

【作者】 秦长城

【导师】 张蕴岭;

【作者基本信息】 中国社会科学院研究生院 , 世界经济, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 为因应全球激烈的市场竞争,跨国公司在全球范围内配置资源,并不断地创新经济组织。从20世纪80年代末开始,东亚华商和日本、美国等的跨国公司大规模增加对东亚的寻求效率型的投资和业务外包。不断增加的FDI主要是利用东亚地区的要素成本优势,来提高产品在发达经济体市场上的竞争优势。同时,东亚各经济体积极实行经济自由化政策,通信和运输技术的快速发展使得联接成本不断降低。这使得服务于跨国公司全球战略的东亚生产网络在东亚地区快速发展、延伸。东亚发展中经济体成为跨国公司即旗舰企业的劳动密集型或低技术密集型的生产部门、组装部门。目前,这种分工在东亚还在扩大并促进了区域合作。对参与东亚生产网络的东亚供应商而言,它们与来自发达国家的网络内企业建立密切联系,不断获得通过生产网络传递过来的先进知识;此外,为满足旗舰企业或高级供应商的需求而迫使自己不断提高生产能力或研发水平。因此,本地企业在成为东亚生产网络供应商后,其能力获得了一定程度的提高。但是,由于依赖高级供应商或旗舰企业的销售渠道和关键零部件供给,因此,本地供应商很可能被锁定在东亚生产网络固定环节上而难以进一步升级,即一直处于附加值较低的价值链环节。研究表明,中国不少产业的供应商仍处于低附加值环节。劳动密集型环节还在不断地同水平扩张并占用大量资源,形成惯性发展方式,甚至排斥了提高研发水平或销售能力的努力。但是,中国的土地、劳动等要素成本优势正在不断减少。正是由于东亚生产网络较快的水平延伸,东亚的制造能力快速扩张,使得东亚区域对欧美发达经济体的市场的依赖不断增加,尤其是对美国市场的依赖一直较为严重,造成贸易失衡。同时,对区域外能源、原材料、资本和技术的依赖也在加深。而欧美对东亚产品的需求增长有限,在经济危机期间需求还急剧下跌。这使得东亚经济发展严重受制于区域外市场。因此,东亚必需不断地转变经济发展模式,需要东亚跨国分工方式即东亚生产网络不断调整。由于旗舰企业的全球战略和各地制造成本不断变化,东亚生产网络本身也在不断地发展和调整。这使得更多的地方供应商能够加入东亚生产网络,获得提升能力的机会;还使得原有供应商在面临被新供应商替换掉的同时获得了更多提升价值链位置的机会。中国供应商可以根据自身的实力对东亚生产网络调整施加不同的影响,可以在东亚生产网络发展和调整中抓住机会实现价值链升级。有些供应商到其他地方发展生产网络从而提升自身价值链位置;有些供应商在吸收先进知识的基础上通过自身努力来提高研发水平,掌握某些专利;有些供应商提高加工工艺,专注于零部件的精细型加工,从而提高零部件竞争优势。有些供应商无视生产网络的调整而被其他供应商取代,面临破产;等等。中国各产业主管部门及各级政府最好立足于各产业生产网络发展、调整规律和分工现实,能够影响并利用东亚生产网络的调整,促进产业升级。

【Abstract】 In response to fierce competition in the global market, multinational corporations(MNCs) allocate resources on a global scale, and constantly innovate economicorganization. Since in the late1980s, Overseas Chinese entrepreneurs andmultinationals of Japan, US, and so on have massively increased seeking efficiencyinvestment in East Asia and business outsourcing. Increased FDI mainly exploited thefactors cost advantage in East Asian region to improve product competitive advantagein developed economies’ markets. At the same time, each economic entity in East Asiaactively implemented economic liberalization policies, as well as the rapiddevelopment of communications and transportation technologies has continued toreduce linkage costs. These rapidly spurred East Asia production network servicingfor MNCs’ global strategy to develop, to extend in East Asia region. East Asianeconomic entities, particularly developing economic entities, have become MNCs’(i.e.flagship firms) labor-intensive or low-technology intensive production departments,assembly departments. Today, this division of labor in East Asia still expands andpromotes regional cooperation.To East Asian suppliers integrated in East Asian production network, they havedeveloped a close relationship with the network enterprises came from developedcountries and frequently gained advanced knowledge passed through the productionnetwork. Furthermore, it forced suppliers to improve manufacturing or research anddevelopment (R&D) capabilities to meet the flagship firms or high-tier suppliers’requirements. So the local suppliers’ capacities have obtained a certain degree ofincrease after joining East Asian production network. However, because of theirdependence on high-tier suppliers or flagship firms’ distribution channels or key partsand components supply, the local suppliers would most likely be locked on fixedposition in East Asian production networks and it is difficult to gain further industrialupgrading for them, which means always locating in lower added value position of avalue chain. Studies have shown that many industrial suppliers in China are still in thelow-value links. Labor-intensive links still continue to expand parallelly and consumelots of resources, and these probably form inertial development pattern, even rejectefforts to promote the technology capacities, or sales capabilities. However, Chineseadvantages, such as land cost, labor cost, are shrinking.It was fast horizontal extension of East Asia production network that resulted in a rapid expansion of manufacturing capacity in East Asia which leads to East Asianregion increasing dependence on developed economic entities markets in Europe andAmerica. Especially dependence on the United States market has been far moreserious, causing trade imbalances. At the same time, East Asia dependence on energy,raw materials, capital and technology from outside region was deepened. But therewas limited growth of demand of Europe and America form East Asia; and demanddecrease sharply during the economic crisis. This always makes the economicdevelopment of East Asia be seriously constrained by extra-regional markets.So East Asia must require gradually transformation of economic developmentpattern. It needs East Asia multinational division (East Asia production network)constantly changing. As the global strategies of flagship firms and manufacturing costof every region are changing, East Asia production network itself is in constantdevelopment and adjustment. This allows more local suppliers to join the East Asianproduction networks, access to opportunities to form capacity; also allows the existingsuppliers which probably be replaced by new suppliers to have more opportunities tomove up the position in the value chain.Chinese local suppliers may exert different effects on adjustment of East Asiaproduction network in according to their own power. They may seize opportunities toachieve value chain upgrading during the development and adjustment of East Asiaproduction network. Some suppliers may develop new own production networks atother regions, thereby raising the position in value chain. Some improve R&D level tomaster some patents through their efforts based on advanced knowledge acquired byproduction networks. Some improve process technology, focusing on parts andcomponents elaboration processing to improve product competition advantage. Someignore adjustment of production network and may be replaced by other suppliers, andthey may face bankruptcy, etc.. Chinese authorities of various industries and all levelsof government had better be based on the law of development and adjustment ofvarious industries production networks and the division reality of labor; exertappropriately effects on adjustment of the East Asian production networks, exploit thechances of adjustment of the East Asian production networks, promote industriesupgrading.

  • 【分类号】F121;F114.46
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