

The Research on Operation Management of Green Ecological Urban Area

【作者】 刘兴民

【导师】 任宏; 武涌;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 未来20-30年,我国将处于史无前例的城镇化进程中,大规模的城市建设将带来大量的能源消耗和资源开发,这将会对生态环境带来剧烈和持久的影响,也将对国家资源安全、能源安全和生态安全带来巨大挑战。转变城市发展模式,探索可持续的城镇化战略已经成为国家实现社会、经济和环境协调发展的核心问题。自上世纪70年代,联合国教科文组织在“人与生物圈”计划中提出“生态城市”这一概念以来,生态城市的相关理念和研究在各国得到广泛关注,国内的一些城市也在建设发展中积极引入生态城市的发展理念。绿色生态城区的概念是针对我国城镇化以“城市新区”建设为主要发展模式而提出来的,与生态城市的概念是内涵相辅相成的,是在生态城市理念的基础上,对其理论进一步完善,以适应我国新型城镇化的发展需求。从目前国内外的研究情况看,关于绿色生态城区的相关研究多集中于理念、规划、设计和指标体系等方面,对于运营管理方面的研究相对较少,可以说是一个理论上的空白。另外,目前我国部分绿色生态城区经过前期的规划设计和建设,正逐步转入运营管理阶段,这都迫切需要适宜的运营管理理念、管理模式等来指导。文章以绿色生态城区运营管理为研究主题,研究的内容包括管理模式、市政设施的市场化、社区服务理念、激励和保障机制等,旨在通过研究,完善绿色生态城区的运营管理理论,并为绿色生态城区的运营实践提供参考和借鉴。具体研究内容概况如下:一是绿色生态城区运营管理中的问题识别。对绿色生态城区及其运营管理的内涵进行分析,并借鉴当前我国正在建设的几个绿色生态城区的实践经验,分析影响绿色生态城区运营管理效率的因素。指出绿色生态城区中利益相关者利益与目标的冲突、政策体系不完善、管理模式不适宜、评价监管机制缺失、激励机制不完善是当前绿色生态城区运营管理中的主要问题。二是绿色生态城区利益相关者共同治理管理模式研究。基于利益相关者理论,分析绿色生态城区主要利益相关者的职责、权限和利益,构建绿色生态城区利益相关者共同治理机制,包括共同参与的决策机制、广泛参与的执行机制和共同监督的管理机制。基于合作博弈理论,分析绿色生态城区利益相关者合作联盟的构建,分析Shapley值的效性公理、对称性公理和可加性公理对合作联盟构建启示。三是绿色生态城区市政公用行业市场机制研究。针对绿色生态城区市政公用行业的特点,研究绿色生态城区市政公用行业市场化服务模式的构建,包括事业单位改制进行企业化运作、服务管理合同模式、特许经营模式、社区自建自营模式,并就完善绿色生态城区市政公用设施市场化提出相关建议。四是绿色生态城区社区服务理念研究。提出了绿色物业管理的概念,分析绿色物业管理理念下社区服务机制的构建。基于绿色建筑的实际运营情况,分析绿色建筑运营管理中的实践情况和存在问题,并提出提高绿色建筑运营管理水平的对策。提出了物业能源管理的概念,并分析其不同服务模式的构建,包括总承包模式、运营商模式、联合体模式、运行服务模式。五是绿色生态城区激励和保障机制研究。基于财务评价理论、外部经济性理论、实物期权理论,构建节能环保项目综合经济分析模型,分析节能环保项目综合经济效益评价下对绿色生态城区激励和保障机制的启示。分析绿色生态城区激励机制的构建,包括正外部经济效益下绿色生态城区相关激励分析、绿色生态城区激励机制的设计、绿色生态城区的激励措施。分析绿色生态城区保障机制的构建,包括以指标为导向的全过程监管机制和建立可行的技术体系。总之,本研究利用管理和经济学理论,基于绿色建筑和绿色生态城区的建设实践,整合绿色生态城区运营管理的影响要素,探索构建绿色生态城区运营管理的服务机制。这不仅有助于完善绿色生态城区运营管理理论体系,同时也为绿色生态城区政府管理提供有益的理论依据和基础方法。

【Abstract】 China will be in the unprecedented process of urbanization over the next20to30years. Large-scale urban construction will bring a lot of energy and resourceconsumption. This will cause intense and lasting influence on the ecologicalenvironment, and bring great challenge on the resources security, energy security andecological security. Changing the development mode and exploring the sustainableurbanization strategy have been the core problem to realize the society, economy andenvironment coordinated development. Since the1970s, the UNESCO put forward theconcept of "Ecological City" in the "Man and Biosphere" plan, related theory andresearch of the ecological city has been in a widely concern. Some domestic cities alsointroduce the ecological idea in the construction and development of the city. Puttingforward theconcept of Green and Ecological Urban Area “GEUA” is aimed at thatthe construction of new urban district is the main mode of urbanization in China. Theconcept of GEUA and is complementary to the Ecological City. It is based on theconcept of Ecological City to further improve the theory, to adapt the demand of thenew-type urbanization of China. Looking from the current research situation at homeand abroad, the research on GEUA more focused on the concept, planning, design, andindex system, etc., and the research on the operation management is relatively lack,there is a theoretical gap. At present, some GEUA have been gradually turned into theoperation management stage, that there is an urgent need of the appropriate operationmanagement concept and management mode. And this is the starting point of this study.The paper adopts the method of combining theory and practice, with the operationmanagement of GEUA as the research subject. The content of the research includemanagement mode, the marketization of the municipal facilities, community serviceconcept, incentive and guarantee mechanism, etc., The purpose of the research is toimprove the operation management theory and provide practice and reference forGEUA. The concrete research content summary as follows:Firstly, the GEUA operation management problem identification. Analyzing theconnotation of GEUA and its operation management, and using construction practice ofsome GEUA for reference, to analyze the influence factors the existing problems of theGEUA operation management. Pointing out that the conflict between the stakeholderinterests, imperfect policy system, unsuited management mode, lacking evaluation regulatory mechanism, imperfect incentive mechanism are the main problems in theoperation management of GEUA.Secondly, the GEUA stakeholders co-governance management model research.Analyzing the responsibility, authority and benefits of the main stakeholders based onthe stakeholder theory. Building the GEUA stakeholders co-governance mechanism,including the full participation decision-making mechanism, the broad participationexecution mechanism, the mutual supervision management mechanism. Analyzing theconstruction of the GEUA stakeholder cooperation alliance, and the enlightenment forthe cooperation alliance base on the efficiency axiom, the symmetry axiom and theadditivity axiom of the Shapley Value.Thirdly, the GEUA municipal utilities industry market mechanism research.Researching on the construction of the GEUA municipal utilities industry marketservice model in the light of the characteristics of municipal utility industry, includingthe institution reform for enterprise operation model, the service management contractmodel, the franchising model, the community self-built proprietary model. Then, puttingforward some suggestions on improving the GEUA municipal public utility market.Fourthly, the GEUA community service philosophy research. Putting forward theconcept of green property management and analyzing the construction of communityservice mechanism in the concept of green property management. Based on the actualoperating situation, analyzing the problems and practices of the operations managementof the green building, and putting forward some countermeasures to improve theoperations management level of the green building. Putting forward the concept ofproperty energy management, and analyzing the construction of the service mode,including general contracting mode, carriers mode, complex mode, service operationmode.Fifthly, the GEUA incentive and guarantee mechanism research. Building acomprehensive economic analysis model of energy conservation and environmentalprotection project, based on the theory of financial evaluation, external economy theoryand real option theory, and analyzing the model’s enlightenment for the GEUS incentiveand guarantee mechanism. Building the GEUA incentive mechanism by analyzingexternal economic benefit, designing incentive mechanism and incentive measures.Building the GEUA guarantee mechanism, including the whole process supervisionmechanism based on the index system and the establishment of feasible technologysystem. In conclusion, this study using the theory of management and economics,exploring operation management service mechanism of the GEUA, based on thepractice. This study not only helps to improve the operation management theory systemof GEUA, but also can provide beneficial theoretical basis and basic methods for thegovernment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 11期