

The Regional Expression Research of the Material of Architectural Skin

【作者】 产斯友

【导师】 何镜堂;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 建筑与具体地域环境之间的关系,以及材料于其中所起的作用曾经不言自明:前工业时代材料直接取之自然,建筑与所处地域有着天然的关联性;而工业革命带来了由机械生产的钢、混凝土、玻璃等工业材料,由其建造的早期现代主义建筑,因材料的抽象化应用与设计态度上对地域性差异的漠视,与环境多存隔膜;就此流弊,“二战”后的反思与修正一直持续至今,设计结合环境已逐渐成为当代建筑师的文化共识,具体操作中对材料表现力的挖掘亦已成为融合建筑与环境的重要手段;然而,当今发达的消费文化与大众传媒强化了以视觉主导的思维模式,受此影响,建筑学领域“表皮”热兴起,图像化拼贴、数字化炫技与单纯视觉性的材料迷恋倾向日趋严重,这种对建筑自身表象的过度关注,很大程度上再次割裂了建筑与环境之间的“对话”关系。有鉴于此,重新树立环境意识,回归建筑基本问题,在“地域性”视野下审视和发展建筑材料研究,探寻表皮材料表现与地域环境之间的关联途径,以促成建筑顺利地融合环境,将有助于超越单纯的形式审美,丰富建筑的多重内涵。建筑创作中,材料的“地域性表现”,指向于一种通过对材料能够引起身体体验、心灵感动以及情感与文化共鸣的表现性内容的强化与表达,以回应建筑所处“地域”环境的设计策略。以此为研究内容,本文突破以往针对材料具体类别的研究视角,通过梳理回顾中西方传统与现当代建筑中材料应用的演进历史,探究其中“材料表现”的具体内容与主要手法,并结合对“地域”环境构成要素的剖析,力图以建筑表皮的材料表现为手段,使建筑适应地域气候,回应地域景观,承载地域文化,由此构建建筑与地域环境之间的多层次关联。论文从以下三部分逐次展开论述。第一部分提出问题,对应于第一章的内容。第一章绪论,首先论述了本课题研究的时代与学科背景,指出材料之于建筑与文化的意义,并由此提出本文的核心议题:如何实现建筑表皮材料的地域性表现,使材料更好地诠释建筑,使建筑得体地楔入环境?继而综述了本课题国内外相关研究成果,分析了本课题在现有研究基础上继续拓展的可行性与必要性,最后对本课题的研究对象、内容、范围、方法与框架,以及主要创新点进行了简要说明。第二部分分析问题,对应于第二、三章的内容。第二、三章是论文的理论基础研究,以工业革命为时间节点,按人类文明进程的发展顺序,分别对“地域各异的前工业时代”与“全球趋同的机械与信息时代”的“材料表现”内容进行了详尽梳理与史学分析,并加以概括提炼,为后续论文主体部分的立论研究,提供言之有据的史论支撑。第三部分解决问题,对应于第四至第八章的内容。第四章是论文的理论核心建构,以前文的史论回顾成果为基础,分析了表皮的两种典型建造逻辑,阐明了表皮材料表现的技术、艺术与人文层面的详细内容,继而探讨了表皮材料表现的主要手法,最后依据“地域性”的要素构成,提出表皮材料地域性表现的三大主要途径:适应地域气候、回应地域景观、关联地域文化,由此开启下文实践指向的理论应用研究。第五、六、七章紧承上文,依次从“地域气候”、“地域景观”与“地域文化”的角度展开论述,结合典型案例的深入解读与细致剖析,尝试将前文的理论思考,落实为“表皮材料地域性表现”的具体创作思路与方法。第八章是对上述展开部分的综合论述,以“‘整体观’观照下表皮材料的地域性综合表现”为题,通过对经典案例的全面阐释,分别对表皮材料地域性表现的三大途径,以及材料的地域性、文化性与时代性表现加以综合概述,是对上文理论应用部分的进一步概括总结。最后为本研究的结论,总结得出论文的主要理论成果,指出本研究尚待完善之处,并对本课题后续研究作出展望。材料离不开“建造”,侧重于审美与文化范畴的材料“表现”,同样离不开具体的技术支撑,限于篇幅与学识,笔者此文未就微观层面的材料构造技术细节,及其与材料表现的关联性展开细致分析,容后续研究再作深入探讨。

【Abstract】 It has long been the self-evident fact that architecture has a close relation with its actualregional surroundings as well as the materials making it. In the era of pre-industrial times,nature had been the source of building material, so architecture is naturally matched with itsregional surroundings. However, the great Industrial Revolution had brought along with steel,concrete and glass, which were the main building materials for the early ModernismArchitecture. These architectures were later discarded due to its designing isolation to thesurroundings. But the reflection and revision around this point has long been lasting until now.Therefore, it has gradually been the modern architect’s cultural consensus to integratesurroundings into designing. Unfortunately, the current well-developed consumption cultureand mass media have increasingly intensified a visually oriented thinking model on human,which has accordingly aroused a growing rush for architecture skin research, among whichinfatuation with Picture Collage, digitalization and pure visually centered materials areoverwhelming. And the over-consideration on architecture skin has greatly broken in thedialogue between architecture and environment.Facing those misleading trends, there has been a call to rebuilt the environmentalawareness and to reinvestigate into the very fundamental questions of architecture thatbuilding materials R&D shall take a regional perspective to discover the association betweenarchitecture skin performance and regional surrounding influence, so that architecture can bebetter integrated as part of environment, a way to upgrade building’s beauty appreciation withmultiple connotations of architecture.This dissertation makes a breakthrough of limitation of the previous studies with focuson specific category of building materials. Through a review on historical evolution ofbuilding materials application in traditional and modern architecture both in China andwestern countries, the dissertation investigates on the specific contents of, influential factorsand the influence approaches to material expression, and further explicates the regionalconstituents to adjust architecture compatible to local climate, fit into the pattern of regionallandscapes carrying regional tradition and culture, and finally builds the multi-tier associationbetween architecture and its regional surroundings.Three parts constitute the dissertation with part one to propose the topic in question.Part1corresponding to chapter one as an introduction to the age and academicbackground will firstly address the meaning of building material in the perspective ofarchitecture and culture, and further propose the argument of the dissertation, how to realize the regional expression of architecture skin in the form of better representing architecture withmaterial and integration of architecture into environment. Secondly a various ranges ofachievements among scholars both home and aboard will be presented and ground-basedfeasibility and necessity analysis will be provided. And at last a brief instruction on definingthe research objectives, contents, approaches and frame will be outlined.Part2including chapter2and chapter3will provide a detailed interpretation on thearguments proposed.Chapter2and3serves as the theoretical frame. With industrialization as the timing nodein the course of human civilization progress, this part presents in details the classification andhistorical analysis on the material expression in the time of pre-industrialization of regionalautonomy and that of the machinery and information with a global trend respectively. Thisanalysis will serve as the powerful historical evidence to support the forthcoming bodyinterpretation.Part3covers from chapter4to chapter8with solutions to the arguments proposed.Chapter4is the core theory structure with the historical achievements as the basis andexplicates the technologies, arts, and human civilization contents of architecture skinexpression. It also investigates the influential factors and main approaches of architecture skinexpression and finally based on the regionalism constituents, this chapter will propose threemain approaches namely adjusting to local climate, fitting into the pattern of regionallandscape and associating with the local culture, which accordingly open the followingpractice-centered researches on the theoretical application.Based on the introductions in previous chapters, chapter5,6,7will respectively interpretthe influence from the local climate, regional landscape and local culture with typical casestudies. It is a trial to apply the proposed theoretical thoughts into a specific innovation onregional expression of materials of architectural skin.Chapter8is a summary to the above analysis in this part. With the topic of“Comprehensive Expression of Materials of Architectural Skin under the Holistic Concept”,this chapter will introduce the overall analysis on typical cases, and summarize on influencefrom regionalism, culture and era. It is a further generalization on the theoretical application.The last part of the dissertation serves as the conclusion to present the achievements andmain innovation, and point out what are the aspects expected to be further improved.

  • 【分类号】TU201;TU-80
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