

Research on Evolution Mechanism and Promotion Path of Technology Ability Platform of Major Technology Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises

【作者】 张涛

【导师】 于渤;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 经过五十余年的发展,我国装备制造业取得了重大的成就,制造规模居世界第五位。重大技术装备制造业在装备制造业占重要地位,它不仅是其他制造业发展的基础,而且与国民经济的其他行业关联性很强。我国重大技术装备研制和重大技术装备制造业产业技术开发虽然取得了较大成就,但应该承认与世界先进水平还有不小差距。要改变这种局面,重大技术装备制造企业就要做好技术能力的提升,加快自主创新的实现,从而增强我国装备制造企业的竞争力。本文正是在这样的背景下构建重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台演进模型,揭示重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台演进机理,深入探索重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台提升的路径,来充分挖掘和利用重大技术装备制造企业内外部资源,以期能为我国重大装备制造企业自主创新能力的提升提供理论参考和实践借鉴。本文回顾了技术能力平台的相关研究,主要针对重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台的演进机理及提升路径展开了研究。主要的研究内容如下:在本文理论分析框架的构建方面,首先对技术能力平台的内涵进行了界定,技术能力平台是指是由人员、信息、设备、组织等技术能力平台各要素及知识流转要素构成的,是企业技术能力发展的支撑平台;分析了技术能力平台与产品平台及知识平台的联系,重大技术装备制造企业知识平台对技术能力平台有极大促进作用,而技术能力平台的提升,会推动产品创新平台向更高层跃迁,不断推出新的产品,满足市场需求,进而帮助企业实现技术创新;对技术能力平台的系统性、过程性及开放性等特征进行了分析;基于平台载体及演进视角对重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台的构成要素进行了分析,基于以上的分析,构建了重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台演进及提升的理论分析框架。在重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台演进机理分析方面,本文构建了重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台阶梯平台螺旋演进模型;结合大技术装备制造企业发展过程的特点,将重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台按演进阶段概括为监测引进能力阶段、模仿制造能力阶段、改进制造能力阶段及自主创新能力阶段等过程;从理论和实证两个层面来对重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台中技术能力平台构成要素的积累展开分析;在技术能力平台演进的不同阶段,技术能力平台各构成要素的对技术能力平台向下一阶段演进支撑的重要性存在差异,每一阶段只有当起关键支撑作用的两种要素积累到一定程度,才能推动技术能力平台向更高层次演进,因此可得出基于技术能力平台构成要素积累的重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台螺旋演进增长上升过程,在技术能力平台演进的各个阶段,技术能力平台载体要素重要程度不同,知识流转的主要方式也不同。在重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台的实证分析方面,基于重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台演进机理,从重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台的影响因素,即创新网络、技术转移、技术投入、技术管理、技术学习、创新氛围等方面入手,识别影响技术能力平台要素提升的关键影响因素。从影响的路径系数来看,创新网络产生的影响大于技术转移产生的影响;在内部因素方面,技术投入、技术管理、技术学习和创新氛围都对重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台提升有显著的正向影响,技术管理和技术学习产生的影响较大,成为影响重大技术装备制造企业技术能力平台提升的内部关键要素,技术管理当中人员管理能力和信息管理能力对技术能力平台提升产生的影响较大。在重大技术装备制造业企业技术能力平台的提升路径研究方面,分别阐述了内生式、外推式及结合式三种路径,并分别建立了技术能力平台提升的模型,分析了成套硬件技术设备的引进、引进设计、制造等软件技术、购买许可证及引进专业人才等静态要素的技术能力平台提升的渠道;从内部知识创新及外部技术引进等动态要素视角分析了技术能力平台提升的渠道。最后,本文对哈尔滨锅炉厂有限责任公司技术能力平台的演进和提升进行案例研究。首先,介绍了哈锅公司的基本情况,接着对哈锅公司技术能力平台的演进进行了分析,包括技术能力平台演进过程、自主创新能力形成的条件、形成的标志和技术能力平台提升分析,提出了哈锅公司自主创新和重大装备制造企业技术能力平台提升的策略。

【Abstract】 After fifty years of development, China’s equipment manufacturing industry has made significant achievements; it has become the5th biggest manufacturing scale in the world. The major technology equipment manufacturing industry occupies an important position in the equipment manufacturing industry. It can be said that major technology equipment industry led to the development of equipment manufacturing industry. Major equipment manufacturing industry has a large demand elasticity, high industries associated, high economic growth driven and high-tech features. So, it is not only the manufacturing base, but also the other industries’ based. Therefore, it is the backbone and engine of economic development. China’s major technology equipment development and major technology equipment industrial technology development has made great achievements, but it should be recognized that there is not a small gap compared with the world advanced level. To change this situation, the major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises must do to enhance the technology capacity to accelerate the implementation of independent innovation and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. The technology capacity platform evolution model of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises was built and its evolution mechanism revealed in this paper. This paper will also explore the path of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises and fully tap and use its internal and external resources in order to provide a theoretical reference and practice drawing to enhance the ability of independent innovation for China’s major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises.The researches related the technology ability platform are reviewed, and the evolution mechanism and promotion path of the major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises’ technology capability platform are investigated. The main contents are as follows:In the theoretical framework of this paper, the technical capacity platform is defined firstly, and technology ability platform was composed of person, information, equipment, organization and knowledge move elements, and it is support platform of the technology ability of enterprises. The differences and Similarities among technology ability platform, product platforms and knowledge platform are analyzed in this paper. Knowledge platform have a great role in technology ability platform of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises, and technology ability platform has important role of product innovation platform and help it to put new products to meet market demand, thereby helping companies to achieve technology innovation. Systematic, process and openness characteristics of technology ability are analyzed. The technology ability platform elements of major technology equipment manufacturing are analyzed based on platform carrier and evolution. The theoretical framework of the technology ability platform elements of major technology equipment manufacturing is build based on above analysis.In the evolution mechanism of the technology ability platform of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises, this paper constructs its model, and monitor stage, imitate stage, improve stage and independent innovation stage are summarized combined with the characteristics of large technical equipment manufacturing enterprises development process characteristics of the technology ability platform of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises. The technology ability platform constituent elements accumulation of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises was analyzed. In the different stages of technology ability platform, the technology ability elements play the different role in the evolution of technology ability platform. The technology ability platform will be promoted only by the two key elements accumulated. The main ways of knowledge move and technology ability platform elements are different in evolution of technology ability platform.In the empirical analysis of technology ability platform of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises, the technology ability platform influencing factors including innovation networks, technology transfer, technical inputs, technology management, and technology learning and innovation atmosphere are analyzed based on the evolution mechanism of the technology ability platform of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises and identify the main factors. From the view of the impact path coefficient, the impact of innovation networks is greater than the impact of technology transfer. In internal factors, technical inputs, technology management, technological learning and innovation atmosphere have a significant positive effect on promotion of the technology ability platform of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises. Technology management and technological learning have a large impact on it and become the main key elements of the technology ability platform of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises, which personnel management skills and information management ability in technology management have the bigger impact of technology ability platform of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises.In path promotion of the technology ability platform of major technology equipment manufacturing enterprises, its model is established from technology ability elements and knowledge move element, and analyze channel of technology ability platform driven by technology ability elements which contents the introduction of complete sets of equipment, hardware technology, the introduction of design, other software technologies, purchase permits, the introduction of professionals. Channel of technology ability platform driven knowledge move by internal and external technology innovation.Finally, the evolution and promotion of technology ability platform of Harbin boiler factory are investigated in this paper. First, the basic situation of the company is introduced, and then its technology ability platform evolution is analyzed, including technology ability platform evolution, the conditions for the formation of independent innovation capability, the formation signs and technology ability analysis. The strategy to promotion technology ability platform of Harbin boiler factory and MTEME.
