

Research on Design Strategies of Collaborative Innovation Space of Research University

【作者】 丘建发

【导师】 何镜堂;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 知识经济与创新时代背景下,建设创新型国家已纳入战略层面。研究型大学作为科研创新的重要力量和区域创新系统的主体,承担着创新知识与人才输出者的角色。而随着国家层面提出建设一批高水平研究型大学和高校协同创新中心的提出,各重点大学纷纷提出建设研究型大学的目标,并将创新与科研能力提升作为发展重点。“创新”与“科研”作为大学管理层的热点与关注点,却是建设与设计者的盲点,设计界缺少对研究型大学特征与校园创新活动的研究,已使理论指导滞后于研究型大学的建设需求。本文从上述的现实需求出发,引入协同创新的视角以研究型大学的创新与科研职能作为切入点,结合创新科研相关的理论与规划学、建筑学的理论进行跨学科研究。论文基于笔者收集的国内近40所研究型大学的新建案例一手资料,以及近年国外研究型大学创新活动空间设计的先进案例,分别从城市、校园、建筑层面进行分析,通过数据统计、案例分析与理论总结,从而解答了“什么是创新型、研究型大学”以及“如何设计研究型大学创新科研空间”的问题。论文内容主要分为三个部分:一、提出问题与理论建构(第一、二、三章)首先针对国内大学建设现状指出设计界缺乏对“创新型”与“研究型”特征的研究,是当前研究型大学校园制约其创新与科研职能发展的重要原因。然后通过国内外研究型大学发展历程的分析,总结推动校园发展的主要因素以及创新社会背景下的发展方向。最后从协同创新视角切入,导入相关的多个学科理论与大学校园设计的先进理论建立理论基础;同时,基于协同创新系统的层级化结构,建构在区域创新体系、校园创新网络、团队创新组织三个层面的协同创新空间设计目标与策略框架体系。二、分析问题与实证研究(第四、五、六章)结合研究型大学创新、科研活动的相关理论与校园建设的突出问题,通过案例研究分别从三个不同层面探索促进研究型大学创新与科研职能发展的具体空间设计策略:首先在区位设计层面上,从城市区位、功能策划与校园界面入手创造具有联系、开放特征的环境,建立研究型大学与城市和外部创新主体的协同创新关系;然后在规划设计层面上,通过校园群体组织规划、校园社区以及网络结构的设计,建立促进学科间创新科研协作与非创新网络形成的校园空间;最后在建筑设计层面上,通过协作创新空间、非正式空间以及协同结构的营造,创造符合现代科研创新组织与新型教学理念的建筑空间。三、理论总结与实践探索(第七章)对分层面建立的设计策略进行综合,形成总体原则与整合策略;然后结合笔者近年负责的几个研究型大学设计项目案例,进一步探讨该策略体系在实践中的运用,以及未来的发展趋势。本研究指出协同创新是当今创新组织形式,研究型大学的协同创新空间设计策略实质是大学校园设计的时代观,应该建立具有开放、协作、交流、弹性特征的价值立场与校园空间,并整合不同层次上的正式与非正式空间、功能与社会结构,建立整体的校园空间。研究结合当今国内大学建设的突出问题与国外先进经验、趋势,所提出的设计策略不但为解决现状突出问题提供参考依据,也为未来创新型、研究型大学校园建设提供理论与实践指导。

【Abstract】 In the background of knowledge economy and a time calls for innovation, to construct aninnovative country has become an important strategy in national polices. Being the mainsubject of innovative research and regional innovation system, research universities areplaying a crucial role in innovating knowledge and incubating experts. Accompany with theaim raised by the Nation of building a certain amount of high quality research universities andencouraging collaborative innovation among such institutes, universities have paid moreattention on improving the ability of innovation and scientific research as to achieve such goal.Although innovation and research are two hot issues that are greatly concerned by theuniversities’ management, they are still the blind spots of designers and builders. Little studywas carried out on the characteristics of research universities and innovation activities incampus, and it has resulted in that the theoretical guidance is far behind the construction needsof building research universities.This article is doing an interdisciplinary study to integrate the theory of innovativeresearch with planning and architectural design, starting with the practical requirementsmentioned above and also learning from collaborative innovation and studying the functions ofresearch universities in innovation and scientific research. In order to give answers to what theinnovative and research university is and how to design a campus for such university, thisarticle makes analysis in terms of the city, campus and architecture by statistics, case study andtheoretical conclusions based on the first hand resources of almost40newly built cases inChina and several international cases related to research universities and innovation.This article is divided into three major parts:1.Questioning and Forming the Theoretical Structure (Chapter One, Two andThree)First of all, in view of the construction situations of domestic universities, this part pointsout that the lack of studies on characteristic of innovation and research universities and theirrequirements has greatly restricted the development of such universities currently. Secondly,with the analysis of development procedures of both national and international research universities, to find out the dominant element of promoting campus development and thedirection under the background of innovative society. Lastly, from collaborative innovationpoint of view, theories of multiple disciplines and the advanced theory of campus design areintroduced to form the theoretical base of the article. At the mean time, according to thehierarchical structure of collaborative innovation system, the design goal and strategicframework are elaborated from the aspects of regional innovation system, innovative networkin campus and the innovative organization of research team.2.Analysis and Case Studies (Chapter Four, Five and Six)This part has comprehensively analyzed the relationship between the innovative andresearch activity of the research university and the problems shown in the existing campusconstruction. By learning different cases, it is thoroughly discussed from three levels toexplore the design strategy of improving the development of research universities on theirinnovation and research functions. To start with, from the zoning design point of view, urbanzoning, function planning and the interfaces of campus are studied so as to create a widelyconnected and open environment that benefits the collaborative innovation relations betweenthe research universities and other innovation institutes in the city. Secondly, the discussion ismainly on the planning design aspect. A campus, which is capable for both innovationactivities and other activities that fulfill the living requirements of students and staffs, shouldbe designed in a way of arranging the organization of campus architectures, creating campuscommunities and providing the connection network among buildings. At last, architecture wise,it should be focusing on forming the architectural space which is suitable for modern researchand innovation organizations and new teaching idea by providing collaborative innovationspace, informal space and cooperative structure.3. Conclusion and Exploration (Chapter Seven)This is to conclude the overall principal and strategy on campus planning through theanalysis and discussion in previous chapters. Moreover, with the cases which are in charged bythe writer, practical application of such design strategy and its development in future arefurther explored. This article indicates that since the collaborative innovation has broadly been accepted asan organization module of innovation activities, the design strategy of constructing a researchuniversity with a friendly environment for cooperation among institutes, enables the campus tobecome a unique space of open, collaborative, interaction encouraging and flexible byintegrating formal and informal spaces, functional and social structure of various levels. Bylearning the outstanding problems of the constructions of domestic universities and theadvanced experience of the universities overseas, the design strategy raised by this article cannot only be the reference for solving the existing problems but also provide a theory andpractical guidance for building innovative and research campus in future.
