

Research on Network Equilibrium Flow of Urban Public Transportation Based on Bus Dwell Time

【作者】 孙磊磊

【导师】 马天山;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 本文首先通过对国内外学者对公共交通网络的研究进行了深入的研究和分析,包括公交停靠时间、公交网络均衡客流分配以及公交网络设计等方面,指出了这些研究的不足之处:公交停靠时间的研究没有反映公交车在公交站台停靠时间由乘客上车时间和下车时间两者之中最大值确定这一特点;公交网络均衡客流分配,没有考虑公交停靠时间对乘客出行行为、对均衡客流分配的影响,事实上,在许多城市由于上下车乘客数量很大,导致公交车停靠时间增加,进而也对乘客的出行路线选择产生影响。针对这些问题,本文主要做的研究包括:第一,在实际调查统计的基础上对公交停靠时间进行了研究,根据采集的数据提出了公交停靠时间的新的非线性模型,并给出了公交车在港湾式公交停靠站停靠时间的定义,包括公交车服务时间和公交车在港湾式公交站的无障碍行驶时间,进而给出公交车在港湾式公交停靠站停留时间的数学模型;第二,根据公交车在公交站停靠时间的研究结果,给出了基于公交停靠时间的公交网络均衡客流分配模型。针对公交网络均衡客流分配问题,本文首先给出了基于公交停靠时间的网络结构,并提出基于公交停靠时间的公交网络均衡定义。在此基础上,提出了城市公交网络均衡条件下的性质,进而得到网络均衡的等价最小化模型。利用提出的改进最优出行策略算法来求解基于公交停靠时间的公交网络的乘客出行选择问题,以及求解等价最优模型的连续平均算法(MSA)和加权连续平均算法(MSWA);第三,提出了有能力约束的公交网络均衡客流分配模型。模型是基于公交停靠时间的公交网络均衡客流分配模型提出的,引入“有效频率”这个概念并通过构建双层网络模型来解决有能力约束情况的公交网络均衡客流分配问题;第四,基于公交停靠时间的公交网络均衡客流模型在城市公共交通网络设计的应用研究。针对许多大型城市公交车公共交通系统和地铁公共交通系统两个系统整合性和集成性差的现象,本文提出新的基于公交停靠时间的公交网络均衡客流模型的城市公共交通网络模型---中心辐射型网络模型,通过在地铁站点附近建设枢纽站来提高公共交通效率,以及提高两个公共交通系统的整合性和集成性,最后使用混合遗传算法求解该模型。

【Abstract】 Though the analysis of the public transport network, including bus dwell time, theassignment of equlibrium passenger, the bus network and bus network design, and we pointout the inadequacies of these studies firstly: the research of bus dwell time research does notrespond to the characteristics that the bus dwell time in the bus station determined by thelarger value between the passengers to boarding time and alighting time; the assignment ofequlibrium passenger flow bus network did not consider the boarding and alighting behaviorof passengers on the assignment of equlibrium passenger flow, in fact, in many cities becauseof the huge number of boarding and alighting passengers, the bus dwell time is large enoughto impact the passengers choose of travel route; urban transit network design, most of theexisting model focuses on the re-design the entire public transportation network, or a large-scale adjustments to the public transport network, these models have a prominent contributionto the theory. However, these models have certain deficiencies in practical application. Tosolve these problems, the paper mainly do research include: based on the practical survey ofbus dwell time, new nonlinear model of the new bus dwell time are presented firstly, and thedefinition of bus dwell time in bus bay is given which include bus service hours and the traveltime of bus travelling in the bus bay; secondly, according to the study result of bus dwell time,the model of transit assignment of bus network equilibrium are proposed. For the problem oftransit assignment of bus network equilibrium, the paper gives the bus stop time-basednetwork structure firstly, and proposes public transit network equilibrium definition based onbus dwell time. Then the characterization of the transit network equilibrium conditions, andthe equivalent of the network equilibrium minimization model are proposed. To solve thepresented model, improvement optimal strategy algorithm is proposed, as well to solvecontinuous equivalent continuous of minimization model, average optimal model algorithm(MSA) and weighted average algorithm (MSWA) are proposed; Thirdly, one model of transitassignment of bus network equilibrium with capacity constraint are presented. The model istransit assignment of bus network equilibrium based on the bus dwell time, which introducethe concept of "effective frequency" and build a two-layer network model to transitassignment of bus network equilibrium with capacity constraint; Forthly, we proposed a newmodel to design of the new public transport network. The hub-and-spoke network designmodel is introduced firstly, and a new hub-and-spoke network model are proposed based onimproving the integration of the two public transportation network systems: bus publictransportation network system and metro public transportation system secondly. We use theuse the hybrid genetic algorithm to solve the model finally.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】U491.17;U492.413
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】227
  • 攻读期成果