

A Study on the Impact of Relationship Marketing Orientation on Alliance Performance of Cluster Firms

【作者】 何美贤

【导师】 沙振权;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 广东制造业集群正面临转型升级的发展瓶颈,而企业集群的品牌化升级是其中一个重要的潜在路径。集群品牌与企业品牌之间存在着良性互动,尤其是依托型集群品牌,由于有企业个体名牌的依托点,对于产业集群内贴牌和无牌企业的自主品牌创建能起到很好的辐射与带动作用。而对于集群内企业而言,通过搭建集群品牌的合作网络,实现配套产业的联盟升级,能够增强产业集群品牌的溢出效应,从而提升集群的整体竞争力。另一方面,随着竞争环境的变化和网络经济时代的到来,企业深深意识到单凭自身有限的内部资源已难以在激烈竞争中占据一席之地。为此,企业需寻求外部组织的支持,从构建的关系网络中通过异质性知识的共享以及互补性资源的交换,扩展并延伸企业对资源的获取能力,提升企业的创新能力和绩效,从而取得持续竞争优势。对此,网络位置理论的学者更多关注企业占据网络有利位置的重要性以及网络结构为企业带来的资源和权力价值,资源基础观则强调企业内部吸收能力在提升创新能力和企业绩效中扮演的关键角色,也有少数学者开始思考两个流派的结合,以期更好明晰企业绩效的提升机制。那么什么样的经营管理理念既可以有效帮助企业获取发展所需的外部资源,同时又能有助于提升企业吸收和应用外部知识的能力,从而共同促进企业竞争力和绩效的进一步提升呢?这些研究中尚未对这个问题进行探究。实际上,当企业间关系成为企业的一项重要资产,作为关系营销理论的实践载体,关系营销导向也已成为形成关系能力,获取关系资本的战略性经营理念。这种导向有利于企业与同一价值网络的顾客、供应商、分销商、竞争者、政府、科研和金融机构等利益相关者发展互动关系,缔结为企业的联盟关系资本,对企业绩效的提升具有积极影响作用。而集群作为区域竞争的新单元,集群内企业之间将通过合作发展成为纵横交错互相依存的战略网络关系,实现集群内企业从个体间的竞争转向集群利益共同体的竞争。因此,如何提升集群中企业之间的联合效率已成为越来越多企业所重点关注的问题。而目前文献中关系营销导向与企业联盟绩效的关系研究尚属空白点。因此,本研究整合社会网络理论和关系营销理论,融合企业内部吸收能力与外部网络资源两个视角,对企业关系营销导向影响集群内企业间联盟绩效的作用机制进行深入探究。基于珠三角地区214家集群内企业的数据调查和实证分析,本研究主要得出以下研究结论:(1)关系营销导向对集群内企业间的联盟绩效具有直接正向影响;(2)关系营销导向对企业的网络结构位置具有显著正向影响;(3)关系营销导向对吸收能力具有显著正向影响;(4)网络结构和吸收能力对联盟绩效均具有显著正向影响,其中网络结构相比企业的吸收能力对联盟绩效的影响作用更大;(5)网络结构和吸收能力在关系营销导向影响联盟绩效的过程中均充当了部分中介作用,同时吸收能力在网络结构与联盟绩效中也具有部分中介效应;(6)环境动态性在网络开放性影响联盟绩效的过程中具有正向调节作用;(7)环境动态性在网络中心性和网络密度影响企业吸收能力的过程中具有负向调节作用。本研究明晰了关系营销导向影响集群内企业间联盟绩效的作用机制,并由此得到如下管理启示:首先,在当今企业广泛借助外部网络构建战略合作关系的趋势下,企业应关注关系营销导向对企业联盟绩效的重要提升作用,尤其对于集群背景下的关系营销导向企业,在提高自身与合作伙伴联合效率的同时,也有助于以点带面产生联动效应,从而最终提升集群的整体竞争力,推动产业集群的升级。其次,企业内部的吸收能力与企业间的联盟效果均受到企业所嵌入网络的结构位置的促进与限制,因此,企业应重视外部网络的构建,借助关系营销导向有助于企业寻求并缔结外部合作关系的行为占据有利的网络结构位置。同时,企业应培养和提升自身吸收能力,才能充分利用有利的结构位置带来的信息和资源的价值,有效用于自身创新能力和联盟绩效的提升。最后,企业应依据环境变化,适时调整策略,在市场环境高度波动时,更应该进一步提高网络的开放性,在加强原有合作以降低交易成本共抗风险的同时,应积极寻求、接纳新合作伙伴以挖掘新的市场机遇应对市场变动。

【Abstract】 Guangdong manufacturing clusters are facing an obstacle of transformation andupgrading, and the upgrading of cluster brand is one of the important potential paths. There isa positive interaction between cluster brands and enterprise brands, especially for therelying-on cluster brands. Relying on the famous individual brand, the OEMs in the clustersmay well create their own brands because of the radiation and leading effects of the industrialcluster brand. As for firms in the cluster, building up a network of cooperation via clusterbrand to achieve upgrade of supporting industries alliance, can enhance the spillover effectof industrial cluster brand, so as to enhance the overall competitiveness of the cluster.Meanwhile, in the network economy era, the dynamic changes of competitive environmentmake firms deeply aware that their own limited internal resources are getting hard to helpthem occupy a place in the fierce market competition. They have to seek the support fromexternal organizations and build up a relationship network, from which they are able to shareheterogeneous knowledge and exchange complementary resources. And this will help firms toexpand and extend resource obtaining, so as to improve innovation and performance,achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Scholars based on network position theorymore focus on the value of resources and power benefiting from a favorable network position,while scholars of resource-based view emphasize the key role of internal absorption capacityin enhancing innovation and business performance, and a few scholars begin to concern aboutboth streams with an attemptto better clarify the enhancing mechanism of businessperformance. To further enhance the competitiveness and performance, however, what kindof management philosophy can effectively help firms to obtain the required external resourcesfor development, while helping to enhance their capacity to assimilate and apply externalknowledge? This issue remains uncovered in these studies.As a matter of fact, when relationship between firms becomes an important asset forbusiness, as a practical carrier of relationship marketing theory, relationship marketingorientation has become a strategic business philosophy, which can help firms to formrelationship ability as well as to access relationship capital. This orientation helps firms tobetter interact with customers, suppliers, distributors, competitors, governments, research andfinancial institutions as well as the other stakeholders in the same value network to obtainalliance relationship capital. Researches indicate that relationship marketing orientationpositively influence business performance. On the other hand, as an industrial cluster becomesa new unit of regional competition, cooperation relationship among cluster firms will construct an interdependent strategic network, turning competitions between individuals intocluster interest community. As a result, how to improve the joint efficiency has become anincreasing concern for more and more firms. Yet, researches on relationship betweenrelationship marketing orientation and alliance performance still remain uncovered. Hence,the impact mechanism of relationship marketing orientation on alliance performance isexplored in this paper, with an integration of social network theory and relationship marketingtheory, as well as a perspective combination of internal absorption capacity and externalnetwork resources.Based on the data survey and empirical analysis of214manufacturing firms in industrialclusters in the PRD, the conclusions are reached as follows:(1) Relationship marketingorientation has a significantly direct influence on alliance performance of cluster firms;(2)Relationship marketing orientation has a significantly positive influence on network structuralposition;(3) Relationship marketing orientation has a significantly positive influence onabsorptive capability;(4) Both network structure and absorptive capability have significantlypositive influence on alliance performance, while network structure has an impact on allianceperformance much more strong than absorptive capability does;(5) Both network structureand absorptive capability act as partial mediating effect between relationship marketingorientation and alliance performance, also absorptive capability acts as partial mediatingeffect between network structure and alliance performance;(6) Environmental dynamicspositively moderate the path that network openness impacts on alliance performance;(7)Environmental dynamics negatively moderate the paths that network centrality and networkdensity impact on absorptive capability.The impact mechanism of relationship marketing orientation on alliance performance isexamined in this paper, and management implications comes as follows: firstly, as more andmore firms take advantage of external networks to build up strategic partnerships, theimportance of relationship marketing orientation in improving alliance performance should beunderlined. Especially for firms in industrial clusters, relationship marketing orientation notonly helps to improve their joint performance, but also generatesa total effect, whichultimately improves competitiveness and promotes upgrade of the industrial cluster as awhole. Secondly, the improvement of absorption capacity and alliances performance issubject to the structural position embedded in that network. Therefore, emphasis should belaid on the building of external networks, with the aid of relationship marketing orientation tobetter seeking and building external partnerships, thus occupying a favorable network position.At the same time, firms should nurture and improve internal absorption capacity, so as to make full use of information and resources benefiting from a favorable structural position, toeffectively contribute to the improvement of innovation and alliance performance. Finally,firms should employ the right strategies at the right time in accordance with dynamicenvironmental changes. Especially in the highly dynamic market, firms are suggested tofurther increase the openness of the network. Specifically, for better respond to marketchanges, firms should make every effort to seek and accept new partners to exploit newmarket opportunities, while strengthen the existing cooperation to reduce transaction costsand risks.

  • 【分类号】F276.4;F274;F272.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】369
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