

Study on the Conservation Planning Technology of Historical and Cultural Small Towns and Villages

【作者】 黄家平

【导师】 肖大威;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 华夏文化源远流长,历史文化村镇在祖国大地上星罗棋布,它们是历史文化资源、旅游资源、科技研究的资料,是全人类共同的宝贵财产。在我国当今快速城市化发展进程中,许多有价值的历史文化村镇遭到建设性的破坏。这些不可复制的文化遗产迫切地需要有序保护,以保留我国各地的文化载体、村镇空间与建筑。历史文化村镇保护规划是历史文化村镇保护工作中的关键一环,随着历史文化村镇保护工作在广度和深度上不断推进,我们需要对历史文化村镇的保护规划技术进行全面深入研究,提出符合历史文化村镇自身特点的保护规划技术路线和编制技术,并以此指导历史文化村镇的保护与保护规划实践。本文对历史文化村镇保护规划技术的研究遵循“调研实践—理论思考—技术构建—指导实践”的研究思路,“从实践中来,到实践中去”。历史文化村镇保护与保护规划的调研实践。通过文献综述了解历史文化村镇保护与保护规划的研究现状,并找到本文研究的切入点;通过历史文化村镇的实地调研,总结分析历史文化村镇的特点:文化遗产的原真性、历史文化的多样性、历史风貌的完整性、乡土生活的延续性和遗产资源的公共性。收集100个历史文化村镇保护规划案例文本对保护规划的现状进行了统计分析,为历史文化村镇保护规划技术的构建提供基础资料与借鉴。历史文化村镇保护与保护规划的理论思考。用“否定之否定”规律对历史文化村镇保护发展的阶段性进行了哲学分析,明确我国历史文化村镇保护还处于第一次否定的阶段,需要进行积极的保护。并根据历史文化村镇现阶段的保护目标确定了目前的保护规划目标任务:一是记录,尽可能全面地收集、记录、整理并保存历史文化村镇的基础资料数据,将历史文化村镇由物质层次的原真性转化为知识层次的原真性。二是控制,尽可能地保护历史文化村镇的物质文化遗产和非物质文化遗产。三是引导,在保护的前提下,合理引导历史文化村镇的经济社会和谐持续发展。历史文化村镇保护规划技术的构建。根据历史文化村镇的特点和保护规划的理论辨析,建立历史文化村镇保护规划的技术体系:(1)基础数据的收集和分析,是遗产原真性对保护规划的要求。(2)历史文化遗产的保护,是历史文化原真性和多样性对保护规划的要求。(3)历史风貌的整治,是历史风貌完整性对保护规划的要求。(4)现代适应性更新,是乡土生活延续性和遗产资源公共性对保护规划的要求。历史文化村镇保护规划技术指导实践。将上述历史文化村镇保护规划技术归纳总结成历史文化村镇保护规划技术导则,以简明扼要的条文形式作为研究成果附在文后;并将保护规划技术应用到梅州市侨乡村的保护规划中。

【Abstract】 Chinese culture has a long history with the historical and cultural towns and villagesscattered on the motherland. They are the historical and cultural resources, tourismresources, information technology research and precious property of mankind. Intoday’s rapid urbanization process, many valuable historical and cultural towns havesuffered constructive destruction. The unique cultural heritage needs urgent andorderly conservation to reserve our culture carrier, village space and architecturenationwide. Historical and cultural town conservation planning is a key link in theconservation of historical and cultural villages and towns. Along with the promotionof breadth and depth of historical and cultural towns conservation work, we need toconduct a comprehensive in-depth study of historical and cultural towns conservationplanning skills and put forward conservation planning technical route and compilingtechnique in accordance with the characteristics of historical and cultural towns andvillages, therefore, to guide the conservation practice.The research on historical and cultural towns and villages conservation planningtechnique of this paper includes4parts.The present situation of the historical and cultural town conservation and conservationplanning research. Through the literature review, we understand the present situationof the historical and cultural town conservation and conservation planning and findthe entry point. Through field investigation and research of historical and culturaltowns and villages, we summarize characteristics of historical and cultural towns andvillages, as well as conservation and the situation of the conservation plan and thestatus quo. Through collection of100historical and cultural town conservationplanning case texts, we do the statistical analysis on the current situation ofconservation planning and provide basic information and reference for theconstruction of historical and cultural town conservation planning technique.The theoretical thinking of historical and cultural town conservation and conservationplanning. Based on the early investigation and study in historical and cultural townsand villages, the paper has carried on theory promotion and thinking. First, tosummarize the characteristics of historical and cultural towns and villages on the basisof extensive research. To discriminate the relative concept and internal relationship ofhistorical and cultural towns and villages, thus clearing the goal of historical andcultural towns and villages conservation. Second, to carry on the preliminary analysisand discussion of the meaning of the conservation plan of historical and culturaltowns and villages as well as the relationship between conservation and conservationplanning theory. Also, to clear the conservation planning orientation combining thecharacteristics of historical and cultural towns and villages with the conservation goal.Based on the characteristics and the conservation and conservation of historical andcultural towns and villages planning theory and practice, the paper forms a technicalframework of historical and cultural town conservation planning.(1)Basic datacollection and analysis are the conservation planning requirements of the true natureof historical and cultural towns and villages cultural heritage.(2)The conservation of the historical and cultural heritage is the historical and cultural reality and diversity ofconservation planning requirements.(3)Historical style and features of regulation is toprotect the historical and cultural towns and villages integrity planning requirements.(4)The modern adaptive rehabitation is the planning requirements of historical andcultural towns and villages continuity of life and conservation of the local publicheritage resources.The last part of the paper is to summarize the technology generalizations of historicaland cultural town conservation planning into historical and cultural town conservationplanning technical guidance. The simple regulation is attached as the researchaccomplishment, meanwhile, to put conservation planning technique applications intothe conservation planning of Qiao Xiang village of Meizhou city.
