

The Discovery of M(?)θo(?)

【作者】 杨秀敏

【导师】 陈中梅;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2014, 博士


【摘要】 中国自近代以来,在西方国家迅速崛起、世界格局发生巨大变化的“三千年未有之变局”中,遭遇了前所未有的国家与民族危机。其根源何在?其出路又在哪里?这些问题一百多年来,一直是中国知识分子所苦苦思考和追问的问题。但同时,所有这些问题的产生和对于解决思路的探索,都无法绕开“西方”这一基本的参照。西方文化到底是怎么一回事,一直是摆在中国人面前,需要做出准确回答的一个问题。自鸦片战争到新文化运动时期,学习西方的科技、政治制度和科学理性精神,构成了“以西为师”的三部曲,这是中国向西方学习的核心内容,也熔铸了中国人对西方文化的主流认识。在中国人眼中,这些内容就是西方文化的精华和核心,而西方的文学和宗教则一直是被边缘化的,至少是被排除在“精华和核心”的范围之外的。本文第一次试图以一个关于西方文化基质结构本体研究的理论为基础,从宏观上梳理出自鸦片战争以来至20世纪90年代,在主流、以及非主流的西方文化观的大背景下,中国人对于西方文学和宗教的接受与认知过程,力图将前辈学者们在这一问题上“各自为战”的研究成果,尽可能地纳入到这个统一的理论框架下进行系统和综合考察,揭示出“秘索思”是如何在中国知识分子的认识中从难入法眼到提升至与“科学、民主”平起平坐的历史过程。在此基础上,本文还对在这一过程中所出现的问题进行了总结,分析问题背后的原因,并进行了深刻的文化反思。本文主体部分共分为四章。第一章:主流西方文化观下,西方文学与宗教在近现代中国的“冷遇”。本章梳理和分析了从鸦片战争到新文化运动时期,中国人对西方文学与宗教的接受状况和认知水平。第二章:非主流西方文化观下微弱的对抗之声。五四之后,新文化运动前期那种极端抑中扬西的文化热浪,在中国思想界已经开始降温,一小部分中国知识分子在对待西方文化态度上更趋理性,在认识上也更加客观、深入与完整。本章重点考察了学衡派和贺麟的西方文化观,分析了他们对于西方文学与宗教的认识。第三章:低谷之后的新探索—“秘索思”元概念和西方文化基质结构的提出。这也是本文的核心部分。本章重点介绍了陈中梅所提出的关于西方文化基质结构的基本理论框架,分析了在这一框架下“秘索思”(涵盖文学与宗教)在西方文化中所占的位置。第四章:厚“逻”薄“秘”的原因分析。本章主要分析了造成中国人在西方文化认识上出现偏颇的主观和客观原因。在结语部分,指出了这一认知过程所带给我们的启示意义。

【Abstract】 With the rapid rise of western countries since15th century, the world situationhad undergone great changes. To the Qing Empire, this was a very tough internationalsituation. Since the Opium War, China had suffered an unprecedented national crisis.Why did China fall behind? And how to break out this crisis? For more than one and ahalf century, Chinese intellectuals have been trying to answer these questions. But todo this, an important reference should not be ignored, that is to say, firstly we shouldhave a in-depth and accurate understanding of western culture.From the Opium War to the New Culture Movement, science and technology, thepolitical system, and the spirit of scientific rationality of western culture had becomethe core content of its cultrue that had attracted the attention of Chinese people andhad became the symbol of the western culture’s essence in most Chinese people’seyes. By contrast, western literature and religion had always been marginalized, or atleast been excluded from the essence or the core of its culture.For the first time, this thesis attempts to study the cognitive process of westernliterature and religion by Chinese people from Opium War (1840) to the end of20thCentury on the basis of a theory about the basic structure of western culture proposedby Mr. Chen Zhongmei. Based on the previous studies on this issue by other scholars,this thesis trys to reveal the process of how “M(?) θo(?)” had been found and had beenupgraded to an equally important position with “Logos”, which includes science,technology, the political system and the spirit of scientific rationality of westernculture. At the end of this thesis, some problems are pointed out and the reasons ofthese problems are analyzed.The main body of this thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter One focuseson how western literature and religion had been marginalized by Chinese intellectualsunder the influence of the mainstream understanding of western culture from theOpium War to the New Culture Movement. Chapter two is about the faint voices ofprotest against the negative attitude toward western literature and religion with thenew understandings of western culture. Chapter three is the core of this thesis. In thischapter, an important theory on the basic structure of western culture is introducedand explained in detail. According to this theory,“M(?) θo(?)”, a new concept coveringwestern literature and religion, is regarded as important as “Logos” in western culture.In chapter four, the subjective and objective reasons of such a biased and long-heldunderstanding of western culture by Chinese people are analyzed. In the conclusionpart, this thesis leads the readers to the depth of cultural reflection and points out whatwe can learn by reviewing this cognitive process.

【关键词】 秘索思文学宗教文化结构认知
【Key words】 M(?)θo(?)literaturereligioncultural structurecognitive