

【作者】 周海江

【导师】 刘迎秋;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 国民经济学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 这是一项旨在探索建立具有中国特色现代企业制度的研究。随着我国改革的不断深化,发端并流行于西方的现代企业制度已在我国企业普遍推行。然而,如何使现代企业制度适合我国企业和社会实际,如何对现代企业制度扬长避短,构建具有中国特色、超越西方的我国企业制度?本文提出了“现代企业制度+企业党建+社会责任”三位一体的现代企业制度的中国化模式。传统观点过于强调西方现代企业制度的优势,忽略了西方企业制度的先天不足,忽略了企业制度必须以社会、政治、经济、文化结构为基础,微观企业制度对宏观社会体制存在一定的依赖性,从而导致我国在企业制度建设中盲目崇拜、照搬照抄西方的现代企业制度,不仅使我国企业改革在认识方面受到了限制,也使我国企业在建立企业制度时不能因企制宜,探索出适合自身的企业制度。本文第一章是绪论,说明了本研究背景、条件、意义,主要内容与创新之处,研究方法与技术路线。第二章对相关研究理论作了回顾,梳理了西方企业制度的理论演变,分析了我国企业制度的理论发展,指出了西方现代企业制度在化解劳资矛盾问题上的无力、平衡企业内外利益上的无能、解决内部人控制问题方面的无效等弊端。我国引进西方企业制度应注意社会政治结构基础,必须结合自身的基本经济制度。现代企业制度的中国化有其客观性。第三章从理论上详细阐述了现代企业制度中的共性规律和科学内涵。现代企业制度的一般属性与我国企业实际需要存在着一致性,而现代企业制度的社会属性又要求我们探索适合中国国情的企业制度,现代企业制度有中国化的必要。在上述分析基础上,系统阐述了“三位一体”的现代企业制度的中国化模式,即以“现代企业制度为基础,企业党建为保障,社会责任为使命”的中国特色社会主义现代企业制度,其主要内容包括:现代企业制度(边界清晰的多元产权制度、制衡合理的法人治理制度、体系科学的经营管理制度)、企业党建工作体系和社会责任体系。文中还分析了现代企业制度的中国化的运行机制。第四章从实践层面给出了现代企业制度的中国化的具体路径。共列出四条:以嵌入党组织建设保障现代企业健康运行;以健全社会责任机制促进现代企业履行使命;以“劳动者参与制”缓解现代企业劳资矛盾;以传统优秀文化增强现代企业文化实力。第五章以红豆集团多年探索实践的“三位一体”的现代企业制度的中国化模式为例,剖析了红豆集团在公司治理、企业党建和企业社会责任方面的具体做法和成效。在此基础上,用熵权综合法构建了现代企业制度中国化指数,并用红豆集团的数据验证了该指数和企业经营绩效的关系。结果表明两者呈显著正向关系,表明这一制度模式适合中国国情和企业实际。第六章归纳了本论文的基本结论,并提出了未来研究方向。本文的分析和阐述表明,曾经在西方普遍适用的现代企业制度,是与西方国家的经济、社会、政治、文化和历史情况内在统一的,它不可能是适用于其他所有国家的普遍原则。现代企业制度的建设,必须与现代企业及其所在国家的经济、社会、政治、文化环境与历史情况相统一。现代企业制度还是一般性(或者说共性)与其在不同国家、不同时期表现出的特殊性(或者说个性)的统一。在我国社会主义市场经济体制背景下构建现代企业制度,必须紧密结合中国特色社会主义的国情和企业实际。“三位一体”的中国化的现代企业制度模式,正是一种符合我国国情和企业实际的有益探索。

【Abstract】 This study is specialized to explore the Chinization of modern enterprise systemestablishment. Along with Chinese development, western modern enterprise system is widely usedin China. However, there are some questions. Among these are: How to make modern enterprisesystem suitable for Chinese enterprises and Chinese social reality? How to make modernenterprise system keep playing positive effect in management process? How to developChinization of modern enterprise system which could transcend western modern enterprise system?This study proposes the definition of trinity “Chinization of modern enterprise system” whichcombines “modern enterprise system”,“party management” and “social responsibility”.It is our understanding that the traditional concept emphasizes the advantages of the Westernmodern enterprise system, but overlooks the importance of enterprise system which has to bebased on social and political structure, and Micro-enterprise system has a certain dependence onmacro social system. The simple replication of western business enterprise system reflects blindfollowing and implementation western modern enterprise system. This situation not only makes ushave limited awareness of the SOE reform, but also handcuffs majority of private enterprises fromadapting and localization enterprise management system.Chapter One: the introduction clarifies the research background and significance of the study.It was also point out the research’s main objectives, proposed changes to address the misfit of thewestern model to the Chinese business enterprise system. It discusses the research methods andskills.Chapter two provides literature review of the revolution and detail description of Westernenterprise system, it reviews the evolution and development of Chinese enterprise system theoryas well, and it shows the weakness and inability of western modern enterprise system in deal withlabor conflict problems, furthermore this chapter presents the literature on balancing the interestsof business both internal and external, and internal control improvement. It highlights the crucialimportance of the Chinese enterprises to consider local socio-political structures when adoptingwestern modern enterprise system. Thus, Chinization of modern enterprise system is objective.Following from the above discussion, Chapter Three of this paper elaborates the common lawand the scientific connotation of the theoretical framework. Though there is congruence between general attributes of a modern enterprise system and Chinese enterprises actual needs, the socialattributes of modern enterprise system also requires the need to explore the characteristicenterprise system which is suitable for Chinese national conditions. Modern enterprise systemmust reflect Chinese distinctive. Based on the above analysis, this paper elaborates the “trinity”the Chinization of modern enterprise system. The trinity is basis of the modern enterprise system,protection of party building, and serves as the mission for social responsibility. It includes modernenterprise systems(the boundary clear multiple property right system、the balance and reasonablecorporate governance system、the system of scientific business management system)、partyconstruction system and social responsibility system. Finally, this paper analyzes the operatingmechanism of Chinization modern enterprise system as well.Chapter Four gives specific paths to the Chinization of modern enterprise system. First, thereshould embed the party’s organization structure to guarantee the healthy operation of corporate.Second, from improving the mechanism of social responsibility to meet the mission of the modernenterprise, could balance the internal and external interests. Third,“Worker participation” systemresolves the labor conflicts of modern enterprise. Fourth, strengthen the modern enterprise cultureby the traditional Chinese culture in the enterprise management.Chapter Five is a case study of the Hodo Group. The “trinity” Chinese modern enterprisesystem has been implemented in Hodo Group for many years. In the Hodo group business practiceincludes corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and corporate party buildingconstruction. Correlation of the China index and the Hodo Group’s performance of business dataare done to validate the proposed theory of the Chinization of modern business system. Entropymethod has been used to build a comprehensive modern enterprise system in China index. Theresults show that there is a significant positive relationship between them. Therefore, Chinesemodern enterprise system is suitable for Chinese national conditions.Chapter six is the conclusion and the prospect of this study.In brief, this study demonstrates western modern enterprise system was suitable for Westerncountries’ economy, social, political, culture and historical background, but it is not universallysuitable for any country’s universal principles. The construction of modern enterprise system mustbe combined with certain economy, social, political, culture and historical background context.The modern enterprise system is also a unity of universal and specificity of the different times in different countries. A modern enterprise system is set up in the socialist market economic system,we must closely adapt to the accurate Chinese socialism construction. The“trinity” Chinization ofmodern enterprise system is beneficial exploration and suitable to the situation both of China andthe actual business cases.
