

Research on Application Technology of Natural Gas Vehicle

【作者】 阿里·古巴提(Ali Abdullah Farea Al-Kubati)

【导师】 张春化;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 载运工具运用工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 工业革命以来,世界各国对化石燃料的依赖越来越强烈,对煤炭资源的需求量日益凸显。从上世纪六十年代开始,内燃机的发展使得石油需求量高于煤炭,成为世界首要能源并占据主导地位。随着石油危机的出现,天然气的需求量逐渐增大,成为三大化石能源之一。21世纪以来,世界各国政府都加强了新能源和再生能源的开发以及对再生能源的不懈探索,新能源已占据能源结构格局的一席之地。虽然近20年天然气的探明储量不断攀升,应用情况大大改善,但不断增加的燃料消耗量使得世界各国工业和民用天然气技术也不断被开发出来。然而煤、石油和天然气三大化石燃料的匮乏以及全球能源的不均匀分布导致最近二十几年世界各国对能源资源的争夺日趋激烈。世界石油资源的紧缺以及天然气应用技术的成熟,使得世界各国开始关注天然气带来的经济效益和环境效益,并把开发和应用天然气作为一项重要的方向。中国改革开放以来国民经济迅速增长而且国内能源需求逐渐膨胀,天然气汽车工业发展势头在世界各国中最为强劲,CNG和LNG汽车数量迅猛增加。2013年中国的天然气汽车达到157.7万辆,其中CNG汽车保有量所占总数比例较大,主要是出租车和公交车。也门政府最近几年也加大天然气的开发力度,与国外天然气公司合作,建立了完善的天然气加工厂和加气站,并开始发展本国的天然气汽车。面对天然气汽车存在动力性不足、启动困难等问题,各国汽车生产厂家还是十分看好天然气汽车比传统汽油机和柴油机更明显的优势,尤其是天然气汽车在成本和环保方面的优势使其备受行内企业的青睐。各国学者正努力开发天然气供给控制系统,积极研制天然气轻质气瓶,并在天然气控制技术、天然气液化技术以及天然气发动机专用润滑油等汽车应用技术研究方面取得了较大的突破和成果。本文从四个方面研究了天然气应用技术,其中包括针对CNG/汽油两用燃料汽车开展的发动机润滑油与故障模拟的试验研究、在用汽车改装天然气技术条件的编制以及针对LNG/柴油双燃料汽车开展的发动机性能与控制技术的试验研究。研究发现,由于两用燃料汽车燃气模式和燃油模式下发动机运行条件略有不同,普通润滑油不适合天然气发动机,而使用研制的两用燃料汽车专用润滑油有助于减少天然气发动机高速运转部件在循环工况的磨损量,也有助于提高发动机各配合部件之间的润滑性能。此外,本文对两用燃料汽车发动机的故障模拟试验研究可以帮助诊断和解决各种传感器故障或供气系统部件问题对两用燃料汽车造成的影响,研究发现减压器出口压力过高或过低都会对发动机动力性和排放性有较大影响,选择合适的减压器出口压力和准确的点火提前角位置可以有效提高发动机性能,降低排放污染以及改善天然气汽车整车性能。改装天然气汽车已成一种趋势,为了确保改装车的质量和运行安全,政府规范在用天然气汽车的改装工作迫在眉睫,本文研究了改装天然气汽车技术条件,提出了适合陕西省推行的在用汽车改装天然气汽车技术条件草案。本文对LNG/柴油双燃料汽车发动机应用技术进行了试验研究,在保证扭矩不变的条件下,对比分析了外特性的动力性、经济性和排放,以及负荷特性的经济性和排放。

【Abstract】 Since the industrial revolution, the demand of the fossil energy for originally andprimarily coal in many countries worldwide has been growing rapidly. The demand for oilsoared in the1960s, and it has been dominating energy in the world. With the emergence ofthe oil crisis and the demand increasing gradually for natural gas, NG has become one of thethree main fossil fuels. Since the21st century, governments around the world have intensifiedthe efforts on the development and application of new energy and renewable energy, theenergy structure with new energy has formed. Although the proven reserves of natural gasaround the world in nearly20years has increased, the consumption of total energy is alsoincreasing constantly with the development of the industry. The lack of world energy led inmore fierce competition for energy resources. The shortage of oil resources and the matureapplication technology of natural gas in the world made the nations of the world focus oneconomic and environmental benefits of natural gas and took the development and applicationof natural gas as an important direction. In China, natural gas is developing rapidly and thenumber of CNG vehicle and LNG vehicle is also increasing. In2013there are1.577millionnatural gas vehicles, CNG vehicles having large proportion and mainly taxis and buses. Thegovernment of Republic of Yemen in recent years also has intensified the development ofnatural gas, cooperated with abroad NG companies, established lots of NG processing plantsand stations, and began the development of domestic natural gas vehicle.Compared with the traditional gasoline engine and diesel engine, NG engine has moreadvantages and some disadvantages of poor power performance and the difficulty of startup.Many scholars from all over the world are actively devoting themselves to automobileapplication technology, including control system of natural gas supply, combustion andemission characteristics, natural gas liquefaction technology and light gas cylinders,diesel/natural gas dual fuel and gasoline/natural gas dual fuel engine technology and specialnew type natural gas engine lubricating oil and so on, and made a great breakthrough andresearch achievement. In this paper, NG application technology was studied from four aspects, includinglubricating oil of CNG/gasoline dual fuel engine, fault simulation test research, technicalconditions of in-use vehicle modification natural gas, and LNG/diesel dual fuel engine testresearch. The study found that for flexible-fuel automobile, engine operating condition isslightly different between the model of gas and fuel. CNG/gasoline flexible fuel enginespecial lubricating oil helps to reduce the wear of moving parts, improve the effect of thepurity of lubricating oil, and improve the lubrication performance of the engine. Flexible fuelautomobile engine fault simulation could help diagnose and solve the problems and failureswhich are caused by all kinds of sensor or gas supply system components. In addition, thestudy in this paper found that too high or too low outlet pressure of the pressure regulatorhave a great effect on engine performance and emissions, choosing appropriate outlet pressureof pressure regulator and accurate ignition advance angle can improve the engine performance,and reduce exhaust emissions. Thus it may improve the overall performance of natural gasvehicle. With the rapid increase of modified natural gas vehicle, specification for refittingwork of in-use natural gas vehicle is formulated immediately in order to ensure the qualityand operation safety, the work by local government on the use of natural gas vehicle refittingis extremely urgent. This paper studied the modification conditions of natural gas vehicletechnology, and put forward “technical conditions of in-use vehicle modification natural gas”that is suitable to be implemented in Shaanxi Province. In addition, this paper carried out theresearch on application technology of LNG/diesel dual fuel engine, and analyzed theperformances of power output, economy and emission of dual fuel engine at variousoperational states under the condition of keeping the original torque.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期