

Impulsive Buying under the Differentiation of Eastern and Western Culture Value

【作者】 廖俊峰

【导师】 沙振权;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 企业管理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 冲动性购买是日常生活中非常普遍的一种消费行为。从上世纪五十年代开始,学者们在这一领域进行了各种探索研究,构建了冲动性购买的理论框架并指导了企业的营销实践。步入新世纪,企业的营销环境和商业模式发生了巨大的变化,国际化和电子化彻底的改变了企业的营销格局,也为冲动性购买理论的发展给予了广阔的研究机会。企业在面对不同文化背景下的消费者、竞争对手、合作伙伴、政治法律、社会经济等各种环境的影响时,在受到互联网上新的商业模式影响时,虽然有着巨大的市场潜力与机会,但也需要应对许许多多的挑战。是否能了解不同的文化价值对东西方消费者心理的影响,进而激发不同类型消费者的冲动性购买,并最终提高企业的营销绩效,这是企业与学术界共同关心的问题。然而,消费者在冲动性购买时内心的权衡取舍、情感诉求,以及背后的文化内涵只有少数几个学者开展了探索性的研究,尚有巨大的研究机会。因此本研究从冲动性购买理论、心理账户理论、自我控制理论、文化价值理论等为基础,回顾了前人在这些方面的研究、梳理了这几方面的理论框架和发展脉络、评析了他们的理论贡献和缺陷。进而提出了心理账户安全性需求和实感性与虚感性两个构念,作为对心理账户理论和霍夫斯泰德文化维度的补充。并以此建立了研究模型、编写了五种语言的六份量表,采集了全球26个国家和地区的数据,对东西方文化价值差异下,消费者的冲动性购买行为进行了探索性实证研究。研究结果表明:首先,在全球范围内,文化价值能显著的提升心理账户安全性需求,并通过自我控制或直接抑制冲动性购买的发生。其次,在东方人群中,文化价值对心理账户安全性需求的影响、以及心理账户安全性需求对冲动性购买的影响,都比西方人群高,而自我控制的影响则几乎相同。第三,心理账户安全性需求高的国家和地区,其冲动性购买倾向往往较低,反之,心理账户安全性需求较低的国家和地区,其冲动性购买倾向则较高。第四,互联网上新的商业模式对西方人群的影响较大,但对东方人群同样有着显著的影响。可以看出,东西方文化价值对消费者的冲动性购买行为都会产生显著的影响,其中,对东方人群的影响较大。同时,互联网上新的商业模式则较为容易在西方人群中推广,并进而产生较高的冲动性购买倾向。本文丰富和完善了冲动性购买理论、心理账户理论和文化价值理论,并在国际比较管理研究和电子商务理论上做出了探索性的尝试,为后续的研究提供了思路和方向,为企业的国际化和电子化营销实践起到了借鉴作用。

【Abstract】 Impulsive buying is a kind of popular consuming behavior in daily life. From1950s,thought various researches in this field, researchers set up theoretical frameworks ofimpulsive buying. When the21st century came, marketing environment and business modelhave been changed greatly, by internationalization and electronization, providing anexpansive chance for the study of impulsive buying.Confronting factors like customers, rivals, cooperators, politic and social economic, anenterprise, affected by the new business model, will also suffer challenges, even though infront of it there are potentialities and chances. So it turns out to be a question, concerned byboth companies and academia, that can we increase marketing performance thoughtmotivating customers`impulsive buying, with our understanding on how different culturalvalue affect our customers.However, seldom scholars have studied impulsive buying throughcustomers`mental factors and different cultural backgrounds, which mean we still have a longway to go.Basing on impulsive buyingtheory, mental account theory, self-control theory andcultural value Theory, this study reviewed previous researches and analyzed their theoreticalcontribution and faults. Furthermore, this study propose security requirement of mentalaccount, sense of relationship, as a complement to mental account theory and Hofstedecultural dimensions. Study models have been made and there are6scales in5languages,collecting data from26countries all around the world, to support this study of impulsivebuying under different cultures.The result shows that, first of all, cultural value can promote security requirement ofmental account obviously and restrain impulsive buying with self-controlling. Secondly,comparing with western culture, eastern people will be more impressionable to securityrequirement of mental account in their culture, but when it comes to self-controlling, botheastern and western cultures are almost the same. Thirdly, higher levels in securityrequirement of mental account presents lower levels in impulsive buying, and vice versa.Finally, while the new business mode—Internet is playing a more important role in botheastern and western cultures, cultural value also has impact on impulsive buying, especially ineastern culture. Meanwhile, this mode will be promoted more easily in western culture andoccur higher impulsive buying intention.Enriching and improving impulsive buyingtheory, mental account theory and culturalvalue theory, this theme made an explorative attempt, basing on international comparison research of management and electronic business theory, to provide ideas and directions for afurther study and references for enterprises.
