

Study on the Theory and Technology of Operation Management for the Regional Expressway Rest Area

【作者】 刘嘉

【导师】 刘浩学;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 高速公路作为交通服务社会经济发展的重要基础设施,是落实交通服务国民经济和社会发展全局、服务人民群众安全便捷出行的重要体现。高速公路服务区作为其服务设施,是人流、物流、车流的载体,直接服务于社会公众并接受其监督与评价,具有很强的社会效应。特别是随着经济社会快速发展,人民群众要求更安全、更便捷、更高效、更畅通以及更具特色的出行服务,服务区的经营管理、服务水平及其可持续发展能力愈发显得重要。河南省位于我国公路网的“中心区域”,高速公路高水平运营至关重要。本文围绕高速公路服务区专业化、特色化和标准化经营管理,分别从驶入率预测、服务区社会经济适应性评价、服务区布局及其物流功能拓展选址以及服务区经营管理标准化这四个方面展开系统研究。首先,结合河南省28对高速公路服务区的经营状况、交通流特征和消费特征等调研数据,综合考虑高速公路主线交通流特征、服务区间距、与上下游高速公路出入口距离以及服务区所处地区经济发展水平等因素影响,构建基于遗传算法和小波神经网络的服务区车辆驶入率预测模型,测试结果显示该模型具有较高精度;针对高速公路服务区所具有的社会经济双重属性,提出了高速公路服务区的社会经济适应性内涵,进而构建高速公路服务区社会经济适应性评价指标体系,并利用DEA数据包络分析法对河南省23对服务区经营状况进行适应性评价分析,结果显示服务区总体经营状况良好,部分服务区存在投入冗余产出不足现象;依据高速公路服务区合理间距设置原则,对未来河南省高速公路服务区的布局规划进行了分析;在此基础上,结合驶入率预测模型及适应性评价结果,依据构建的高速公路服务区拓展物流节点选址指标,综合利用聚类分析法和熵值法对河南省高速公路服务区拓展物流节点选址进行了研究。最后,针对高速公路服务区运营管理涉及到的“物”的质量规范、“事”的过程控制和“人”的行为规范,分别构建具有可操作性且细化具体的河南省高速公路服务区标准化运营管理制度。研究成果为提升“中心区域”高速公路服务水平以及影响全国高速公路服务区运营质量,从理论和实践进行了深入分析和探索。

【Abstract】 Expressway, served as a basic infrastructure for the further economic and socialdevelopment, is an important manifestation in improving transportation services for nationaleconomic and social development, as well as the public safe and convenient travel. As aservice facility, the expressway rest area is a carrier for the patron flow, freight flow andtraffic flow, and directly services to the public and receives their supervision and evaluation. Ithas a strong social effect, especially, with the rapid economic and social development, and therequirements on the travel services for the safer, more convenient, more efficient and morefeatures, and then the operations management, the service level, as well as their sustainabledevelopment ability of the rest areas are becoming increasingly important.Henan province is located in the “center zone” of China’s highway network, whose thelevel of operation management of the highway is critical. This paper focused on thespecialization, characteristics and standardized operation management of the expressway restarea, and carried out the research from four aspects, including the predication of thepercentage of the mainline traffic entering, the social and economic adaptability assessment ofthe rest area, the layout of the rest area and the site selection if it will be extend to a logisticnode, combining with the standardization operation management of the rest area, respectively.First, based on the survey data concerning the operation conditions, the characteristics ofthe traffic flow and consumption related with28pairs of rest area in Henan province, aprediction model by using Genetic Algorithm and Wavelet Neural Network is presented forestimating the percentage of the mainline traffic entering the rest area. The model consideredfactors such as the characteristics of freeway mainline traffic flow, the space interval of therest area, the distances between the upstream and downstream from the freeway entrance, aswell as the development level of local economy. The test result shows that the model has ahigh accuracy.Second, focusing on the dual social-economic attributes of the rest area, the paperproposed a connotation denoted the social and economic adaptability of the freeway rest area,and then constructed the assessment index system for the above-mentioned adaptability, onthis basis, the operation status of25pairs of rest area in Henan province were assessed andanalyzed by applying the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The analysis results show thatthe overall status of the rest area of Henan province are in good conditions, and some rest areahave the phenomenon including the input redundancy and corresponding the output deficiency.Third, according to the principle relative to determining of the space interval of rest area,the layout planning for the future freeway rest area in Henan Province was analyzed. On thisbasis, combining with the predication model and the results of the adaptability assessment,and the indicators concerning the site selection for the rest area expanding to a logistic node,this paper analyzed the site selection for the logistic node which are associated with the restarea of Henan Province by integration the Cluster Analysis and the Entropy Method.Finally, focusing on the quality management associated with “objects”, the processcontrol with “things”, and the behavior criterion with “employee” in the operationmanagement of the freeway rest area, the paper constructed the specific standardizationoperations management standards with maneuverability for freeway rest areas in HenanProvince. Such researches carried out a in-depth analysis and exploration on the rest areamanagement from the theoretical and practical aspects for enhancing the service quality ofrest area in the “central region” of the national highway network, and thus affecting theoperation management efficiency of the national freeway rest area.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期
  • 【分类号】F542;F719;U491.8
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】247
  • 攻读期成果