

Performance of Self-heating Aerobic-anaerobic Integrated Reactor in Treating Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant Sludge

【作者】 李果

【导师】 何强;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 市政工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,我国城市生活垃圾清运量快速增加,但一些城市垃圾无害化处理能力不足,配套设施不齐全,造成“垃圾围城”的现象时有发生。污水处理厂污泥产量也在不断增长,但普遍存在的污泥出路不畅已影响到污水厂的正常运行。小城镇由于经济发展水平和相关技术人才的缺乏,垃圾和污泥处理的问题更为突出,因此,开发一种成本可接受、管理运行简便的技术已迫在眉睫。围绕节能减排与循环利用这一重大原则,本研究在课题组前期小试成果的基础上,开发了自热式好氧厌氧一体化反应器(SHAAI反应器),反应器由污泥仓和垃圾仓组成,二者容积根据热量平衡要求,依据小城镇生活垃圾实际产生量与同等规模污水处理厂污泥产生量的比值确定,这样既能充分利用垃圾产热为污泥厌氧消化提供温度条件,还具有节约投资和用地,便于管理,实现垃圾和污泥处理区域平衡的优势。以大渡口区的生活垃圾及大渡口污水处理厂储泥池的污泥为研究对象,对反应器进行了系统的试验研究,取得的主要结论如下:①开发了自热式好氧厌氧一体化处理中试反应器,垃圾仓有效容积为5.28m3,污泥仓有效容积为0.9m3,污泥仓外室与内室体积比为1.48:1,垃圾仓和污泥仓分别采用好氧堆肥和厌氧消化的方式开展试验研究。②利用SHAAI反应器进行了启动试验研究,每天处理垃圾200kg,污泥投配率为10%,在启动试验过程中,污泥仓内、外室温度与垃圾仓温度变化趋势基本一致,而且温度相差不大,说明垃圾仓产热对污泥仓温度变化的影响显著,二者之间的传热效率较高;反应器运行稳定,污泥仓内pH值、碱度、VFA和SCOD等指标均在微生物适宜生存范围之内;污泥浓缩效果较好,排泥体积较进泥减少68%,而有机质去除率仅为13.2%。③在15%、20%和25%等投配率下进行了SHAAI中试反应器处理效能的研究。结果表明:污泥仓的温度变化趋势与垃圾仓的基本一致,在污泥投配率为20%时,反应器的处理效能最好,污泥仓平均温度35.2±2.5℃;在该投配率下,污泥仓内、外室的pH值、碱度、VFA和SCOD均在厌氧菌适宜的范围之内,没有出现酸化现象;反应器浓缩效果较好,含水率由进泥的98.4±0.6%降至排泥的89.7±1.8%,污泥体积减少84.5%;VS/TS由进泥的0.393±0.02减少至排泥的0.299±0.008,有机质平均去除率为24.0±3.6%;日均产气量为110L/d,其中,甲烷占气体总体积的61.6%,二氧化碳占24.2%,氮气占12.5%,氧气占0.9%;随着污泥厌氧消化过程的进行,EPS、蛋白质和多糖含量逐渐减少,且蛋白质/多糖在厌氧消化过程中发生了改变。④在各自最佳工况下,对课题组开发的两相一体式污泥浓缩消化反应器(TISTD反应器)在恒温加热条件下、两相一体式污泥浓缩消化生产性试验反应器(TISTDP反应器)在常温条件下和SHAAI反应器在自热条件下的污泥厌氧消化处理性能进行了对比分析,结果表明:TISTD反应器温度波动最小,浓缩效果和稳定性最好,产气中甲烷含量最高,综合处理效能最佳;SHAAI反应器综合处理效能次之,但和TISTD反应器非常接近;TISTDP反应器综合处理效能相对最差。⑤对不同投配率下污泥仓微生物的基因组DNA进行PCR扩增和变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)试验,结果表明:扩增后的条带清晰,亮度较高,PCR扩增效果较好,产物纯度高;DGGE图谱均有多个条带,说明微生物呈多样性分布,表明在垃圾堆肥产热的条件下,SHAAI反应器污泥厌氧消化能够维持多种微生物生长,具有较强的抗冲击负荷能力;香农-威纳指数(H)和物种丰富指数结果表明污泥仓内、外室微生物呈多样性分布,且在同一投配率下,污泥仓外室物种丰富指数和香浓-维纳指数均大于污泥仓内室。⑥将不同投配率下反应器污泥样品DGGE图谱中的特异性条带1至27进行了割胶回收、扩增、克隆和测序,并与GenBank中的序列进行比对,结果表明:在反应器稳定运行阶段,微生物种群结构进入较长的稳定期,优势种群明显且不易更替。反应器中的优势菌种大部分为Clostridium acidurici等具有水解酸化功能的菌属以及Helicobacter muridarum等盐螺旋藻属的厌氧菌,同源性基本都在95%以上。⑦论文最后对SHAAI反应器有机物去除动力学进行了分析。基于米-门公式,采用试验数据求定了不同投配率下反应器有机物的降解动力学参数max和Ks,结果表明:当投配率为20%时,vmax达到最大,为0.025d-1,证明了最佳投配率为20%的结论;垃圾仓的温度与污泥仓温度呈直线相关关系,相关系数R2=0.825,说明垃圾仓温度对污泥仓温度造成了比较显著的影响。研究证实利用一体化反应器处理城镇生活垃圾和污水处理厂污泥是可行的,试验结果为SHAAI反应器的工程设计、运行和控制方面提供了较系统的理论和技术支撑,对推动污泥与垃圾一体化处理技术在小城镇工程化应用、实现小城镇污泥和垃圾处理的区域平衡方面具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 With a rapid increase in domestic garbage, auxiliary facilities and garbage innocenttreatment ability in some cities are insufficient, which caused garbage siege problem.The growth of the sewage sludge makes the disposal difficult, influencing the normaloperation of the sewage plant.. Due to the limit of economic development level and thelack of relevant technical capacity, the problem of garbage and sludge treatment in smalltowns is increasingly apparent. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a effectivetreatment technology which has a low operation cost and is easy to operate and maintain.On the major principle of energy conservation and recycling, self-heatingaerobic-anaerobic integrated reactor (SHAAI) was developed based on the previousbatch-scale research results. According to the ratio of output of municipal garbage insmall town to the yield of sludge in sewage plant, the volume of garbage tank andsludge tank were determined. And the centralized treatment (municipal garbage andsewage plant sludge) was not only carried out to make full use of waste heat used tosludge anaerobic digestion, but also have advantages such as investment saving, landuse, and easy management, achieving the regional balance of garbage and sludgetreatment. Aiming at the waste in Dadukou and the sewage sludge of sewage treatmentplant in Dadukou district, the reactor was examined by a systematic study. The resultswere showed as follows:①SHAAI was composed of waste tank and sludge tank. The effective volume ofwaste tank and sludge tank were5.28m3and0.9m3, respectively. The volume ratio ofouter sludge tank to inner sludge tank was1.48:1. The research of waste tank and sludgetank were conducted using aerobic composting and anaerobic digestion, respectively.②The start-up of SHAAI was studied by dealing with200kg of garbage every dayand with a dosing ratio of10%. During the SHAAI start-up stage, the tempreturechanges in the outer sludge tank and inner sludge tank was consistent with that in wastetank. And the tempreture were slightly different indicating that waste heat has asignificant effect on waste tank tempreture and a high heat transfer efficiency. DuringSHAAI start-up, it showed a very stable operation. The pH, alkalinity, Volatile fatty acid(VFA) and Soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) were in the proper range whichwere suitable for microorganisms survival. Sludge thickening showed a goodperformance with a decreased volume (by68%) of disposal sludge to raw sludge. However, the removal rate of VSS was only13.2%.③The effectiveness of SHAAI in a pilot-scale with different dosing ratios of15%,20%and25%was investigated. Results showed that the temperature changes in thesludge tank was consistent with that of waste tank. The best efficiency was obtainedunder a dosing ratio of20%with a sludge tank average temperature35.2±2.5℃. Afterstart-up, SHAAI treatment process also presented a good stability. The pH in the outersludge tank and inner tank, alkalinity, VFA and SCOD were all in the proper rangesuitable for anaerobic bacteria survival. No acidification phenomenon was found.Sludge thickening showed good performance with a fact that moisture contentdecreased from98.4±0.6%in raw sludge to89.7±1.8%in disposal sludge. The sludgevolume was decreased by84.5%. A high VSS removal efficiency was found, and theVS/TS decreased from0.393±0.02in raw sludge to0.299±0.008in disposal sludge. Theaverage removal rate of VSS was24.0±3.6%. Daily gas production was110L/d. Thevolume of methane, CO2, N2and O2accounted for61.6%,24.2%,12.5%, and0.9%,respectively. As the anaerobic digestion process was conducted, the content of EPS,protein and polysaccharide gradually reduced. The polysaccharide and protein alsochanged during anaerobic digestion.④The results of sludge anaerobic digestion under the most appropriate dosing ratiowith three ractors, including the two-phase integrated sludge thickening and digestion(TISTD) reactor under the condition of the electric heating, the two-phase integratedsludge thickening and digestion productive (TISTDP) reactor under the normalatmospheric temperature, and the SHAAI reactor under spontaneous heating, werecompared. The results showed that TISTDP reactor had the smallest fluctuation oftemperature, best efficiency, stability and the highest content of methane. TISTD has thebest removal efficiency, while SHAAI reactor took second place and was very close toTISTD reactor. TISTDP reactor had the worst removal effectiveness.⑤The PCR amplification and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) testof genomic DNA of the microorganism in the sludge tank under different dosing ratiowere investigated. It showed that clear bands and high brightness, and there were nonon-specific bands and primer dimers, which indicated good effects of amplificationand the high purity of products. All the DGGE profiles had many bands, whichindicated the species diversity and a variety of microorganisms can surive in the SHAAIreactor with strong anti-shock loading capability under the condition of waste composthesting. Shannon-wiener indexs and abundant species indexs showed the microorganisms diversity of the inside and outside of sludge tank. And the two indexsof outsides were higher than that insides under the same dosing ratio.⑥Specific band from1to27in DGGE profiles of sludge in the reactor underdifferent dosing ratios was gel extraction, amplification, cloning and sequencing,comparing with the sequences in GenBank. The results showed that microbialpopulation structure was in a long stable period in the stable operation of the reactor.But dominant population was difficult to change significantly. Dominant bacteria in thereactor were mostly Clostridium acidurici which was also dominant bacteria withhydrolysis acidification functions with a homology basically above95%.⑦Finally, the kinetics of organic matter removal in SHAAI was investigated.Vmax and Ks were identified based on Michaelis-Menten equation and experimentaldata under different dosing ratios. The results elucidated that vmax achieved themaximum of0.025d-1in the dosing ratio of20%, proving that the optimum dosingratio was20%. Waste tank temperature was linear correlation with that in sludge tankwith a correlation coefficient R2=0.825, indicating that waste tank temperature had asignificant effect on sludge tank temperature.⑧It was feasible that SHAAI may treat domestic garbage and sludge in sewagetreatment plant. The results provided theory and technical support for the design,operation and control of SHAAI, and have imporatant significance in promoting theintegrated treatment technology of sludge and waste in small towns.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期