

The Formation of the Theory of Southern and Northern School,1537-1610

【作者】 王安莉

【导师】 范景中;

【作者基本信息】 上海师范大学 , 文艺学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 南北宗是中国美术史上极为重要的一个问题。该理论自晚明诞生至今已有近四百年的历史,其回溯历史的框架对今人仍然产生着深刻的影响。可是,关于这个理论的是与非在很长时间里都争议不休,甚至连其创说者是谁也从上个世纪一直争论到现在。本论文首次通过截取一个时段并建立人物链条的研究方法,对南北宗理论的形成经过进行追溯。这打破了以往仅仅围绕莫是龙或董其昌进行理论创说权进行争议的限制,为重新审视这个重要画学理论的诞生与发展提供了新的视角。通过将书籍出版的外部证据和书画题跋、著述及书信等材料所体现出的观念发展的内部证据相结合并进行分析,笔者拈出了董其昌“世近则托形以传,世远则托声以传”的观点在当时乃至现代所具有的重要意义,并且得出这样的结论,即南北宗是莫是龙时已经提出的观念,但因莫氏英年早逝,所以,该理论到数年之后董其昌、陈继儒为其整理《画说》以后才逐渐为人所知。而《画说》的一再刊行和被文人著书反复征引,最终使得南北宗理论成为晚明文人的讨论热点。适逢当时松江、吴门之争愈演愈烈,于是,原本只是相对单纯的一种分类法理论,后来逐渐成为一场画坛运动的旗帜与口号。因为宦海沉浮而声名显赫的董其昌对于该理论的反复运用,终究使得他在历史长河中逐渐取代了声名渐黯的布衣文人莫是龙的位置,渐渐成为南北宗理论的代言人。本论文关于1537-1610这个时段的分析旨在揭示南北宗论如何在画坛上从无到有,然后从一种分类法演变成一场运动的旗帜与口号的整个过程。

【Abstract】 The theory of southern and northern school is the most important theory of Chineseart history. It has been almost four hundred years since it emerged in late Ming, andhaving a deep effect on today’s idea and practice. But the arguments about its valuenever stop, and the problem of the man who really first invented it has even beenargued from the beginning of the last century till now. This dissertation aims to traceits process of formation by building the chain of people in a period of time, so as tobreak the old methods focusing on Mo Shilong or Dong Chichang, and then a newsight for the research of this theory comes out. Through the analysis of both outer andinner evidence, the publication of book and the development of idea containing in theinscriptions, books and letters, I find that the theory of southern and northern schoolwas first invented by Mo Shilong. But his early death kept this theory spreading outonly after the work of HuaShuo being compiled by Dong Chichang and Chen Jiru.And the repeatedly republication and quotation finally made the theory of southernand northern school become the hotter and hotter idea. So, a relatively plaint theory ofdichotomy gradually became a kind of slogan of movement with the more and moreintense fight between Songjiang and Wumen. And Dong Chichang of great reputationof politics gradually became the spokesman of the theory of southern and northernschool instead of Mo Shilong who was only a scholar never being in government. Thedissertation about the period of1537-1610aims to reveal the process how the theoryof southern and northern school came into being and changed from a name ofdichotomy to a slogan of movement.

  • 【分类号】J209.2
  • 【下载频次】447