

Research on Searching Capabilities Optimization of Anti-submarine Equipment System of Systems

【作者】 吴小勇

【导师】 朱一凡;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 军事装备学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 人类目前对海洋水声环境的认识尚处在初级阶段,水下作战的相关领域还存在着很多空白,这种现状客观上为军事发达国家和军事发展中国家缩小反潜作战能力差距创造了条件。尽管反潜作战为各国所重视,但是对于潜艇的搜索、跟踪仍面临很多困难,尤其在浅海,混响和反射所形成的背景噪声几乎能把潜艇自噪声淹没,对潜探测和对潜搜索、跟踪很多时候需要在现有装备能力的基础上通过组合运用达到目标。本文针对反潜武器装备体系搜索能力优化方面的相关问题开展研究,目的是通过理论研究和仿真实验,使研究成果经过适应性改造能够服务于部队,辅助反潜武器装备体系作战指挥人员进行反潜决策。本文的研究内容主要包括:(1)反潜武器装备体系的研究背景和搜索能力优化问题的研究现状。给出了反潜武器装备体系的广义定义和狭义定义,对体系反潜搜索能力优化的研究现状和所面临的主要问题进行了归纳,提出了本文所要解决的关键问题。(2)反潜武器装备体系搜索能力优化问题的论证框架。建立了反潜武器装备体系的军事概念模型,对搜索能力优化问题可能涉及的边界条件进行了约定,建立了反潜武器装备体系搜索能力优化问题的论证框架。(3)基于加权Voronoi图(Weighted Voronoi Diagram,WVD)的反潜武器装备体系搜索能力配系与优化方法。建立反潜武器装备体系作战节点的能力指标体系,依据作战节点的综合能力指数生成反潜体系各种能力的WVD,通过能力之间关系的综合分析和搜索能力影响因素的针对性分析,提出搜索能力在体系层面的配系与优化方法。(4)基于反潜探测包络(Anti-Submarine Detection Profile,ASDP)的联合探测方法研究。针对反潜探测设备种类繁多、探测范围和探测区域的形状差异很大的特点,提出通过投影将不同探测设备的探测包络映射到海平面,进而对这些探测包络进行融合的思想,融合后的探测包络能够反映当前反潜探测的整体态势。为了更加精确地描述融合后的探测包络,提出了ASDP概率面,它通过概率分布的可视化方式相对精确地描述了反潜体系搜索能力的全局态势分布,这个结果经过实际改造就可以辅助反潜体系作战人员进行指挥决策。(5)基于隐马尔科夫过程(Hidden Markov Modeling,HMM)的联合搜索(JointSearch,JS)方法研究。提出反潜装备体系对潜联合搜索分为态势判断和搜索行动决策两个大的阶段。其中态势判断阶段采用HMM技术对目标潜艇进行运动建模,通过其状态特征以及提出的TSM(Tri-States-Matrix)概率转移矩阵来求得目标潜艇的状态;在搜索行动决策阶段,从时间配系和位置配系角度对体系层面的搜索能力进行了分析,得到行动决策方案。(6)基于异构传感器网络(Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network,HWSN)的联合覆盖方法研究。通过反潜武器装备体系的作战节点与无线传感器网络(WSN)中的节点相比较,提出基于ASDP概率面的HWSN概念,使WSN中的概率感知模型成为ASDP概率面的一个特殊情况。从重点方向防御、重点封锁线防御和重点区域防御三个角度对反潜装备体系的搜索能力问题进行了形式化描述和ASDP概率面仿真。仿真结果表明,得到的联合覆盖效果分析SCO问题方便直观,无论从体系态势的宏观还是到作战节点运动的微观,对反潜作战指挥人员都能起到辅助决策作用。论文的创新之处包括:(1)从体系层面对反潜武器装备体系的作战过程进行了宏观分析,对各个环节的主要问题进行了抽象,形成了完整的反潜武器装备体系搜索能力优化问题的论证框架;(2)提出了采用WVD技术分析反潜武器装备体系搜索能力配系和优化问题,该方法能从宏观上分析各作战节点能力之间的关系,也能从静态角度对体系的搜索能力进行配系和优化,结论具有很好的可信度,有很强的实用性;(3)提出将异构传感器的探测范围投影到海平面,融合形成联合探测包络,使反潜武器装备体系具有反潜统一态势,从根本上解决了以前体系层面没有反潜统一态势的局面,提出了ASDP概率面对反潜统一态势进一步量化,这一结果可以对反潜作战指挥人员提供辅助决策,从而将信息优势转化为决策优势;(4)提出了HMM-JS的联合搜索框架,将联合搜索分成目标态势决策和行动决策两个阶段,加强了联合搜索过程的理论性指导,同时这一框架与现有的各种战术反潜行动研究成果能有效结合起来,从而形成一套完整的联合搜索方法论;(5)节点同构无线传感器网络是节点异构的无线传感器网络的特殊情况,提出了基于概率感知模型的WSN是基于ASDP概率面的HWSN的特殊情况,通过仿真实验对这两者进行了对比分析,对三种重要的覆盖模式进行了形式化描述和仿真实验,结果表明后者完全可以包含前者,并具有更强的适用性,能够为指挥人员提供辅助决策。加强对反潜武器装备体系的搜索能力优化问题的研究,是以信息系统为基础的联合反潜作战行动的重要研究内容。作为传统的单平台或多兵种小尺度反潜搜索行动的延伸,本文所开展的是一项具有前瞻性同时又非常紧迫的研究,本文对反潜武器装备体系搜索能力优化的关键问题进行了分析建模,提出了相对完整的方法论,可以为反潜装备体系搜索能力的优化提供理论支撑,并为反潜体系作战指挥人员提供反潜作战辅助决策支持。

【Abstract】 Anti-submarine War(ASW) issue has always been the navies attention.Given thecurrent level of scientific development, the knowledge and awareness people on theocean acoustic environment are still in the early recognition stage, and the gaps betweenthe developed countries and undeveloped countries in ASW capabilities are beingnarrowed objectively. Although the ASW to the attention of all countries, but for thesubmarine search, tracking is still faced with many difficulties, especially in shallow seaarea. Reverberation and reflection formed by background noise can almost put thesubmarine’s covered. Many times, the detecting and tracking to submarine need througha variety of military and intelligence as assistant means. In this paper, aiming at theASW searching methodolgy, macroscopic analysis on key issues such as detection,coverage, and searching and combat and other aspects of are discussed in detail. Thecontent of this research includes:(1) ASW systems of system (ASWSOS) research background and related research.After given the generalized definition and narrow definition of ASWSOS, mainproblems the anti-submarine facing are summarized, and puts forward the key problemsto be solved.(2) The hierarchical demonstration framework of ASWSOS searching issue. Jointdetecting, joint covering, joint searching and integrated system and optimization ofASW are analysed. After establishing the hierarchical decision framework on searchingproblem of ASWSOS, this paper lists these major theoretical issues to be solved in theframework.(3) Integrated configuration algorithm based on weighted Voronoi diagram (WVD).ASWSOS operational node with a variety of operational function is established abilityindex system which is described by power exponent. Such integrated indexes are asinput values of WVD which draw the range of ASWSOS operational node capability.Through analysis comparison in WVDs, the commander of ASWSOS can optimizeoperational force’s distribution or reposition plan.(4) Heterogeneous sensors joint detection algorithm. Because detection range anddetection region shape vary greatly for detection equipment in ASW, this chapter putsforward the concept of detection profile anti-submarine detection profile (ASDP) isintroduced as well. By planar integration of detected profiles from different detectiondevice, the probability of area (POA) detection is formed, and POA is one of the mostimportant concepts.(5) Joint search algorithm based on the HMM-JS framework. Submarine’s infestedfeatures in sea battlefield conform to Markov rules, and various states of submarinemoving underwater can be enumerated by parameters such as speed, heading, position and other parameters. Joint searching model based on Hidden Markov Modeling(HMM)is put forward and two cases combined search algorithm, medium and shortrange of search,, are proposed.(6) Combined coverage algorithm of heterogeneous wireless sensor network(HWSN). As operational nodes of WSN are similar to ones of ASWSOS, computingsimilarities and differences are studied in this chapter. Formal description of HWSN isgiven and it proposes operational node combined coverage algorithm in three typicalconditions with POA algorithm.The innovation of the thesis includes: After a macroscopical analysis fromASWSOS level, main issues of all aspects are abstracted and a hierarchicaldecision-making framework for ASWSOS searching algrithm is proposed; Put forwarda new capacity division method of operational node using WVD. Through the analysisof the different operational node ability, we can improve the theoretical basis ofASWSOS searching algorithm. ASDP algorithm are given which contains two aspect:one is the projection of heterogeneous sensors range and the other one is data fusion ofcombined detection, furthermore, the concept of POA is put forward, which is an veryimportant tool for analysis of integrated combat situation. The uniform state threatlevels can also be reflected by POA of ASDP; Three kinds of typical joint coveragealgorithms based on the HWSN are established, combined with joint searchingalgorithm based on HMM-JS two-layer decision framework," decision making andaction", is formed.Comparing Probabilistic Coverage model of WSN to POA-BasedHWSN, it is obviously that the former is one of a special case of the latter.Strengthen research on searching problem of ASWSOS is an important content ofjoint antisubmarine action based on information system. As the traditional singleplatform or the arms of small scale antisubmarine action extends, the research of issuein this paper is a forward-looking and very urgent research. This methodology thisarticle discussed will provide theory support for the future ASW.
