness and the subsurface damage depth was proposed, with which the depth of the subsurface damage could be effectively predicted.Based on the analyses of the specific kinematics principles of the abrasive and dynamic indentation fracture mechanics of the material, the formula of the material strain rate during abrasive loading process was established, which could quantitatively characterize the strain rate effects. Brittle-ductile transition critical condition suited for the RUM process was developed with the incorporation of the strain rate effects on the abrasive-material interactions. Through the indentation experiments at the central of the incipient cracks, it was found that their nucleation provided a shielding effect to the increased cutting force. The relatively loose structural characteristics of the incipient crack made it easy to extend forward, which could increase material removal rate and further reduce the abrasive cutting force. These effects of the incipient cracks supplied a theoretical basis for the reduction of the cutting force by optimizing the processing parameters.Effects of the ultrasonic superposition on the wear regional characteristics, tool contour wear and the abrasive number were investigated, and it was found that the ultrasonic vibration by reducing the cutting force of the abrasive suppressed the tool contour wear, ultimately improving the shape accuracy and surface quality of the specimen. Microscopic fracture morphology of the abrasives on the tool end face revealed that the conchoidal chipping defects (microscopic fracture) were generated by the shallow fracture. Dynamic mechanical properties of the material were investigated by means of the impact experiments of the Hopkinson bar, which exhibited that the high strain rate effects would increase the material elastic modulus, thus reducing the crack nucleation depth in the internal abrasive, resulting in microscopic abrasive fracture.
