

Research on Industry Characteristics and Market Structure of Road Freight

【作者】 顾敬岩

【导师】 吴群琪;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 道路货运作为国民经济发展的基础产业与具有良好外部正效应的产业,其在国民经济发展以及综合运输体系构建中都具有举足轻重的作用。自上世纪八十年代中国道路货运业拉开轰轰烈烈的市场化改革序幕以来,经历长足发展,基本形成与社会经济发展相适应的产业规模和供给能力,但是伴随着经济结构调整与产业升级,对道路货运尤其是高品质的道路货运服务依赖程度不断提升,道路货运原有发展模式就凸显出一系列问题,如供给的结构性失衡、市场“优胜劣汰”的竞争机制失效、市场信用机制缺失、货运价格机制的“杠杆”作用失灵等,导致恶性竞争加剧,超限超载屡禁不止,重特大安全事故时有发生,行业和谐稳定面临巨大挑战等,将道路货运业推向舆论的风口浪尖,成为社会关注的焦点问题之一。鉴于道路货运业的发展直接与间接影响着国计民生,并且引发政府对社会稳定问题的担忧,政府在近十年间对道路货运采取过系列治理措施,试图从政府的角度切入,推动道路货运市场进入有效的发展轨道,以期能够实现行业健康稳定可持续发展,但是结果并不理想,道路货运陷入“一管就死,一放就乱”的治理怪圈。同时道路货运发展中出现的问题也引发学术界的激烈争论,主流观点的矛头直指政府措施的失效,提出只要充分发挥市场机制的作用就能使道路货运回归发展正轨,但是本文并不完全同意现有主流观点的分析。为提高道路货运业资源的配置效率,促进货运需求的有效满足,进而实现道路货运健康有序发展,本文以产业组织理论与制度经济理论为基础,结合运用经济学、管理学、博弈论、运输经济学等理论,采用规范研究与实证研究相结合、对比研究与系统研究相结合的方法对道路货运业发展中存在的问题进行分析,提出道路货运发展的基本矛盾是日益增长的多样化化需求与落后的产业组织形态之间的矛盾,并结合道路货运产业特征,基于供给市场组织化水平、运输需求的数量规模与价值含量、市场结构之间的经济联系,构建出道路货运合理市场结构的判断理论与方法,对比分析发达国家与中国道路货运市场结构下企业行为与市场绩效,运用经济学的研究方法,分析中国道路货运业市场结构演变路径,探索道路货运业在市场结构演变中的基本规律,以期为政策的正确引导寻求着力点和落脚点。中国道路货运业发展主要依靠正式规则推动,但是正式规则落实缺乏相应的基础平台依托,由此界定出道路货运发展中正式规则与非正式约束的作用范围和内在联系,为道路货运业转型升级和结构调整的政策实施提供方法论。

【Abstract】 Road freight is basis industry of economic development, and industry of positive effects,which play important role in comprehensive system and economic development. Since theeighties of last century, the size scale of road freight is basic adaptation economic and industry,after long-term development. But along with economic restructure and industry upgrading,road freight is more important, especially high-quality road freight. Original developmentmodel of road freight erupts series problems, such as structural imbalance of supply,competition mechanism of survival of the fittest out of action, lack of market creditmechanism, lost of leverage of price mechanism, intensification is low, that promote roadfreight become the focus of public opinion. Because of the importance of road freight forsocial-economic and social stability, which are key issues of government’s concern. In orderto promote development of road freight industry, government adopts series of controlmeasures trying to push road freight harmonious and sustainable development, in the pastdecade. But the results are not satisfactory, road freight fall into governance cycle whichshows management lead to loss of vitality, and lack of management lead to disorder. Theproblems of road freight development cause intense discussion, the mainstream meansmeasures of government fail, and proposes only market mechanism can induce road freight tothe normal development track. This paper holds different views.In order to improve allocation efficiency and effectiveness of road freight industryresource, fully meet transportation demand, and push road freight healthy and orderlydevelopment, this paper research the market structure base on industry characteristics of roadfreight. In this research paper, the problems of road freight are analyzed based on theories ofindustrial economic, institutional economic, game theory, transportation economic and so on,applied research methods of normative and empirical, comparative and system. We proposethe basic contradiction of road freight is the contradiction between diversification oftransportation demand and integration of market organization, construct the judgment theoryand method of road freight market structure, based on the level of supply market organization,size-scale and value content of transportation demand, and combined on industrycharacteristics. By comparing the market behavior and market performance of road freight between China and developed countries, the result appears the level of market performance ofChinese is low. The main reason is development of road freight in china promoted by officialrules, which loss basis relying of implement. On the basis of this, we defined the action rangebetween official rules and unofficial constraints. Reasonable price mechanism of road freightand large-scale infrastructure franchise system of road freight are constructed based onconsumer surplus theory, the leverage of price mechanism and large-scale infrastructure isanalyzed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期